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1、紹興市2017年中考英語(yǔ)試題及答案試卷 I(選擇題共70分)(一)聽(tīng)力部分(共 25分)一、聽(tīng)力(本題有15小題,第一節(jié)每小題1分;第二、三節(jié)每小題2分,共計(jì)25 分)第一節(jié):聽(tīng)小對(duì)話,回答問(wèn)題。1. What would SUSan Iike to drinkA. Tea.B. Cold water.C. Coffee.2. Who is sleep ing at homeA. Tom' S brother.B. Tom' S fa ther.C. Tom' S mother.3. What does the woma n meanA. She ' ll ea

2、t out With the man.B. She ' ll play tennis With the man.C. She ' ll go SWimming With the man.4. How is the Weather tomorrowA. Cloudy.B.Rainy.C. Sunny.5. Where does the Con VerSati On PrObabIy take placeA. In a bookstore.B.In a post office.C. I n a restaura nt.第二節(jié):聽(tīng)較長(zhǎng)對(duì)話,回答問(wèn)題。第下面一段對(duì)話,回答第 67小題。

3、6. Why does LUCy look Un happyA. BeCaUSe her Cat is sick.B. BeCaUSe her Cat is old.C. BeCaUSe her Catis lost.7. Where are LUCy and Alex PrObabIy goingA. To the hospital.B. To the zoo.C. Tothe school.聽(tīng)下面一段對(duì)話,回答第810小題。8. How did Matt and NanCy go to NeW York for a holidayA. By cay.B. By pla ne.C. By s

4、hip.9. Where did Matt and NanCy Stay while travelli ng in NeW YorkA. In a hotel.B. At their friend ' S house.C.In a Uni VerSity.10. What did Matt and NanCy do every day in Central ParkA. They took a walk.B. They rode a bike.C. TheyWatChed birds.第三節(jié):聽(tīng)獨(dú)白,回答問(wèn)題。11. WhiCh class does Tara like bestA.

5、Art history.B. BUS in ess En glish.C.COmPUter SCie nce.12. What does Tara first do after breakfastA. Meet her frien ds.B. ReVieW her less ons.C. CheCkher e-mail.13. Where does Alice come fromA. Syd ney.B.Moscow.C. Toro nto.14. Whe n does Tara get home from Work every dayA. At 4:30 .B. At 11:00 .C. A

6、t 11:30 .15. How is Tara ' S lifeA. Easy.B.Busy.C. Dull.(二)筆試部分(共 45 分)二、完形填空(本題有 15小題,每小題1分,共計(jì)15分) 閱讀下面短文,然后從各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。AS a new teacher at DoUll Primary School in Denver, Kyle SChWartZ thought of a SimPIe Way to get to know her third graders, most of whom Came from16 families.She asked

7、 them to complete the17“I WiSh my teacher knew ” and ShareSOmeth ing about themselves.Their 18an SWerS gave the teacher a Cha nce to Un dersta nd her StUde nts'difficulties.“ I WiSh my teacher knew I have no pencilS to do myhomework,”19 One child. “ I WiSh my teacher knew SOmetimeS my readi ngho

8、mework is not Signed(簽名),because my mom is not20 a lot, ” wroteano ther. Some Shared hope for the21.“ I WiSh my teacher knew that I Wantto go to college. ”“Some notes are really heartbreaking, ” SChWartZ tells ABC News. “ICare22about each of my StUde nts and I don't Want them to be poorforever.”

9、 She explains,“ I hoped to know23I could better SUPPOrt them.So I24to let them tell me What I n eeded to know.That WaS Why I Createdthe fill-i n-the-bla nk exercise. ”25thethird graders Were allowed to anSWer anonymOUSly (匿名),most Wantedto in clude n ames. And some Were eve n excited to read their n

10、o tes outloud. 26 One Shy girl who bravely Sai d that She WaS Ionely.“After She toldthe class, 'I don' t have friends to 27me,' I WaS WOrried What they woulddo. ” SChWartZ tells US Weekly. “ However, I felt enCOUraged to See how much SUPPOrt the other kids Offered28 . They inVitedher to

11、play at break and Sit Withthem at IUn ch. You see,29 have an unu sual ability to express empathy(同情). ”“The results have been30, ” SayS Schwartz. “ It SPeakS to the importanceof givi ng people a voice and really liste ning to them.16. A. traditio nalB. frie ndlyC.poorD. small17. A. POStCardB. noteCI

12、etterD. diary18. A. ho nestB. politeC.usualD. right19. A. SUggeStedB. COPiedC.repeatedD. wrote20. A. freeB. CareIeSSC.famousD. angry21. A. SoCietyB. CoUrSeC.researchD. future22. A. SeCretIyB. deeplyC.n ervouslyD. directly23. A. WhereB. WhyC.howD. Whe n24. A. decidedB. refusedC.forgotD. lear ned25. A

13、. Unl essB. ThOUghC.BeCaUSeD. OnCe26. A. likeB. fromC.aga instD. except27. A. look forB. talk aboutC.dependOnD. play With28. A. himB. youC.herD. me29. A. ChiIdre nB. teachersC.Pare ntsD. reporters30. A. bori ngB. SUrPriS ingC.WOrryi ngD. relax ing【答案】16. C17. B18. A19. D20. A21. D22. B23. C24. A25.

14、B26. A27. D28. C29. A30. B三、閱讀理解(本題有15小題,每小題2分,共計(jì)30分)閱讀下面四篇材料,然后從各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)最佳答案。ALear n En glish in NeW Zeala ndLearn English in NeWZeaIand at Language Schools NeWZeaIand (LSNZ). OUr ChriStChUrCh and QUeenstown schools in the South Island of NZ are the PerfeCt PIaCeS to learnEn glish.What is you

15、r dreamDo you dream of SPeak ing En glish Very WellIELTSStUdy & SkiCombo COUrSeCambridge, Toeic & Pitmans EXamPreParatiOnCOUrSeS are also Offered at bothschools.31. ACCOrd ing to the text, ChriStChUrCh and QUee nstow n school.A. lie in the North Isla ndB. are members of LSNZC. OWn the PerfeC

16、t PIaCeS to ViSitD. teach Only IoCal StUde nts32. The text tells US that LSNZA. PrOVideS over four COUrSeSB. PraCtiCeS Iarge-CIaSS teachingC. desig ns lots of examsD. has many teachers fromabroad33. Those who Want towill most PrObabIy be in terested in this text.A. look for jobs at LSNZB. build Ian

17、guage schoolsC. improve their En glishD. Iear n about NeW Zeala nd【答案門(mén)31. B32. A33. CBSydney Fredette has a lot of things to deal with. Not Only is She a high school StUdent, but She has also Set UP her OWn Organization, Beary Merry ChriStmas. She VolUnteers(自愿) to SerVe poor kids and families in Or

18、angeCoUntry in California, US.To remember her best friend who died of CanCern early 10 years ago, Fredette decided to SerVe those in OrangeCoUntry who are less lucky tha n She is.She began With the SimPIe idea of collecting donated(捐贈(zèng)的)Build-A-Bears,thepopular toy animal that is madeby ChiIdren them

19、selves in the StOreS' WOrkShops.Fredette the n gave them as gifts to the homeless ChiIdre n inCalifornia duri ng theholiday SeaS on.With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and VoIUnteershost activitiesevery year, Where VolUnteersnot Only give out the bears, but also clothing,meals

20、,and other thi ngs.Not Wanting to limit (限制)the givi ng to just the holiday mon ths, Fredette now hosts other activities for Valentine' S Day, MOther ' S Day and Halloween, PrOViding theCha nce for her VolUn teer team to make a differe nce through the year.“I love making relatiOnShiPSWith th

21、e people I serve, ” Fredette said.“The thanksthey have, hearing their StOrieS and Seeing how happy they are, it' S so cool. ”FUtUre pla ns for Fredette in clude buildi ng a PUbIiC food bank and PrOVidi ng a self-developme nt class for StUde nts in her school who will Soon atte nd college.Heading

22、 to college herself in the fall, Fredette is looking to Stay local and ContinUe to help out in her hometown. In fact, She WaS regarded as a “Dreamer & Doer ” notIong ago for her work in improvi ng her com muni ty, along With 32 other high schoolStUde nts.34. Fredette Started her OWn Orga ni Zati

23、 On to.A. keep her life busyB. help poor peopleC. look after theSiCkD. tha nk her best friend35. What Can We lear n about Beary Merry ChriStmaSA. It holds One activity a year.B. It OfferS SerViCe aroundAmeriCa.C. It buys bears from the Stores.D. It gives out other thingsbesides bears.36. It Ca n be

24、in ferred(推斷)that Fredette.A. likes tellingpeople StOrieSB. dreams of being a teacherC. is PIeaSed With What She doesD. pla ns to leave California forcollege37. What Can be the best title for the PaSSageA. GiVi ng back to SOCietyB. Gett ing On well With OtherSC. PrOVidi ng a food bankD. ImPrOVi ng c

25、om mun ity colleges【答案】34. B35. D36. C37. ACMore Chinese UniVerSitieSare opening their IibrarieS to the public,allowing peopleto enjoy reading during normal time and the VaCations.BUt for some StUde nts, in cludi ng Wang Ling, 21, in Sun Yat-Se n Uni VerSity, thisPraCtiCe has CaUSed headaches. “ Mem

26、berS of the PUbIiC come to our IibrarieS more for SightSeeing than reading, ” Said Wang.“They SOmetimeS even bri ng their kids along, and take photos as if it Were a place of in terest. ”Wang has found it hard to get a Seat during busy times. Being short of SPaCe is aCommon problem for UniVerSity Ii

27、brarieS in China.However, this is not the Only reasOn Why StUdents dislike their IibrarieS being open to members of the public. They fear that the quiet ness of the IibrarieS will be in flue need because of ViSitOrS ' rude behavior.Chen Jie, 18, a StUde nt in Tongji Uni VerSity, is One who would

28、 be aga inst ope ningto the PUbIiC .“ I have been to a PUbIiC Iibrary before. People Were Chatting loudlyor SPeaking On cell Phone so you Can hardly read, ” Chen said. She notices teachers doing SeriOUS readi ng and feels their ConCen tratio n(專(zhuān)注)has in flue needher. “ Iftoo many Strangers Stayhere,

29、 the whole Iibrary will be a noisy place and it' Sdifficult for US to StUdy quietly,” She said.Will there be alter native(可替代的)WayS to Share those IibrarieS Some expertsCon Sider that Uni VerSity IibrarieS Can PreVe nt the PUbIiC from en teri ng Certa in areas. “ We might keep magaz ines for aca

30、demic research Only for teachers and StUdents, ” Said ZhU Lina, Iibrary director in Jinan UniVerSity.Working together With the community Iibrary is another solution.“ It ' S POSSibIethat a member of the PUbIiC Can Order a book in our Iibrary over the Intern et,”Ge Jianxiong, the Iibrary director

31、 in FUdan UniVerSity said.“We Il Send it toa PUbIiC IibrarieS close to their home.”38. We Can See from the PaSSage that Wang LingA. hates to StUdy in the IibraryB. PreferS SightSeeingto readi ngC. feels good to play With kidsD. is a Uni VerSityStUde nt aged 2139. InChen Jie ' S opinion, ViSitOrS

32、 to UniVerSity IibrarieS may.A. take UP too much SPaCeB. break the PeaCe thereC. maketeachers relaxedD. get StUdents to read more40. The Writer mentiOnS two IibrarieS directors' words to help explain howtoA. man age IibrarieS On Ii neB. keep the PUbIiC politeC. Share Uni VerSity IibrarieSD. do S

33、Cie ntific research41. Where is the PaSSage most PrObabIy take n fromA. A n ewspaper.B. A Iibrary guide.C. A storybook.D. A no tice board.【答案】38. D39. B40. C41. ADHaVe you ever Seen a Car WithOUt a driver It SoUndS crazy, but these COmPUter-driven driverless CarS will soon be filling roads near you.

34、So how The CarS have SenSorS (感應(yīng)器)all around WhiCh Can find other CarS and ObjeCtS in the road. Road Sig ns are read by cameras, and Satellite n avigati On SyStemS(衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng))are USed so the Car knows how to get Where you Want to go. All you haveto do is type in the address! Fin ally, a Cen tral COmPUte

35、r SyStem takes in all theinformationthat it receives from the Sensors and CameraS and works out When to SPeedup, stop and turn.SoUnd like your idea of heaven (天堂) Sitting back, looking out of the Windows and even WatChing a film or reading a book while driving ' would be POSSibIe With thisnew te

36、ch no logy. You would n ' t have to worry about rememberi ng directi OnS to Where you' re going. In addition, COmPUterS would also drive more SafeIy than peoplethey would obey the rules and have quicker action times Whenin dangerous SitUations. However, there are many drawbacks of driverless

37、 cars. COmPUterS would havedifficulties making ethical(道德的)decisions: if a child ran into the road, wouldthe COmPUter choose to hit the child or turn SUddenly and potentiallykill the Car' SPaSSengers Moreover, I PerSOnally find driving fun I ' d miss never driving a Car myself. There would a

38、lso be many Other decisiOnS to be made- should ChiIdren, Ordrunk people, be allowed in a driverless Car by themselves Or would there need tobe a PerSon With a driving license in the Car at all timesI ' m not Certain I ' d Want a driverless Car but it ' S Only a matter of time before they

39、 ' ll become more affordable and popular On OUr roads.42. Whe n USing a driverless car, you n eed OnlyA. read the road Sig ns carefullyB. CheCk the CameraSC. PUt the address into the COmPUterD. remember the direct ions43. The third ParagraPh mainly tells US about theof driverless cars.A. in StrU

40、Cti OnSB. Sta ndardsC.adva ntagesD. tests44. The Un derl ined word“ potentially” in ParagraPh 4 meansaaA. POSSibIyB. SUCCeSSfullyC.especiallyD. n aturally45. What' S the Writer'S OPinion about future driverless CarSA. They ' ll CaUSe more accidents.B . They ' ll beless expe nsive.C.

41、They ' ll USe less energy.D. They ' llrun much faster.【答案】42. C43. C44. A45. B試卷 (非選擇題共50分)四、詞匯運(yùn)用(本題有 15小題,每小題1分,共計(jì)15分) A.用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每詞僅用一次(每空一詞)SPeeChsmoothOUrUntildivide46. I didn' t Iearn to PaintI WaS forty.47. The StUde nts Wereinto four groups before doing experime nts.48. Jam

42、eS looked tired, for he liste ned to threethis morning.49. I ' ll lead you to your room.is the OneneXt door.50. There is no wind and the Water is asas glass.【答案】48.SPeeCheS49. OUrS50. smoothB.閱讀下面短文,然后根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)所給漢語(yǔ)意思寫(xiě)出單詞的正確形式(每空一詞)。Daniel KriStiansea is a 14-year-old schoolboy from Denmark. ReCently

43、, while doinghis history homework a bout World War , he had a SUrPriSingdiscovery 51 (在后面)his family ' S home. He found the remains of a WorldWar plane and a52 (飛行員)After telling his father about his history homework, Daniel WaS enCOUraged to goout Onto their farm With a SPeCiaI mach ine to find

44、53(金屬).He and hisfather hoped they might find someold PIateS or SOmething he could 54 (給看) to his CIaSSmateS at school. MUCh to their surprise, On the55(第五)day, they found SOmebrOken plane pieces. Whenthey 56(挖)downseven meters,they SUddenly Came across PieCeS of 57(灰色的) clothes. They reported Whatt

45、hey found to the government, and soon the news WaS58(廣泛地)heard acrossDanm ark. EaCh day their house WaS59(擁擠的) With n ews reporters.Daniel ' S father, Klaus, remembered being told by his grandpa that a planefrom 60 (德國(guó))had hit their farm during World War . BUt Klaus thought itWaS just a good sto

46、ry. Now it turns out to be true.【答案】/ 5th/ gray60. Germa ny五、語(yǔ)法填空(本題有 10小題,每小題1分,共計(jì)10分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中所給單詞的正確形式。Malala Yousafzai, 19, is a PakiStani youth activist. She is the61(young)PerSon in the world ever to be named United NatiOnS (.) MeSSenger (信使) Of Peace. The Un ited Nati OnS is6

47、2intern ati Onal orga ni Zati on, WhiCh is meant toenCOUrage 63(CoUntry ) to work together On different OPinionS WithOUt theUSe of war. YOUSafZai has64 (glad) accepted the role of worki ng forgirls ' education.Usually, a messenger65 (Stay) in the POSitiOn(職位) forthree years. “ If66 Want to See y

48、our future bright, you have to Startworking now and not Wait67 anyone else, ” She Said at the acceptancemeeting in NeW York. In 2012, YOUSafZai WaS nearly killed by the TaIiban becauseShe WOrked hard 68 (get) the Same educatiOn for young girls in PakiStan.BUtlater her Con diti On improved.69 a brave

49、 girl! SinCe the nYOUSafZai 70 (become) a symbol for PeaCe and girls ' right to receive an educati on.【答案】get 70. has become六、任務(wù)型閱讀(本題有5小題,每小題1分,共計(jì)5分)閱讀下面短文,從方框中所給的AD四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇正確的答案,并將其序號(hào)填入71- 74題,使短文意思連貫,然后回答75題。TUeSday WaS like any Other day for Morgan Bieley,15. It WaS the fourth period, andShe

50、WaS the first StUde nt to arrive in the gym for her . class.71.“ There WaS a SharP CraCk ing no ise and the n a loud boom. After that, Ididn ' t remember anything, ” Said Morgan.The roof (屋頂)Of the gym had fallen down Under the heavy snow. Morgan couldn' tget away. “ I woke UP and there WaS a big PieCe of wood On my leg.72. I WaSStart ing to get cold. ”Luckily, help WaS nearby . A new PrOgram USing rescue (救援)robots ” WaS tried for the first time.“We Were nervous about USing the robot, ”


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