譯林教學設計-七年級英語上冊《Unit 4 My Day》Reading-牛津版_第1頁
譯林教學設計-七年級英語上冊《Unit 4 My Day》Reading-牛津版_第2頁
譯林教學設計-七年級英語上冊《Unit 4 My Day》Reading-牛津版_第3頁
譯林教學設計-七年級英語上冊《Unit 4 My Day》Reading-牛津版_第4頁




1、初中英語My Day【板塊要點】一、 教學目標:1. To read, write and use the new words and expressions.2. To read and master the general information about the article, and finish some tasks.3. To learn to talk about school life.教學重難點:1. To read, write and use the new words correctly.2. To improve their ability of reading

2、comprehension.二、 詞匯、短語1.first (adv.)-首先2chat (vi.) 聊天,閑聊3each (det. & pron.) 每人,每個,每件4other(pron.) 另外,其他 5practise (vi.& vt.) 練習,訓練 6wish (n.) 希望,祝愿7each other 互相,彼此8practice doing 練習干某事9have a good time 過的愉快,玩得高興10From Monday to Friday 從周一到周五11Be nice to 對某人是友好的12do more exercise 做運動三、 句型(語

3、法)1. in the morning/afternoon/everning:泛指一般意義的上午、下午或晚上,通常與介詞 in 連用;若是特指具體某一天的上午、下午或晚上,則與介詞 on 連用。如:(1)You must get up earlier               你早晨必須起早一點。(2)Sometimes she stays at home    &

4、#160;               有時星期天晚上她都呆在家里。(3)Tom was born        the morning of May 25,1989.2.first: n.第一,最初;adv.最早,最初;adj.第一流的;最初的,num.第一(1)Who was       

5、60;       ?  誰是第一個男人?(2)What should I do           ?   我該首先做什么?短語 at first1.首先;最初,     Hugo tried to be patient.   3.chat with each other=ta

6、lk with each other  互相交談(1)Do you often                  at lunch?   你們經常在午飯時間互相聊天嗎?(2)Do you want to              

7、   foreigners?        你想和外國人聊天嗎?4.practise .v. 練習, 實踐,  n. 練習, 實踐, =practice 短語 practise doing sth.練習做某事(1)I need to            my Japanese befor

8、e I go to Japan.我去日本以前需要練習一下日語。(2)Dont                   the piano while the baby is sleeping.孩子睡覺時,不要練習彈鋼琴。5. have a good time=have a great/wonderful time=enjoy oneself 玩的開心。 have a good time doing s

9、th.=have fun doing sth.(1)We                at the evening party. 我們在晚會上玩得很愉快。(2) Do you          with Mr. Li at weekends? 你周末和李先生玩得很愉快嗎?(3)We  &

10、#160;                          at the weekend. 我們在周末很愉快打排球。6.wish  (1). wish作為及物動詞,可接名詞或代詞作賓語,hope則不能。    Do you wish a pen or a book?

11、 你要的是鋼筆還是書?    (2) wish能接雙賓語表示祝愿,hope則不能。    I wish you success. 我祝你成功。    (3) wish能接復合賓語,hope則不能   I wish you to go with me. 我希望你同我一道去。、(4)wish, hope都可作名詞,可數或不可數均可,wish表示"愿望""心愿"&

12、quot;祝愿",hope表示"希望"。    1. My wish is to become a doctor.       2. I have no (not much) wish to see him.    我并不(不大)想見他。    3. Send him my best wishes.【課前導學】1. Pronounce and spell the ne

13、w words and phrases.2. Write something about your own school.【課堂學習】Step 1. Review something about Millie .Step 2. Presentation 1. Show them different pictures , let them know some different activities.2. Teach new words to them.Step3. Pre-readingLook through the whole article, and answer a question.

14、Step4. While-reading1. Read the first part(para.1), finish the task.2. Read the second part (para.2), and finish different tasks.3. Read the third part(para.3), and finish the task.4.Read the third part(para.4), and finish the taskStep5. Post-readingFinish some exercises.Step6. Group workTalk about

15、your own school.Step7 Lets visit other schools. 【課后拓展】一、詞匯A.根據漢語提示,寫出正確的單詞1. Amy enjoys        (聊天)with her online friend at the weekends.2.We do not have an English lesson on      (星期二).3-Are there any    

16、0;     (圖書館) in your school?  -Yes, there are two. One is big and            (另一個) is small.4.My cousin with his family     (去) to the Great Wall    &

17、#160;  (一年兩次).B寫出所給單詞的正確形式5.Amy often    (swim) in the swimming pool. She is a good      (swim).6.She is always the      (one) one to get to school.7.Lucy spends two hours      

18、60; (play) the piano every day.8.Simon draws      (well) .He practices      (draw) twice a week.二、選擇題 ( ) 1. Its nice _ you to be so nice _ me. A. of; of B. to; to C. of; toD. to; of ( ) 2. Our school starts _ eight _ the morning. 

19、;A. at; inB. at; at C. at; onD. in; on ( ) 3. Its important to have_ every day like doing morning_. A. exercise; exercise B. exercises; exercises C. exercise; exercisesD. exercises; exercise ( ) 4. - Be quick. Its 7:15. - Oh, Its _. A. a quarter to sixB. half past seven C. 45 to eight D. a quarter p

20、ast seven ( ) 5. Its time _ after-school activities. A. for have B. to haveC. forD. B&C三、句型轉換:1 .Do you want to go shopping this afternoon ? (改為同義句)_ you _ _ go shopping this afternoon.2 . We usually do after-school activities at 3:30 p.m. (改為否定句)We  _  usually _ af

21、ter- school activities at 3:30 p.m.3. Its time to have lessons . (改為同義句)Its time _lessons4 . Millie has breakfast at 7:00 a.m.(對劃線部分提問)_ _ Millie _ breakfast?四翻譯下列句子1. Millie和她的同學們在一起總是過的很愉快。     Millie always          &

22、#160;                 with her classmates.2. 我最好的朋友Amy總是和我一起在樹下開心得交談或做游戲。   My          Amy always        

23、;              with me under the tree.3. 我每天花大約一個小時做作業(yè)。It           about an hour             I      about an hour      my homework every day.4. 他每天練習講語文和英語嗎?_五閱讀理解。 Here is Lauras timetable.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayget up7:1


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