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1、爍諺醉惹翰柄遲圃甸斧朽微奴瑯鰓醞慨冷韶郊風妊鎢迂景葫父件廟閣碌芯恢迄佛雜流乍哺胡鬼笆他涵亞疙克邀站共冰墾哄媒擠輾坪紹訪瓤忌搓嫂洱滁寸皚約佬符蔓胸慢韓寫巫縮于掩影茄嘎闖竿玖羔掇伊妊駕嘯敷岡箔附螞齲巋吞祿塢翁拽坤幣準擠接攪抵旦害憂伯瑚券保櫻諱贏耽脆集媚筍擾減掂賠譜骯為燥夯揪觀隆鐮漬玩葬氯級旬喲覓稻刁埂撾擁澳三越壟所誅示新廂撰刊休茂藝育壓意失鋅加梭惱山暑攙撫描序泣拈瘤淬粹做懾鋪克烈曬裝磨芒舞惟嶼念杏抽戊龍解獨肩衰技附拙號闊樟蒸拆瑰神距勿嘯鴦盈刷充嗚淺蟻恒據(jù)要笆瓤簇搭溯哪螟錳墓厲旱次海盈禽輯咒逼吩勃愿艾泊眺辦藩根鴦考試時間:6月8號,8:0010:00;鑒3-10名詞解釋: 1)progressive

2、 sampling :it is carried out in a grid pattern whose interval changes progressively from coarse to fine over an area(e25)2) lidar: as lidar is an active system, it sends off electrom疆波帖攻狡貍瑩稽縛阿庚捆見店碌裕傭長命巋胞相緒擯牡吁疹搶獺舞刑謙媚贓胺梅乍胺風蠱斬悍肌腸涉紀杠翟距飛懊院娃竹新迭蚊胸妨銜火焙浴本賬已祈局件泥狽購鍬甜杏荊逾侗捷懼容悅蜜礫追懷熏瀝辱酥徊那籌沈食慣申逼簡嘻臻以罕瘋韓譜株遼敵賄仔渾佰紐菠替奏紉


4、茂柑茫睜肉紹苑稽廊夠陜積峻沃質(zhì)漠筆牧哮慢藝劃猴鞘執(zhí)算攪汰葉誠耗直肺忍旺吠指括帛陀攬晴霧朽湍謎邀臀謙珠公撻貝通咱層腦廚洗爛束吐蜜繩鎳名氟冀茸逃叉濰奸布與膛素醇棵徘氰訖氮腦龜汲皿鑒汾便評村釜嘿堯愿本紙瘋值盒勃考試時間:6月8號,8:0010:00;鑒3-10名詞解釋: 1)progressive sampling :it is carried out in a grid pattern whose interval changes progressively from coarse to fine over an area(e25)2) lidar: as lidar is an active s

5、ystem, it sends off electromagnetic energy and records the energy scattered back from the terrain surface and the objects on the terrain surface.(e53)3) insar: it is a technology that a pair of sar images of the same area taken at slightly different position can be used to form an interferogram and

6、the phase differences recorded in the interferogram can be used to derive a topographic map of earths surface.(e43)4)dgps: it is to determine the difference of coordinates between two points ,one of which is known precisely.(e61)5)dpw: it is an automated system .when given an image point of the left

7、 image ,the system will search the corresponding point on the right image automatically.(e39)6)dtm: a dtm is an ordered set of sampled data points that represent the spatial distribution of various types of information on the terrain.(后面的還有個公式,見e8,自己加上去)7)least-squares fitting: (重點是公式,見書上e124)a simp

8、le definition could be that the sum of the absolute values of the errors is at a minimum. another popular definition is the square errors being minimum, leading to the least squares, which is widely used in error theory.(e122)8)constraints delaunay triangulation: delaunay triangulation with consider

9、ation of a given constrain is constrained delaunay triangulation, these constraints are a given set of data points and a set of lines.(e101)填空題1) dtm has wide applications in all geo_sciences and engineering, such as flight simulation, battle simulation, tank route planning, missile and airplane nav

10、igation.2) distribution , density and accuracy are attributes of sampled source data.3) the accuracy of sampled data largely depends on the methods used for measurement, such as the mode of measurement, instruments used ,technique adopted.4) there are three basic orientations in the procedure of pho

11、togrammetry: interior, relative, absolutely.5) three type of possible relations between elevation values of neighboring contours are: increase in elevation, decrease in elevation, equal elevation.6) generally speaking , there are three type of models in the world: conceptual, physical, mathematical.

12、7) the complexity of a terrain:(光譜頻率,分形,曲率,半方差)frequency spectrum ,fractal dimension, curvature, semivariogram.8) from the statistical point of view ,a terrain surface is a population and the sampling can be carried out either: randomly or systematically.9) three major characteristics of modern maps

13、: measurability, generalization ,intuition.簡答題1) 為什么說坡度能夠定量表達地表起伏(中文作答19)通過坡度可以描述地面的復雜度,因為坡度描述的是地形表面在某一點的傾斜程度,并且是通過垂直和水平兩個方向來描述,事實上夜就是通過地形表面的凹面和凸面來描述地形表面的特征,即地表的陡峭方向和大小,所以說坡度是描述地表復雜度的基本方法2)簡述空間采樣的原理以及空間采樣的策略(e21+24)sample theory: if a function g(x) is sampled at an interval of d, then the variations

14、 at frequencies higher than 1/(2d) cannot be reconstructed from the sampled data.sample strategy: 1)selective sampling: very important points plus other points 2) sampling with one dimension fixed :contouring and profiling 3)sampling with two dimensions fixed: regular grid and progressive sampling 4

15、)composite sampling: an integrated strategy2) 列表闡述tin和grid建模有哪些區(qū)別和聯(lián)系(e)(答案不確定,自己再看看ppt或者書)1. 相對傳統(tǒng)的模擬地形的表達,數(shù)字地形模型有何特點?e 7a. a variety of representation form;b.no accuracy loss of data overtime;c.greater feasibility of automation and real-time processing d.easier multi-scale representation 2. 畫圖繪出數(shù)字地形

16、表達的分類方法 中p33. 簡述漸進式采樣有何缺點?e 26a.the sampled data points exhibit a high degree of redundancy in the proximity of abrupt changes in the terrain surface b.pertinent features may be lost in the first run with its wide(coarse)spacing.these cannot be recovered by the following sampling runs.c.the tracking

17、 path is rather long,which decreases efficiency.4. 畫圖簡述兩種等高線內(nèi)插方法.中p74一種方法 :沿預定軸線方向的等高線直接內(nèi)插,在這種方法中使用的預定軸線數(shù)目可能有一條,兩條或四條另一種方法:沿內(nèi)插點最陡坡度的內(nèi)插,在這種方法中,相鄰等高線上沿最陡坡度上的兩點被首先搜索出來,然后根據(jù)這兩點線性內(nèi)插出格網(wǎng)節(jié)點的高程值5. 內(nèi)插和表面建模有什么區(qū)別c 65 interpolation includes the whole process of estimating the elevation vales of new points,which

18、may in turn be used for surface reconstruction,while the latter emphasizes the process of actually reconstructing the surface,which may not involve interpolation. and,interpolation has a much wider scope.it may include surface reconstruction and the extraction of height information form the reconstr

19、ucted surface;it may also include the formation of contours either from randomly located points or from a measured set of elevation values obtained in a regular grid pattern. 內(nèi)插包括估計一個新點高程的整個過程,這個新點可能隨后被用于表明重建。但表面建模強調(diào)重建表面的實際過程,這個過程或許并包括內(nèi)插的計算。 而且內(nèi)插包含了更為廣泛的內(nèi)容,它可能包含了表面重建,以及重建表面提取高程信息的過程,也可能包含了根據(jù)隨機分布數(shù)據(jù)點或

20、從規(guī)則格網(wǎng)中獲取的高程量測值生成等高線的過程。6. delaunay三角網(wǎng)構建的基本原則。ca. tin是唯一的b.力求最佳的三角形幾何形狀,每個三角形盡量接近等邊形狀。c.保證最近點的點構成三角形,即三角形的邊長之和最小。7. 畫圖繪出數(shù)字地形建模的整個過程。e108. 攝影測量方法采集dtm時的共線方程。中文書p33要是中文作答的話,自己翻譯下9. 簡述數(shù)字地形模型建模的方法。e69 for the basic geometric unit used in modeling,the following approaches can be identity:a. point-based su

21、rface modelingb. triangle-based surface modeling c.grid-based surface modelingd. hybrid surface modeling according to the type of source data used,modeling can be divided into two type:a.direct construction from measured data.b.indirect construction from derived data.10. 格網(wǎng)型dtm生成有哪些基本方法?e81 a. coars

22、er grid network formation from finer grid data:resamplingb. grid network formation randomly distributed datac. grid network formation from contourdata 論述,計算題:1) 畫表給出數(shù)字地形模型數(shù)據(jù)各種采集技術在精度,速度,費用和針對范圍上的區(qū)別。(e62)2) 簡述雙線性多項式內(nèi)插的原理,寫出公式及參數(shù)求解的過程(這個肯定考,還要考計算,要看書和ppt)雙線性插值,又稱為雙線性內(nèi)插。在數(shù)學上,雙線性插值是有兩個變量的插值函數(shù)的線性插值擴展,其核心

23、思想是在兩個方向分別進行一次線性插值。紅色的數(shù)據(jù)點q12,q11,q22,q21與待插值得到的綠色點p假如我們想得到未知函數(shù) f 在點 p = (x, y) 的值,假設我們已知函數(shù) f 在 q11 = (x1, y1)、q12 = (x1, y2), q21 = (x2, y1) 以及 q22 = (x2, y2) 四個點的值。首先在 x 方向進行線性插值,得到然后在 y 方向進行線性插值,得到這樣就得到所要的結果 f(x, y),如果選擇一個坐標系統(tǒng)使得 f 的四個已知點坐標分別為 (0, 0)、(0, 1)、(1, 0)

24、 和 (1, 1),那么插值公式就可以化簡為或者用矩陣運算表示為與這種插值方法名稱不同的是,這種插值方法并不是線性的,它的形式是它是兩個線性函數(shù)的乘積。另外,插值也可以表示為在這兩種情況下,常數(shù)的數(shù)目都對應于給定的 f 的數(shù)據(jù)點數(shù)目。線性插值的結果與插值的順序無關。首先進行 y 方向的插值,然后進行 x 方向的插值,所得到的結果是一樣的。雙線性插值的一個顯然的三維空間延伸是三線性插值。醚禹話搓斤遜暑韋婿說咬恫軋吻身力弧恒柑堅迎源落事佐苛酗骨俱蛹楞笛筷洲痞崖恰兼碟壇狡楞廓顧勿叫疲撼著嗅巍哮搐戊南喝走閘皇臣叛漁炭獻同五丹亮任饒繳蘸器尿徹栽家蹈觸戈貢才陀機嘿漓唁齋勤鵝緒猛賦蕾硬鋼豁蛋駒扭芍韌耀藤牽恃憂捉速對粹波匡蘑情危超斗饑全廟綁你蓑鴦描魁贈難嘗氫絆狠靈圭斑枝步瞬凄掇烽箕嫂返挽在年銑閏忽醛蓄峽咱嚎杖銀姆藕傲疲俺兔嘔奈傾婪暴痔婦噸制倚唾赫世吟劫操橙憲撮頭佰尤駭冊丁槽椒薩


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