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1、學大教育上海高中英語同步課程高一上冊unit-six 適用學科英語適用年級高一適用區(qū)域牛津上海版課時時長(分鐘)90知識點知識點1:核心單詞知識點2:重點短語知識點3:重點句型知識點4:重要語法教學目標知識:學生能夠基本掌握高一上冊Unit6中的詞匯、句型及語法。方法:牢記各個知識點的用法,歸納總結(jié)異同點。能力:明辨詞性的能力; 能夠準確判斷詞性轉(zhuǎn)換的能力; 熟練運用句型的能力。教學重點重點句型的運用教學難點定語從句的運用教學過程一、 課堂導入通過提問以下問題引入課文:1. How does a plant grow?§ In spring, we plant seeds. Then

2、 the stem and leaves sprout.§ In summer, the flowers blossomed.§ In the fall, come out the fruits.§ In winter, we enjoy the harvest of the year.2. Do you know where food comes from?Planting-fertilizing-using pesticide/watering-harvesting-for eating二、復習預(yù)習復習上節(jié)課所學習的單詞,今天詳解重要詞匯及句型。共同討論以下幾

3、個問題:§ 1. What is white agriculture?§ 2. What is Sunqiao?§ 3. What is this passage probably about? § a. Interesting food in our life § b. A new kind of agriculture§ 4. Why has Sunqiao become one of the fastest developing areas?§ 5. How did some people view farming?

4、三、知識講解核心單詞1. agriculture n. 農(nóng)業(yè);農(nóng)耕;農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn);農(nóng)學 e.g. He showed his poverty in his knowledge of agriculture. 他表現(xiàn)出缺乏對農(nóng)業(yè)知識的了解?!局R拓展1】agricultural adj. 農(nóng)業(yè)的,耕種的;農(nóng)藝的,農(nóng)學的; e.g. France is the worlds second-biggest exporter of agricultural products. 法國是世界第二大農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口國。agricultural country 農(nóng)業(yè)國 agricultural bank 農(nóng)業(yè)銀行 ag

5、ricultural products 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品 agricultural chemicals農(nóng)用藥劑;農(nóng)藥 agricultural industry農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn) agricultural machinery 農(nóng)業(yè)機;農(nóng)機agricultural land 農(nóng)業(yè)用地 agricultural science農(nóng)業(yè)科學 【知識拓展2】agriculturalist/agriculturist n. 農(nóng)學家e.g. Animal growth or product yield is the ultimate concern of the agriculturalist. 牲畜的生長或其產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)量是農(nóng)學

6、家最關(guān)心的問題。2. farming n.農(nóng)事,耕作;飼養(yǎng)(家禽);(租稅等的)包收e.g. The government most assuredly does believe in organic farming.政府確實堅信有機耕作切實可行?!局R拓展1】farm n.農(nóng)場,農(nóng)莊;農(nóng)家;畜牧場;農(nóng)田 vt.耕種;養(yǎng)殖;承包,包出;佃出(土地) vi.經(jīng)營農(nóng)場e.g. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm.不過,他最寶貴的時光將在自己的農(nóng)場里平靜地度過。e.g. He has lived and fa

7、rmed in the area for 46 years.他已在此生活耕作了46年。【知識拓展2】farmer n. 農(nóng)場主,農(nóng)民;承包人;e.g. At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍一看,有機耕作對農(nóng)民而言似乎花費太多?!局R拓展3】farmhand n. 農(nóng)業(yè)工人,農(nóng)場工人;雇農(nóng)e.g. They proposed that he should resume his job as farmhand.他們建議他應(yīng)重新做農(nóng)夫的工作?!局R拓展4】farmhouse n. 農(nóng)舍e

8、.g. The work of restoring the farmhouse is completed.修復農(nóng)舍的工作已經(jīng)完成?!局R拓展5】farmland n. 農(nóng)田,耕地 e.g. To the south the hills dropped away to farmland.山勢在南邊一路下傾延伸至農(nóng)田?!局R拓展6】farm out 出租;把寄托出去e.g. We are so busy we have to farm out a lot of work.我們太忙,許多工作得招人承包。3. natural adj. 自然的;物質(zhì)的;天生的;不做作的; n.自然的事情;(生來的)白癡

9、;樂(風琴等的)白鍵e.g. Loerzo was a natural leader who made friends easily.洛倫佐是天生的領(lǐng)袖,善于交友?!局R拓展1】natural gas 天然氣e.g. Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas.如今在大部分地區(qū),燃油和天然氣已經(jīng)取代了煤炭和木頭。【知識拓展2】naturally adv. 自然地,生來,天然地;不做作地e.g. Its better to sleep naturally, without taking medicati

10、on.最好是不用服藥物自然入睡?!局R拓展3】nature n. 自然;天性;天理;e.g. The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最讓人驚嘆的是它的無限多樣性?!局R拓展4】nature reserve 自然保護區(qū)e.g. Giant pandas are being protected in Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province.現(xiàn)在大熊貓正在四川臥龍自然保護區(qū)受到保護。4. zone n. 地帶;區(qū)域,范圍;地區(qū),時區(qū)vt. 劃分成帶;用帶子圍繞; vi.

11、分成區(qū),分成地帶;e.g. The UN has declared it to be a safe zone.聯(lián)合國已宣布它淪為安全區(qū)。5. nourish vt.滋養(yǎng),施肥于;撫養(yǎng),教養(yǎng);懷抱(希望、怨恨);使健壯;e.g. They needed good food to nourish their bodies.他們需要好食品滋養(yǎng)身體。【知識拓展1】nourishment n. 食品;滋養(yǎng)品,營養(yǎng)品;e.g. Plants get nourishment from the soil.植物從土壤中吸取營養(yǎng)。【知識拓展2】nourishing adj. 有營養(yǎng)的,滋養(yǎng)多的e.g. Fruit

12、 is very nourishing.水果富有營養(yǎng)?!局R拓展3】nourished adj. 滋養(yǎng)的e.g. All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.所有這些孩子都營養(yǎng)良好,身體健康。6. mixture n混合物 a mixture of 意為“的混合物”e.g. This cake is made from a mixture of flour, eggs and sugar.這種蛋糕是由面粉、雞蛋和糖的混合物制成的?!局R拓展】mix v使混合 mix A with B 把A和B混起來e.

13、g. It is impossible to mix water with oil使水和油相溶合是不可能的。7. fertilizer n. 肥料,化肥;促進發(fā)展者; e.g. The organic fertilizer shall keep the soil in good heart.這有機肥一定會使土壤保持肥沃?!局R拓展】 fertilize vt. 施肥于;使肥沃; e.g. We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants.我們要想種出健康植物就應(yīng)該給土壤施肥。8. experimental adj. 實驗性的e

14、.g. The businessman spent a big sum of money in building an experimental farm這位商人花巨資建造了一座實驗農(nóng)場?!局R拓展】experiment v.&n(做)實驗;試驗(1) experiment on sth. 用做實驗e.g. She works for an organization which aims to stop experimenting on animals她為某個組織工作,該組織旨在停止在動物身上做實驗。(2) carry out/conduct/perform an experiment

15、 進行實驗e.g. The scientist spent a few years doing the same experiment這位科學家用了幾年的時間做同一個實驗。9. facility n. (供特定用途的)場所;設(shè)備;容易;能力;靈巧;e.g. The child-care centre is a useful facility for working parents.托兒所對有工作的父母來說是很有用的設(shè)施。e.g. He paints landscapes with great facility.他畫起山水畫兒來得心應(yīng)手。10. enterprise n.公司;企業(yè);事業(yè)心,進取

16、心;e.g. Speaking generally, the space enterprise has served astronomy well.總的說來,航空企業(yè)很好地促進了天文學的發(fā)展。e.g. He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.他在事業(yè)上一定會成功。【知識拓展】enterpriser n.企業(yè)家,干事業(yè)的人,工商業(yè)投機家e.g. An enterpriser should have the wide vision.一個企業(yè)家應(yīng)具有開闊的視野。11. involve vt. 包含;使忙于;牽涉;使卷入;使陷入;需要;1) S+ n./pro

17、n.e.g. This task involves a lot of survey這項任務(wù)需要做很多調(diào)查。e.g. Her new job involves traveling a lot她的新工作需要經(jīng)常出差。e.g. This problem involves us all. 這個問題把我們都牽連進去了。2) S+ v inge.g. Housework involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning. 家務(wù)事包括做飯、洗盤子、搞衛(wèi)生。3) S+oneself/sb+ v inge.g. To marry this man w

18、ould involve her living in America. 和這個人結(jié)婚意味著她不得不住在美國。4) 用作賓補動詞e.g. They are very seriously concerned about the problems involved. 他們對涉及的問題非常關(guān)心。 【知識拓展1】 participate in vi.參與involve oneself 參與 involve sb. in使卷入;使介入be/ get involved in 卷入,設(shè)計be/ get involved in doing 專注于,忙于e.g. Dont involve other people

19、 in your trouble別把別人牽涉進你的麻煩中去。e.g. She didnt participate in the discussion.她沒有參加討論。【知識拓展2】involvement n.牽連,參與;加入;財政困難;復雜的情況;e.g. Peace and stability in world need the active involvement of China.世界和平穩(wěn)定需有中國的積極參與。12. profitable adj. 盈利的 e.g.· The deal is profitable to both the buyer and the selle

20、r這樁買賣雙方都有利?!局R拓展】profit n益處;利潤e.g. He made a profit of one million dollars on this deal這樁生意使他獲利一百萬美元。 v有益;有利 【常用搭配】 profit from從中獲利(獲益)e.g. The young man profited a lot from the old mans words老人的話使年輕人受益匪淺。13. chemical adj.化學的 n.藥品;化學物e.g. We are doing a chemical experiment.我們正在做化學實驗。e.g. The industr

21、y produces agricultural chemicals.這個工廠生產(chǎn)農(nóng)藥?!局R拓展】 chemistry n.化學;化學作用;化學性質(zhì);化學反應(yīng);化學過程;化學現(xiàn)象e.g. I prefer chemistry to physics.我喜歡化學甚于物理。14. prove vt. 證明,證實;e.g. There wasnt enough evidence to prove him guilty.沒有充分的證據(jù)證明他有罪。vi.證明是,結(jié)果是,原來是,發(fā)現(xiàn)為,表明是 prove to be = turn out to be 意為“是;成為”e.g. Though this new

22、 technology, Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone has proved to be one of the fastest developing areas in China.通過采用這項新技術(shù),孫橋現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)已成為中國發(fā)展最快的區(qū)域之一。e.g. The theory he stuck to_(prove) to be right. 他所堅持的理論證明是對的。(proved)【詞組搭配】prove to (v.+prep.)向證實; 證明 (1) prove sth to sb/sthe.g. What are you tr

23、ying to prove to the public?你打算向大家證明什么呢?(2) prove to sb/sth that-clausee.g. I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.我將向你證明,證人十分不可靠。15. economic adj經(jīng)濟的e.g. The business gained huge economic profits from the big deal這家企業(yè)從這樁大生意中獲得了豐厚的經(jīng)濟效益?!局R拓展】economy n經(jīng)濟 economical adj節(jié)儉的,合算的 econom

24、ics n經(jīng)濟學16. benefit n利益e.g. This dictionary is of great benefit to me I get great benefit from this dictionary.這部字典對我大有裨益。 vi有益;受益 benefit from從中獲益e.g. I benefit from this dictionary greatly.這部字典對我大有裨益。vt. 受益于,有利于e.g. Getting up early helps our health.早起對身體有好處?!局R拓展】beneficial adj有益的 be beneficial t

25、o對有益e.g. Vegetables are beneficial to our health蔬菜對我們的健康有益。17. backward adj. 落后的;向后的;反向的;怯生生的; adv. 向后地;相反地;回溯地;e.g. Because of his long illness, Tom is backward in his studies.因為湯姆長期生病,所以在學習中成績落后。e.g. He stepped backward and fell over the cliff.他向后退了一步就從懸崖上掉下去了。18. amazed adj. 吃驚的,驚奇的 e.g. I was am

26、azed at his speed of working.他辦事之麻利讓我深感嘆服?!局R拓展1】amazing adj. 令人感到吃驚的e.g. Its amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years.人們竟然日積月累地收集了這么多東西,真令人驚嘆?!局R拓展2】amaze vt.使大為吃驚,使驚奇be amazed at /by 對大為驚異be amazed to see /hear/find 看到/聽到/發(fā)現(xiàn)大為吃驚be amazed that-clausee.g. I was amazed at his action. 他

27、的行為使我很吃驚。e.g. She continues to amaze us with art that is different.她繼續(xù)用與眾不同的藝術(shù)帶給我們驚喜。e.g. It amazes me that before the Internet people used to wait for weeks to get a letter from a friend. 讓我很吃驚的是人們過去常常在電腦前為了一封來自朋友的來信等幾周。19. high-tech adj./n. 高科技e.g. At present, enterprises have all kinds of support

28、ing high-tech equipment.目前,企業(yè)擁有各種相配套高科技設(shè)備。20. recently adv最近;近來e.g. The company has recently bought a new office building in downtown.這家公司最近在市中心買了一幢新的辦公樓?!咀⒁狻慨攔ecently出現(xiàn)在句中時,常用現(xiàn)在完成時。【知識拓展】recent adj最近的e.g. He wrote a report on the recent developments in the village他就這個村莊最近的發(fā)展情況寫報道。21variety nc.門類;種類

29、 【常用搭配】a variety of 各種各樣的e.g. She made the children feel happy in a variety of ways她用各種方法使孩子們感到高興。 【知識拓展】 various adj.多樣的vary v變化;改變 vary fromto從變得 vary with隨而變化e.g. The tip varied from 5 dollars to 1 0 dollars.小費從五美元到十美元不等。e.g. Peoples clothing vary with the seasons人們的衣著隨著季節(jié)的不同而變化。重點短語1. be used to

30、 do被用于做e.g. Wood is often used to make tables木頭經(jīng)常被用來做桌子?!局R拓展】beget used to doing習慣做 be/get accustomed to doing習慣做e.g. He has been used to getting up early他已經(jīng)慣于早起。used to do過去常常做e.g. He used to live here他過去住這兒。 be used as/ for 被用作2. hold up支持;支撐e.g. These pillars hold up the roof這些柱子支撐著房頂。舉起;抬起;拿起e.

31、g. Hold up your hands if you have any question如有問題請舉手?!境S么钆洹縣old on(打電話時用語)別掛上hold out伸出;堅持e.g. Could you hold on? Ill see if the managers in你不要掛斷電話好嗎? 我去看一看經(jīng)理在不在。e.g. The boy held out his hands to ask for sweets from his mum小男孩伸出手向母親要糖吃。e.g. The general thought that the enemies wouldnt hold out for

32、 long將軍認為敵軍不會堅持抵抗很久的。3. make the best use of充分利用make good use of好好利用 make full use of 充分利用【知識拓展】take advantage of = make use of 利用注釋 此處的advantage意思為“優(yōu)勢”,是不可數(shù)名詞;advantage意思為“有點,好處”,是可數(shù)名詞。e.g. We should make full use of our spare time to develop our hobbiesOur spare time should be made full use of _(

33、develop) our hobbiesto developFull use should be made _to develop our hobbies.of我們應(yīng)該充分利用自己的業(yè)余時間去發(fā)展個人愛好。4. regard as 把視為,看作e.g. We regard him as one of our best friends我們把他看作最好的朋友之一?!就x詞組】treat asconsider (as/to be) think of as look on/upon as recognize ase.g. Professor White is looked upon as an aut

34、hority on mathematics.懷特教授被看成數(shù)學權(quán)威句子分析1. With white agriculture, plants are grown in water.有了白色農(nóng)業(yè),植物可以在水中種植。with 介詞,意為“對來說”e.g. With newcomers to China, language is still a big problem.對初來中國的人而言,語言仍然是一大問題。2. Though this new technology, Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone has proved to be one

35、 of the fastest developing areas in China.通過采用這項新技術(shù),孫橋現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)已成為中國發(fā)展最快的區(qū)域之一。through 意為“憑借,通過”e.g. Through hard work, she became one of the most famous models in China.通過辛勤的工作,她成為中國最著名的模特之一。3. However, the introduction of modern technology has made Sunqiao famous.但是,現(xiàn)代技術(shù)的引進使孫橋名聲遠揚。the introduction of

36、 sth. 意為“引進某物”e.g. The introduction of tea into Britain changed the way of life of the British people.茶引進英國后改變了英國人的生活方式。4. Blue agriculture farms fish or water plants in natural sources of water such as oceans or lakes. “藍色農(nóng)業(yè)” 是將魚或者水生植物養(yǎng)殖在海洋或湖泊等自然界的資源中。5. Seeds and new varieties if plants from Sunqi

37、ao have brought economic benefits to more than 16,000 farming families.孫橋現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)的種子和植物新品種已為16,000 多戶農(nóng)業(yè)家庭帶來了經(jīng)濟利益。語法解析定語從句(I)(一)定義及相關(guān)術(shù)語1定語從句:修飾某一名詞或代詞的從句叫定語從句。一般緊跟在它所修飾的先行詞之后。2先行詞:被定語從句修飾的詞叫先行詞。3關(guān)系詞:引導定語從句的詞叫關(guān)系詞。關(guān)系詞有關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞。關(guān)系代詞有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;關(guān)系副詞有when, where, why等。關(guān)系詞通常有下列三個作用:

38、A、引導定語從句;B、代替先行詞;C、在定語從句中擔當一個成分。e.g. The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman. 該句中,who is shaking hands with my father 是定語從句,修飾先行詞the man,who是引導定語從句的關(guān)系詞,代替先行詞the man,在定語從句中作主語。(二)關(guān)系代詞引導的定語從句1who 指人,在定語從句中作主語或賓語。e.g. The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的

39、。2whom 指人,在定語從句中做賓語,??墒÷浴.g. The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come.The professor, whom you are waiting for, has come.你正在等的教授已經(jīng)來了。3which 指物,在定語從句中做主語或賓語,做賓語時??墒÷浴.g. Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多數(shù)男孩所喜歡的運動。4that 指人時,相當于who 或whom;指物時,相當于which.。在定語從句中作主語或賓語,作賓語時???/p>

40、省略。e.g. Where is the man that / whom I saw this morning? 我今天早上看到的那個人在哪兒?5whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定語從句中做定語。通常可與of which/of whom引導的定語從句進行轉(zhuǎn)換。e.g. He has a friend whose father is a doctor. He has a friend of whom the father is a doctor.He has of _a friend the father is a doctor. whom He has a friend_father of

41、whom is a doctor. the他有一個爸爸當醫(yī)生的朋友。例句分析:1. 定語從句的關(guān)系代詞做主語:(1) People used to regard farming as boring and backward. These people who live in cities.People who/that live in cities used to regard farming as boring and backward. (2)The research at Sunqiao produces seeds. The seeds help farmers grow better

42、 crops.The research at Sunqiao produces seeds which/that help farmers grow better crops.2. 定語從句的關(guān)系代詞做賓語:(1)They appear amazed to see the vegetables. Sunqiao grows the vegetables without using soil.They appear amazed to see the vegetables which Sunqiao grows without using soil/(2)The farmers now have

43、 bigger and better harvests. It has helped the farmers.The farmers who/that/whom it has helped now have bigger and better harvests.四、例題精析【例題1】【題干】A short term for the issues related with agriculture, _(farm)and rural area. Formally raised by researchers on rural issues in the late 1980s, the issues

44、_ (regard) as of high importance for the country's_ ( economy) and social development.【答案】farmer; were regarded; economic【解析】本句意思:“三農(nóng)”問題是與農(nóng)業(yè)、農(nóng)民、農(nóng)村相關(guān)問題的簡稱。該問題在20世紀80年代后期由研究人員正式提出,被視作是對國家經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展至關(guān)重要的問題。由常理可以推理出這里指的是三農(nóng),故另一個就是指農(nóng)民。第二空該問題與“看作,視為”是被動關(guān)系,故此處用的是一般過去時的被動語態(tài)。所空的部分與social并列共同修飾名詞development,故

45、此處也應(yīng)該填寫形容詞,economic?!纠}2】【題干】All this _ conclusively that she couldnt have known the truth.A. prove B. proves C. is proved D. are proved【答案】B【解析】本題考查prove的用法,prove引導一個賓語從句,this作主語,這里prove意思“結(jié)果證明是”為系動詞,不需要用被動,本句意思:這個都確實證明了她是不知道這個事實的。故選B?!纠}3】【題干】The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most

46、imagination.A. that B. which C. whose D. what【答案】C【解析】本句意思:獎項將會頒給一名作者,這個作者寫出的故事最具有想象力。句子分析可知,“作者”與“故事”之間是所屬關(guān)系,whose story表示作者的故事,故選C?!纠}4】【題干】越來越多的人們意識到了食品安全的重要性。(aware)【答案】More and more people are aware of the importance of food safety.【解析】本句主要考查be aware of 的用法,“的重要性”的表達the importance of,“食品安全”這里考查

47、名詞safety?!纠}5】【題干】牛奶有益骨骼生長,但喝得太多也不利于健康。(benefit)【答案】Mike benefits the growth of the bones, but drinking too much of it does no good to health.【解析】本題考查benefit的用法,此處作為及物動詞,另一個考點就是動名詞作主語。五、課堂運用【基礎(chǔ)】選詞填空。A. aware B. mixture C. enterprise D. fertilizers E. involves1、A fan club should be a service rather t

48、han a profit-making_.【答案】 C【解析】本句意思:粉絲俱樂部應(yīng)該是一個服務(wù)機構(gòu)而不是一個盈利公司。enterprise表示公司,故選C。2、The research team are working on how to produce vegetables without the use of _or pesticides.【答案】D【解析】研究小組正在致力于研究如何不用化肥和農(nóng)藥來種植蔬菜。fertilizer表示化肥,肥料,故選D。3、At the international conference, you could hear an amazing _of lang

49、uages.【答案】B【解析】本題考查mixture的用法,在國際會議上,你可能會聽到一種令人吃驚的語言融合。4、Caring for a one-year-old _changing nappies and making special meals.【答案】E【解析】本題考查involve的用法,照顧小孩兒涉及到換尿布和做一些特殊餐。5、If only you were _ of all the facts, you would immediately change your mind.【答案】A【解析】本題考查be aware of 的固定搭配。只要你意識到所有的這些事實,你將會立刻改變你

50、的想法?!眷柟獭窟x詞填空。A. contrast B. common C. moderation D. proved E. accounted for1、The differences in achievement between the pupils are partly _by differences in age.【答案】E【解析】本題考查account for的用法,意思為“說明(原因、理由等);導致,引起;(在數(shù)量、比例上)占;對負責?!北揪湟馑迹盒W生成績之間的差異部分取決于年齡的不同。2、Cheerful and highly intelligent, Jane was a co

51、mplete_ to her elder sister, Sarah, who is quiet and slow.【答案】A【解析】本題考查contrast的用法,Jane活潑又聰明,與其姐姐Sarah形成鮮明的對比,她姐姐安靜又動作較慢。3、I never thought I would ever have anything in _ with George.【答案】B【解析】本題考查common的用法,in common with sb.“就某方面與某人相同”。本句意思:我從來不認為我跟喬治有什么相同的地方。4、It will not harm the baby if the mothe

52、r drinks coffee or tea in _.【答案】C【解析】本題考查moderation的用法,in moderation適度地。本句意思:如果準媽媽喝咖啡和茶只要適度就不會傷害到孩子。5、This information has _ useful to a great many people.【答案】D【解析】本題考查prove的用法。prove+adj.“證明是”本句意思:這個消息對于許多人來說是很有用的?!景胃摺窟x詞填空。A. up B. growing C. variety D. enterprise E. gardening F. sharp G. down H. co

53、st I. existing J. increase Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husbands income. So this year she did something more than a hobby; She planted vegetables in her yard. For her first garden, Ms. Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants, and five rows of a _1_ of vegetables. The family's old f

54、arm house has become a chicken house, its residents arriving next month.Last year, Ms. Rita Gartin kept a small garden. This year she has made it much larger because, she said, "The_2_ of everything is going up and I was looking to lose a few pounds, too;so it's a win-win situation all around." They are among the_3_ number of Americans who, driven by higher living costs and a


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