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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!英語相關(guān)情景對話 每一天都是新的一天,在和同事用英語對話時,也會是新的心情。下面是我給大家整理的英語相關(guān)情景對話,供大家參閱! 英語相關(guān)情景對話:悉尼 todd: ok, ann, you spent quite a bit of time in australia recently so why dont you talk about that? 好的,安,你最近在澳大利亞居住了很長時間,為什么不談?wù)勗诎拇罄麃喌纳钅? ann: i really liked living in australia. i was an international s

2、tudent and i studied education at the university of sydney. and living in sydney was fantastic,because i could go to the beach anytime i wanted and there was a great nightlife in sydney. there are lots of great clubs. and people were very, very friendly and easy-going and i met a lot of internationa

3、l people in living sydney. 我真的很喜愛住在悉尼。我是一名國際留同學(xué),我在悉尼大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)訓(xùn)練專業(yè)。住在悉尼真的是太棒了,因為只要我想,我能隨時去海灘。悉尼的夜生活也是豐富多彩的。那里有很多很棒的酒吧。那里的人也特別友好,我在悉尼居住的時間里認識了很多國際留同學(xué)。 todd: mm-mm. how long were you there? 嗯,你在那里住了多久? ann: i was there for almost a year. 我在那里住了不到一年。 todd: oh, ok. 哦,好的。 ann: and i travelled a little bit in a

4、ustralia. i went up the east coast. up to frasier island, which is a world heritage site. and i saw dingoes running along the beach and sharks in the water. we climbed cliffs and went through a rainforest and went camping and then we went up to the whitsundays, which is a bit further north. and the

5、further north you go in australia, the hotter it gets. so we were able to go swimming in the ocean and i went diving for the first time but it was a little bit risky cause i didnt have a diving license, so i went on an introductory dive and i saw a giant clam that had a really purple spongy inside t

6、hat i was able to touch and then the clam closed up really quickly. 我在澳大利亞旅游去了一些地方。我去了東海岸。登上了世界自然遺產(chǎn)弗雷澤島。我在海灘上看到了澳洲野狗,我在海里看到了鯊魚。我和伴侶登上了懸崖,穿越了熱帶雨林,我們一起露營,還去了再往北一點的圣靈群島。越往澳大利亞北部走就感覺越熱。因此我們在海里游泳,我還在那里第一次潛水,但這有點兒冒險,我沒有潛水執(zhí)照,因此我只是做了入門級的潛水,潛水時我看到了一個巨型的蛤,它里面是紫色的海綿體,我用手觸碰了一下,蛤快速地就合上了。 todd: so, did you, did y

7、ou lose your finger? 你的手指夾到了嗎? ann: almost. 差點兒。 todd: almost. ah, youre lucky. um, its funny, you go in the water and you worry about sharks, but not clams. 差點兒。哦,你真幸運。真好玩,你下水會可怕鯊魚,但是沒有擔憂過蛤。 ann: exactly. 是的。 todd: will you be going back to australia soon? 我會馬上回澳大利亞去嗎? ann: id like to go and live t

8、here for at least another year. probably ill go back to sydney or maybe ill go down to melbourne because its a really interesting cultural city. they have lot of museums and parks. 我想去澳大利亞住至少一年的時間?;蛟S我會回悉尼,或許我會去墨爾本,因為那里的文化很好玩。那里有很多博物館和公園。 todd: ok. you gotta choose real quick, only one city, montreal

9、 or sydney, which do you choose? 好的,那你得快點兒選擇了,你只能去一座城市,蒙特利爾或是悉尼,你選擇那座城市? ann: sydney, without a doubt. 悉尼,毫無疑問。 todd: ok. all right. thanks a lot. 好的,非常感謝。 ann: youre welcome. 不客氣。 英語相關(guān)情景對話:減肥 todd: ok, devon, ive been putting on a few pounds and youre quite a lean fit guy. 好的,戴文。我最近長了幾斤,而你看上去苗條又安康。

10、 devon: well, thank you. 感謝。 todd: what do you recommend? what can i do to lose weight? 你的建議是什么?我怎樣才能減肥呢? devon: well, i exercise a lot. i go running at least three times a week. but more than that i enjoy playing sports and so different sports use different muscles and all of it helps to lose that

11、weight that you might have gained. 我常常運動。我一周至少跑步三次。除了這點我還喜愛其他運動,不同的運動會熬煉不同的肌肉,這些運動都會關(guān)心你減掉多余的重量。 todd: yeah, well, actually, one of the problems is that i actually exercise a lot. 好的,問題是,事實上我常常運動。 devon: do ya? 真的嗎? todd: yeah, so maybe its my diet. 是的,或許是我的食譜有問題。 devon: it could be and so in that ca

12、se you might want to eat something perhaps more nutritious or maybe even less of what you do eat. maybe, i eat three meals a day and i try not to snack in between. no potato chips. no popcorn. no candy bars. 有可能,假如是這樣,你應(yīng)當吃些高蛋白的食物,并削減食物攝取的總量。我每天吃三頓飯,并且努力在餐食間回絕零食。不吃薯條,爆米花,也不吃糖果。 todd: thats pretty tou

13、gh! 這很難做到! devon: it is tough but.well, i must admit that i cheat every once in awhile but. 的確很難,但我必需成認我或許騙得了一時,但 todd: ok, ill give it a try.but actually, you see my problem is that i like junk food. so i have to choose: either i eat less or i eat a better diet. what do you think is more important?

14、 好的,我會努力嘗試的但事實上,我的問題是我喜愛垃圾食品。所以我必需選擇:是吃少點兒,還是吃得更好點兒。你認為哪條更重要? devon: i think that if you are exercizing then you should just eat what you want and eat less. 我認為假如你最近在運動,那么最好吃想吃的食物,但是要削減量。 todd: eat less. ok. this is going to be tough! 少吃點兒。好的,這會很有難度! devon: well, i have no dought that you will do th

15、e best that you can. 我毫不疑心你會做到最好。 todd: alright! thanks a lot devon. 好的,感謝你,戴文。 英語相關(guān)情景對話:回家 todd: hello, gabrielle! 你好,加布里埃爾! gabrielle: hello! 你好 todd: how are you doing today? 你今日好嗎? gabrielle: good thanks. 很好,感謝。 todd: now, grabrielle, i hear that you are going back home to new zealand. 加布里埃爾,我聽說

16、你要回新西蘭的家去。 gabrielle: thats right. im going home for summer. 是的。我要回家過夏天。 todd: ok. what are your plans? 你是怎么方案的? gabrielle: probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then im going back to work. 或許先休息一周,去露營,接著我會回去工作。 todd: oh, ok. where do you work? 好的,你在哪工作? gabrielle: i teach as an english teach

17、er in christchurch, in new zealand. 我在新西蘭克賴斯特徹奇市教英語。 todd: oh, ok. and thats where youre from, naturally. 哦,好的。你來自那里。 gabrielle: thats right. 是的。 todd: were you born there? 你在那里出生嗎? gabrielle: i was, yeah! 是的,我是! todd: well, you are going to have this short little break, or vacation, are you gonna g

18、o to the beach.the mountains? 在這短暫的休息,或者說是假期中,你準備去海灘,或者山區(qū)嗎? gabrielle: pbably to the beach and camping for about a week with friends, yeah! 或許,我會和伴侶一起去海灘露營一周。 todd: actually, how warm is it in the summer? 夏天那里究竟有多熱? gabrielle: probably a maximum of about 30 degrees. a nice dry heat! very comfortable. 或許最高到達了30度。干爽,很熱!很舒適! todd: so when you go to the beach is the water warm enough to swim in? 那么你去海灘的時候水溫很合適游泳? gabrielle: no, no, no! we swim but it is not warm. yeah! its pretty chilly actually. 不,不!我們會去游泳,但水并不熱。海水其實很


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