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1、 book 1 section a unit71. the firm is unable to satisfy all the demands of customers for its new car this year.2. they wish to build a new country with freedom for all the people ,both the rich and the poor.3. since you have made the promise ,you should keep it.4. “dont you think love is wonderful?”

2、 “absolutely!”5. it was lovely to talk about one of the treasured memories of my childhood.6. hes always deeply regretted selling the old radio which seems worth a lot now.7. it often happens that a good lawyer is a great speaker.8. they have decided to cut down the large rotten tree before it falls

3、 down.1. he was tired of reading these long articles for he had spent a lot of time on them.2. if you are careless now ,you ll get into trouble later,3. teachers in college are guides and advisers on the subjects of study.4. when i met his son again , he was already grown up.5. at the meeting on hig

4、her education in china professors from different universities argued about the level of the courses .6. it is worth talking to the students about your life in the united states because it will help them learn a new culture.7. it turned out that the discovery was simply a result of accident , not a r

5、esult of research .8. sometimes it is even more difficult to get out of an agreement than to get into one.1. 人們發(fā)現(xiàn),許多早婚夫婦生活并不幸福,他們?yōu)樵缁楹蠡诓灰?(regret )people discover that many couples who get married young dont lead happy lives and they deeply regret having got married young.2. 這對年輕夫婦常說,早婚帶給他們更多共同生活的美好年

6、華,他們毫無遺憾.(have no regrets )this young couple always say that getting married young gives them more good years together and that they have no regrets.3. 他們倆是在讀大學(xué)時(shí)認(rèn)識的,結(jié)婚之前約會了將近6年.(date)4. they met in college and dated nearly 6 years before they got married .5.section b vocabulary1. you may enjoy a spl

7、endid view at the top of the mountain.2. someone in the hall was shouting , “ no pictures for security reasons!”3. it id impossible to judge the value of a book without knowing anything about it .4. she started to talk about the old days sadly ; her voice was low and full of emotion.5. however , you

8、 cant depend on your family and friends forever . you have to live on your own.6. take a broad look at the subject you are studying ;you will find it useful for your future.7. for the first hour our team had enjoyed a measure of success ,but the other team played hard to win the match at last .8. he

9、 seems rather cold on the surface but id quite kind in his heart.1. throughout her life teresa gave herself over to the work of helping those who suffer .(was devoted )2. you have to put these words together in a way that they make a complete sentence.(so that )3. the unhappy feeling ids normal : it

10、 wont continue all the time .( last forever )4. the professor tells us that he treasures learning instead of money.(rather than )5. there is no doubt that overwork and much worry caused his illness .(led to )6. the boy worked very hard and finally he successfully passed the exam .got through )7. we

11、have no friends in this city ; in such a case ,we must depend on ourselves .(a such a situation )8. the young man was attracted by the wonder and beauty of nature when he walked through the forest.(drown to ) book 1 section a unit 8appearance obvious defeat inside insist approach meanwhile negative

12、gentle necessary kitchen progress1. he is gentle ,friendly , and patient , and gets along well with others2. it is human nature not to feel comfortable with negative advice , and it is especially true with young people.3. parents dont always know what approach to take with children who only want to

13、play .4. we cheered in a loud voice when our team defeated the other team at last.5. i was looking in the kitchen when the doorbell rang .6. it is necessary to include the study of cultures of english-speaking countries in our learning program.7. never trust in appearance because it more than not hi

14、des the truth behind.8. freedom of speech is important ; but meanwhile ,we also have pay attention to the speech that may hurt the public.1.”can you come tomorrow for the meeting ?” “yes.” (all right)2.two months later ,the patient became better through his own efforts.(under ones own power)3.john w

15、ent on with his homework until it was done.(stay with)4.they are going to many next week ; the splendid day is coming .(at hand )5.it is important to avoid rush hours ,because we can save a lot of precious time.(of importance)6.we are sure to come across difficulties when we try to finish the work i

16、n such a short time.(meet with)7.i was reading when the fire broke out .oh, while i think of it ,the book was the last days of pompeii(<<龐貝城的末日>>).(by the way)8.you ought to be more careful about the quality of these various goods.(pay attention to)1. 梅林科夫醫(yī)生對醫(yī)科學(xué)生說,關(guān)注病人的言語非常重要.(pay attent

17、ion to )doctor mellinkoff said to the medical student , it is of great importance to pay attention to what the patient was saying .2. 醫(yī)生走到病人身旁,詢問他的病情 病歷及大概情況 .(approach)doctor approached the patient and ask him about his condition , medical history and general situation.3. 醫(yī)生一提出這個(gè)問題,病人的臉上就發(fā)生了非常明顯的變化

18、.(couldnt have been more obvious)as soon as the doctor put forward the question ,the change in the patients appearance couldnt have been more obvious. section b vocabulary1. there are too many thinks in your paper bag and it looks like it is going to burst.2. children are waved against going to that

19、 area alone because it is very dangerous.3. the best cure for the common cold is to drink a lot of hot water.4. in order to take clear photos ,you need a steady hand.5. to our wonder ,snow has a lot of beautiful pattern and forms.6. it is normal and natural for one to feel nervous when there is stre

20、ss.7. he comes and goes and is one of the frequent visitors to our library.8. research results show that the medicine is not good for children and that it can damage the body s brain ,sight ,hearing ,or heart.1. most doctors agree that smoking is dangerous to health.(the majority of )2. unfortunatel

21、y ,these accidents still occur now and then .(from time to time )3. when the dance ended ,people were standing in groups ,sweating and smiling and breathing heavily .(in clusters)4. he thought he had not been treated fairly, so he gave up his job and left. (threw up)5. the thief was taken to the pol

22、ice office in the neighborhood. (sent to )6. as many as 100 people from different companies came to the meeting to discuss the price of oil.(up to)7. i was a bit nervous at first ,but soon i got used to it.(to start with) 8. many years have passed , but the pain in her heart has never disappeared.(g

23、one away)book 1 section a unit101. the couple are very fond of their adopted daughter and take good care of her 2. because he was tall and strong we found it quite easy to recognize him .3. the price of the monitors is getting lower these days as the business of computers is becoming wider and wider

24、 .4. the average height of boys aged from 10 to 16 has risen in china .5. it ought to be noticed that we are still a bit behind some other countries in computer science and technology .6. to make friends is not easy ,and to look for a good companion is even more difficult.7. these doctors are busy e

25、xperimenting with a new cure for brain cancer .8. for those who have smoked for years ,to stop smoking is certainly very hard .1. last summer we staged a play written by ourselves .(put on )2. there are several time-saving methods that one can pick from .(choose from )3. she is doing better than the

26、 other students in her class .(ahead of )4. i think that this book might satisfy your needs .(meet ones needs )5. he was so ill that he was unable to follow what was going on .(keep up with )6. i found him a very agreeable man and we seemed to work together in a friendly way from the start .(get alo

27、ng well )7. it was warm and no one in the apartment used the electric blanket.(turn on )8. the father likes his little daughter very much and spends a lot of time playing with her .(fond of ) 1. 他的收入高于平均水平,而他父母的收入大約在平均水平.(average)his income is above average ,while his parents is about average .2. 人們

28、表達(dá)了對計(jì)算機(jī)和因特網(wǎng)的種種恐懼,這是很自然的事.(express fears about )it is natural that people have expressed many fears about computers and the internet .3. 通過因特網(wǎng)形成的友誼會帶來人與人的相聚,這是現(xiàn)代化生活的特點(diǎn).(feature)之一.(form friendship ) it is one of the features of modern lift that friendships formed across the internet will getting toge

29、ther in person .section b vocabulary1. he tried to fix the broken television ,but in the end he mixed the parts up .2. more often than not those words that are difficult to spell are also difficult to pronounce.3. it is one of the purposes of our program to teach kids to act in a proper way at schoo

30、l.4. the old man sighed when he failed to persuade his daughter to continue her study in the university.5. diary are often about ones private life and they ought to be kept secret .6. were concerned about your problems ,but were not able to help you get them through altogether now.7. just as fire ch

31、anged the pattern of human life ,electricity improved the level of it .8. he was so smart that he could write compositions at the age of three. 1. his eyes became bright with joy at the sight of her even though she was still angry with him .(lighted up )2. dont worry ;well go there to pick you up in

32、 a minute .(in no time )3. it is not so hard as you expect ,think about it and try differently next time .(in a different way)4. the little boy looked disappointed for some time and then he seemed to have forgotten the problem .(for a while )5. my father forgot to stop the music before he went to be

33、d last night .(turn off)6. as the enemies were getting nearer and nearer ,things were getting increasingly worse .(worse and worse )7. they want to make sure that you are ready to give your time to care for the children .(are prepared to )8. she has been expecting him to do something for her ,but no

34、thing has happened so far .(waiting for) book2 u2 section a 1. thank you for your valuable time ,experience and service as well.2. hong kong s population has change and develop the city into a modern one .3. the city has a investment of ten million.4. the roofs leaked and the walls were damp(潮濕的).5.

35、 in order to learn a foreign language well ,we should make ourselves familiar with the culture of that country .6. they spent a whole day placing the furniture ,now they have a comfortable and new house to live in.7. dont take what he said too seriously; he is merely asking about the possibility of

36、further investment.8. he entered the profession (職業(yè)) after 4 years at college.1. what he said could not excuse his crime at all.(in no way )2. though the idea sounded mad, in fact ,it was rather a good idea .(as a matter of fact )3. if you want to show me a few pages of your new book in a day or two

37、 ,i would be pleased .( feel like )4. it is getting more difficult to get a good house with a reasonable price .(come by )5. whatever problems appeared ,she could deal with them ,one at a time .(come up )6. with respect to the gift ,you should write to thank him .(when it comes to )7. id pay all the

38、 school fees first if i were you .(pay off)8. the school has decided to build a new building as the computer center .(put up )1. 同學(xué)們散坐在教室的各處討論問題,就在這時(shí)他們的老師進(jìn)來了.(sit around )the students were sitting around the classroom and discussing questions when their teacher came in .2. 我去年買了這幢房子,所欠房款還未付清.(pay of

39、f)3. last year i bought this house ,but i havent paid off the many i owe on it. 4. 住房成為當(dāng)今的流行話題,這是不難理解的.(a popular subject)it is not difficult to understand that housing has become a popular subject of conversation these days. u2 section b 1. at thirty three he seized the chance of a new start in com

40、puter business.2. present support is far from enough both in quantity and quality ;the research work cannot go on .3. a state of emergency (緊急情況) was declared but at least another 40 people were killed the following day .4. the rapid development in technology has brought great changes to the world i

41、n almost every field .5. the four week visit furthered the understanding of local working systems ,which is expected to joint(聯(lián)合的) research activities.6. after the long trip during the day ,he took some wine and slept for eight solid hours.7. we all have benefited from the development of science and

42、 technology. 8. the telephone never stops ringing and i can hardly spare the time even to make myself a cup of tea.1. he kept on with his research work in the face of many difficulties.(pressed forward )2. with that new book ,he proved that he was correct one more time .(once again)3. he also took t

43、he chance to visit the us during his holidays and enjoyed experiencing a different culture .4. parents take pride in their childrens winning prizes.5. it sometimes benefits us if we do something alone.6. a couple of researchers (研究員) from other schools came to examine the results of the experiment.7

44、. because hes honest, i dont consider his straight way of speech as a shortcoming .8. life and love stay close to each other .without love ,there is no life. u3 section a1. we could do nothing but wait as the meeting would be announced the next day.2. they made a plan and organized experienced worke

45、rs to take part in the new project.3. he stood there , watching the rain pouring down the windows .4. we have first- class technology (技術(shù)) ; quite rare to have an accident directly caused by some kind of technical failure.5. i saw the two women passing in the doorway and exchanging glances of greeti

46、ng .6. the four adventures went in the forest for the entire two months without seeing anyone.7. we communicate by letter in these days.8. please leave the boiling water for 10 seconds before pouring it onto the coffee.1. he will arrive in china tomorrow and we are going to meet him at the airport.2

47、. everyone is surprised at the fact that the human population is growing so rapidly.3. in order to make it progress quickly , we need to pick out someone to organize the program.4. in sprite of opposing views, our boss declared that the company would enter the furniture market.5. that was the very s

48、tory that mine father was fond of repeating over the years .6. by the age of seven , differences between boys and girls have appeared .7. hed lie on his bed at the three or four in the morning just wondering about what to do next .8. she smiled at him as she poured boiling water into his cup .1. 那位老

49、師講課時(shí),同學(xué)們都一邊細(xì)心地傾聽,一邊認(rèn)真地做筆記.(take notes)2. 我們欽佩偉人,因?yàn)樗麄兊乃魉鶠橹档梦覀儦J佩.( admire)3. 那些美國人對中國文化非常好奇,很想了解中美文化的主要差異.( curious ) u3 section b 1. early that evening john and laura board the train with only to minutes to spare.2. the doctor told him that if he took the medicine immediately he would feel better so

50、on .3. misunderstand often happen when we communicate with those who come from a different culture.4. the farther west they went ,the worse the weather became .5. the bus was pulled over to the side of the road and the driver rushed into a small shop to get himself some bread .6. churchill refer to

51、his failures in his life as his dark period .7. fresh (新鮮) vegetables and fruits are not very cheap even in summer .8. my friend came by train and we ride to the station to meet him .1. it is reported that whose students who choose to sit in the back seats suffer from a sort of test stress.(in the e

52、nd )2. the taxi driver had to move to the side of the road when a policeman began to follow him for driving too fast.(pull over )3. the boys got into the car and drove for the supermarket .4. i met her on the train just by chance and she proved to be the closest friend of mine for more than 20 years

53、 .(turned out )5. they enjoyed the quietness and peacefulness of the life and the noises of the evening streets seemed in the distance .(far away )6. when our boss came into the room , his eyes moved from one person to another , from object to object , trying to take everything in .(from person to p

54、erson )7. she turned round and slowly moved towards home , wondering about what was waiting for her at home .(headed for)8. when he stepped down from the plane , he suddenly realized that he had been feeling quite hungry .(got off) u5 section b1. if we see more of others merits, we can make greater

55、progress of our own.2. they have employed many skilled workers and engineers to take part in project.3. students are in great need of laboratory experience.4. the teacher is proud of his standard british english ,and he never thinks much about american english .5. in just five years time, the compan

56、y has built a fortune of 5 millions.6. do you think actors need to keep on training once they have graduated from drama school?7. they organized a big exhibition of oil paintings in january that attracted interest from abroad.8. the job of a clerk is rather different from that of a secretary.1. the

57、method proves to be useful in you university but it is not necessary suitable for our university.(doesnt necessary hold me )2. the company failed to make a penny for the first 2 years ,but it is now set to make a lot of money .(make a fortune)3. she left her home because she could not get along with her new family. (fit into )4. she tried hard to recall exactly what she said that first night in


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