



1、2017年高考英語完形填空解題技巧完形填空題型有著極為深遠的理論背景。在19世紀物理學重大發(fā)現(xiàn)“場理 論”的啟發(fā)下,德國心理學家柯勒等人提出了 “格式塔心理學”,強調人類認知過程 中的宏觀性和整體性。1953年,美國語言學家Wilson Taylor基于上述理論,首次 提出完形填空這種題型,旨在測試考生利用已知信息恢復不完整語言材料的自然傾 向強度,進而考查考生的語言能力。作為選拔性考試,高考必須具有較高信度、效度和必要的區(qū)分度以及一定的難 度。完形填空的重點在于綜合考查考生的詞匯和語法等基礎知識以及閱讀和寫作等 語言運用能力,正好滿足了高考的需求。自從1987年首次出現(xiàn)在高考英語試卷中以 來

2、,完形填空題型歷來都屬于高考英語中能力要求最高、試題難度最大的一類題 型。研究歷年的各套高考完形填空題,可以從具體的題U之中看出該題型中若干對 我們解題非常有幫助的共同特點:一、從所選文章的角度體裁上,以敘為主,敘議結合。高考完形填空題的選材多為具有一定故事情節(jié) 的記敘文或是敘議結合、以敘為主、富有哲理的論說文,這是和高考考生的語言水 平緊密結合的。高考是各級各類英語測試中相對較簡單的一種,因而采取了常見體 裁中較簡單的記敘文作為題LI載體。因此,短文一般按照時間線索行文,內部邏輯清 晰層次分明。題材上,選用真實世界中的語言材料,考查考生使用語言進行信息獲取和社會 交際的能力,對心理問題、校園

3、生活、奇聞軼事等熱點話題繼續(xù)關注,并兼顧高考的 公平性原則,不涉及特定地域或人群色彩較濃的不具有一般性的話題。難度上,基本與現(xiàn)行高三教材相當。字數(shù)上,完形填空短文詞數(shù)在240320 之間。二、從所挖空格的角度首先,該題型所選短文一般無標題,但首句通常不設空,目的是讓考生熟悉語言 環(huán)境,迅速進入主題,對文章有宏觀和整體性的把握,建立正確的思維導向。正文中 通常挖去20個詞(組),平均每14詞挖一個空格,通常不會出現(xiàn)兩個空格詢后相連或 同一句子挖空超過三個的情況。其次,挖去的詞匯以實詞為主,虛詞為輔。語言分為形式和內容兩方面,而完形 填空題多重視考查語言的內容,這是與承載具體信息的實詞緊密相關的。

4、在高考對 具體語法規(guī)則不斷淡化的趨勢下,常與語言形式即具體語法條LI相關的虛詞數(shù)量不 斷下降,目前僅在3個空格左右。最后,具體挖空的時候遵循“重復原則”,即挖去的詞通常都在保留的上下文 中給出解題的線索。并且,某特定空格的解題線索多不在本空格所在的句子,或上一 句或下一句,或上兒句或下兒句,所以我們在考場上應逾越空格所在的單句,結合更宏觀的上下文來解題。三、從所擬選項的角度同一空格所對應的四個選項一般是同一詞性,或在句子中充當同樣的語法成分, 這個擬選項時所應遵循的最基本的原則。在完形填空題中,具體的語法規(guī)則不再是 考查重點,更強調的是辨別詞語之間的細微差異,考查考生對上下文的理解,要求考 生

5、通過具體的語言環(huán)境來做出選擇。所以,所擬出的四個選項往往在語法方面都能 成立,錯誤選項多半可以和空詢、空后的文字形成某種考生非常熟悉的固定搭配,具 有很強的干擾和迷惑作用。針對這種情況,考生們在解題過程中就更要緊抓文章主 線,站在語篇的高度綜合處理各選項的取舍。完型填空題是集詞語辨析、詞的用法以及搭配、語法、單句理解、語篇理解 的考查為一體的綜合題,不但要求同學們具有扎實的基礎知識,而且還要求必須具備 較強的分析理解、邏輯推斷能力及語感。該題型在歷屆高考試題中起著重要的作用, 通常從一篇詞數(shù)250左右、難度略低于教材上課文的文章中設空格20個。具體來 說,山于短文被挖去一些詞,造成信息的中斷,

6、同學們做題時,必然會出現(xiàn)思維斷層現(xiàn) 象。如果不掌握正確的解題思路及步驟,并通過適當?shù)挠柧毜脑?,同學們面對此題時 就會束手無策,久而久之就會對完形填空產(chǎn)生厭煩、恐懼心理,更不利于能力的提高, 不利于臨場發(fā)揮。一、解題方法1、通覽全文,了解大意山于完型填空試題主要測試同學們在語篇層面上綜合運用語言的能力,在解答 試題的之前應快速閱讀全文,抓住文章的主題,搞清作者的思路及上下文的邏輯關 系。一般說來,通讀的關鍵是弄清第一句(往往點明主題,且是沒留空口的完整句)和 最后一句(往往總結、概括全文)。另外,在瀏覽時全文的時候,要重點了解文中所敘 述的人物、時間、地點、事件,即who, when, wher

7、e, whato例如有篇文章的第一句 話為:Why is a space left between the rails of a railway line where one Piece joins the next?這句話從鐵軌之間的縫隙引出了問題。根據(jù)常識,就會很快 的知道文中的內容應與熱脹冷縮的物理現(xiàn)象有關。2、快速反應,初做答案找到文章的突破口之后,就要趁著思路清晰時,快速做出反應,一鼓作氣將文中 所有能填的空填起來,不因某試題暫時給不了答案的題停留太久。做題以了解文章 的大意為前提,如遇個別難題,可以暫時跳過去或初擬一個答案;如果停滯不前,不但 會打斷思路、造成時間上和心理上的緊張,

8、而且往往無濟于事。在填每個空格時,注意分析選項所在的上下文,弄清上下文間的邏輯關系,注意 空格前后的詞,看是否能與某一選項構成固定搭配。從各個角度考慮,初步做出每個 小題的答案。3、再次查讀,攻克難關初選過后,可能還會留下一些空檔,此時,再重讀文章,從語義和邏輯的角度審 視全文,看其是否通順流暢、條理清晰、符合邏輯。與此同時,將未填的空檔全部補 齊。由于選答案時講求一氣呵成,初選過后還應根據(jù)上下文對有疑問或把握不準的 答案進行推敲。在具體的操作中應注意以下的問題:1)看清上下文,找準定位詞充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到對選擇有提示作用的詞或句。這些詞有 時可能是同義詞或反義詞。例如:1.

9、Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places itis very A. deepB. highC. coldD. dangerous2. Mrs 0?eill asked questions and she didn?t scold useitherA. noB certainC. manyD. more2)通順邏輯,尋求搭配注意固定的搭配,包括動詞與介詞的搭配、動詞與名詞的搭配以及形容詞與名 詞的搭配等,同時要根據(jù)內容選擇正確的短語。例如:Here?s a fellow who just walked into a

10、bank and helpedhimself so much moneyA. forB. byCtoD. of3)扎實基礎,搞清辨異在此類試題的命制上,往往是以同類的詞為主,我們不需要去進行具體的辨析, 但是我們也要根據(jù)文章的意思來進行推斷。如:Soon I heard a like that of a door burst in and then aclimb of feetA. soundB. cryC voiceD. shoutWhen the papers were she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly*A. examined

11、B. completedC. markedD. answered4)看清執(zhí)行者,確定所選詞And video cameras can be used topeople?s actions at home.A. keepB. makeC. recordD. watch5)尋求上下邏輯,從容確定關系It has been many years since I was last in London still remember something that happened during that visit.A. andB. forC. butD. as6) 了解生活常識,確定相關知識(Immed

12、iately ) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospita 1.A. animalB. biggestC. plantD. nearest完型填空解題技巧:巧用線索法所謂線索法,指的是根據(jù)文章上下文所提供的故事背景和語境線索進行推理和 判斷,從而確定最佳答案。具體說來有以下兒種行之有效的方法。1. 巧用語意轉折線索解題有些句子含有表示轉折或對比的連詞、副詞或副詞短語,如but, though, although, instead, however, on the contrary, otherwise 等,我們可

13、利用這些暗示來解決問題。有時也可能沒有這些詞語的出現(xiàn)。如:A formal letter is very different from an informal letter Formalletters 1 to businesses, schools or government offices 2 letters are for relatives, or formei?(以前的)teachers You may write an informal letter by hand, but you should 3 a formal letter1. A. send B. are written

14、 C write D. are dropped2. A. Informal B Formal C Business D Relative3. A. copy B. type C write D. share2. 巧用因果關系線索解題即根據(jù)上下文的因果關系進行推斷,從而得出所需答案。如:It was a strange noise that made the man 1 his car soon afterhe left a village 2 London. He got out of his car and 3 thewheels ($&)carefully, but as he found

15、 nothing 4 he continued hisway.1. A. start B. stop C slow D. speed2. A. to B. for C from D of3. A. repaired B. examined C cleaned D. looked4. A. wrong B. danger C interesting D. matter3. 巧用具體示例線索解題即根據(jù)文章中所提供的具體實例進行分析,將與具體示例有關的信息進行優(yōu)選, 將與具體示例無關的信息進行排除,從而便可得出所需答案。如:Every student must wear their 1 when t

16、hey are at schoolThere are 2 items of uniforms:suits, dresses, shorts, skirts and T-shirts There are also Wasley schoolbags, caps and socks1. A. long hair B. thick glasses C sports shoes D. school uniforms2. A. much B. three C many D. a lot4. 巧用同義反義線索解題Though he is serious in appearance,he never fai

17、ls to be interesting. Often he is clever, sometimes even and gay*A. worriedB. brightC. discouragingD. friendlyAs it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national magazine for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and Id like to think we are bringing th e

18、m up in the same way Dad me.A. controlledB. comfortedC. remindedD. raised即根據(jù)文章所提供的內容,同時結合一定的生活常識,對所推斷的內容進行邏 輯推理和邏輯順序。如:I went to Wasley College with Winnie today. Wasley is a large,old 1 It has three branch campuses(分校):Clunes, Glen Waverly and Elasterwick It has a primary school, a 2 school and a s

19、eniorschool So there are twelve grades of 3 studying there1. A. school B. factory C movie D hospital2. A. night B. junior C high D. spare-time3. A. workers B. boys C students D teachers6. 巧用語篇標志線索解題語篇一般指比單個句子長的語言單位,如句群、段落、篇章等。語篇與語篇之 間往往有表明其內在聯(lián)系的詞語,這些詞語可稱為語篇標志。如:表示結果層次的語 篇標志語有firstly, secondly, third

20、ly, finally等;表示邏輯關系的有 thus, therefore, so等;表示改變話題的有by the way等;表示時間關系的有 before, so far, yet, now, later等。在做完形填空題時,如果能充分利用這些語篇 標志語,就可以迅速理清文章的脈絡,弄清上下文的關系。如:First of all,I respected his devotion to teaching-, I admiredthe fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talkFinally, I was a

21、ttracted by his lively sense of humor.(全國卷)A. LaterB SecondlyC. HoweverD. Therefore7. 巧用結構對比線索解題在做完形填空題時,有時會遇到兩個結構十分相似的句子,此時同學們應認真 比較其結構特點,或根據(jù)其相似性推斷空格處所填之詞,或根據(jù)文章的上下文語境判 斷兩個(或兒個)相似結構之間的邏輯關系。如:I realized strength and courage arent always measured in medals and victories, but in the struggles we overco

22、me (戰(zhàn)勝)。The strongest people are not always the people who win, the people who don?tgive up when they loseA. orB. norC. andD. butThe correct water supply forecast is based more on the water from the than from the below(遼宇卷)A. cloudsB. skyC. airD. above8. 巧用語境暗示線索解題有的空格根據(jù)所在句的句意或附近上下文的語境我們無法作出正確的選擇,要

23、想作出正確判斷,同學們應特別注意空格前后所出現(xiàn)的相關詞語,尤其注意找出其中 重復出現(xiàn)的暗示性詞語。如:Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the have made up theirminds to ring the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (i/tiZ)against heavy trucks which run day and night through the narrow High Street(全

24、國卷)A. collegeB. v訂lageC. townD. churchBut then again, would there be a chair in Room 316?0r would it be a(n) room?A. smallB. emptyC. newD. neat精講精練一When Sir Winston Churchill, the great British Prime Minister, reached his eightieth birthday in November, 1954, he was presented with his portrait by a

25、well-known modem artist, Graham Sutherlan dThe painting had been ordered and paid for to 1 the Grand Old Man of World War II.Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were deeply moved by this 2 of respect and affection. 3 of them, of course, allowed the others to see how much they both disliked the portrait I

26、t makes me look 4 , which I am not! protested Churchill in private(私下) 5 , he only remarked that it was fine example of modern art His friends smile dIt was known that Churchill didnt 6 modern artChurchill was so unhappy about the portrait that finally his wife had it 7 Churchill died at ninety in 1

27、965.Land Churchill 8 him in 1977. Shortly after her death, the public learned what had happened to the 9 , and a heated argument broke out The painter was 10 sa d The artist community, shocked and 11 , said that the destruction of the picture had been a crime (罪行).Historians said that they regretted

28、 the disappearance of a(n) 12 docu ment All agreed that Churchill didnt have the 13 to do what they had doneGraham Sutherland had told Churchill that he would 14 him uas he saw himn Churchill never had a chance to see the work in 15 since the painter 16 to show it to him He found out only 17 he rece

29、ived hispresent that Sutherland had seen him 18 a heavy, sick, tired old man. Since he hated old age, he was naturally 19 Who has the right to a work of art, the owner, the donor, or the artist who created it? Was the portrait a good one, as many(including the painter) said? Or was it bad as others

30、thought? None of these questions have been answered yet to everybody?s20 1A give B. regard C paint D. honour2. A. mark B. piece C prize D. trade3. A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. All4. A. wise B. gentle C stupid D happy5. A. Fortundtely B. Obviously CStraight D.Publicly6. A. care for B look like C t

31、urn down D make up7. A. hidden B hung C destroyed D. returned8. A. mourned B. missed C followed D buried9. A. painting B. man C woman D art is t10. A. understandably B unexpectedly C unreasonably D.unthinkingly11. A. afraid B. regretful C curious D. angry12. A. interesting B colorful C expensive D.h

32、istorical13A chance B right C power D. courage14. A. help B. obey C paint D. show15A progress B. place C need D. sight16. A. agreed B promised C refused D. hated17A until B. when C before D though18. A. as B. to C. about D. for19. A. moved B. worried C tired D. hurt20. A. surprise B. disappointment

33、Cdelight D.satisfaction參考答案及解析15 DAACD 610 ACCAA 1115 DDBCA 1620 CBADD1. 選D。人們給他畫像是為了向這位二戰(zhàn)巨人表示敬意。2. 選Ao trade表交易”,此處用mark表示標記”,與sign同一含義,如 a mark of esteem表示敬意”。3. 選A。從句子含義可知選A。夫婦倆誰也沒有讓別人看出他們的真實心理狀 態(tài)一一他們不喜歡這幅畫。4. 選C。四個選項只有C才能構成讓人不喜歡的原因。5. 選Do這種不滿只是在私下說的,在公開場合還是贊美它。6. 選A。不喜歡現(xiàn)代藝術,上一句已經(jīng)委婉表達了他的感受。7. 選C。

34、他妻子把這幅畫“毀了”而不“藏起來,還回去”,所以后來引發(fā)了 下文人們的議論。8. 選C。邱吉爾夫人十二年之后也隨他仙逝,下文說“她死后沒多久”。9. 選Ao人們此時得知那幅畫的歸宿。10. 選Ao understandably在此時指畫家此時感到傷心,這是“可以(被人)理 解地”。11. 選D。與shocked (震驚)一樣的強烈惜緒是angry。12. 選D。這句話是歷史學家(Historians)說的,因此是考慮其作為“歷史文 獻”的價值。13. 選B。大家一致認為邱吉爾夫婦沒權利這么做。14. 選Co這是這位畫家說的話,他會真實地描述自己眼中的邱吉爾。15. 選Ao從下文可知,直到肖像

35、畫好之后邱吉爾才看見這幅畫,因此選 progress 進展中的作品”。16. 選C。畫家在畫的過程中不讓他看,這一點下文有提示。17. 選Bo直到收到這幅畫后才看見畫像中的人是什么樣子。18. 選A。see-as表示“把視為”,用as引出畫家眼里的形象。19. 選D。他憎恨年邁,看見畫中自己的模樣,自然會覺得受到傷害。20. 選D。對這些問題,還沒有一個使人人滿意的回答。精講精練二It was already late when we set out for the next town, 1 according to the map was about fifteen miles away o

36、n the other side of the 2 There we felt 3 that we would find a bed 4 the night Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we met 5 as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that 6 the hills As we climbed 7 ,it became colder and rain began to fall, 8 it difficult at times to see t

37、he roa dI asked John, my companion, to drive more 9 After we had travel 1 ed for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was 10 on the map We were beginning to get 11 Then without warning the car stoppe dA quick 12 showed that we had run out of petrol (汽油) Although we had littl

38、e food with us, we decided to 13 the night in the carOur meal was soon over I tried to go to sleep at once, 14 John, who was a 15 sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk 16 the hills Soon he came back From the top of the hill he had seen, in the valley below, the 17 of th

39、e town we were looking for We at once unloaded(企卩)all our luggage(行李)and with a great effort(努 力),18 to push the car to the top of the hil1 Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hil1. 19 less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a 20 qui

40、te easily.1A which B. it C where D. that2. A. rivers B. hills C towns D. villages3. A. surprised B. afraid C pleased D. sure4. A. at B. in C through D. for5. A. everybody B. somebody C nobody D. anybody6. A. got to B. arrived C led to D. belonged to7. A. taller B. higher C lower D. faster8. A. getti

41、ng B. thinking C causing D. making9. A. certainly B. carefully C slowly D.surely10. A. marked B set C built D. drawn11. A. excited B. worried C cold D. warm12. A. attention B operation C examination D. informstion13. A. spend B. live C spare D. stay14. A. since B. though C so D. but15. A. quick B. f

42、ast C poor D. heavy16. A. across B. through C down D up17. A. lights B. map C bus D. situation18. A. ought B. tried C succeeded D. managed19. A. For B. In C. Since D. At20 A. policeman B.friend C hotel D cinema參考答案及解析15 ABDDC 610 CBDCA 1115 BCADC 1620 DADBC1. 選Ao分析句子結構可知,后面是一個非限制性定語從句,關系代詞應用 whicho2

43、. 選B。從下文可知,下一個小鎮(zhèn)應在“山”的那一邊。3. 選D。天已經(jīng)很遲了,還出發(fā)朝下一個小鎮(zhèn)趕,這說明他們“堅信”在那兒 能找到住宿的地方。4. 選 D。for the night 過夜”,for 表示為了。5. 選Co在一個漆黑的夜晚,在那彎曲狹窄的路上,應該說行車是不走運的,但 途中未遇一個行人,就這一點來說還算“幸運”。6. 選C。lead to意思為通向”。7. 選Bo從下文可知,他們的車子是逐漸向山上爬行的,當油用完時,車子已接 近山頂。以致John后來散步時不知不覺中就到了山頂。8. 選D。從詞的用法角度可知要用makingo9. 選C。由于看不清路面,所以讓同伴開慢些。10.

44、 選A。依據(jù)常識可知,城鎮(zhèn)是“標”在地圖上的。11. 選B。開了二十里,仍不見小鎮(zhèn),不免開始“憂慮”起來。12. 選C。簡單“檢查”發(fā)現(xiàn)油沒了,另三項表述不清。13. 選A。spend the night意為度過夜晚。14. 選D。填轉折連詞but。15. 選C。從got out of the car看,John不是一個容易睡著的人。16. 選D。從From the top of the hill可推知,他從車里出來以后是向山頂 上走的。17. 選A。根據(jù)常識判斷。18. 選Do ought to (應該)不合語境,succeed后不接to do故應排除,manage 和try均表示“設法”,

45、但有細微差別,前者表示設法做成了某事,后者則不一定成 功。故本題答案應為D。19. 選B?!霸诓坏揭豢嚏姇r間內我們就到了鎮(zhèn)上”。20. 選Co從笫二段后句子可以推知,他們趕赴那個小鎮(zhèn)的U的是為了住宿,所 以在到達U的地后很快找到的應是旅館(hotel)。精講精練三People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution, from the last time they had a 1 problem. They often accept the opinions or ide

46、as of other people. Other times they begin to act without 2 , they try to find a solution by trial or error. 3 , when all of these methods 4 , the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six 5 in analyzing a problem.6 the person must recognize that these is a problem. For example, Sa

47、ms bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does Sam must7 that there is a problem with the bicycleNext, the person must find the problem Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work For example, he must 8 the parts that are wrongNow the person must loo

48、k for 9 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 10 solutions For example, suppose Sam decides that his bicycle does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes11 , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop, or look at his

49、brakes carefully.After 12 the problem, the person should have 13 suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example 14 , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change old onesIn the end, one 15 seems to be the solution to the problem.Sometimes the 16 idea

50、 comes quite 17 because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a different way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum (口香糖)stuck to a brake He 18 hits on the solution to his problem: he must 19 the brakeFinally the solution is 20 Sam does it and finds

51、his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem.1. A. serious B usual C similar D. common2. A. Besides B. Instead C 0therwise D. However4. A. fail B. work C change D. develop5. A. ways B conditions C stages D. orders6. A. First B. Usually CIn general D. Most importantly7. A. explain

52、B. prove C show D. see8. A. checkable B determine C correct D. recover9. A. answers B skills C explanation D. information10. A. possible B. exact C real D special11. A.In other words B. 0nee in a while C First of all D. At this time12. A. discussing B. settling down C comparing with D. studying13. A

53、. extra B. enough C several D. countless14. A. secondly B. again C also D. alone15Asuggestion Bconclusion Cdecision D.discovery16. A. next B. clear C final D. new17. A.Unexpectedly B. late C clearly D. often18. A. fortunately B easily C clearly D. immediately19. A. clean B. separate C loosen D remov

54、e20. A. recorded B. completed C. tested D. accepted參考答案及解析15 CBDAC 610 ADBDA 1115 DDCBA 1620 CADAC1. Co從相似的問題上找解決新問題的辦法。2. Bo without thinking意為不假思索,可根據(jù)by trial error判斷。3. Do表轉折。4. Ao只有所有的方法失敗了,才會開始analyze (分析問題)。5. Co根據(jù)下文可知,人們的分析可分6個階段或步驟。6. A??筛鶕?jù)下文的next, after, in the end.階段或步驟。.7. Do see此處有unders

55、tand之意,Sam明口自行車有問題了。8. Bo第二步要找出問題所在,所以選determine,它是測定、找出的意思,與 find out意思相同。9. Do根據(jù)下文Sam所做的事悄可知,要了解問題的有關悄況才能修理,所以選 information。10. Ao自己去解決問題,首先得到嘗試、摸索,才能真正完成,所以poss讓le 合適,強調只是可能有效的方法。11. Do此時,這里不存在先后、轉折、并列等含義,只需說明在這個階段,Sam該做的事情。12. Do剛才那個階段,Sam所做的事情是一些調查研究尋找方法的工作,study 有研究之意。13. Co A項額外的,B項足夠,D項不計其數(shù)的

56、。這里需要的是兒個不太確定 的、可能的解決方法,所以C最合適。?14. Bo再次以Sam為例。15. Ao 從上文中的 several suggestions 可知。16. C。從下文的事例中發(fā)現(xiàn)答案。17. Ao由于發(fā)現(xiàn)了新的惜況或用了不同方法去思考,會出現(xiàn)意想不到的結果。18. Do看見口香糖、他當即發(fā)現(xiàn)問題所在。19. Ao有口香糖,清洗工作是必然的。20. Co方法被嘗試。雙向細目表詞法重點詞匯:takefor example.精講精練四The V oice of America began during the World War【I. When Germany was broadc

57、asting a radio program to get international 1 , American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in 3 . The 4 may be good or bad, but we shal 1 tell you the truth. ” Within a week, other VOA 5 wer


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