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1、5a Lesson 13Rotten ApplesReading DramaticallyP1-P7MumBiffKipperChipHarry SmithNarratorP8-P13Read togetherP14-P18Mum Biff Harry Smith childrenCompetition: who can read better?Yuk! Rotten apples! she said.Come and see! he said. Ive got some birds going cheap.Slow down! shouted Harry Smith.What a greed

2、y horse! said Biff.What a _ horse!lazysleepydrunkBut the horse went _ and _.faster fasterThe horse went _ and _.slowerslowerSpeak up!At first, made pick up; rottenThen, came down; made people laugh; wore; sold thingsBecause the logs; heavy; helped to carryAfter that picked up; eat; bad applesSuddenl

3、y, began to run; pulled; faster and faster ; shouted; wouldnt stopThen began to sway; slower and slower; stopped; sat down, sleep, drunkAt last, sold everything; gavea present; did me a good turnRetelling with the help of your mind map(思維導圖)Act out your favourite part out of the three parts in the s

4、tory: Part 1 P1-7Part 2 P8-13Part 3 P14-18nPerformancenMaking judgementsnPresenting Awards(獎項):The Best Actor / Actress (最佳表演獎)最佳表演獎)The Best Pronunciation (最佳發(fā)音獎)最佳發(fā)音獎)The Best Group (最佳團隊獎)最佳團隊獎)The Best Idea (最佳創(chuàng)意獎最佳創(chuàng)意獎)The Best Costume (最佳道具獎)最佳道具獎)QuestionsDiscussion1. What did Biff want to do?

5、 What do you think of her?2. What did Biff ask Harry Smith? Why did she ask?3. Did Harry laugh a lot?How do you like him? 4. What did Harry give the children?What do you learn from him?What did Biff want to do? What do you think of her?What did Biff ask Harry Smith? Why did she ask?Did Harry laugh a lot?How do you like him? What did Harry give the children?What do you learn from him?Pair-workWhich person in the story do you like best? Why?Your


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