



1、。1What are your long range goals?IthinkI m a ratherpracticalperson,and Idont waste time daydreamingsometremendous success. As faras my long range goals,I hope I llgreatlyimprove my skills and helptheorganizationata higherlevel.And I willgrowing with a companywhere I cancontinue to learn,take on addi

2、tionalresponsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.Iseemyselfasatopperformingemployeeinawell-establishedorganization,likethisone. Iplanon enhancingmy skillsand continuingmy involvement in (related) professional associations.Once Igain additionalexperience,Iwould liketomoveon from a tec

3、hnicalposition to management.2.Tell me about yourself. why should we hire youI study in Inner Mongolia Universityas undergraduateand graduatestudent,therefore,I startdoingtheexperimentinlabveryearly,the long-termexperimental life exercise my ability to ask questions, solve problems,and mycircumspect

4、ion helpme completetheexperimentefficiently,now,Ihave the abilitytosolveproblems independently.IbelieveI am usefulto your company, you will benefit from my hardworking and innovation.3.How well do you work under pressure or tight deadline?I think I work the same if theres pressure or if theres no pr

5、essure.But I can use the feelings of pressure as a tool to motivate me to workharder and more efficiently. I always prioritize and organize my work,and from there, work efficiently. In my previous experience, I alwaysworked well during deadlines, and I always learned how to work moreefficiently afte

6、rwards.when I have to faced with pressure and deadlinein my live, I will make a plan according to the importance of all kindsof things, then try my best to finish it. It was hard work, but I reallyenjoyed that experience.Usually I manage the pressure by communicatinghonestly with my boss. If he can

7、understand me I feel relaxed。Inmy currentpositionIface deadlinesconstantly.I try to starton eachproject early so that I can avoid the last-minute stressful situations.But sometimes they arent avoidable-reports have to be finished on timeand I know I can meet the deadline.4What are you long term goal

8、s or career plans?I hope to become very good at my job and perhaps take some schooling tobecome more skilled in my field of work.I intend to learn (name of area or skills) very well so that I can bepromoted to a higher position in (name skill or department).My expectationforthefutureisthatmy contrib

9、utionswillbe recognizedand appropriately rewarded. I realize that salary levels are based on anumber offactors,includingthecompanys profitabilityand thegeneralbusinesscyclethataffectsour industry,but Iexpecttotakeon greaterresponsibility each year and to beappropriately compensated for myefforts and

10、 contributions.。1。5. With the kinds of work experience you have had,do you think this job would bored you?No, I think it was because I have do some work as the kind of the job,I know anything about the job that the more monotonous the technology-oriented work is the more careful and accurate was req

11、uireto finish it ,in addition, if I can do the job easily, it means I havea steady income, so Icould notfeelbored.As long as I continue to makecontributionsand grow professionally,thereisno reason forme tofeelbored.6.How do you react to instruction and criticism?I appreciategettinginstructionand cri

12、ticismwhen itis done fairlyandconstructively.I always welcome feedbackon my work whether itis praiseor criticism.The worst situation is to get no feedback because I wontknow whether Im doing well or not. Criticismprovidesa greatopportunityto learn and grow.If Im doing something wrong,Id like to know

13、 so thatI can correct and improve myself.7.What do you think of working in a group?The success of an organization requires orchestrating the talents andefforts of many people. To complete almost any project, it is essentialto work as a team. I work better where I have the opportunity to receivefrom

14、and providefeedback to others.Iamnota loner,I likesharingtheload and the credit for a job well-done.I think the key thing is thatIm a positivepresence in a work situation,particularlyunderpressure,and I think thathas a beneficialeffecton thosearound me and ultimatelythe company itself.8.What do you

15、do in your spare time?I work really hard during the work time so in thespare time I like torelax. I m a bigfan of ancient musicand Ilikehanging out with friendsand I m also keep on reading novels and short stories. every so often myfriends get together and discuss the latest books weve read over din

16、nerit s so stimulating to talk and hear different views about the booksweve all read. And sometimes I help others do some little things as Ican.9.Tell me about youself10.What do you feel are your weaknesses?I am not agreatpublic speaker.When speaking inpublicIfeeluncomfortableunless the topicis fami

17、liar.So I have tobe wellpreparedbefore givingapresentation.As amatter of fact,I didlotsofpreparations for the interview today!Actually I have a real weakness for chocolate that tends to go right tomy waist! Im watching my calories carefully these daysI admit to being a bit of a perfectionist. I take a great deal of pridein my work andam committed toproducing the highest-quality work Ican.。2。Sometimes if Im not careful, thought, I can go a bit overboard. Ivelearned thatitsnot always possibleor even practicalto tryand perfectyour work-sometimes


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