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1、Twenty-first century China The Chinese diet culturecontents The differences (according to the regional differences) The introduction and the characteristics of the eight cuisines The similarities Lantern Festival-湯圓 Dragon Boat Festival-粽子 The Spring Festival-餃子 流派:有成都、重慶兩個(gè)流派。特點(diǎn):以味多、味廣、味厚、味濃著稱。名菜:宮爆

2、雞丁、麻婆豆腐、魚香肉絲、水煮牛肉Sichuan cuisine often use chili、 pepper、fresh ginger、garlic、marked as ingredients.宮保雞丁 Chicken cubes with peanuts東坡肘子 DongPo stewed pork joint水煮牛肉 Boiled beef回鍋肉 Double cooked pork slices魚香肉絲 Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing a

3、rea and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan.You have a choice of spicy, pure and combo for the soup base. Thin sliced raw variety meat, fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Chongqing Ho

4、t Pot-重慶火鍋重慶火鍋流派:由杭州、寧波、紹興等地方菜構(gòu)成,最負(fù)盛名的是杭州菜。特點(diǎn):鮮嫩軟滑,香醇綿糯,清爽不膩。名菜:龍井蝦仁、西湖醋魚、叫花雞、梅干菜燜肉、冰糖甲魚With a long history of Zhejiang is rich in vegetable varieties,Its characteristics are clear, fragrant, crisp, tender, fresh.龍井蝦仁 Longjing shrimp 杭州霉干菜燜肉Molded dried vegetable stew meat紹興三絲敲魚Three fish 溫州冰糖甲魚Stea

5、med Turtle in Crystal Sugar Soup 寧波Beggars Chicken -叫化童雞According to tradition,In ancient times there was a beggar, stole a hen, lack of pot and stove in the case, he will be chicken wrapped in mud, put barbecue in the violet fire, cooked and then stripped off the mud, the food taste delicious anoma

6、ly. Then the baked mud techniques into the hotel restaurant, through continuous development and improvement, gradually has become a traditional Hangzhou dishes.流派:由皖南、沿江和沿淮地方風(fēng)味構(gòu)成。皖南菜是主要代表。特點(diǎn):以火腿佐味,冰糖提鮮、擅長(zhǎng)燒燉,講究火工。名菜:紅燒果子貍、腌鮮鱖魚、黃山燉鴿Anhui Cuisine focuses on cooking temperature, braising , and stewing .

7、 Hams are used to improve taste and sugar candy for freshness. Stewed civet cats紅燒果子貍Mount Huangshan braised pigeon黃山燉鴿Salted fish腌鮮鱖魚Ham stewed turtle-火腿燉甲魚In the mountain area of Huizhou unique horseshoe sand turtleAs the main material,Ham bone as condiments.Food into the soup color is clear, rott

8、en meat Shannon, Skirt Lubrication, no fishy smell.流派:湖南一帶特點(diǎn):注重香辣、麻辣、酸、辣、焦麻、香鮮,尤為酸辣居多。名菜:紅煨魚翅、冰糖湘蓮Hunan cuisine, sometimes called Xiang cuisine (湘菜) is well known for its hot spicy flavor, fresh aroma and deep color. Common cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, and smok

9、ing. 冰糖湘蓮冰糖湘蓮 Bingtang Bingtang lotuslotus紅庵魚翅 Red Shark s fin臘味合蒸meat steamed together麻辣子雞 spicy chickenSteamed fish head-剁椒魚頭Said to the Qing Dynasty, Huang Zongxian was passing through a small village in Hunan, staying in farmer home, farmers son back to catch a fish from the pond, the hostess wi

10、ll put salt in the fish soup, and then chopped peppers and fish with steamed, Huang Zongxian feel very delicious. After returning home, he let the home chef to be improved, so that there is todays Steamed fish head.Steamed fish head features: bright red color, rich, tender meat, delicious and spicy.

11、流派:由福州、泉州、廈門等地發(fā)展起來,并以福州菜為其代表。特點(diǎn):以海味為主要原料,注重甜酸咸香、色美味鮮。名菜:雪花雞、金壽福、扳指干貝、桔汁加吉魚、太極明蝦 Fujian style cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, umami, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on showing off and not masking original flavour of the main ingredients.BanZhi scallops扳指干貝Fried oysters牡蠣煎lyche

12、e meat荔枝肉Buddha jumps over the wall-佛跳墻Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a variety of shark fin soup Fujian cuisine. Since its creation during the Qing Dynasty (1644 1912), the dish has been regarded as a Chinese delicacy known for its rich taste, usage of various high-quality ingredients and special ma

13、nner of cooking. The dishs name is an allusion to the dishs ability to entice the vegetarian monks from their temples to partake in the meat-based dish. It is high in protein and calcium. 流派:由揚(yáng)州、蘇州、南京地方菜發(fā)展而成。特點(diǎn):烹調(diào)技藝以燉、燜、煨著稱;重視調(diào)湯,保持原汁。名菜:西湖醋魚、清燉蟹粉、獅子頭、鹽水鴨、鴨包魚Jiangsu cuisines texture is characterized

14、as soft, sweetish flavor.Other characters includes the strict selection of ingredients according to the seasons, emphasis on the matching color and shape of each dish and emphasis on using soup to improve the flavor. Salted duck鹽水鴨three-Feng Bridge ribs sauce三鳳橋醬排骨West Lake Fish in West Lake Fish in

15、 Sweet Sour SourceSweet Sour Source西西湖醋魚湖醋魚Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish-Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish-松鼠松鼠桂魚桂魚Sweet and sour mandarin fish is the traditional dishes of Suzhou region, in the south of Yangtze River has been classified as the banquet Shangpin. Said to early in the emperor Qian Long of J

16、iangnan, Suzhou had squirrel carp, Qian Long had tasted. Later it developed into a sweet and sour Mandarin fish.流派:有廣州、潮州、東江三個(gè)流派,以廣州菜為代表。特點(diǎn):烹調(diào)方法突出煎、炸、燴、燉等,口味特點(diǎn)是爽、淡、脆、名菜:三蛇龍虎鳳大會(huì)、燒乳豬、鹽焗雞、冬瓜盅、古老肉Cantonese (Yue) cuisine draws upon a great diversity of ingredients with many imported foods and ingredients

17、. Besides pork, beef, and chicken, Cantonese cuisine incorporate almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck and duck tongues, snakes, and snails. Crispy suckling pig 脆皮烤乳豬 lllustrating 龍虎斗 beef stomach 牛百葉Steamed Shrimp Dumplings蝦餃 Bolied chicken with sauce - Bolied chicken w

18、ith sauce - 白切雞白切雞The chicken is salt marinated and boiled in its entirety. When the water starts to boil, the heat is turned off, allowing the chicken to cook in the residual heat. The chickens skin will remain light colour, if cooked correctly, the meat will be quite tender, moist, and flavourful.

19、 Due to the simplicity of the preparation, the quality of the ingredients is highly important for the success of the dish.It is served with a condiment called jang cng , which is a salted mixture of finely minced ginger, scallions, and either liquid pork fat or vegetable oil. 流派:由濟(jì)南和膠東兩部分地方風(fēng)味組成特點(diǎn):味濃

20、厚、嗜蔥蒜,尤以烹制海鮮,湯菜和各種動(dòng)物內(nèi) 臟為長(zhǎng)。名菜:油爆大哈、紅燒海螺、糖酥鯉魚、當(dāng)朝一品鍋Shandong Cuisine: a combination of Jinan and Jiaodong, Shandong is characterized by an emphasis on freshness, aroma, and crispness. Honey pear ball 蜜汁梨球Saute sea cucumber with scallions 蔥燒海參The Django 當(dāng)朝一品鍋Braised intestines in brown sauce dishes rudd

21、y color, tender, with salty, sweet, acid, spicy,delicious anomaly, fat but not greasy, eat long patience.Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce-Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce-九轉(zhuǎn)大腸九轉(zhuǎn)大腸 Tangyuan(yuanxiao) get the name from the The Lantern Festival (元宵節(jié))marking the end of celebrations of the New Year. Made of sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing and round in shape, it symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness. The fillings inside the dumplings or yuanxiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame, o


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