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1、英語課堂用語集錦1. 好啦,就聽到這OK, stop here.2. 打開書,兩人一組讀對話Open your books and read the dialogue in pairs.3. 誰能幫他指出來? Who can point it out? / Who can correct the mistakes for him?4. 注意,不要再犯同樣的錯誤Be careful. / Take care. Dont make the same mistake again.5. 好了,接著來Well, lets go on (with it )6. 接下去做習題Lets g

2、o on to do the exercises7. 看動作猜猜他們在干什么?Look at them/ their actions and guess what they are doing.8. 用下列詞語寫一篇150字的短文,十分鐘完成Write a 150-word passage with / using the following expressions in ten minutes.9. 寫一段對話盡可能使用列詞語Make a dialogue using the following expressions as much as you can/ possible.10. 寫完了

3、嗎?Have you finished it/ the writing? Finish up?11. 我找兩名同學,把你們寫的對話讀出來I ask 2 students to read out their dialogues.12. 下面學習課文Now we study / learn the text.13. 你知道某人或某事嗎?/ 你聽說過嗎?Do you know sb. / sth? Have you heard of sb. / sth?14. 今天,我們學習一篇關于的文章Today well learn a passage/ an article about sb./st

4、h.15.首先,我給大家介紹課文大意First I tell you the main/ general idea about it.16.快速讀課文,并找到這個問題的答案OK. Now read the text quickly and find out the answer to this question.17.誰找到答案了?Who find/ know the answer?18.誰能幫他解答這個問題?Who can help him with the question?Who can help him out?19. 你最好用英語說 Youd better say it i

5、n English.20. 如果你用英語說有困難,可以用漢語You may say it in Chinese if you have difficulty in speaking English / cant speak it in English.21. 好,我告訴你們這兩個句子的區(qū)別OK. I tell you the differences between the two sentences.22. 這兩個詞有什么不同?Whats the difference between the two words?23. 請舉例說明(Give us) An example, please.24.

6、 這個詞可以這樣用We can use it (in) this way / like this.25. Let's start now./Let's begin our class/lesson. 我們開始上課吧。26. Sit down, please. 請坐下。27. Who's on duty today? 今天誰值日?28. Is everyone here? 都到齊了嗎?29. Don't be late next time.下次別遲到。30. Go back to your seat, please. 請回到你的座位。31. Ready? /Are

7、 you ready? 準備好了嗎?32.Listen carefully, please.請聽仔細了。Please listen to me. 請注意聽我說。33.Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.請聽錄音。34.In pairs, please.兩人一組進行練習。35.Let's do it one by one.我們一個一個地做。36. Now you, please./It's your turn now.現在該你了。37. Think it over and try again.仔細想想,再試一次。38.Say/ Re

8、ad after me, please.請跟著我說/讀。39.In English, please.請用英語回答。40.Please take out your books.請把你們的書拿出來。41.Please answer my question(s).請回答我的問題。42. Please stop now./Stop now, please./Stop here, please.請停下來。43.Time is up.下課時間到了44.We'll learn something new .我們講學新知識.45. Let's learn some new words/ sen

9、tences. 咱們學些新單詞句子46. Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱們復習一下昨天學過的內容.47. All together.大家一起來. Read all together now.大家一起讀.48. Stop talking. don't talk.不許說話.49.Be quiet, please.請安靜.50.Look at my mouth, please.請看我的口型。51. Quickly, /be quick, please. 請迅速點。Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a

10、little faster.請快點。52. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 聽懂了嗎?Can you follow me? 你能聽懂我的話嗎?Is that clear? 聽清楚了嗎?53.Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.請看黑板幻燈片。54.Please answer my questions.請回答我的問題。55. Can you spell the word.? 你能拼讀這個單詞嗎?Spell the word., please.請拼讀這個單詞。56.Pay attention to y

11、our spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼寫發(fā)音。57.Please say it again.請再說一遍。Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.請再作一次。58.Please come to the front.請到前面來。59. Any volunteers?有誰自愿做這件事嗎?60. Now ( you) do the same.現在你做同一個61. Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.請舉手。62. Put down your hands

12、, please. / Hands down, please.請放下手。63. Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它們譯成漢語。英語。英語作業(yè)批語集錦Try hard!繼續(xù)努力。OK! 還可以,一般。Good! /Great!/Wonderful /Excellent/ Perfect!很好。如果學生的作業(yè)做得很好,我們可以給他(她)寫上這樣的批語: You care. Beautiful work! Youve done a good job. Great! Your English is very good and

13、 your answers are right.又如學生的作業(yè)質量比以前好多了,我們可以寫上這樣的批語: You are making progress. You can do better now than you did before. 如果要鼓勵學生下一次作業(yè)要做得更好,要繼續(xù)努力,我們可以寫上這樣的批語: Come on ! Im sure you can do your homework better next time.針對成績一般,但書寫認真的學生;需要鼓勵的后進生我們就要給予一些鼓勵性的話語。他們的作業(yè)中有時候不是全正確,但他們

14、的書寫較為認真的話,跟他們說:Your handwriting is so beautiful. Can you try hard for your homework? 或者說:Super! Try to be better next time! /Try again, Im sure you will do better next time! / Looking good! / Now you are flying!對于作業(yè)較差的學生,批評時要注意藝術性和啟發(fā)性,避免傷害學生的自尊心。在發(fā)現有的同學作業(yè)馬馬虎虎的時候,我們可以在寫批語的時候寫上這樣的句子:If you can write c

15、arefully, Your homework will be better. I think you can.抄作業(yè)的情況:“Im sorry to see that you cant use your own head to finish your homework . If you feel hard to finish your homework, you can ask me. I will help you .Will you do it all by yourself next time?上次批評過那個抄別人作業(yè)的同學,我發(fā)現他能自己獨立完成作業(yè)了,我也替他開心,因此,這次我給了

16、他這樣的批語:“Great ! You can do homework by yourself now . Im very happy . Try again.”或Im very happy to see your progress. Wonderful!有些學生經常犯拼寫錯誤,一個個批改費力又費時,且沒有必要,然而又不可視而不見,這時你可批注:What a pity! Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.如果個別學生因課堂不注意聽講而犯了不該出現的錯誤,在作業(yè)中可以給予勸告:You should have do

17、ne well, but you didnt listen carefully in class, what a pity!對于基礎差的學生,批語要多鼓勵。如:Although you make lots of mistakes, I love your handwriting. Next time you can do it better, I believe in you.對于基礎較好的學生,批語要有表揚,更要有激勵,提出更高要求,促使他們更大進步。如:Youve walked far in study and you can walk further! Work harder, youl

18、l be a top student.針對中等生的批語應慎重,他們往往是大錯不犯,小錯不斷,批語中要多一點嚴厲和鞭策。如:Little by little one goes far. If you dont work hard, youll fall behind others. Do you hope so? If not, what should you do? I hope to see you make progress.對中等生或后進生則要抓住優(yōu)點,用略為夸張的感嘆句進行肯定和贊揚并順帶提出希望。如:“Well done! But would you please improve y

19、our handwriting?” 又如:“Try again, Im sure youll do better next time!”曾經批評過某生的書法,后發(fā)現其有所進步,我立即給予表揚:Ive found your handwriting is better than before. Very good!對字跡工整、認真但作業(yè)卻有錯,或是作業(yè)基本正確但書寫不夠工 整、認真的學生,可給他這樣的批語: “What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!”(多漂亮的書法呀!要是作業(yè)再仔細一 點就

20、好了!)“Well done !But would you please improve your handwriting?”(做得很好!再設法改善一下你的書法怎么樣?)針對各種不同情況,用來表達贊揚和鼓勵的類似批語還有: “I'm so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.”(你的作業(yè)進步這么大,我真高興! )“I'm pleased that you have made so great progress now .Thank you!”(很高興看見你現在取得 這么大的進步。謝謝你

21、!)“Try again ,I'm sure you will do better next time!”(再努一把力!相信你下次會做得更好?。?#160;“Well done ! Try to be better next time, will you?”(真棒!爭取下次更好,行嗎?)對作業(yè)較差的學生,批評要注意藝術性和啟發(fā)性,避免傷害學生的自尊心。英語中的委婉語和虛擬語氣??梢杂脕肀磉_帶批評意義的指導,如“ If only!”、“ How I wish !”、“ Would you please ?”、“I'm afraid you ”等等。 我常用的這類批語有:

22、 “If only your handwriting were better! ”(要是你的字能寫工整點該多好?。。?#160;“How I wish you did your homework all by yourself! I think you can!”(我多希望你能自己完成作業(yè)??!我相信你能做到。)“ I'm sorry to see you didn't use your own head this time. Will you do it all by yourself n ext time?”(我很遺憾, 你這次作業(yè)沒有使用自己的腦袋。下次

23、作業(yè)獨立完成,好嗎?)“Would you please pay attention to?”(請你注意好嗎?) “I'm afraid you used Chinglish here , do you think so?”(恐怕你在這兒用的是中國式英語, 你說 呢? )(“Chinglish ”是“Chinese English”的幽默說法)加油!Come on!很棒!Great!很好!Very good!優(yōu)秀!Excellent!學習無坦途。There is no royal road to learning.光陰一去不復返。Lose tim

24、e is never found again.學習從不嫌晚。It's never too late to learn.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.不勞無獲。No pains, no gains.昨日不再來。No one can call back yesterday.放棄就是失敗。To give up is to fail.百說不如一干。Actions speak louder than words.有志者事竟成。Where there is a will there is a way.一知半解很危險。A little learning is a dange

25、rous thing.苦盡甘來最是甜。Sweet is pleasure after pain.學問無涯,人生有限。Art is long, but life is short.不提問的人,是什么也學不到的。He that nothing questions ,nothing learning.國外流行的幾種英語教學游戲       一、Running Dictation(移動聽寫)  1準備若干份聽寫材料(句子、文章等),并分開張貼到教室四周墻上或室外。 2將學生分成幾組,每組留守一人執(zhí)筆(在位子上不動

26、),其余人到教室四周或室外去尋找張貼的聽寫內容,并背下聽寫內容(不準抄寫),然后讓組內留守者聽寫,最后看哪個小組首先完成任務。 3此游戲目的在于訓練學生的聽寫能力、記憶能力、配合能力和團隊精神。  二、Honeycomb(蜂窩迷宮)  1將學生分成2組。 2教師在黑板上畫一個個外形呈蜂窩狀的圖形(每個方格為六邊形),并寫上字母,如下圖:  3用擲硬幣的方法決定先后。先走的那一組先選擇一個字母,教師說一句話,在這句話中含有一個單詞,單詞中含有這個字母,如A,教師說:I like eatA學生答:apple?;卮鹫_,占據此六邊形,錯誤的退回上一位。 4如果路被堵死,對方認輸。譬如,一組占據L、B、K,另一組占據M,那么M組輸,因為路被堵死。 三、Listen and Say(傳話不走樣)  1準備幾句與學習內容有關的句子。 2將學生分成若干小組并排隊站好。 


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