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1、 在我們國(guó)家,野生動(dòng)物在我們國(guó)家,野生動(dòng)物的數(shù)量的數(shù)量在不斷減在不斷減少。少。其中一些其中一些甚至瀕臨滅絕。甚至瀕臨滅絕。原因如下原因如下: 濫伐濫伐樹木樹木 以以修建房屋,修建房屋,導(dǎo)致導(dǎo)致一些動(dòng)物沒有一些動(dòng)物沒有了棲息地;了棲息地;而且而且,農(nóng)民,農(nóng)民濫濫用農(nóng)藥,用農(nóng)藥,威脅威脅一一些動(dòng)物的生命。些動(dòng)物的生命。除此之外除此之外,為了為了賺錢,人賺錢,人們們?yōu)E殺濫殺珍惜野生動(dòng)物。珍惜野生動(dòng)物。 依我看依我看,該是時(shí)候我們,該是時(shí)候我們采取措施采取措施改變改變現(xiàn)現(xiàn)狀狀了。我們不能濫砍濫伐,而應(yīng)多種植樹了。我們不能濫砍濫伐,而應(yīng)多種植樹木以保護(hù)動(dòng)物的生活環(huán)境。木以保護(hù)動(dòng)物的生活環(huán)境。同時(shí)同時(shí),應(yīng)

2、該建,應(yīng)該建立更多的立更多的自然保護(hù)區(qū)自然保護(hù)區(qū)。 我相信只要我們立即我相信只要我們立即采取行動(dòng)采取行動(dòng),我們就,我們就可以跟動(dòng)物。生活會(huì)可以跟動(dòng)物。生活會(huì)更更加美好。加美好。Para one: The present situation In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Some of them are even dying out.一二段之間的過渡句:一二段之間的過渡句:The reasons are as follows.Many factors contribute to

3、 / lead to / result in the problem.para. one the number of wild animals be dying out In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller.Some of them are even dying out. 或者或者M(jìn)any factors contribute to / lead to / result in the problem.過渡句過渡句: reasons 或或 factorsPara Two:reasons

4、 for the phenomenon 砍樹以修房屋砍樹以修房屋: 導(dǎo)致導(dǎo)致 沒有棲息地沒有棲息地Sentences:Sentences:cut down trees to build houses for buildinglead / cause sb / sth to do lead to / result in doing People have been cutting down trees to build houses / for building.This causes many animals to lose their habitats.have no place to li

5、ve in lose ones habitatsPeople have been cutting down trees for building, many animals their habitats no place to . 濫用農(nóng)藥濫用農(nóng)藥 害死一害死一 些動(dòng)物些動(dòng)物 Sentences:use too much pesticide v. the abuse of pesticide n. Farmers use too much pesticide and this causes some animals to die. / and this endangers the lives

6、of some animals. kill some animals cause some animals to die endanger the lives of some animals Farmers use too much pesticide, which endangers the lives of some animals. causing some animals to die. The farmers abuse of pesticide causes some animals to die. endangers the lives of some animals. 濫殺珍稀

7、野生動(dòng)物濫殺珍稀野生動(dòng)物 為了賺錢為了賺錢Sentences:kill rare wild animalsto make money make a fortune make huge profitsSome people have been killing rare wild animals to make huge profits.羅列觀點(diǎn)常用詞:羅列觀點(diǎn)常用詞:To begin with, then, furthermore, finallyTo start with, next, in addition / additionally, finallyMost important of a

8、ll, moreover, last but not leastFor one thing, for anotherOn the one hand, on the other handpara.2 reasons cut down trees to build houses for buildinglead / cause sb / sth to do lead to / result in doing have no place to live in lose ones habitats use too much pesticide the abuse of pesticide kill s

9、ome animals cause some animals to die endanger the lives of some animals kill rare wild animals to make huge profits make money To start with, people have been cutting down trees for building, leading to some animals losing their habitats. Besides, farmers use too much pesticide, which endangers the

10、 lives of some animals. In addition, to make money, some people have been killing rare wild animals.保護(hù)環(huán)境,愛護(hù)動(dòng)物,不去傷害它們:保護(hù)環(huán)境,愛護(hù)動(dòng)物,不去傷害它們: 建立更多的自然保護(hù)區(qū)建立更多的自然保護(hù)區(qū)Sentences:protect animals and the environment they live inset up more nature / natural reservesPara.3 measures and conclusion or an appeal不要亂砍濫伐:

11、不要亂砍濫伐: stop cutting down trees without permission We should stop cutting down trees.We should protect animals and the environment they live in.We should set up more nature reserves組句成文:組句成文: We shouldnt cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the a

12、nimals living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to be set up.an appealan appealI believe as long as we immediately, we will animals and our life will become better.In this way make our planet a better place for both human beings and animals.二三段過渡句:二三段過渡句: Therefore, its

13、 time we took measures to change the situation.Thus, immediate measures must be taken to change the situation. protect animals and the environment they live in set up more nature / natural reserve stop cutting down trees without permission Para.3measures andmeasures and conclusion conclusion or an a

14、ppealor an appeal過渡句過渡句 in my opinion take measures/steps/action to do sth.呼吁呼吁 as long as in harmony with life We shouldnt cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are supposed to plant more trees to protect the animals living conditions. At the same time, more nature reserves are expected to

15、 be set up. I believe as long as we take action immediately, we will live in harmony with animals and life will become better.Dear editor, In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Some of them are even dying out. To start with, people have been cutting down trees for building, causing some animals to lose their habitats. Besides, farmers use too much pesticide, which endangers the lives of some animals. In addition, to make money, some people have been killing rare wild animals. We shouldnt cut down trees without permission. Instead, we are


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