



1、一年級英語單元試題: Unit 8 測試題聽力局部 40%1. Listen and tick 聽錄音,勾出聽到的單詞 10%1) bowl boat 2) summer supper3) soup soap 4) wind window( )5) moon room 6) dirty bird7) eat egg 8) on under9) cook clock 10) eight light2. Listen and finish 聽錄音,完成以下單詞 10%1) b_ _sh 2)th_ _sty 3)bi_ _cle 4)t_ _el 5)wi_ _6)g_ _e 7)Chris_ _

2、as 8)li_ _t 9)t_ _i 10)p_ _cil3. Listen and number 聽錄音,按順序給以下圖編號 10%4. Listen and tick聽錄音,勾出聽到的句子 5%1) Give me that hat.Give that cat to me.2) He s an old postman.He's a fat policeman.3) There is a bin for you.There is a bag for you.4) Close your books.Clean your box.5) I like summer. I can see

3、flowers in summer.I like winter. I can see snow in winter.5. Listen and fill 聽錄音,選擇并填入聽到的詞 5%1) Do you want (somesoup) cakes ?2) Don t (cleanclimb) the tree.3) There is some soup in the (bowlglass).4) Spotty is (onunder) the sofa.5) At night , I brush my (faceteeth).二 閱讀局部: 60%1. Think and write想一想,

4、寫出以下小寫字母的鄰居 10%1) _ _c 2) _ f_ 3) p _ _4) _ s_ 5) _ _z2. Finish the words (完成以下單詞 15%l_nch bre_kf_t t_me wa_c _ d_nne_sch_o_ nigh_d_y clo_k fi_e3. Read and circle (讀單詞,圈出不同類的詞) 5%1) three tree four five2) shirt socks snow tie3) tree under in on4) spoon meat soup fish5) panda hot dog horse dog4. Read

5、 and circle 根據(jù)圖片圈出正確的句子 5%1) 2)A. The policeman is fat. A. Spotty can jump.B. He is a postman. B. The cat can climb the tree.3) 4)A. The wind is blowing. A. I see a lamp on the table.B. It ' s summer. B. The book is under the desk.5)A. In my room , there s a bed.B.That 's a big sofa.5. Look

6、and choose 看圖,選擇填空 8%1) There is a bed in room.A.I B. my C. May2) There three books in it.A. are B. have C. is3) The cat is a book.A. writing B. reading C. drawing4) There is a bag the table.A. on B. in C. under5) There are some on the table.A. presents B. juice C. pens6) I see .A. a doll B. three k

7、ites C. two tables7) My friend and I are .A. eating B. reading C. singing8) There a ball on the bed.A. is B. are C. is not6. Read andchoose( 選出正確的答句 )5%1)What can you hear ?A. I can see a horse.B. I can hear a horse.2) May I have a cake ?A.O.K. Here you are.B.Thanks.3) What do you like to eat?A.I li

8、ke to play on the grass.B. I like to eat mooncakes.4) The dog is my friend.A.He has two red eyes and two long ears.B. He has two black eyes and two big ears.5) It s cold today.A.Put on your coat.B.Take off your coat.7. Look and circle 看一看,圈出與單詞或詞組相應(yīng)的圖 7%8. Look , choose and write( 看圖,選詞填空 )5%sing wi

9、th o ' clock draw likeThe girls dolls. They play their dolls every morning. It is two . The girls are not playing with the dollsnow. Peter and Alice pictures. Sam and Joyce a song. They are happy.Word是學(xué)生和職場人士最常用的一款辦公軟件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其實,這個軟件背后,還有一大批隱藏技能你不知道。掌握他們,你將開啟新世界的大門。Tab+Enter,在編過號以后,會自動編號段落Ctrl + D 調(diào)出字體欄,配合 Tab+Enter 全鍵盤操作吧Ctrl + L 左對齊,Ctrl + R 右對齊,Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替換。然后關(guān)于替換,里面又大有學(xué)問!有時候Word文檔中有許多多余的空行需要刪除,這個時候我們可以完全可以用查找替換來輕松解決。翻開 編輯菜單中的 替換對話框,把光標(biāo)定位在查找內(nèi)容輸入框中,單擊 高級按鈕,選擇


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