已閱讀5頁,還剩19頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、典范英語61、海象加入了“表演” 2、吵鬧的鄰居3、皮皮公主的假期4、哦!奧托5、科密特船長與紫色星球6、叢林短褲7、來自奧姆的蒙面清潔女工8、蒙面清潔女工反敗為勝9、蒙面清潔女工面對海盜10、水母鞋11、花朵街的狗老大12、玉米片硬幣13、幽靈船14、機器狗15、球王貝利16、北極英雄17、拓荒女孩18、我的朋友曼德拉 每個身處北極的動物都很興奮,因為這里即將舉行一場人人都可以參加的演出?!拔乙硌莼北睒O狐說,“我對此很在行”?!拔乙硌莘疃贰保睒O熊說,“沒人翻筋斗能比我好”“我唱歌吧”,海豹說,“每個人都說我嗓音很美?!澳俏揖捅硌轁撍伞宾L魚說,“你們知道,我以前在學??墒悄眠^潛水


3、表演簡直是無與倫比的完美,海象非常喜歡她的表演,狐貍表演這一切似乎都是那么的簡單輕松。海象認為如果自己也真正的去嘗試,一定也能像狐貍表演的那么好。海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐貍一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷著,“快,看我” 然而,海象并沒能滑多久,他只是把一切搞砸,摔了一跤,他撞到狐貍,狐貍摔倒壓在他的臉上,真糟糕!狐貍被他搞得心煩。“海象搞砸了我的演出”狐貍悲嘆說接下來,到了北極熊表演了,他蜷縮起來像一個雪球一樣在冰面上滾動,眾人都為他鼓掌,然后他就開始準備翻筋斗了,他又跳又滾,翻著筋斗,又倒立。海象看著北極熊的表演并被深深吸引,他覺得這是時候了,如果他去表演,他也能像北極熊一樣翻筋斗。突然,海

4、象又情不自禁的跳到冰上 “我能翻筋斗了”他叫嚷著,“快,看我”但是還想根本沒能翻筋斗,他只是把一切包扎,摔了下來,搞砸了北極熊的表演。當然,北極熊也非常生氣,“海象搞砸了我的演出”他悲嘆的說。 典范英語 6 第一冊譯文海象參加表演1. 海象會做什么呢?每個身處北極的動物都很興奮,因為這里即將舉行一場人人都可以參加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪,”北極狐說,“我對此很在行。” “我要表演翻筋斗,” 北極熊說,“沒人翻筋斗能比我好。” “我唱歌吧,”海豹說,“每個人都說我嗓音很優(yōu)美。 “那我就表演潛水吧”鯨魚說,“你們知道,我以前在學??墒悄眠^潛水獎牌的。” 之后大家都看著海象,問他:你表演什么呢? 但

5、是海象什么都不擅長,既不會滑雪也不會翻筋斗。他的歌唱得很糟糕,而他潛水時,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象難過地坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “沒關(guān)系,”北極狐說,“你可以看我們表演啊”。 北極狐,北極熊,海豹和鯨魚都在為那場大型演出而努力練習著,而海象卻躲在一個雪堆后面,一邊看著他們一邊嚼著他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅長些什么。2. 盛大的夜晚終于,表演的盛大夜晚到來了,每個人都坐下來等待演出的開始。海象坐在最前排,他很激動.狐貍走到冰上向大家示意,眾人都歡呼著。狐貍開始表演滑冰了,他時而前滑,時而后退,時而向兩邊滑去,他滑出一個個優(yōu)美的圓圈,并8字型的滑著,她的表演簡直是無與倫比的完美,海象非常

6、喜歡她的表演,狐貍表演的這一切似乎都是那么的簡單輕松。 海象認為如果自己也真正的去嘗試,一定也能像狐貍表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐貍一起滑冰?!拔夷芑?,”他叫嚷著,“快,看我!” 然而,海象并沒能滑多久,他只是把一切都搞砸了,摔了一跤,他撞到狐貍,狐貍摔倒,壓在他的臉上,真糟糕! 狐貍被他搞得心煩?!昂O髮⑽业难莩龈阍伊?,”狐貍悲嘆著說。 接下來,該是北極熊表演了,他蜷縮起來像一個雪球一樣在冰面上滾動,眾人都為他鼓掌,然后他就開始準備翻筋斗了,他又跳又滾,翻著筋斗,還表演了倒立。 海象看著北極熊的表演并被深深吸引,他覺得這是時候了,如果他去表演,他也能像北極熊一樣翻筋斗。 突

7、然,海象再次情不自禁的跳到冰上 “我能翻筋斗了,”他叫嚷著,“快,看我!” 但是海象并沒能翻筋斗,他只是把一切都搞砸了,摔了一跤,搞砸了北極熊的表演。當然,北極熊也非常生氣,“海象搞砸了我的演出”他悲嘆地說。3. 由壞變糟(越來越糟)接下來該海豹表演了。他先瞪了海象一眼,那意思好像在說“看你敢!”然后她就開始唱歌了:“啊,當我看到北極光時,我的內(nèi)心是多么高興!我的耳朵里滿是夜晚聽到的甜美的歌聲。”海象在聽。多么美妙的歌啊!當然,如果他也試一下的話,他是否會像海豹唱得那樣好呢?哎呀,天??!海象又一次控制不住自己了。“我知道那首歌,”他喊道,“我也會唱這首歌?!彼先ラ_始和海豹一起唱起來。但是海


9、我也會潛水呢!”但就在那時,鯨魚已經(jīng)準備好要噴出一大柱水。只聽“噗嗤”一聲,鯨魚把海象高高地噴到了空中。此刻大家都在看海象表演呢,沒有人在觀看鯨魚的表演。當海象撲通一聲落到海面上時,大家又是歡呼又是鼓掌。鯨魚氣瘋了?!澳阏媸莻€瞎攪和的、沒本事的小丑!”鯨魚怒吼著,“現(xiàn)在你必須馬上滾開!”鯨魚發(fā)怒時確實很嚇人。海象夾著尾巴逃走了。他躲在一個雪堆后面,感到悲傷、難過和懊悔。4. 演出還要繼續(xù)演出結(jié)束了。狐貍、北極熊、海豹和鯨魚站成一排。他們滿面通紅,想著要是海象沒有來搗亂該多好啊。但是每個人都在拼命地歡呼?!案傻煤茫睒O熊!干得好,海豹!狐貍和鯨魚,你們也都了不起!”他們在歡呼?!翱墒?,那個小丑哪

10、里去了呢?他為什么不在這里呢?海象去哪兒去了?” 躲在雪堆后面的海象聽到了這些歡呼聲。人們也在為他歡呼嗎?是的,確實是這樣。他一步一拖地走向狐貍、北極熊、海豹和鯨魚他們?!罢娴姆浅1福彼f?!澳銘摳械奖?,”狐貍說?!暗侵辽倜總€人都認為你也是表演中的一部分啊,”北極熊說?!拔蚁胧前?,”海豹說,“假如下次海象真的可以參加我們的演出的話,也不會再壞到哪里去的?!焙O笮老踩艨窳恕!澳銈冋f的是我嗎?”他喊道,“你們是認真的嗎?我也可以參加演出了嗎?下次你們允許我參加嗎?”“是的,”鯨魚說?!澳菢泳涂梢园踩嗔恕:煤酶?,你可以來演小丑?!焙O罂炭嘤柧?,真的變成了一個優(yōu)秀的小丑?,F(xiàn)在他是那么優(yōu)秀,

11、狐貍、北極熊、海豹和鯨魚都為他能參加表演而高興。有時,當海象作為小丑到處演出時,他們四個也都克制不住自己,也都要參加進去表演的呢。2、吵鬧的鄰居 Nosiy neighbours. 英文概述There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours. They are very clever, they got lots of money from that man, and stay together.The rich man only got money, but he don't know how to enjo

12、y this life, he is lonly.He always thought about his money not other people. In the future, I want to be the person who like Poppy Plink or Carl. Their heart are full of happyness, they are hopeful.以下是翻譯(編輯過了)1. Flinch  先生  在一個難看的、灰色的城鎮(zhèn)中,有一座難看的、灰色的的房子,房子中生活著一個不快樂的男人。    不是由于

13、他的房子是灰色的才使得Flinch先生不快樂,他也不是窮導致不快樂,因為他并不窮。Flinch先生是一個吝嗇鬼。他從未給過別人一個便士(他從未給過別人一個微笑/他從未對別人露出過笑容),他是一個吝嗇、凄慘的人。    Flinch很悲慘,是因為他的鄰居。    Flinch先生那灰色的、難看的房子的一側(cè),有一座朱紅色的房子,那是屬于修理工Carl Clutch的。    Carl愛汽車、摩托車、面包車和卡車。每天早上,F(xiàn)linch先生醒來時,不斷地聽到錘子的砰砰聲、扳手的當啷聲和發(fā)動機加速運轉(zhuǎn)時的轟鳴聲。

14、整條街道都跟著噪聲晃動起來。    另一側(cè),在天藍色的房子里,住著一位叫Poppy Pink的音樂教師。每天早上,Poppy坐下來,在她那架大鋼琴上彈奏美妙的曲子。早餐后,她的學生陸陸續(xù)續(xù)到達了。    小提琴發(fā)出刺耳的聲音,鼓發(fā)出雷鳴般的聲音,低音管也在咆哮著,F(xiàn)linch先生關(guān)上了窗子,但這聲音還是穿透了墻壁。嘣蹦、嘟嘟、砰!他的整座房子也震動顫抖起來了。    他把手指放在他的耳朵旁邊。    他在墻上敲擊以表示抗議但他的鄰居們聽不見。   

15、; 他們實在是太高興了。他們修理汽車,演奏音樂,他們喜歡自己的工作。    嘣蹦、嘟嘟、砰!     Flinch先生又砸東西又斥責,直到他把墻紙敲破了好幾個洞也沒有見效。    Flinch先生曾把自己鎖在壁櫥里,他用舊毛巾把頭包起來。    他憤怒的寫了許多信,但又把它們?nèi)妓核榱耍班]票的花費太貴了!”他說。    甚至到了床上,他也戴上一頂帽子來阻止噪音。    但是發(fā)動機還是在加速旋轉(zhuǎn),音樂還是在不斷的加重

16、。    Flinch先生的悲慘感覺就像被夾在噪音三明治里面一樣。    不能再這樣繼續(xù)下去了!Flinch對自己說,他甚至響亮的吼了起來。2拙劣的伎倆(惡劣的詭計)    Flinch先生到隔壁去敲Carl先生的房子,Carl在修汽車,他很容易地偷偷溜進了他的廚房,把一只死老鼠放在了他的冰箱里。    “就要擺脫他了!” Flinch說,同時他還賤兮兮的笑了一下,“沒有人愿意住在一間有老鼠的房子里!”    在午夜 Flinch爬上了

17、自己的屋頂, 他小心翼翼地爬過屋頂?shù)乃槠H缓?,他把頭伸向鮑比的天窗,發(fā)出長長的一聲“呼嗚”(他在學鬼叫)。    “這樣就把她處理掉了,” 他咧嘴一笑(冷笑著)。 “沒有人愿意住在一間有鬼的房子。”    然后,他爬了下去,回家睡覺去了。    第二天一早,F(xiàn)linch被很大的噪聲吵醒了,汽車和卡車停在外面,他看了看窗外。Carl坐在道路外面,那里有一張桌子、 一個水壺、一些面包和一瓶番茄醬。(牌子上寫著:這里賣早餐)Carl 對Flinch先生喊道:“我的廚房今

18、天不能用了,呃,里面有老鼠了,我媽媽正在打掃清理廚房,她讓我到外邊來吃早飯。那就是我為什么想到這個好主意:外賣早餐,司機們可以在這里停車并且買早餐?!?#160;   就在這時,Poppy從她家的藍色的前門里面跑了過來, “噢Flinch!噢Carl! 我想告訴你們昨晚發(fā)生的事情/猜猜昨天晚上發(fā)生了什么?!?#160;   “我猜不著,”Flinch自鳴得意地笑著說,“你快說吧。”    Poppy高興的眉開眼笑,“昨天晚上天使們在我的煙囪里唱歌了,他們真的唱了,我保證?!?#160;他皺著眉說。

19、0;“但這音樂不是很好聽!我想他們想找些新歌來唱。天使們想讓我來寫這種音樂。我一定會寫的!哦,我一定要寫!”    她做到了。     Poppy不得不又教了一天的音樂。    但是在夜里,她寫出了天使音樂,這樣的音樂又好聽又熱鬧。音樂里用到很多鐃鈸和小號的演奏。(即在演奏時有很多噪音)。    對Flinch來說簡直受夠了。            

20、0;                              3. Flinch有了新的計劃     Flinch到了隔壁Carl的家里。     他拿出一大把鈔票,“只要你一搬家,這些錢就是你的了!”他說。 

21、;    “都按你說的做,頭兒,”Carl在一塊抹布上擦了擦臟手。     “只要我能修理汽車,讓我去哪里我都樂意?!盋arl繼續(xù)說,“我一賣掉房子就馬上搬走?!?#160;    Flinch又去敲Poppy的門,表示愿意出很多錢給她。“只要你一搬家,這些錢就是你的了!”他說。     “當然 !如果這是你想要的結(jié)果的話,親愛的!”Poppy大聲說道。     她這輩子還從沒見過這么多錢?!爸灰形业囊魳?/p>

22、,我去任何地方都行,我到哪里 都會是快樂的。當我把房子賣了我將馬上搬走?!?#160;    Flinch快樂的回了家。怎么說呢,一個像Flinch先生這樣的人還從來沒有這么高興過。     他把手伸進空空的口袋里摸了摸,深吸一口氣說:“所有的錢都沒了!但是很快那些吵鬧的鄰居也會離去的!”沒有過幾天,F(xiàn)linch先生的鄰居們都賣掉了他們的房子。現(xiàn)在,他終于得到了和平與寧靜,除了空空的地下室里老鼠的抓撓的噪音外,就什么也沒有了。       

23、60;                                               4 搬家日  

24、60;   Flinch先生在Poppy 搬家時觀察著,當她將鋼琴跌跌撞撞的推下樓梯時,鋼琴發(fā)出“蹦-叮當”的聲音。      “你們終于去了,你們這些害人蟲?”他嘀咕道。我真同情即將住到你隔壁的人!”       看見Flinch后,Poppy揮手向站在窗口的他告別。“運氣太好了,F(xiàn)linch先生!”她喊道,“真想不到!幾天前我遇到了一個人,他也想搬家,于是我們同意將房子互換一下?!? 就在這時,卡爾走出了他的前門,拿著兩個沉重的工具箱。他看見Poppy

25、正吃力的搬運著豎琴,便過去幫她,“準備好了嗎,Poppy?”他問道。  “都 準備好了,卡爾!真好玩?。 彼鸬馈?#160; 然后卡爾搬進了Poppy的明亮的藍色的房子,Poppy搬進了卡爾的朱紅的房子。  他們互相幫助搬運著大件的東西,像桌子、沙發(fā)等。  然后卡爾辦了個喬遷聚會。他與Poppy都在歌唱,因為他們都很高興:“再沒有比家里更好的地方了”!  隔著自家房子的墻壁,F(xiàn)linch先生正好聽得見這些聲音甚至當他躲進碗櫥里,或是用毛巾裹在頭上也能聽見。3皮皮公主的假期 第三節(jié)3 The road home"If you stay

26、ed here a bit longer ,you might start liking the seaside ,"said Daisy. But Princess Pip wasn't listening.She was putting all her I mportant things I n her suitcase . "I think we'll have to take some things out ,"said Daisy. Daisy found them both backpacks ,and the set out for

27、home. Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road . I t was very hot . "Let's have a nice ,cool snack,"said Daisy. So they got some fish sticks from a stall. "These aren't bad ,"admitted Princess Pip. "They taste best by seaside ,"said D

28、aisy."I'll show you where the fish come from ,if you like." They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea awished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as I f I t was made of gold. "Look I n these pools ,"said Daisy. The fish were hard to catch. "You co

29、uld take your stockings off ,"said Daisy,"and use them for nets." I t was nice without shoes and stockings on. I t was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown. The fish looked very cross at being caught , so Princess Pip let them go. "It's not too bad he

30、re,"said Princess Pip ,at last."I want to stay here all the time. " "Let's build a sandcastle ,then," said Daisy. "A sand HOUSE ,"said Princess Pip . I t was hard work,but they build a huge house,with a moat all around. Soon the sea came I n and filled the moat

31、. "That's just right ,"said Princess Pip."Make I t stop coming I n now ,Daisy." But the sea kept on coming I n and soon I t had washed their house FLAT. "We build our house too close to the sea ," said Daisy ,sadly. "STUPID SEA !" shouted Princess Pip. &qu

32、ot;STUPID SEASIDE ! I WANT TO GO HOME!"They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as I f I t was made of gold.'Look I n these pools,'said Daisy .他們走下一些石頭的梯級到一個海水翻得前翻后仰發(fā)出嗖嗖的聲音和地上看上去好像是用黃金做成的一個地方.Daisy說 看看池的下面place pleissw

33、ished swi (這是單詞原型的音標)backwards 'bækwdzforwards 'f:wdzground graundmade :meidgold. :guldpools, pu:l第21頁:. and soon I t had washed their house FLAT.'We built our house too close to the sea,' said Daisy, sadly.'STUPID SEA!' shouted Princess Pip. 'STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT

34、TO GO HOME!'第22頁:4 Riding the dragonPrincess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks.'I'm tired,' said Princess Pip, very soon, 'I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?''Why don't you ride one of the horses on that merry-go-round?' s

35、uggested Daisy.4、哦!奧托Otto is a boy from outer space who gets confused when he takes what people say literally.However when he's in a treasure hunt at school, he's able to solve the clues and beat the other children to the treasure. 班上來了一位新同學,叫奧托,他的皮膚是綠色的.奧托總是把事弄的得非常糟糕,老師總是不批評奧托,她總批評查理.查理決定要捉

36、弄奧托,他嚇唬奧托說校長辦公室有一只熊.奧拓很害怕.下午,有一個尋寶游戲,查理和Josh走到校長辦公室的時候,看到了一個黑影,查理被嚇跑了,他以為真的有熊.這時奧托找到了寶藏,是一盒巧克力金幣.奧拓原諒了查理,并把大家逗笑了,大家喊道:"哦,奧托!" 5、科密特船長與紫色星球when spanner the robot plants his flag on a new planet,he discovers that the planet is a space monster!captian Comet leads the space monster into a grou

37、p of asteroids and when it starts to eat them ,he and Spanner make their escape. It was quiet morning at morning at stardust space Station. Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle. Captain Comet was watering the plants and Spanner the robot was bored. can I sit at the control desk? He asked. A

38、ll right, said Captain Comet, But dont touch anything and dont press that red button. Spanner sat down at the desk and looked at all the buttons. There were buttons to open all the space station doors and buttons to turn on all the lights. There was even a button to flush all the toilets! There was

39、also a big red button, labeled Gravity. Ill press it very quickly, said spanner, to see what it does. He pressed the red button. Captain Comet was watering the plants when he had a strange feeling. He was floating above all floating, too. He guessed what had happened. Spanner! He shouted, I told you

40、 not to touch that red button! There was no gravity in space, so the space station made its own. Spanner pressed the red button to make the gravity cone back on again-and all the pot plants fell to the floor. Spanner! Comet groaned. It must be a planetSpanner was cleaning up the mess for the rest of

41、 the morning.When he turned the cleaner off, everyone heard a beeping noise. The noise was coming from the space scanner.Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to look.The scanner has found something, said Comet.He pointed to a found something, said Comet.He pointed to a flashing, dot that w

42、as moving across the screen.I wonder what it is? Said Captain Stella.Is it an asteroid? Asked spanner. An asteroid? Asked Spanner. An asteroid is a lump of rock that floats in space.I know that! Said captain Comet. Anyway, its too big to be an asteroid.Then it must be a planet, spanner said.Where ha

43、s it come from? Asked Comet. And why is it moving so fast?You d better go and have a look, said Captain Stella.Comet and Spanner set off in the space shuttle to look for the new planet. Spanner was very excited.Ive never found a new planet before, he said. What shall we call it?Lets find it first, s

44、aid Comet.But Spanner wasnt listening. Im going to call it Planet Spanner, he said.Spanner made a humming noise and a flag came out of a slot in his chest.What are you doing? asked Comet.Ive made a flag to put on planet spanner. Then everyone will know that we were the first to find it, Spanner expl

45、ained.He showed Comet the flag. It was bright red with two spanners on it.Comet had to smile. Very nice, he said.On the purple planet The planet looked very strange. It was purple and covered in huge spikes. Comet landed the shuttle carefully on the planet. Then he got out to have a look around. Spa

46、nner stayed in the shuttle, making a flagpole for his flag. Spanner found a metal rod. He fastened the flag to one end of the rod and put the other end into a hole in his chest. There was a noise like an electric pencil sharpener. When he took the rod out again, it had a nice sharp point. Comet was

47、looking at one of the giant purple spikes, it felt soft and warm. Thats very odd, thought Comet, this spike feels like its alive. Just then Spanner arrived with his new flagpole. I name this planet- planet Spanner. He said proudly. No! stop! Comet yelled. But before Comet could stop him, Spanner ham

48、mered the sharp flagpole into the ground. There was a huge roar. What was that? Asked Spanner. Quick, back to the shuttle shouted comet, as the ground began to shake. They strapped themselves into their seats and Comet blasted off. Spanner looked at the screen. The planets surface was spinning aroun

49、d. Then the opening of a big, dork cave came into view. Around the outside of the opening were large, jagged rocks. Look. Said Spanner. Theyre like giant teeth. Comet stared at the screen. Thats because they are giant. Its not a planet said Comet, its a space monster. Gasped Spanner. Space chaseWhy

50、is it so angry with us? Cried Spanner.Youve just hammered a big sharp flagpole into its backside, explained Captain Comet.The huge teeth snapped shut behind them. It wants to eat us. Wailed Spanner. Weve got to get away. Thats what Im trying to do. Said Comet. But its too fast. Comet fired the shutt

51、les jets. Then he tried to make a sharp turn, as the monster zoomed towards them. What are we going to do? Cried spanner. Just then, Captain Stellas face appeared on the screen. She had been watching then on the space scanner. Captain Comet tried to make another sharp turn. The space monster was get

52、ting closer and closer. Are you all right? Captain Stella asked. Whats going on? Were going to be eaten. Wailed Spanner. By a prickly purple space monster the size of a planet. Apart from that, everythings fine, said Comet, making the shuttle dive to dodge the giant teeth. Can I help? Asked Captain

53、Stella. No, said Comet. Youre too far away. Is there anyone closer? Stella looked at the space map and shook her head. No, there are no space stations or planets- only asteroids, she said. Asteroids. Comet said. Tell me where they are. Ive got an idea. Into the Asteroidsthe space shuttle zoomed towa

54、rds the asteroids.Spanner and Comet had never been so close to the asteroids before.Some of the asteroids were as big as office blocks.What are you doing? cried spanner, as Comet flew through a spanner, as Comet flew through a narrow gap between two through a narrow gap between two giant asteroids.

55、If you hit one of them at this speed, well be smashed to bits.Its the only way to get away from the monster, explained Comet. The gaps are so narrow, it cant follow us.Comet was right. The space monster stopped chasing them. Then it flew up to an asteroid-and took a big bite out of it.Comet and Span

56、ner watched as the monster chomped its way happily through two or three asteroids.It eats asteroids. Spanner said.Im glad it didnt eat us! Comet smiled.We didnt find a new planet after all, grumbled Spanner, on the way back to the space station.No, said Comet. But we did find a new kind of space mon

57、ster.Thats true, said Spanner. But how will anyone know that we were the first to find it?Captain Comet took one last look at the purple monster and smiled.Oh, theyll know. After all, it does have your flag sticking out of its bottom. He said.6、叢林短褲lenny does not want to wear his jungle shorts for f

58、ootball,but he gets a nice surprise when he sees his friends.三班的學生連尼得到了一個好消息,他們班將要上足球課。連尼懇求母親給他買足球用品。第二天,母子倆來到市場,看到了一條合身的短褲,因為價格昂貴,媽媽便給連尼買了一條叢林短褲,這令他很失望。但是當他在見到他朋友時,竟看到有五個同學都穿著叢林短褲。隨后,他們進行了五人制足球賽,雄獅隊獲得了冠軍。 he pulled at his mums hand.他拉起他的媽媽的手They struggled through the crowds trying to find real foot

59、ball shorts.他們費力地穿過人群試著去找真正的足球短褲They found lots of shorts that were too big and a little white pair that was too small.他們找到了許多短褲它們都太大看,但一個小號白色的短褲又太小了When they did find a pair in Lenny's size they cost far too much money.當他們找到了適合Lenny的尺寸時,這條短褲得費太多錢了7、來自奧姆的蒙面清潔女工the castle is in terrible mess, so

60、,Princess Jane lets three masked cleaning ladies in to help, but who are they? 城堡很臟,沒人想要清理。哈利國王說他和兩個上??梢宰黾覄铡5腔屎蟛辉试S。他說這樣有失臉面,皇帝應該去獵龍。然后她就出去旅行了,并囑咐國王和上校去找一個清潔工和獵龍。簡公主要呆在家里并且不讓任何人進來。之后有三個人按門鈴,她們說自己是來自奧姆的女清潔工,他們的家務做得很棒。但她們很奇怪。他們不想把面具拿下來。所以簡就想了一個辦法并知道了他們是自己的爸爸和兩個上校。他們沒有去獵龍!但之后簡就原諒他們了,大家合騙了皇后,皇后很為國王自豪,他也

61、允許簡的朋友們到家里玩了。所有人都很開心There was a problem at the castle. The royal cleaner give up. Queen Norah told the rest of the royal family. For a start cannot have your friends round here. Because they make too much mess. King Harry think perhaps we can all try to keep the castle tidy.Queen Norah dont.Princess Jane wrote a notice.She pinned it to the castle door.Cleaner wanted Good Pay Ask at the Castle.The days went bu and nobody came to ask about the clean


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