JH9105-946-01SY RevA 船體系泊及航行試驗(yàn)大綱 (1)_第1頁(yè)
JH9105-946-01SY RevA 船體系泊及航行試驗(yàn)大綱 (1)_第2頁(yè)
JH9105-946-01SY RevA 船體系泊及航行試驗(yàn)大綱 (1)_第3頁(yè)
JH9105-946-01SY RevA 船體系泊及航行試驗(yàn)大綱 (1)_第4頁(yè)
JH9105-946-01SY RevA 船體系泊及航行試驗(yàn)大綱 (1)_第5頁(yè)
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3、NERCHINA YANTAI SALVAGECLASS目 錄PART I. MOORING TEST 第一部分 系泊試驗(yàn)40. General Provisions總則41. Anchor Equipment錨設(shè)備52. Mooring Winches系泊絞車63.The pipe handling cranes 管子起重機(jī) 40 t 35 m74. Deck Crane 甲板起重機(jī) 10t 20 m105. Test of Doors, Windows and Hatch Covers 門窗及艙口蓋密性試驗(yàn)156. Watertight sliding door 水密移門167. Life

4、 Raft Davit 救生筏吊178. Test of Lowering and Hoisting Rescue Boat 救助艇降落及回收試驗(yàn)179. Gravity-Hydraulic Luffing Arm Type Davit and Boat 重力液壓倒臂式救生艇裝置1811.Galley and Laundry Equipment 廚房及洗衣間設(shè)備2112. Test of Accommodation Ladder and Davit 舷梯及其吊架試驗(yàn)2113. Test of Elevator 電梯試驗(yàn)2214. Check and test on signal equipme

5、nt24信號(hào)設(shè)備的檢查和試驗(yàn)2415 . Check fire fighting equipment 消防設(shè)備的檢查2416. Test of Working Anchor Equipment 工作錨絞車試驗(yàn)2517. Test of Heavy Lift Crane 重型起重機(jī)試驗(yàn)25PART II. SEA TRIAL 第二部分 航行試驗(yàn)26GENERAL PROVISIONS總則261. Speed trial 航速試驗(yàn)272. Inertia test and Crash Astern Test慣性試驗(yàn)、緊急停車和倒車試驗(yàn)283. Turning circle test 回轉(zhuǎn)試驗(yàn)294

6、. Z-manoeuvre test Z形操縱試驗(yàn)295. Steering test 操舵試驗(yàn)306. ATHWARTSHIP THRUSTER TEST側(cè)向推進(jìn)器試驗(yàn)317. Measurement of vibration振動(dòng)測(cè)試328. Measurement of noise噪聲測(cè)試359. Anchor test 拋(起)錨試驗(yàn)36PART I. MOORING TEST 第一部分 系泊試驗(yàn)0. General Provisions總則0.1Mooring test shall be carried out with the aim of checking the goodness

7、 of the installation work and running condition of all the systems and equipment to ensure a successful trial.系泊試驗(yàn)之目的是試驗(yàn)和校核各系統(tǒng)及設(shè)備的安裝質(zhì)量和運(yùn)行的可靠性,為試航提供保證。 0.2In accordance with the provisions of the List of Acceptance Items and Certificates, each and every relevant test shall be executed with the partic

8、ipation of the Owners representatives, the Surveyors from the National Authority and the Classification Society or the representatives entrusted by them. Other items not included in the acceptance list shall be tested and recorded by Shipyard itself.按驗(yàn)收項(xiàng)目明細(xì)表規(guī)定,各有關(guān)的試驗(yàn)項(xiàng)目應(yīng)在船東代表和/或驗(yàn)船師或他們所委托的人員參加下進(jìn)行,其余項(xiàng)目

9、工廠自己進(jìn)行試驗(yàn)記錄。0.3With the exception of tests covered in the a.m. items of acceptance, if the manufacturers tests have been completed in shop and its results will not be effected during and after installation on board, then such test shall not be carried out again. However the safety valves after mounti

10、ng on board shall be checked again and accepted by the Surveyor.除驗(yàn)收項(xiàng)目規(guī)定者外,凡業(yè)經(jīng)制造廠校驗(yàn)完畢,且上船安裝后不會(huì)影響校驗(yàn)結(jié)果者,則可不再作試驗(yàn)。0.4Prior to the operation test of main engine and generator sets, a check of the relevant alarm and safety points shall be finished.主機(jī)、發(fā)電機(jī)組在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)試驗(yàn)前應(yīng)將有關(guān)的安全報(bào)警點(diǎn)校驗(yàn)結(jié)束。1. Anchor Equipment錨設(shè)備1.1Aim of

11、 testThe test of anchor equipment shall be carried out in order to examine the quality of installation and the working performance including the flushing system in the hawse pipe.試驗(yàn)?zāi)康臋z驗(yàn)錨設(shè)備系統(tǒng)安裝質(zhì)量及錨鏈筒沖水裝置的功能。1.2Test condition試驗(yàn)條件1.2.1Check quantity, weight, the length and diameter of anchor chain, qua

12、ntity of provision like anchor shackle, connection shackle and connection chain ring, and brand sign;核對(duì)錨的數(shù)量、重量、錨鏈長(zhǎng)度和直徑、錨卸扣和連接卸扣或連接鏈環(huán)等的備品數(shù)量、鋼印標(biāo)志;1.2.2Check correction and reliability of the installation relative position of anchor windlass and the system, and check the brand sign of anchor windlass;

13、檢查錨機(jī)裝置及其系統(tǒng)安裝相對(duì)位置的正確性和可靠性,并核對(duì)錨機(jī)的鋼??;1.2.3Check the reliability of shackle connection among each anchor chain;檢查各節(jié)錨鏈之間卸扣連接的可靠性;1.2.4Check the tightness test record of hydraulic pressure system after the shipment of hydraulic pressure anchor windlass. And the checkout of safety valve, overflow valve, pr

14、essure reducing valve and so on;檢查液壓錨機(jī)裝船后的液壓系統(tǒng)密性試驗(yàn)記錄,安全閥、溢流閥和減壓閥等校驗(yàn)合格;1.2.5Meshing and releasing the machine clutch three times and checking the agile of the clutch and the use of band brake. 將機(jī)械離合器嚙合及脫開各三次,檢查離合器工作的靈便性和剎車的效用。1.3Test items試驗(yàn)內(nèi)容1.3.1After visual inspection of the windlass, non-load ope

15、ration test shall be carried out, meanwhile a hoisting and lowering running trial is to be conducted at 15 minutes. One ahead and astern running trial is to be conducted at 510minutes intervals in order to observe the drive system and each operating part of windlass if unconventionally heating and k

16、nocking. Record starting-and running current as well as voltage of electric motors. After running test, measure insulation resistance of motor and control box (not to be less than 1MW).錨機(jī)進(jìn)行正、倒車空載運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)各15分鐘,試驗(yàn)時(shí)每隔510min正、倒車變換一次,觀察錨機(jī)傳動(dòng)裝置及各運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)部件有無(wú)異常發(fā)熱及敲擊現(xiàn)象。記錄啟動(dòng)及運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)電流以及馬達(dá)電壓。運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)試驗(yàn)結(jié)束后測(cè)量馬達(dá)及控制箱的絕緣電阻(不小于1M)1.3.2Low

17、 down each anchor separately, meanwhile use a brake-stopper to brake it 2-3 times, and then heave up the anchor by means of windlass. During the course of lifting, stop lifting 2-3 times to check convenience of clutch operation, reliability of brake equipment. 將左、右錨分別拋出,下拋過(guò)程中用制動(dòng)器剎車2-3次,然后用錨機(jī)將錨絞起,升起過(guò)

18、程中作2-3次停止作檢查離合器操縱的方便性性剎車裝置工作的可靠性性。There is no jumping chain when passing through the chain cable stopper and chain cable wheel. 錨鏈通過(guò)掣鏈器和鏈輪的情況,有無(wú)跳鏈和扭曲現(xiàn)象。Heave the anchor back to the hawse pipe, and check the fitness between anchor and shell plate/rest structure.將錨收進(jìn)錨鏈筒,檢查錨與結(jié)構(gòu)的貼和情況。The working conditi

19、on of the flushing system of the hawse pipe to be normal檢查錨鏈筒沖水裝置的工作情況。The working condition of the cable releaser to be safe and reliable.檢查棄錨器的棄錨動(dòng)作應(yīng)安全可靠。2. Mooring Winches系泊絞車2.1Check up the correct installation and completeness of all parts of the mooring winches.觀察系泊絞車的各部分是否安裝正確完整。2.2Hoisting an

20、d lowering running to be carried out at no load for 30 minutes respectively. The ahead and astern running switch once per 3minutes. Check it as bellow at test: 空載正、倒車各約30分鐘,試驗(yàn)時(shí)正、倒車每隔3min變換一次。試驗(yàn)時(shí)應(yīng)進(jìn)行如下檢查:Check whether each moving compartment has exceptional heating and knock phenomena. 檢查各運(yùn)動(dòng)部件是否有異常發(fā)熱、

21、敲擊現(xiàn)象;Check if hydraulic pressure system has leak phenomena.檢查液壓系統(tǒng)是否有泄漏現(xiàn)象;Check work condition of motor. 檢查電動(dòng)機(jī)的工作情況;Check electric control equipment and each speed adjustment and work condition of electromagnetic implement. 檢查電氣控制設(shè)備及各檔調(diào)速和電磁器的工作情況;Check and adjust over-load protecting setting, and adj

22、ust the startup pressure of the safety valve of hydraulic pressure system and steam system. 檢查和調(diào)整過(guò)載保護(hù)裝置,按技術(shù)要求調(diào)整液壓系統(tǒng)和蒸汽系統(tǒng)的安全閥的開啟壓力;Detailedly check each compartment pressed after test. 試驗(yàn)后,詳細(xì)檢查各受力部件。2.3Meantime record the work pressure of oil pump, rotate speed of oil pump and oil motor, start up cur

23、rent, work current, voltage and rotate speed of motor, the value of hot insulation resistance of motor and control equipment, power and hauling speed of winch at test.試驗(yàn)時(shí)同時(shí)記錄油泵工作壓力、油泵和油馬達(dá)的轉(zhuǎn)速;電動(dòng)機(jī)啟動(dòng)電流、工作電流、電壓及轉(zhuǎn)速;電動(dòng)機(jī),控制設(shè)備的熱態(tài)絕緣電阻值;絞車試驗(yàn)時(shí)的功率和收纜速度。3.The pipe handling cranes 管子起重機(jī) 40 t 35 mDetail to be acco

24、rding to the suppliers requirement.具體按照設(shè)備商的試驗(yàn)要求進(jìn)行。3.1Check that all ropes are mounted onto the drum properly and all fixed points are mounted correctly.檢查所有的鋼絲繩的固緊點(diǎn)是否安裝正確,包括卷筒的固緊點(diǎn)。The bolts from the pedestal to the slewing column must be tightened up correctly with the required tensioning force.檢查所有

25、的連接螺栓,尤其是回轉(zhuǎn)軸承處的螺栓是否安裝正確,是否已預(yù)緊。The proper assembly of the pivot pins has to be checked.檢查各鉸點(diǎn)的銷軸是否安裝正確。All greasing points and oil filled items must be checked for proper lubrication.檢查各潤(rùn)滑點(diǎn)是否都充分潤(rùn)滑。3.2No-load test of main hook & Auxiliary hook 主、輔鉤空載試驗(yàn)Do hoist、luff and slew at max. work range.起升、變幅

26、、回轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)構(gòu)分別在最大工作范圍內(nèi)動(dòng)作。Verify hooks lifting speed:Main hook. 25 m/minAuxiliary hook: 50 m/min檢驗(yàn)吊鉤起升速度主鉤: 25 m/min輔鉤: 50 m/minCheck the oil pressure、current、voltage、power and do the limited test.檢測(cè)各動(dòng)作的油壓、電流、電壓、功率。Limited stop function test.安全限位功能試驗(yàn)。Check every limited stop in security of not.檢查各限位裝置是否可靠。V

27、erification of the slewing speed 0.8 RPM.檢驗(yàn)回轉(zhuǎn)速度0.8RPMAll indications on the Control Panel are checked檢驗(yàn)控制板指示Emergency Stops Test緊急停機(jī)試驗(yàn)3.3Nominal load test 額定負(fù)載試驗(yàn) Check the lifting speed and the exactness of all movements.檢查起升速度和所有動(dòng)作的精確度。Main lifting 主鉤Nominal Load (40 tonnes) applied to the hook blo

28、ck.主鉤額定負(fù)載40t。Verification of the hook lifting speed 25 m/min.檢驗(yàn)主鉤起升速度25 m/min。Verification of rotation speed 0.8 rpm.檢驗(yàn)轉(zhuǎn)速0.8 rpm。Auxiliary lifting 副鉤Nominal Load (10 tonnes) applied to the hook block副鉤額定負(fù)載10t。Verification of the hook lifting speed 10 m/min.檢驗(yàn)副鉤起升速度10 m/min。Verification of rotation s

29、peed 0.8 rpm檢驗(yàn)轉(zhuǎn)速0.8 rpm。3.4Over-load test of main hook 主鉤超載試驗(yàn) Proof load = 5tonnes + VL = 5t + 0.75x 2.5x 41.4t = 79.1682.63 t shall be applied to the main hook block at a distance of 35.0 m.主鉤吊距35m時(shí),試驗(yàn)載荷為:5tonnes + VL = 5t + 0.75x 2.5x 41.4t = 82.63t5t + 0.75x 2.52x 41.2t = 82.868 tKeep the hang at

30、 least 5 min.保持懸掛時(shí)間不少于5分鐘。No abnormal evidence of every parts.檢查起重機(jī)各結(jié)構(gòu)有無(wú)異常變化。Verification of the winch brake capacity to sustain the load without compromising crave and winch integrity.檢驗(yàn)剎車力可靠性。During this test the crane is to lift, to slew and to luff the proof load at slow speed.在此試驗(yàn)負(fù)荷下,緩慢做旋轉(zhuǎn)和變幅動(dòng)作

31、。3.5副鉤超載試驗(yàn) over-load test of whip hook Proof load = 1.25 x VL = 1.25 x 0.75 x 3.422.95 x 10.4 t = 33.34528.762t shall be applied to the auxiliaary hook block at a distance of 36.5 m.副鉤吊距36.5m時(shí),試驗(yàn)載荷為:Proof load = 1.25 x VL = 1.25 x 0.75 x 2.95 x 10.4 t = 28.762t1.25 x 0.75 x 3.35 x 10.4 t = 32662 kgK

32、eep the hang at least 5 min.保持懸掛時(shí)間不少于5分鐘。No abnormal evidence of every parts.檢查起重機(jī)各結(jié)構(gòu)有無(wú)異常變化。Verification of the winch brake capacity to sustain the load without compromising crave and winch integrity.檢驗(yàn)剎車力可靠性。During this test the crane is to lift, to slew and to luff the proof load at slow speed.在此試

33、驗(yàn)負(fù)荷下,緩慢做旋轉(zhuǎn)和變幅動(dòng)作。4. Deck Crane 甲板起重機(jī) 10t 20 mDetail to be according to the suppliers requirement.具體按照設(shè)備商的試驗(yàn)要求進(jìn)行。4.1No-load test 空載試驗(yàn)4.1.1Safe limiter adjusting test安全限位裝置的調(diào)整試驗(yàn)Carry out this unload test, check whether all safe limiters are at correct position and reliable, and control box signal are e

34、xact when safe limiters are working.該試驗(yàn)在空載狀態(tài)下進(jìn)行,運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)調(diào)試各種安全限位裝置的位置是否正確,工作是否正??煽?。各安全限位裝置動(dòng)作時(shí),控制箱上的信號(hào)應(yīng)動(dòng)作可靠。 upper limit 起升上限位Adjust the distance between hoisting gear and sheave center, and make sure drum rope storage slot number shouldnt be less than 1 ring調(diào)試吊具到滑輪中心的距離及升降卷筒上繩槽的剩留槽數(shù)應(yīng)不小于1圈4.

35、1.1.2Hoisting down limit(OPTIONAL ITEM) 起升下限位Adjust crane to Max.hoisting height, make sure drum rope storage slot number shouldnt be less than thrice (allow to carry out simulated test if without relevant test condition). 調(diào)試最大揚(yáng)程及升降卷筒上的鋼絲繩剩留圈數(shù)應(yīng)不小于3圈。(若因工廠試驗(yàn)條件的限制,該試驗(yàn)可用模擬試驗(yàn)來(lái)代替)4.2NO-load test 空負(fù)載試驗(yàn)No-

36、load operate hoisting, luffing and turning mechanism to Max. working range, check whether they are normal, and measure oil pressure, current, voltage and power of each action.在空負(fù)載狀態(tài)下,升降、變幅、回轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)構(gòu)分別在最大工作范圍內(nèi)動(dòng)作,觀察有無(wú)?,F(xiàn)象,檢測(cè)各動(dòng)作的油壓、電流、電壓、功率等。4.3Light load test 輕負(fù)載試驗(yàn)Test load is 2025 SWL, measure oil pressure

37、, current and voltage of hoisting & lowering.試驗(yàn)負(fù)荷為安全工作負(fù)荷的2025,檢測(cè)上升、下降動(dòng)作的速度、油壓、電流、電壓等。4.4Half load test 半負(fù)載試驗(yàn)Test load is 5060 SWL, measure speed, oil pressure, current and voltage of hoisting & lowering.試驗(yàn)負(fù)荷為安全工作負(fù)荷的5060,檢測(cè)上升、下降動(dòng)作的速度、油壓、電流、電壓等4.5Safe working load test 安全工作負(fù)載試驗(yàn)4.5.1Measure spe

38、ed, oil pressure, current, voltage and power of hoisting & lowering when Jib up to 60°吊臂在60°位置時(shí),檢測(cè)上升、下降動(dòng)作的速度、油壓、電流、電壓、功率等4.5.2Measure speed, oil pressure, current, voltage and power of luffing when Jib up to 4060°在吊臂通過(guò)4060°位置處,檢測(cè)上下變幅動(dòng)作的速度、油壓、電流、電壓、功率4.5.3Measure speed, oil pr

39、essure, current, voltage and power of turning when Jib up to Max. working range.在最大工作幅度處,檢測(cè)左右回轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)作的速度、油壓、電流、電壓、功率等。4.5.4The measurement method, hoisting & lowering speed can be shown by drum rotating speed; luffing time can be shown by luffing angle time; turning time can be shown by turning set

40、angle time.升降、變幅速度的測(cè)量,升降速度,其速度可用卷筒每轉(zhuǎn)所用時(shí)間來(lái)表示,變幅可用上下變幅角度-時(shí)間來(lái)表示,回轉(zhuǎn)可用回轉(zhuǎn)-固定角度時(shí)間來(lái)表示。4.5.5Load test should be satisfied with following requirements:負(fù)載試驗(yàn)時(shí),應(yīng)達(dá)到以下要求: are enough clearance between movable parts and fixing parts, preventing friction and mechanical contact.各運(yùn)動(dòng)件與固定件之間應(yīng)有適當(dāng)?shù)拈g隙,不得發(fā)生碰擦。4.5

41、.5.2Hydraulic pipes and cable shouldnt any vibration and contact friction.油壓管路、電纜等不得有振動(dòng)和接觸現(xiàn)象。 operating force of handle shouldnt be beyond set value.操作手柄應(yīng)靈活,其操作力不得超過(guò)規(guī)定值。4.5.6Linkage motion test 聯(lián)合動(dòng)作試驗(yàn)Carry out SWL linkage motion test, measure oil pressure, current, voltage and power of two

42、 linkage motion.以安全工作負(fù)荷進(jìn)行聯(lián)合動(dòng)作試驗(yàn),檢測(cè)油壓、電流、電壓、功率等,組合方式為兩動(dòng)作聯(lián)動(dòng)。4.5.7Temperature rising test 溫升試驗(yàn)Carry out SWL circulation test, last 2 hours, measure all parts hydraulic oil rising temperature every 30min.以安全工作負(fù)荷起重機(jī)正常工作循環(huán)試驗(yàn),連續(xù)運(yùn)行2h,每30min測(cè)量各機(jī)械部分及液壓油的溫升。4.5.8Brake test 剎車試驗(yàn)Operate crane with SWL and Max. r

43、unning speed, switch handle to middle position, check whether brake mechanism is safe and exact in motion.以安全工作負(fù)荷最大速度運(yùn)行時(shí),操作手柄迅速回到中位,試驗(yàn)剎車機(jī)構(gòu)是否安全準(zhǔn)確的停止其動(dòng)作。升降、變幅剎車滑移量可以在重物處測(cè)量,也可以測(cè)量卷筒轉(zhuǎn)數(shù),回轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)作的滑移量可以測(cè)量轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)部分的轉(zhuǎn)角。4.5.9Emergency test 應(yīng)急試驗(yàn)In linkage motion test, switch off power supply suddenly, check whether all

44、parts stop are safe and reliable; in hoisting & lowering motion, switch off power supply suddenly, and loose hoisting &lowering brake by operating hand pump, check whether load lowers safely.聯(lián)合動(dòng)作試驗(yàn)時(shí),突然中斷電源,檢查各部分的停止是否可靠。升降動(dòng)作時(shí),突然中斷電源,用手搖泵松開升降制動(dòng)器,檢查重物是否安全的落下。4.6Overload test 超負(fù)荷試驗(yàn)4.6.1When jib

45、to Max. working radius, hoisting 1.25times SWL away from ground,lasts time no less than 5min.吊臂在最大幅臂位置時(shí),將1.25倍的安全負(fù)荷吊離地面,保持懸掛時(shí)間不少于5min。4.6.2Slowly carry out hoisting & lowering, luffing and turning no less than twice, check whether all parts are normal and in good condition.緩慢進(jìn)行升降、變幅、回轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)作不少于2次,檢查

46、起重機(jī)各結(jié)構(gòu)有無(wú)異常變化。4.6.3Carry out hoisting & lowering brake test no less than twice, brake position is when load lowers to about 3m; check whether hoisting & lowering brakes are reliable.升降機(jī)構(gòu)應(yīng)進(jìn)行剎車試驗(yàn)不少于2次,剎車試驗(yàn)應(yīng)在試驗(yàn)負(fù)載快速下降約3m處進(jìn)行,檢查升降剎車的可靠性4.6.4After overload test, readjust overload protecting device.超

47、負(fù)載試驗(yàn)后,應(yīng)調(diào)定超負(fù)荷保護(hù)裝置,應(yīng)保證其正確可靠。4.6.5After overload, carry out safe application test, the procedures are same as item 5.超負(fù)載試驗(yàn)后應(yīng)進(jìn)行安全效用試驗(yàn),內(nèi)容同“5”。4.7超負(fù)荷保護(hù)試驗(yàn)Overload protecting test4.7.1After overload, carry out overload protecting test.超負(fù)荷試驗(yàn)后,應(yīng)進(jìn)行超負(fù)載保護(hù)試驗(yàn)。4.7.2Adjust system safe valve to rated working conditio

48、n.調(diào)定系統(tǒng)安全閥至額定工作狀態(tài)。4.7.3Hoisting 1.1times SWL.起吊1.1倍的安全工作負(fù)荷。4.7.4The system safe valve should be overflow before load away from ground.吊重應(yīng)不能被吊離地面,系統(tǒng)安全閥應(yīng)溢流。4.8Insulation Resistance measurement 絕緣電阻測(cè)試4.8.1Before crane running, measure insulation resistance through 500V megger in environmental condition,

49、 the insulation resistance between main power circuit and earth shouldnt be less than 20M;the insulation resistance between control power circuit and earth shouldnt be less than 5M.起重機(jī)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)前,在環(huán)境條件下用500V的兆歐表進(jìn)行絕緣電阻測(cè)試,主電路與地之間的絕緣電阻值應(yīng)不低于20M,控制電路與地之間的絕緣電阻值應(yīng)不低于5M。4.8.2After continuous 2 hours running, measure

50、 insulation resistance of phases among main power circuit, between phase and earth, whose resistance shouldnt less than 5M,the resistance between control power circuit and earth shouldnt less than 1 M。起重機(jī)連續(xù)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)2h后,緊接著在主電路相與相、相與地之間測(cè)試絕緣電阻,其值應(yīng)不低于5M,控制電路與地之間的絕緣電阻應(yīng)不低于1 M。4.9Waterproof test 水密防水試驗(yàn)4.9.1Carry

51、 out watertight test through impression test method.用壓痕法進(jìn)行水密試驗(yàn)4.9.2The impression should be continuous and evenness, whose impression width shouldnt less than 2/3 press width.壓痕法的痕跡應(yīng)連續(xù)均勻,其壓痕寬度不少于壓寬的三份之二。4.10Check after test 試驗(yàn)結(jié)束后檢查4.10.1After test, thoroughly check whether crane parts are abnormal a

52、nd with other defects.試驗(yàn)后,徹底檢查起重機(jī)結(jié)構(gòu)是否有異常變形和其它缺陷。4.10.2Check oil return filter, hook, the fit condition of rotating support and pinion, whether they are normal.檢查回油過(guò)濾器、吊鉤、回轉(zhuǎn)支承與小齒輪的配合狀態(tài)及在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)中發(fā)現(xiàn)是否有 異常的部位。5. Test of Doors, Windows and Hatch Covers 門窗及艙口蓋密性試驗(yàn)5.1Aim of testCheckup tightness and firmness an

53、d convenience of doors, windows, hatch covers and flat covers. 試驗(yàn)?zāi)康模簷z查各門窗,小窗口蓋的密性,開口關(guān)閉裝置的牢靠性和轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)靈活性。5.2Items of test試驗(yàn)方法1) Chalk and mobility check of all weather-tight doors, windows and watertight doors and hatch covers should be done before test. 2) Man-holes: hydraulic (pneumatic) test to be carr

54、ied out simultaneously with hull tanks.3) Hose test for watertight door, weather-tight door(A,B,C class), side scuttles, rectangle windows and watertight & weather-tight hatch (on weather deck above free-board deck ).4) Spray test for navigation bridge windows and weather-tight door(D class).1)試

55、驗(yàn)前應(yīng)對(duì)門、窗、艙口蓋進(jìn)行壓粉及靈活性檢查。2)人孔蓋應(yīng)與船體艙柜同時(shí)進(jìn)行水(氣)壓試驗(yàn)。3)水密門、風(fēng)雨密門(A、B、C級(jí))、舷窗、矩形窗和干舷甲板以上的露天水密及風(fēng)雨密艙蓋應(yīng)進(jìn)行沖水試驗(yàn)。4)駕駛室窗、風(fēng)雨密門(D級(jí))應(yīng)進(jìn)行淋水試驗(yàn)。5.2.1Hose test: The nozzle diameter of the jet should be 12.0 mm.The water pressure of the jet should be 0.2MPa.The distance to be kept 1.5m.Water should be jetted vertically agains

56、t the connecting seams up and down.沖水試驗(yàn):水槍噴水直徑為12.0mm,水壓為0.2MPa,噴水距離保持為1.5m,檢查內(nèi)部是否有滲漏現(xiàn)象。5.2.2Spray water to the outside of the test areas, let the water flow over the seams of the doors and windows, then check where it is leaking.淋水試驗(yàn):向所試部位外側(cè)淋水,使自由降落的水滴淋到門、窗、蓋接縫處,檢查有無(wú)滲漏。5.2.3Pressed chalk testIf hose test is impossible for destroying other equipment, maybe using Pressed chalk test under ABS surveyor approved.First paint chalk on door frame, and close the door, keep 1 minute, and then open th


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