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1、report on feasibility study on a socio-economics and biodiversity network in support of the control of hpai and other emerging or re-emerging transboundary animal diseases in africacheikh lyanthony mugishasimbarashe sibandafunso sonaiyajanuary 2009feasibility study on a socio-economics and biodivers

2、ity network in support of the control of hpai and other emerging or re-emerging transboundary animal diseases in africa contents1.introduction11.1outline of the document11.2background11.3rationale for the study11.4objectives of the study32.approach to the study33.existing experience43.1similar netwo

3、rks43.2focus and activities of existing and past networks73.3services and products of existing networks73.4value addition of existing livestock networks83.5challenges faced by existing networks93.6the need for a socio-economics and biodiversity network113.7the gaps to be filled by a socio-economics

4、and biodiversity network124.objectives and activities of the socio-economics and biodiversity network134.1objectives of the proposed network134.2proposed activities144.3members of the proposed socio-economics and biodiversity network164.4targeted audience174.5expected outcomes185.institutional arran

5、gements for sebnet185.1organization of the network185.2governance of the network195.3institutional and hosting arrangements196.planning and implementation of sebnet programmes227.funding arrangements and costs237.1funding arrangements237.2costs of setting up and running the network237.3financial man

6、agement248.conclusions249.bibliography25annex: list of contacts27abbreviationsa-aarnet asareca-animal agriculture research network afenetafrican field epidemiology network aheadanimal health for the environment and development aliveafrica partnership for livestock development, poverty alleviation an

7、d sustainable growth asarecaassociation for strengthening agricultural research in eastern and central africaasfafrican swine feverau-ibarafrican union inter-african bureau for animal resourcescaadpcomprehensive africa agriculture development programme cahnetcommunity animal health network cbppconta

8、gious bovine pleuropneumoniaccpp contagious caprine pleuropneumoniacebevhiracommunauté economique du bétail, de la viande et des ressourceshalieutiquesceeaccommunauté economique des etats de lafrique centralecemaccommunauté Économique et monétaire de l'afrique centr

9、alecirdescentre international pour la recherche et développement de lelevage en zone subhumidecoraf/wecardconseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le dévelopementagricole /west and central council for agricultural research and developmentcrescentre régional detudes scient

10、ifiquesdadnetdomestic animal diversity network ecapapaeastern and central africa programme for agricultural policy analysisectademergency centre for transboundary animal diseases ecowaseconomic community of west african statesfanrfood, agriculture and natural resources fanrpanfood, agriculture and n

11、atural resources policy analysis networkfaounited nations food and agriculture organization fmdfoot and mouth diseasegattgeneral agreement on tariffs and tradegtfcagreat limpopo trans-frontier conservation area hpaihighly pathogenic avian influenza ict information and communications technologyidrcin

12、ternational development research centreigadinter-governmental authority on development infpdinternational network for family poultry development ilriinternational livestock research instituteltclivestock technical committee mdgmillenium development goalmoumemorandum of understandingnd newcastle dise

13、asenepadnew partnership for africas development narsnational agricultural research systemspaappolicy analysis and advocacy programmepacepan-african control of epizooticspmuproject management unit ppr peste des petit ruminantsrahcregional animal health centre recregional economic communities/commissi

14、onsrepacréseau pour la promotion des animaux à cycle courtresecopréseau socio-economie et production pour la santé animaleroataréseau ouest africain de la traction animale rvfrift valley feversadcsouthern african development community sapasouthern african poultry association

15、 seanprensouthern and eastern africa policy research network sebnetsocio-economics and biodiversity networktadstrans-boundary animal diseases uemoaunion economique et monétaire ouest-africaine/ west africaeconomic and monetary unionuofaunion des organisations de la filière avicoleusdunited

16、 states dollar vphveterinary public healthwasapwest african society for animal productionwhoworld health organisationacknowledgementswe acknowledge the contribution by dr anni mcleod and the socio-economics team at the fao headquarters for their technical backstopping and input throughout the feasib

17、ility study. we would like to recognise the efforts by various individuals and organisations in the three sub-regions who contributed in facilitating the consultative process. special recognition to the fao-ectad unit managers and their staff in nairobi, bamako and gaborone, who were instrumental in

18、 organising the consultative workshops in their sub-regions. our appreciation to dr ahmed elsawahly, acting director, au-ibar, for availing the au-ibar conference hall free of charge for use during the nairobi workshop. we are highly appreciative of the understanding and the patience exhibited by th

19、e various stakeholders in the whole consultative process. we are also grateful for the support rendered by the staff of fao sub-regional office for eastern africa in addis ababa, for arranging meetings with the various stakeholders in ethiopia. lastly but not least, we would like to thank dr rene be

20、ssin, benjamin billiard and all their colleagues at the world bank headquarters for their technical and logistical support. executive summarybackgroundthe cost of an outbreak of a transboundary animal disease such as hpai can be devastating on livestock producers, consumers and other value chain pla

21、yers. the possible impact of such an outbreak includes market disruption and loss of livelihoods, structural changes to the industry and wide scale depopulation of livestock, leading to erosion of genetic diversity. therefore, the control of outbreaks of tads should be efficient, safe and environmen

22、tally sound, while minimising damage to livelihoods. in order to effectively control outbreaks of tads, it is necessary to ensure adequate financing, provide support systems to farmers and other value chain agents and timely information for planning and implementing tads control measures. there has

23、been no comprehensive analysis on the long term costs and impacts of the control of hpai and other emerging and re-emerging tads in africa. there are limited skills and knowledge and a mismatch between the sources and users of information on the impact of tads control on socio-economics and biodiver

24、sity. it has been suggested that a network may be a highly effective organisational form to produce, access and influence the use of such complex information. therefore, the alive partnership and the food and agriculture organization (fao), have been consulting on the feasibility of setting up a net

25、work on socio-economics and biodiversity for improved control of tads in africa. this led to the commissioning of this feasibility study. the objectives of the study were to review experiences from past and existing networks, define objectives and possible activities of the proposed network, describ

26、e the structure, organisation and institutional arrangements, impact and sustainability of the proposed network and the costs and financing mechanisms.approach to the studythe study was conducted through a stakeholder consultative process, comprising a review of literature on existing networks and r

27、elated experiences, visits to selected countries in three sub-regions of sub-saharan africa (west and central africa, eastern africa, and southern africa), meetings with international, regional and sub-regional organisations, e-conferences and one stakeholder workshop per sub-region. existing networ

28、k experiencethere have been many livestock and animal health-related networks in the three sub-regions. the networks have promoted livestock production, control of transboundary animal diseases, regional harmonization of animal health management, veterinary public health and food safety control syst

29、ems in order to improve trade in livestock and livestock products. however, hardly any of the networks have been involved in socio-economics and biodiversity information or studies, leaving a gap in information that could support policies and plans on tads control. most stakeholders were in support

30、of the idea of setting up a facility to provide information on socio-economics and biodiversity.the existing networks offer a number of services and products to their members, including information dissemination and exchange through conferences, meetings, scientific publications, setting up of lives

31、tock information systems, training and capacity building, research prioritization and coordination and resource mobilisation for joint research programmes.stakeholders offered some insights into factors that determine the success and sustainability of networks and the pitfalls that a network on soci

32、o-economics and biodiversity would need to take into account. these included good governance, political support at the highest level of organizations, a focused and urgent agenda, participation of stakeholders, an effective convenor, alignment of network and stakeholder strategies, simple organisati

33、onal structure, effective information dissemination and sustainable funding mechanisms, among others.objectives and activities of the proposed networkthe objective of a network on socio-economics and biodiversity in support of the control of emerging and re-emerging tads such as hpai is to provide t

34、imely and accurate information that would facilitate member states and the sub-regions to formulate animal health policies and plans that would allow livestock to make a significant contribution to economic development, food security and improved livelihoods of livestock keepers. the networks focus

35、will be on the following activities:strengthen the capacity of institutions and human resources in socio-economics and biodiversity at sub-regional and national levelscommission studies on the impact of tads control on socio-economics, biodiversity and livelihoods of peoplepromote harmonization of a

36、nimal health and tads control policies and procedurespromote environmental impact assessment of tads control measurespromote conservation of endangered livestock genetic linespromote information exchange and networkingset up a system of advocacy to influence animal health and tads control policies a

37、nd plansmobilize and disburse funds for projects and other network activities.membership of the proposed networkthe membership of the proposed network should be widened to include, not only socio-economists, but other disciplines such as veterinarians and epidemiologists, animal scientists, anthropo

38、logists, conservationists, environmental experts, livestock producers and representatives of other value chain agents such as farmer organisations and the private sector. the main audience of the networks activities would be ministries of agriculture and/or livestock, national veterinary services, r

39、egional officers in recs dealing with agricultural/livestock policies, universities, national research and extension organisations, international research institutions, international organisations involved in livestock development activities, livestock producers, processors and traders.institutional

40、 arrangements for the proposed networksub-saharan africa has such marked differences among its sub-regions that it would not be efficient to have a single network on socio-economics and biodiversity. the approach would be to have one network in each of the sub-regions of west and central africa, eas

41、tern africa and southern africa. the sub-regional networks would be supported by strong national chapters or platforms. au-ibar has the mandate for control of major transboundary livestock diseases, improvement of genetic and feed resources, development of livestock information, communication and te

42、chnology, enhancement of trade and marketing of livestock and livestock products, quality assurance of livestock and products of animal origin and harmonisation of livestock related policies and the legal framework. however, au-ibars preferred operational mode is through the recs in observance of th

43、e principle of subsidiarity. therefore, au-ibar would facilitate effective coordination and networking among the three sub-regional networks and disseminate information of regional interest.the network would be governed by a constitution, with a steering committee providing oversight. in order for t

44、he network to be accepted by policy makers, the steering committee would include representatives of au-ibar, recs, fao, relevant official structures at sub-regional and national levels, in addition to other members and value chain agents.the preferred long-term institutional arrangement for the netw

45、orks is to incorporate socio-economics and biodiversity issues into existing structures within the sub-regions in recs or other existing sub-regional and international structures, for example, epidemiology and information networks. however, in order to give full attention to the new networks and to

46、circumvent capacity challenges in existing sub-regional structures, an interim arrangement would be to set up each sub-regional network as a project for up to two three-year phases. this would be followed by incorporation of the network into existing structures once the networks were running.the pro

47、ject would have its own staff in the project management unit (pmu) which would act as the secretariat of the network. the pmu could be hosted at any suitable sub-regional, national or international organisation within each of the sub-regions. for now, indications are that the regional animal health

48、centre or the fao regional/sub-regional office could host the network in west and central africa, while fao-ectad may be a strong contender in eastern africa. a similar arrangement as in west and central africa could be considered in the sadc, although a project could be set up under the livestock p

49、rogramme of the sadc, with the livestock technical committee providing oversight.planning and setting up of the networkin each sub-region, the planning and setting up of the network could be done by a working group representing key stakeholders such as veterinary departments, veterinary training and

50、 other university institutions, international and national research organisations, au-ibar, regional economic communities (recs), the private sector, farmer organisations, other private sector and value chain agents. the working group would be responsible for preparing the project proposal, securing

51、 funding and identifying members of the steering committee to provide oversight to the network. funding mechanism and costingthe initial funding for the network will be through a project grant at the sub-regional level, with partial funding from the sub-regional level for national activities. subseq

52、uently, the project would be incorporated into existing structures at the sub-regional level. the cost of setting up and managing the network at the regional and focal points include the cost of a full-time coordinator and support staff at each sub-region, steering committees meetings, training and

53、capacity building programmes, data generation through contracted studies carried out by network member organizations and information dissemination activities and products. the cost estimates were based on international civil service scales and local scales where pertinent, and tax-free procurement o

54、f office furniture and equipment, local cost of utilities and regional and international travel. the total budget for each sub-region was estimated at usd 3,247,500 for the first three years. 1.introduction1.1outline of the documentthis is a report on the feasibility study on a socio-economics and b

55、iodiversity network in support of the control of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) and other emerging and re-emerging transboundary animal diseases (tads) in africa. the document comprises the following sections: background, rationale for and objectives of the study, approach to the study, ex

56、periences from past and existing networks, network objectives and possible activities, organisational and institutional arrangements, impact and sustainability of the proposed network, costs and financing mechanisms, conclusions and recommendations. 1.2backgroundthe cost of an outbreak of a transbou

57、ndary animal disease such as hpai can be devastating on livestock producers, consumers and other value chain players. the possible impact of such an outbreak include market disruption and loss of livelihoods, structural changes to the industry and wide scale depopulation of livestock, leading to ero

58、sion of genetic diversity. therefore, the control of outbreaks of tads should be efficient, safe and environmentally sound, while minimising damage to livelihoods.in order to effectively control outbreaks of tads, the following are required:· an efficient and transparent financing process · support systems to help farmers recover fro


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