




1、MOdUle 1 Unit One The flight WaS late.Lingling: WelCOme back, every one!Betty: Hi Lingling! HOW WaS your holiday?Lingling: NOt bad! I Went to Henan PrOVince. BUt the trip back WaS Very long.The train WaS full Of people, and I had to Stand for OVer SiX hours.Betty: Bad luck. Wheres Tony?Daming: Hes S
2、taying With his family in the UK, and flying back tomorrow. The flights Were Iate today.Betty: Why is travel SO CIiffiCUIt in winter?Lingling: Well, its the busiest SeaSOn in China because Of SPring FeStiVal. Where did you go, Daming?Daming: We flew to Hong Kongand the flight WaS late! BUt We took t
3、heboat to LanCIaU ISIand and went to DiSneyland.Lingling: HOW about you, Betty?Betty: We had quite a good time in Beijing. We Went SightSeeing by bus and by taxi. And IaSt Weekend, We took a tour by COaCh to the SUmmer PalaCe and went for a Iong walk.Daming: And now, better get back to WOrk . Weve g
4、ot exams at the endOf the term.Betty: Yes, but there are PIentyoffUnthingS to do this term .the SChOOltrip .Lingling: . and the SChOOl IeaVers Party .Daming: . the ViSit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing .Lingling: And OUr trip to LOS Angeles! Well have a great time!IJnit TWO EXCUSe Me. You
5、re Sitting in My Seat!The train to Beijing! Lin Often ClreameCl about the train, and about going tothe CaPitaI.NOW it WaS in front Of him, to Set Off soon. He IOOkeCl at hisbrother.Dont forget Where you COme from, Iittle brother, JirI SaiCI. And WatCh yourbags CarefUlly.Lin nodded, Unable to speak.
6、ThiS WaS his first Iong trip by train at the Start Ofhis new life, IeaVing his ViIIage and his home for the IaSt 16 years.He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes, Jin PUSheCl Lin away. Go, brother. Write to US as Soon as you get there, OK?Lin jumped Onto the train. There Were PeOPle and bags
7、 everywhere. He PUShed PaSt them towards his seat.A young man WaS Sitting in LirrS seat. He WaS Wearing jeans and a Very Smartjacket, and WaS SmOking a cigarette.What ShOUICl he do? SiX PairS Of eyes IOOkeCl at Lin, WhiIe the man IookedOUt Ofthe Window.Sir, youre Sitting in my seat, Lin SaieI, With
8、a nervous smile. The Other PeOPleWatCheCl With interest.The man didnt turn to IOOk at Lin, but just IOOkeCl OUt Of the Window.Excuse me. I have a ticket With the number Of the Seat youre Sitting in! LinSaieI in a Stronger voice.I also have a ticket With that number though it is in another car. Besid
9、es, IWaS here first, SaieI the man, WithOUt moving his head. ThOUgh he WaS sitting, he IOOkeCl Very tall and strong.Lin Iooked at the Other PaSSengers for help. But. he Started to say.But what? The man turned and IOOkeCl at LinJTm not moving.Finally a man Wearing glasses SPOke in a IOUeI voice. This
10、 young man hasthe right ticket for that seat. YOU ShOUICl move.Lin felt brave. See? PIeaSe move.ve got a Iong Way to go.How Iong? the young man asked.To the IaSt stop, Beijing.Tm getting Off before you. Then you Can have my seat.Where is that? asked Lin.Hangzhou.Lin thought Hangzhou WaS far away.Its
11、 SeVen hours away from here, the man With glasses SaiCI. Even if its Only10 minutes, you ShOUICl move.SlOWIy the young man StOOcl up, ClrOPPed his CigaretteOn the floor, andCIiSaPPeared down the train.MOdlJl2 IJnit One It WaS great to See heragain.Betty:Hey, Tony! HOW WaS the UK?Tony:GUeSS what! I S
12、aW Sally in London.Lingling:My PerI friend Sally?Tony:Yes, Sally, the girl WhO ViSited US IaSt year and Played in theorchestra.Lingling:Oh, thats fantastic! HOW is she?Tony:Shes fine. It WaS great to See her again. I really Iike her.Betty:Did you do anything interesting WhiIe you Were there? Did you
13、ViSit her SChOOI?Tony:Yes, I ClieI. She took me there herself.Betty:Whats it like?Tony:Here you are! TheSe are SOme PhOtOS Of Park SChOOL I took themmyself.Lingling:Lets have a look.Tony:It isnt as big as ours. Its Only got about 700 pupils.Lingling:And how many PUPiIS are there in a class?Tony:Thir
14、ty.Lingling:Wow!Tony:MOSt ClaSSeS have got a COmPUter and IntelTIet. And there are afew SCience laboratories, and a Iarge library. And theres a SWimming POOl and a huge SPOrtS ground.LingIing:BUt Sally IikeS music.Tony:Well, theres a music room, too. And they have a hall for Concerts.Lingling:WhiCh
15、SChOOl is better, OUr SChOOlOr Park SChOOI?Tony:BOth SChOOlS are Very nice. And neither SChOOlhas anything theOther has nt got. BUt.Betty:BUt What.?Tony:. but I Prefer OUr SChOOI!Daming:I bet were even better than Park SChOOl at English!LingIing:Well, anyway, were all going to get top grades for Eng
16、lish!IJnit TWO What s the best thing about SChOOI?My SChOOl LifeMy name is Sally MaXWelI, and r 15.ve been at Park SChOOI, LOndOn SinCe I WaS 11. Ifl PaSS my exams next year, l Stay here Until r 18.Park SChOOl is a SeCOndary SChOOI, about 20 minutes by bike away from home. BefOre I Came here, I Went
17、 to Primary SChOOI, near my home. StarteCl Primary SChOOl When I WaS five and StayeCl there for SiX years.The SChOOIday is from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. We SPend the first 10 minutes inOUr ClaSSrOOm WhiIe OUr teacher CheCkS WhiCh PUPiIS are PreSent Or absent.Then everyOne goes to the main hall. There
18、OUr head teachermakes aSPeeCh and tells US any news about the SChOOL LeSSOnS begin at 9:05 andIaSt for an hour. We have a break at 11:05 Until 11:20, then another IeSSon, then IUnCh for an hour. We have two more IeSSOnS before SChOOl finishes.ThiS year I have 11 subjects: maths, biology,ChemiStry,Fr
19、ench, history,geography, music and IT, PHSE, ADT and PE (these Stand for Information TeCh no logy;PerS OnalHeaIth and SafetyEdUCati on;Art, DeSig n andTeChnoIOgy and PhySiCal EdUCation). FortUnately, We dont have exams in every subject. PHSE is about the dan gers Of ClrUgS and SmOki ng, among Other
20、things.In ADT We also do things Iike Iearning to COOk as Well asClraWing and design. SOme PeOPle Can do Italian andSPaniSh inSteaCl OfFrench, but no one is Iearning Chinese . yet! PE inVOlVeS PhySiCal exercise, basketball, training in the gym and SWimmingwere really IUCky to have aSWimming pool.I to
21、ok exams When I WaS 7, 10, and 14 years OICI. NeXt year I take my exams in eight subjects, and then I Can do between three and five SUbjeCtS for the exams in my final year.We have a Iarge SPOrtS ground Where We PIay football, tennis and do athletics both during and after SChOOl hours. After-SChOOl a
22、ctivities, SUCh asSPOrtS ClUbS and Ianguage SOCietieS are popular, too. DUring the SChOOl year there are USUally ViSitS to museums and galleries, and to CamPS for activities, SUCh as Climbing and CyCIing in the country. There are PartieS andCIiSCOS and a SPOrtS day, and the SChOOl Play is a really i
23、mportantevent.OnCe a term, there is a Parents meeting, SO OUr Parents and teachers Can talk about OUr progress.Whats the best thing about SChOOI? English, history, music . and my friends.Whats the WOrSt thing? HOmeWOrk . and exams!MOdUle 3 Unit One PeOPIe are healthier today.Bettys mum: Its getting
24、late, Betty.Betty: NearIy finished! r doing a COmPOSition:IS Iife today better Or WOrSethan it WaS 50 years ago ?Bettys mum: And What do you think?Betty: I think its better. The most important CIifference is that PeOPle are healthier today, and they IiVe Ionger than they did in the past.Bettys mum:
25、Thats true. The advantage is that We know more about medicine today. Were better at PreVenting illness. BUt PeOPle dont eat as Well as in the past, and dont take as much exercise as they CIicI.Betty: I SUPPOSe thats because PUbliC tranSPOrt is much better today.Bettys mum: Yes, I agree. PeOPle Walk
26、Or USe their bikes less, and theyre lazier. FaSter transport also makes more POIIUtiOn. And that makes Iife more dangerous and IeSS healthy.Betty: What about work? PeOPle dont have to WOrk as hard as they WOrkeCl 50 years ago.Bettys mum: Yes, but no one ever SayS they have too much free time! I also
27、 think SChOOlChiIClren today WOrk harder than We ever ClieI.Betty: Yes, but I really Want to do my best.Bettys mum: Why dont you ask MrS Li down stairs? Shes See n how Iife has Changed.Betty: Thats a good idea. TaIking Of free time, dont forget r going On the SChOOl trip next month, and the theatre
28、visit.Bettys mum: GOOCI! Youll be more relaxed and IeSS nervous before your exams.Wereasked herIJnit TWO We Wererl t Very rich, but We happy.Life in the PaStMrS Li is OVer 70 years OICI,and has IiVeCl in Beijing all her life. Iabout Iife today and in the past.TeIl me about your Parents, brothers and
29、 sisters.My Parents,my SiSter and three brothers IiVeCl in a Small house beside arestaura nt. We Wererrt Very rich, but We Were happy. My SiSter WaS the eldest ChiICl and She Ieft SChOOl When She WaS Only 12 to help my mother at home.FamilieS have Changed a IOt SinCe I WaS young. They Were much bigg
30、er in those days. MOSt Of my friends had IOtS Of brothers and sisters. TOday most PeOPle Only have One ChiICI!Did your Parents have jobs?My father Went OUt to work. He WaS a factory worker, and he Often WOrkeCl12 hours a day. My mum Wanted to work. She WaS a teacher before She met my father. LOOking
31、 after US WaS a full-time job, SO She StayeCl at home.TOday its normal for married WOmen to go OUt to work, but it WaS IeSS COmmOn in the past. My father had the Same job the WhOle Of his WOrking life. TheSe days PeOPle Change their jobs much more Often.What WaS Iife Iike at home?Well, I remember th
32、e family meals, three times a day. My mother WaS always COOki ng for us. We Wererrt rich but We ate eno ugh. And the foodWaS always freshly COOkeCl my mother never bought ready-made food asPeOPle do today, SO it WaS much better for us. And Of COUrSe We didnt have television, SO We Played games toget
33、her and read a lot. I helped my younger brother With his homework in the evenings.Where did you meet your husband?I first met him 60 years ago. I WaS Carrying SOme heavy bags On my bike andI fell off! He StOPPeCl and PiCkeCl UP my bags. My Parents IikeeI him, and thought he Came from a good family S
34、O We got married a year later. I WaSOnly 19.TheSe days most COUPleS meet at work, and they just hope their Parents WiII be happy for them if they marry.HaS Beijing Changed?Yes, there are IOtS more buildings and SO much more traffic! I Carrt believe the number Of CarS On the streets. BUt I SUPPOSe it
35、s the Same everywhere.And I Walk IeSS these days and take the bus more.And do you think Iife is better today?Well, I think so. r healthier thanve ever been. We IiVe Ionger and We eat better. One day l be talking to your OWn granClChiIClren!MOdUle 4 IJnit One I really Iike these shoes.Lingling: r rea
36、lly IOOking forward to the ShakeSPeare play.Betty: Me too! And the SChOOl trip to the Great Wall.LingIing: Yes, but I need a thick jacket, and SOme Warm gloves and socks.Betty: IrI May?LingIing: I get really COICI.Betty: OK. Lets go ShOPPing!LingIing: HOW about that new ShOPPing Centre in WangfUjing
37、? YOU know, turn Ieft and go along WangfUjing, and its On the right.Betty: Sure. Well go by bus, OK? And have you decided What to Wear to the SChOOl IeaVers party?LingIing:ve got a really nice Iong dress. What about you?Betty: l PrObably Wear a dress,too, but I need SOme shoes. OK, l meetyou in fron
38、t Of SChOOl at two oClOCk this after noon.(Later .)Betty: HOW about this jacket?Lingling: Its the right SiZe but its a bit bright.Betty: Lets See if they have Onein blue. Wheres the ShOP assistant?Lingling: Its that girl With Iong hair OVerthere. EXCUSe me!ShOP assistant: Can I help you?Betty: Yes,
39、do you have this jacket in blue?ShOP assistant: No, I dont think so. BUt weve got SOme OVerCOatS OVer here. COme this way.Betty: No, She does nt wa nt an OVerCoat.Lingling: Hey, I really Iike these shoes!Betty: Oh, take a IOOk at that amazing skirt! Lingling: I think were going to be here for SOme t
40、ime.Unit TWO What helps you ChOOSe the CIOtheS you like?LOOking COOlWhat do you IOOk for When you go ShOPPing for clothes? DO you ChOOSe SOmethi ngfas hi On able. Or COmfOrtable?DO you Iike to IOOkCIifferent? Or do you Wear the Same ClOtheS as your friends? DO you go for this years colours? IS it th
41、e IOgOthe COmPany SymbOlthat CatCheS yourattention? Or maybe film StarS are Wearing these clothes? What helps you ChOOSe the ClOtheS you like?EVeryOne SPends money On clothes, and everyOnehas their PerSOnallook. The best-knownClOthingCOmPaniesSeII their designerClOtheS allOVer the WOrICI. BUt the nu
42、mber Of these big name COmPanies is in fact Very small, and the ClOtheS they make are more expensivethan the ClOtheSmade by IeSS well-knownCOmPanies.Many PeOPle even Prefer them toCheaPer clothes. Why?.ManyyoUng PeOPle today Care about the Way they look. They Often buy designerClOtheS because they t
43、hink they IOOk cool. Then the IeSSwell-known COmPanies make ClOtheS WhiCh IOOk the same. BUt they dont SeII as Well because they dont have the logo.PeOPle also think designer ClOtheS are better made. FOr example, many PeOPle think the right running ShOeS WiII make you run faster Or PIay better. Of c
44、ourse, this is not always true. Its the training not the trainers that improves your SPeecl Or your score. BUt thats not the point. PeOPle believe that its true. and then buy the shoes. The big COmPanies OnlyWant tomake a IOt Of money.AbOVe all, designer ClOtheS are more POPUlar because Of CleVer ad
45、vertising. AIl Of the international COmPanies SPend millions Of dollars every year to make US buy their clothes. And they SUCCeeCI!MOSt PeOPle ClreSS in a Way that ShOWS Offtheir PerSOnality. BUt if SOme Of US buy expensive ClOtheS just to IOOk cool, What does that Say about us? Maybe its just CleVe
46、r advertising.SO next Weekend, think about the ClOtheS you PUt on. Whats the IOgOOn your trainers? WhO made your jeans? And how many Of your friends Wear the Same ClOtheS as you do? And then think that maybe SOme Of US COUIcl SPend OUr money better.Unit Three Language in USeSeIIing WithOUtAdVertiSements1. AdV
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