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1、 BEC圖表題總匯 (一) Look at the chart below. They show the sales figures of three furniture companies, K, L and M, for eight different products AH.Which chart does each sentence 15 describe?For each sentence, mark one letter AH on you answer sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. 1. Sales of this pr

2、oduct were higher at M than at K or L.2. L has more than half of the market for this product.3. All three companies have an equal share of the market for this product.4. Ks sales of this product have not been as high as those of the other two companies.5. K has done as well with this product as the

3、other two companies together.l Look at the charts below. They show the share price for eight different companies during one month.l Which chart does each sentence 6-10 describe?l Do not use any letter more than once. 6. The share price reached its peak around the middle of the month and then dropped

4、 sharply.7. The share price climbed steadily before falling slightly towards the end of the month.8. The share price fell sharply before slowly recovering to the same level as at the beginning of the month.9. Except for a slight fall around the middle of the month, the share price showed little chan

5、ge.10. The share price showed a great improvement after the middle of the month.l Look at the charts below. They show the turnover of eight different companies in the food Industry over a period of three years.l Which chart does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?l For each sentence

6、, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.l Do not use any letter more than once. 11. This company's turnover dipped slightly in 1997, then rose dramatically the following year.12. This company's turnover fell in 1997 and not recovered. 13. This company's turnover showed significant g

7、rowth between 1996 and 1997, followed by only a small rise.14. This company's turnover peaked in 1997, dropping back considerably in 1998.15. This turnover of this company showed rapid growth throughout the period.·look at the graphs below .They show the imports and exports of eight differe

8、nt countries (A-H) over the same three-year period.·Which graph does each sentence (16-20) on the opposite page describe?·For each sentence ,mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.·Do not use any letter more than once. 16. Exports fell during the second year but then made a strong r

9、ecovery in the final year.17. Exports reached a peak at the beginning of the third year, while imports fell steadily through the whole period .18. Imports remained fairly steady for the first tow years before dropping dramatically in the third year .19. Exports dropped in the first year but then inc

10、reased considerably and overtook imports in the final year.20. Imports rose over the whole period ,while exports reached a peak at the beginning of the third year and then began to fall.Test7Questions 11-15· Look at the graphs below .They show the closing share prices at the end of each days tr

11、ading of eight different companies from Monday to Friday in one week.· Which graph does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence ,mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once. 11.In spite of a slight recovery towards

12、the end of the week ,the general trend was downward.12.After rising dramatically in the middle of the week ,prices fell back to their Monday level.13.Share prices dropped early in the week ,although there were then signs that they were becoming stable.14.After a steady rise for most of the week, pri

13、ces fell to well below their original level.15.Prices reached their peak at the close of the weeks trading.Test 8PART THREEQuestions 11-15· Look at the charts bellow. They show Internet sales compared to High Street sales of holidays offered by eight different travel companies during a three-ye

14、ar period.·Which chart does each sentence (1115) on the opposite page describe?· For each sentence, mark one letter (AH )on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once. 6 Although Internet sales started higher than High Street sales, they lost that lead when both dropped

15、in the middle of the period.7 High Street sales and Internet sales reached their peak in the middle of the period ,but Internet sales declined more sharply at the end .8 While both High Street and Internet sales rose throughout the period, High Street sales saw their greater increase in the middle y

16、ear.9 Both Internet and High Street sales dropped in the middle of the period, with the Internet always achieving fewer sales than the High Street.10 High Street sales fell from their early high point to equal Internet sales, and both then remained level at the end of the period.Test 10PART THREE (Q

17、uestions 1115) Look at- the graphs below. They show the sales from January to June. Which graph does each sentence in Questions (1115) describe? For each sentence mark one letter (AH) on your answer sheet.   11. The sales reached the peak in March. 12. The sales levelled off between A

18、pril and May.13. The sates dropped sharply in February. 14. The sales levelled off during January and February but increased suddenly in March. 15. The sales went,-up steadily in January, February and March and reached the peak in April. 圖表作文對(duì)于線性圖表的描述上升1. 對(duì)于上升趨勢(shì)的描述:to increase / an increaseto go upt

19、o grow / a growthto jump / a jumpto leap / a leapto reach a peak / a peakto soar / a soarto rise / a rise to upsurge / an upsurgeto upswing / an upswingto recover/ a recoveryto ascend/ on the ascendanceto surge/ an surgeto go up to climb to mount to level upto shoot to pick up an upward trend experi

20、ence an explosive growth an accelerationto swell manage a modest ( marginal ) gain on 最高點(diǎn):peaked;reached a peak/high(point) the highest the top the summit the most2. 對(duì)于上升到某個(gè)位置的描述:a.動(dòng)詞to具體數(shù)據(jù)。b.動(dòng)詞tothe peak of具體數(shù)據(jù)。c.動(dòng)詞reaching the peak of +具體數(shù)據(jù)。d.動(dòng)詞reaching + 具體數(shù)據(jù)。e. to peak at 具體數(shù)據(jù)f. to climb to + 具體

21、數(shù)據(jù)3. 對(duì)于上升的程度的描述:a.動(dòng)詞by 具體數(shù)據(jù)。b.動(dòng)詞副詞。下降1. 對(duì)于下降趨勢(shì)的描述:to collapse / a collapse to decline / a decline/ on the decline to drop / a drop to decrease / a decrease to fall / a fall to go down to reach a low point / a low point to reduce / a reduction to descend to lessen to level downto slideto wane/ on the

22、 waneto shrinkto slump/ a slumpto fall offto drop offto take a dipa downward trend最低點(diǎn):bottomed outreached the bottom2. 對(duì)于下降到某個(gè)位置的描述:a.動(dòng)詞to具體數(shù)據(jù)。b.動(dòng)詞tothe bottom of具體數(shù)據(jù)。c.動(dòng)詞reaching the bottom of +具體數(shù)據(jù)。d.動(dòng)詞reaching + 具體數(shù)據(jù)。3. 對(duì)于下降程度的描述:a.動(dòng)詞by 具體數(shù)據(jù)。b. 動(dòng)詞副詞。表示程度的詞:1. 程度較大: a great deal /big/a lotapparent

23、 / apparentlyclear / dearlyconsiderable / considerablyimportant / importantlydramatic / dramaticallygreat /greatlydrastic / drasticallymarked / markedlymuchobvious / obviouslyfastquick / quicklyrapid / rapidlyremarkable / remarkablysharp ,/sharplysignificant / significantlystrong / stronglysudden /

24、suddenlysteep/steeplymassive/ massively2. 程度較?。篴 bita littlefractional / fractionallygentle / gentlygradual / graduallyhardlylittleslight / slightlyslow / slowlysmallsteady / steadilystable/stablymarginallymoderate/ moderately3. 平穩(wěn)狀態(tài):to be hardly changedto have little/hardly any /no changeto keep st

25、eadyto level offto remain constant/steady/stableto remain unchangedto stay the sameremain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to4. 表示平穩(wěn):fluctuate/ a fluctuationrise and falls up and down5. 表示程度:almost adv. 幾乎,差不多 nearly adv. 幾乎,密切地 approximately adv. 近似的,大約 about adv. 附近, 大約,轉(zhuǎn)向,左右,周圍 just over 剛超過(guò)

26、over adv. 結(jié)束,越過(guò),從頭到尾 exactly adv. 正確地,嚴(yán)密地 precisely adv. 正好 精確地;清晰地 比例:20 per cent 20% one in three 1/3 one out of every four 1/4 占:occupy take up account for gain 而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact 相比:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with 5. 常用詞significant chang

27、es 圖中一些較大變化 noticeable trend 明顯趨勢(shì) during/withhin the same period 在同一時(shí)期distribute 分布,區(qū)別 unequally 不相等地 pronounced 明顯的 average 平均 corresponding adj. 相應(yīng)的,通訊的 represent vt. 闡述,表現(xiàn) overall 總體上講 except 除外 in the case of adv. 在的情況下 in comparison 相比之下 inversely adv. 相反地,倒轉(zhuǎn)地 range from 從到excessive adj. 過(guò)多的,過(guò)分

28、的,額外 lower v.降低,跌落 elapse vi.(時(shí)間)過(guò)去,消逝 時(shí)間的嵌入嵌入時(shí)間時(shí)所使用的介詞和介詞詞組:in; fromto; between.andduringand; at the start of ; by the end of ; over ; at the end of throughout 時(shí)間s + 具體數(shù)據(jù)上升和下降趨勢(shì)的組合描述(嵌入了時(shí)間和程度之后):1. 先上升后下降的句型:. increased slowly during and but fell sharply in .A steady fall in during and followed the

29、 sharp increase in .42. 先下降后上升的句型: fell before began to make a recovery continue the recovery, climbing to dropped during but increased again in fell and then pick up during collapsed before rising to at the end of 3. 起伏波動(dòng)的句型: fluctuated sharply all through 4. 波動(dòng)不大的句型: hardly changed through the per

30、iod between and 柱狀圖形的描述轉(zhuǎn)換為線形圖形的描述餅狀圖形的描述對(duì)于百分比進(jìn)行描述所使用的句型: % the is/has/have/are accounts for % of the total takes up % in the whole chart 比較主體 中的一部分 is / constitutes / accounts for % in the whole pie chart.趨勢(shì)的比較1. 表示相似的句型 (實(shí)例) :Both share prices rose sharply in January.Neither company has made a prof

31、it yet.Like X, Y fell in June.X rose just as sharply as Y.2. 表示差異的句型(實(shí)例):X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.X fell quickly compared to Y.Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.X rose far more dramatically than Y.3. 表示倍數(shù)的句型:the doubled/tripled in compared with those in A is in direct proportion to B=A i

32、s directly proportional to B. AB成正比A is in inverse/reciprocal proportion to B=A is inversely/reciprocally proportional to B. AB成反比。A has 倍數(shù) as many 可數(shù)的比較主體 as B. A是B的多少倍A has 倍數(shù) as much 不可數(shù)的比較主體 as B. 同上A has the same 比較主體 as B. AB相同,相等4. 客觀比較的句型: is in contrast to The 比較主體 in 地點(diǎn) in 時(shí)間 is in contras

33、t to in 地點(diǎn) in 時(shí)間. 數(shù)據(jù)的修飾1. 表示不足的詞或詞組:up to; below; under; almost; nearly2. 表示超過(guò)的詞或詞組:over; more than; just over3. 表示大約的詞:about一. 主章開頭 圖表類型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph 描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent 內(nèi)容:figure; statistic; nu

34、mber; percentage; proportion 開頭套句:The diagram unfolds a clear comparison betweenThis bar chart displays the numbers ofThese two pie charts show the differences between two groups ofThe table shows the changes in the number ofover the period fromtoThe bar chart illustrates thatThe graph provides some

35、 interesting data regardingThe diagram shows (that)The pie graph depicts (that)This is a curve graph which describes the trend ofThe figures/statistics show (that)The tree diagram reveals how上升趨勢(shì)的套句:The graphs show a threefold increase in the number ofthe situation reached a peak(a high point at) of

36、%.A is times as much/many as b.A increased byA increased toThere is an upward trend in the number ofA considerable increase/decrease occurred fromto(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in表示下降趨勢(shì)的套句:fromtothe rate of decrease slow down.from this year on,there was a gradual decline reduction in the,reachin

37、g a figure ofThe figures/situation bottomed out inThe figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a trough.表示持平不變的套句:be similar tobe the same asThere are lot similarities/differences betweenandA has something in common with bthe number ofremained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year)。The pe

38、rcentage ofstayed the same betweenandThe percentage remained steady atThe percentage ofis slightly larger/smaller than that ofThere is not a great deal of difference betweenand結(jié)尾The tree diagram reveals howthe data/statistics show (that)The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion thatAs is

39、 shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/tableAccording to the chart/figuresAs is shown in the tableas can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place inIn my opinion, Personally, I In short (= In brief) In conclusion, As far as Im concerned To conclude, It seems clear th

40、at 圖表作文是BEC考試中常出的題型。對(duì)于如何描述圖表,很多學(xué)習(xí)常感到困難。下面是一些常用的描述圖表的句型,供大家參考。 1. At a slower rate.2. It reflects the great differences that exist between.3. These figures were overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figure of.4. It can be seen from the chart that比較級(jí)).than.5. In all locations

41、, A out numbered B.6. These two pie charts (餅狀圖) show the differences between two groups of.7. The first point to note is the huge increase (in the number of).8. A is more than. times (bigger) than B9. The biggest loss was to A, which decreased from. to. of the whole.10. The biggest gains (in gradua

42、te numbers) were made by A which, as a group, have increased by over.11. To sum up, . 12. This bar chart displays the numbers of. 13. The chart reflects several trends.14. But. we see a different trend emerging. 15. When we compare., we see.16. This suggests increased educational opportunities for w

43、omen in higher education.17. According to the graph, . 18. The proportion of. 19. There was a slight recovery.20. . has dropped dramatically 21. The general trend appears to be increases.22. There were approximately. 23. . had jumped four fold to. 24. . rose sharply from. to.25. Remained constant at

44、. 26. The overall trend for. 27. The graph shows the percentage of.28. We can see that. swell during the. hours, peaking at. am.29. Although the raw data does not provide an explanation for these trends30. When coupled with the graphic information, leads to some possible conclusions.?31. This may se

45、rve to explain, at least in part, the mirror image of the two lines.32. Perhaps the most telling feature of the chart is the dominance of.33. The graph relates the percentage of. 34. Rise gradually to about 10%.35. After a slight drop around lunch time, audiences begin a fairly steady climb towards

46、the peak viewer ship in the hours from 6pm to 10pm at some 40-45%. 36. A sharp decline follows to.37. Listenership drops steadily from this peak, crossing the line for television views at around 2pm.38. It continues to decline throughout the evening until reaching a low point at 2am.39. The graph pr

47、oves the dominance of. 40. During the peak period of.41. The diagram unfolds a clear comparison between.42. The United States as a whole in four aspects, namely, .43. Obviously, in every aspect.44. . had a much higher growth rate than. as a whole during that period.45. The number of. increased by %.

48、46. The most rapid increase of all the four aspects. As to the other three, though the growth rates were not so high, they were indeed remarkable and impressive.47. The number of. dropped by %.48. From the diagram it can be safely concluded that (in the years).49. There were many significant changes

49、 (in modes of transport).50. The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.51. A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in.52. During the same period, there was a large increase.53. This increased again.The graph shows the share prices for Microsoft a

50、nd Apple. July-November 1999. Write a 120-14- word report describing and comparing the share prices.Report: Comparison of Microsoft Corporation and Apple Computer, Inc. sharesAt the start of the period Microsofts share price was virtually twice that of apple, by late November however, Apple had outs

51、tripped Microsoft with a share value of almost $100, $10 more than Microsoft.Microsoft saw its share prices change constantly; they reached a peak of $100 in mid-July, fell to under $80 in mid-August and then recovered to $90 by September. The share price then fluctuated at or around this level unti

52、l the end of November.Apple shares, on the other hand, showed an overall upward trend. The price rose from $45 per share in July to almost $80 by mid-September. Following a sharp fall at the beginning of October, the share price picked up and increased steadily, reaching a peak of $100 by the end of

53、 November.The graph shows unemployment in Italy and Germany, 1993-1998. Write a 120-14- word report comparing unemployment in the two countries.Unemployment in Italy and Germany, 1993 to 1998General trendUnemployment figures in both Italy and Germany rose significantly over the period from 1993 to 1

54、998.ItalyDespite an overall increase, the unemployment figures were characterized by number of peaks and troughs over the six years. In 1993 unemployment stood at just over 9% of the total workforce, rising to 12% in 1995. it then fluctuated around this level until 1998, never falling below 11.5%.Ge

55、rmanyIn contrast, unemployment in Germany rose steadily with far fewer fluctuations, increasing from 8.5% to almost 10% by late 1993. Despite an improvement the following year, with the level falling to just under 9.25%, the upward trend continued, with unemployment reaching a peak of 11.5% by the end of 1997. However, 1998 saw unemployment drop sharply to 10.7% before leveling off.The share prices of both IBM and AOL showed a general upward trend from June until the e


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