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1、 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | 2021年 MBA聯(lián)考英語二真題及答案|歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. 第第 11 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁2021 年 MBA聯(lián)考英語二真題及答案Directions:Section I Use of EnglishRead the following text. Choose the best word s for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. 10 points |精精.|品品.|可可

2、.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different , with academics, writers , and activists once again 1that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be def

3、ined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own allthe capital, and the masses will struggle in animpoverished wasteland.A differentand notmutuallyexclusive3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a differentsort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs togive their lives 5 ,people will simply become

4、lazy and depressed. 6 today s unemployed don t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll foundthat20percentofAmericanswhohavebeen unemployedforatleastayearreporthaving depression, doubletheratefor7 Americans.Also ,2第第 22 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎

5、迎.|下下.|載載. some researchsuggeststhatthe8 forrisingrates ofmortality,mental-healthproblems,andaddicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is whymany10 theagonizingdullnessofa joblessfuture. Butitdoesnt11 followfromfindingslike thesethata worldwithoutwork

6、would be filledwithunease.Such visionsarebased on the12 ofbeing unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.Inthe13ofwork ,asociety designedwithotherendsinmindcould14strikingly different circumstances for the futureof labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “M

7、any jobs are boring , degrading , unhealthy , and a waste of human potential ,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at theNational University of Ireland in Galway.Thesedays,becauseleisuretimeis relatively16 formost workers ,peopleuse theirfree time to counterbalance the intellectual andemotional17 oftheir

8、 jobs.“When I come home from a hard days work , I often feel18,” 3第第 33 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. Danaher says , adding, “In a world in which Idonthavetowork,Imightfeelrather different” perhapsdifferentenoughtothrow himself19 a hobby ora pass

9、ionprojectwiththeintensity usually reserved for20 matters.1. A boastingBdenying CwarningD ensuring2. A inequalityBinstabilityC unreliabilityD uncertainty3.ApolicyBguidelineresolutionD predictionC4.A characterizedBdividedCbalancedDmeasured5.A wisdommeaning BCgloryD freedom6.AInsteadB IndeedC4第第 44 頁頁

10、,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. ThusD Nevertheless7. A rich BurbanCworkingD educated8. A explanationBrequirementCcompensationD substitute9. AunderBbeyondCalongside D among10. A leave behind Bmake upCworryaboutD set aside11. A statisticallyBoccasional

11、lyCnecessarilyD economically12. A chancesBdownsidesC benefitsD principles13. AabsenceBheightC5第第 55 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁faceD course14.A disturbBrestoreexclude D yieldC15. A modelBpracticeCvirtueD hardship16.AtrickyBlengthyCmysterious D scarce |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下

12、下.|載載. 17. A demandsBstandardsCqualities D threats18. A ignoredBtiredCconfusedD starved19. A offBagainstCbehindD into20. AtechnologicalB professionalC6第第 66 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. educationalD interpersonal試題精析 答案C warning考點:上下文語義懂得解析:空格之后

13、的賓語從句部分“technology is replacing human workers.”結(jié)合選項,應(yīng)該選擇warning;其他三項AboastingB denyingD ensuring均不符合此處的語境要求,故均排除; 答案A inequality考點:上下文語義懂得空格單詞后面的句意看到了貧富對比,故作為上文對其進行概括關(guān)鍵應(yīng)挑選inequality; 答案D prediction考點:時態(tài)判定空格之后的內(nèi)容“holdsthatthefuturewillbe a wastelandofa differentsort ,”該定語從句是對空格詞匯的修飾與說明,既然文中用到了will這一個

14、表示將來時態(tài)的助動詞,故答案為 prediction; 答案A characterized考點:后置定語+固定搭配one 4 by purposelessness;其他三項均不符合,故排除;5. 答案B meaning考點:句間語義懂得Withoutjobstogivetheir lives5 , peoplewillsimply become lazyand depressed.空格所在句后面的表述與空格前的內(nèi)容屬于并列關(guān)系,由逗號連接;答案挑選meaning;A wisdomC gloryD freedom這些選項都表示褒義顏色和后面lazy、depressed沖突;6. 答案 B Ind

15、eed考點:上下文規(guī)律關(guān)系7第第 77 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁分析下四個選項可以看出并無表達因果關(guān)系故AThus 排除,另外 instead,nevertheless表示轉(zhuǎn)折語意,但是上下文規(guī)律并無表達;故AInsteadC ThusD Nevertheless均排除;7. 答案C working |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. 考點:上下文語義懂得One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been une

16、mployed forat least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans.依據(jù)上下文對比的語意對比料該挑選 working ;前面提到 unemployed ;此處在進行對比, 故挑選表示反義呼應(yīng)的詞 working ;8. 答案A explanation考點:句內(nèi)語意懂得 +固定搭配some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems ,andaddicting9poorly-

17、educatedmiddle-agedpeopleisshortageof well-paid jobs. 答案D among考點:句內(nèi)語義懂得、介詞辨析很明顯應(yīng)當指前者的發(fā)生范疇;瀏覽四個選項, among“在.中”表示范疇, 符合此處語義需要,故為答案; 答案C worry about考點:上下文語義懂得+句內(nèi)語義懂得Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. 答案C necessarily考點:上下文規(guī)律關(guān)系+句內(nèi)語義懂得But itdoesnt11 followfromfindingsl

18、ikethesethata worldwithoutwork would be filled withunease.But表示轉(zhuǎn)折語意; doesn't necessarily不肯定;符合此處語意需要,故為答案;12. 答案B downsides考點:上下文語義懂得后置定語Such visions are based on the12 of being unemployed in a society built on the8第第 88 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁concept of employment.答案的線索在于空格后面的介詞短語,后面提到beingunemployed;這是貶

19、義;其他選項均不符條件; 答案A absence |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. 考點:詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)In the13of work,a society designed withother endsinmind could14strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. 答案D yield考點:詞匯的一詞多義與搭配In the13 of work, a societydesigned witho

20、therends inmind could14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.該空格所選詞匯的主語是 a society賓語是 different circumstances.依據(jù)主謂一樣的原就應(yīng)當挑選yield;語義為:產(chǎn)生;15. 答案C virtue考點:上下文語義懂得overblown.一詞為解題線索;含義:吹散吹倒 表貶義;后面的內(nèi)容Manyjobsare boring , degrading , unhealthy, and a waste of human potent

21、ial,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.是對這句話的進一步說明,結(jié)合前后的上下文語義懂得,應(yīng)挑選virtue,其他選項均排除;16. 答案 D scarce考點:上下文語義懂得because leisure time is relatively16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional17 of their jobs.結(jié)

22、合常識認知及上下文懂得應(yīng)當挑選scarce ;17. 答案 A demands考點:上下文語義懂得依據(jù)語義的要求,瀏覽選項,只有demands符合語義要求;18. 答案 B tired考點:上下文語義懂得+常識9第第 99 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. “When I come home from a hard days work , I often feel18 ,” Danaher says ,adding , “In a world inwhich I

23、 donthave to work, I might feelratherdifferent”.19. 答案 D into考點:固定搭配 +句內(nèi)語義懂得perhaps different enough to throw himself19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for20 matters.“Throw oneself into .”意思是:一頭扎進;投身于,積極從事20. 答案B professional考點:復(fù)現(xiàn) +呼應(yīng)perhaps different enough to throw

24、 himselfinto a hobby or a passion project withthe intensityusuallyreservedfor20 matters.此處空格處答案和前面的intensity形成呼應(yīng)與關(guān)聯(lián);故此處professional符合語義需要,入選;Section II Reading ComprehensionPart A Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answe

25、rs on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)Text 1Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km aroundtheirlocalpark.The Parkrunphenomenonbegan witha dozen friendsand has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands ofvolunteers. Runners r

26、ange from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeley's world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour.Parkrun is succeeding where London's Olympic "legacy" is failing. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would

27、be in London. Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport lovers away from their couches. The population would be fitter,healthierand produce more winners. Ithas not happened. The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million

28、in the runup to 2021but the general populationwas growingfaster.Worse, the numbers arenow fallingatan acceleratingrate. Theopposition claims primaryschoolpupils doingat least two hours ofsport a week have nearly halved. Obesity has risen among adults and children. Officialretrospectionscontinueas to

29、why London 2021 failedto"inspirea generation."The success of Parkrun offers answers.Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. The ethos10第第 1100 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. welcomes anybody. There is as

30、 much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clappedover the lineas thereisabout toptalentshining.The Olympic bidders,by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dualaim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcome

31、rs.Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in theplanning of such a fundamentally "grassroots", concept as community sports associations. If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods making sure there is

32、space for playing fields and themoney to pave tennis and netball courts, andencouraging the provision of allthese activities in schools. But successive governments have presided over selling greenspaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education. Instead of

33、 wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive. Or at least not make them worse.21. 【題干】 According to Paragraph1, Parkrun has .【選項】Agained great popularity Bcreated many jobs Cstrengthened community ties Dbecome an official festival【答案】 A【

34、解析】由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞According to Paragraph 1,可以快速的定位到文中的第一段,第一段講了每周六大約有五萬多人都會在他們當?shù)氐墓珗@里跑步,跑步的年齡跨度之大:從4 歲的小伴侶到祖父母年紀的人都有;跑步所用的時間跨度也很大:從世界紀錄的13 分 48秒到一個小時;由此可見,這是一個全民運動,與A 選項的 great popularity相互對應(yīng),所以選 A.其他選項, B 制造了許多就業(yè)機會; C 增強了社會的凝結(jié)力;D 成為一個官方的節(jié)日;這幾個選項原文中都沒有涉及,所以排除;22. 【題干】 The author believes that London's O

35、lympic "legacy" has failed to .【選項】Aboost population growth Bpromote sport participation Cimprove the city's image Dincrease sport hours in schools【答案】 B【解析】可以發(fā)覺原文中其次段第一句話Parkrunissucceedingwhere Londons Olympic “l(fā)egacy ” isfailing與題干中的關(guān)鍵詞Londons Olympic “l(fā)egacy ” has failedto. 對應(yīng),所以可以

36、鎖定文章的其次段,從而找出解題的關(guān)鍵;其次段前半部分講了在最初的時候 Olympic 的目標,然而,事實卻事與愿違,.but the general population was growing faster. Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate.由這句話可以看出, Olympic 并沒有推動大眾的參與性,與預(yù)期的目標不符,所以挑選B;23. 【題干】 Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that it .【選項】11第第 1111 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |

37、精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. Aaims at discovering talents Bfocuses on mass competition Cdoes not emphasize elitism Ddoes not attract first-timers【答案】 C【解析】由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that.可以知道這是想考察 Parkrun和 Olympic 的區(qū)分;追溯到原文,可以看到文中的第三段第一

38、句話: Parkrun is not a race but a time trial.從這句話可以排除A 和 B,由于 A 和 B 都和競爭有關(guān), D 選項可以從這一段的這一句話:thereismuchjoyover a puffed-outfirst-timer being clapped over the line as there is .可知, Parkrun 有許多第一次參與的人,所以排除 D.最終可以知道,答案選C,由于 parkrun不是競賽,所以就不重視精英主義;24. 【題干】 With regardto masssport,the authorholdsthatgovern

39、ments should .【選項】Aorganize "grassroots" sports events Bsupervise local sports associations Cincrease funds for sports clubs Dinvest in public sports facilities【答案】 D【解析】由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞the governments should.,可以知道,命題人想要考察的是對于 Parkrun這一項大眾運動,政府應(yīng)當做點什么;所以,考生要快速的定位到原文中有關(guān)政 府的段落,即第四段,If there is a role

40、 for government, it should really be gettinginvolved in providing common goodsmaking sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision ofall theseactivities in schools.從這里可以知道,作者期望政府能夠為Parkrun 供應(yīng)場所和錢,并針對學(xué)校制定相關(guān)條例以勉勵全民運動;由此可以排除A,B,C.最

41、終挑選 D;25. 【題干】 The author'sattitudeto what UKgovernments have done forsportsis .【選項】Atolerant Bcritical Cuncertain Dsympathetic【答案】 B【解析】由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞the author sattitudetowhat UKgovernment have done forsport可以再次鎖定原文中關(guān)于政府的部分,可見這一題與24 題是有肯定聯(lián)系的;第四段一開頭作者提出了自己對政府的期許,但是事實上, 政府卻沒有達到這一期許; But successive gov

42、ernment have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from localauthorities and declining attention on sport in education.政府負責(zé)賣地,從地方政府壓榨金錢,不重視學(xué)校的體育運動;可見,此處作者指責(zé)政府的一系列行為,由此可以得出答案B. tolerant:寬容的,容忍的;uncertain:模糊的,不確定的;sympathetic:憐憫的,贊同的;Text 212第第 1122 頁頁,共共 2299 頁頁 |精精.|品品.|可可.|編編.|輯輯.|學(xué)學(xué).

43、|習(xí)習(xí).|資資.|料料. * | * | * | * | |歡歡.|迎迎.|下下.|載載. With so much focus on childrens use of screens, it's easy for parents to forgetabouttheirown screen use.“Tech isdesignedtoreallysuck on you in, ” says Jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promotemaximal

44、engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine.”Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by givingmother-childpairsa food-testingexercise.She foundthatmothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 percent few

45、er verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbalinteractionswiththeirchildren.Duringa separateobservation,she saw thatphones became a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking at their emailswhile the children would be making excited bids for their attention.Infants are wired to look at pare

46、nts faces to try to understand their world, andifthose facesare blankand unresponsive as they oftenare whenabsorbed ina deviceitcan be extremelydisconcertingfoe the children.Radesky citesthe“stillface experiment ” devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it,a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on ablank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The child bec


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