1、誰動了我的奶酪?(Who Moved MyCheese?)誰動了我的奶酪 ?(Who Moved My Cheese?)誰動了我的奶 酪?(Who Moved My Cheese?) an amazing way to deal with cha nge in your work in your lifedr spe ncer joh nsoncheese a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relati on ship, mon ey, a big house, freedom, health
2、, recognition,spiritual peace, or even an activity likejogg ing or golf.each of us has our own idea of what cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy. if we get it, we ofte n become attached to it. and if we lose it, or it s take n away, it can be traumatic.once, long ago, the
3、re lived 4 little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them make them happy.two were mice named sniff scurry and two were little people n amed hem haw .every morni ng, the mice the little people dressed in their running gear headed over to cheese station c where they found
4、 their own kind of cheese. it was a large store of cheese that hem haw eve ntually moved their homes to be closer to it built a social life around it.to make themselves feel more at home, hem haw decorated the walls with say in gs. one read: hav ing cheese makes you happy .hav ing cheese makes you h
5、appyone morning, sniff scurry arrived at cheese station c discovered there was no cheese.they were n t surprised. since they had no ticed the supplyof cheese had been getting smaller every day, they were prepared for the in evitable knew in st in ctively what to do. they were quickly off in search o
6、f new cheese.later that same day, hem haw arrived. what! no cheese?who moved my cheese? it s not fair! , hem yelled. they went home that ni ght hungry discouraged. but before they left, haw wrote on the wall:the more importa nt your cheese is to you, the more youwant to hold onto it.the next day hem
7、 haw left their homes, returned to cheese station c. but situation hadn t changed. haw asked,where are sn iff scurry? do you thi nk they know somethi ng we don t? hem scoffed, what would they know? they re just simple mice. they just resp ond to what happe ns. we re little people. we re smarter.haw
8、suggested, maybe we should stop analyzing situatio n so much and just get going find some new cheese.haw decided to leave cheese station c while hem more comfortable staying in the cheeseless station c. announ ced, it s maze time! and wrote:if you do not cha nge,you can become ext inctwho moved my c
9、heese?mean while, sniff scurry went farther into the maze un tilthey found cheese statio n n. they found what they had bee n looki ng for: a great supply of new cheese. it was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever see n.haw on the other hand become more an xious won deredif he really wan ted
10、 to go out into the maze. he wrote a say ingon the wall ahead of him stared at it for some time:what would you doif you were n t afraid?thewashawnothaw now realized that the change probably would have take n him by surprise if he had bee n watch ing what washappeningall along and if he had anticipat
11、edchange. hestopped for a rest wrote on the wall of the maze:smell the cheese ofte nso you knowwhe n it is gett ing old.haw wondered if hem had moved on, or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears. the n, haw remembered the times when he had felt his best in the maze. it was when he was moving al
12、ong. he wrote:moveme nt in a new directi on helps you findnew cheese.as haw started running dow n the dark corridor, he bega nto smile. haw did n t realize it yet, but he was discoveri ng what no urished his soul. he was lett ing go trusti ng what lay ahead for him, eve n though he did not know exac
13、tly what it was.to his surprise, haw started to enjoy himself more more.he stopped to write aga in on the wall:whe n you move bey ond your fear,you feel free.who moved my cheese?to make thi ngs eve n better, haw started to paint a picture in his mind aga in. he saw himself in great realistic detail,
14、 sitti ngin the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses-from cheddar to brie! he saw himself eati ng the many cheeses he liked, he enjoyed what he saw.the more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying new cheese, the more real believable it became. he wrote:imagi ning myselfenjoying new che
15、ese,eve n before i find it,leads me to it.haw won dered why he had always thought that a cha nge would lead to somethi ng worse. now he realized that cha nge could lead to someth ing better.then he raced through the maze with greater strength agility. until he found bits of new cheese. he entered th
16、e cheese stati on but it was empty. some one had already bee n there.he stopped wrote on the wall:the quicker youlet go of old cheese,the sooner you find new cheese.haw made his way back to cheese statio n c to offer hembits of new cheese but was tur ned dow n. hem wan ted his own cheese back. haw j
17、ust shook his head in disappo in tme nt but this does n ot stop him from finding new cheese. he smiled as he realized:it is saferto search in the mazetha n remai nin the cheeseless situati on.haw realized aga in, that what you are afraid of is n ever asbad as what you imagine. the fear you let build
18、 up in your mi nd is worse tha n the situati on that actually exists.he realizes it was n atural for cha nge to continu ally occur, whether you expect it or not. cha nge could surprise you only if you did n t expect it were n t look ing for it.whe n he realized he had cha nged his beliefs, he paused
19、to write on the wall:old beliefsdo not lead you tonew cheese.who moved my cheese?haw now realized that his new beliefs were en couragi nghim to behave in a new way. he was behav ing differe ntly from the way he had when he had kept returningto the samecheeseless stati on.it all depe nds on what you
20、choose to believe. he wroteon the wall:whe n you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you cha nge course.haw just hoped he was head ing in the right directi on. he thought about the possibility that hem would read the han dwriti ng on the wall find his way.he wrote on the wall what he had bee n thi nking aboutfor some time:no tic ingsmall cha nges early
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