商務(wù)英語教學(xué)課件:unit 3 On the Phone_第1頁
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1、Business EnglishBusiness EnglishViewing Listening & SpeakingBusiness English VLSOn the PhoneUnit Three Words, Phrases & ExpressionsMp3o long distance call 長途電話長途電話o local call 市內(nèi)電話市內(nèi)電話o international call 國際長途國際長途o overseas call 國際長途國際長途o emergency call 緊急電話緊急電話o service call業(yè)務(wù)通話,維修請求業(yè)務(wù)通話,維修

2、請求o operator 電話接線員電話接線員o switchboard電話總機(jī)電話總機(jī), 電話交換臺電話交換臺o extension電話分機(jī)電話分機(jī)o telephone book /directory電話號簿電話號簿o area code電話地區(qū)號電話地區(qū)號o ring tone 鈴聲,呼叫聲鈴聲,呼叫聲o busy tone 忙音忙音,占線音占線音 o recording telephone錄音電話機(jī)錄音電話機(jī)o interception 竊聽,監(jiān)聽竊聽,監(jiān)聽o hold on別掛斷,等一下別掛斷,等一下o dont hang up please 請別掛斷請別掛斷 Recording T

3、elephone NumbersKeyso 6254598 o 85947263o 47018092o (010) 6497-2583o 2246555 o 9796000 six two five,four five nine eighteight five nine four, seven two six threefour seven zero one, eight zero nine two/four seven oh one, eight oh nine twooh one oh, six four nine seven, two five eight threedouble two

4、 four,six triple five nine seven nine six thousand Warm-upo Discuss in groups. What advice would you like to give on making proper business phone calls?o Listen to a talk introducing important tips on making business calls and fill in the blanks.KeyMp3Good afternoon. Today Im here to talk about how

5、to make effective business calls. Telephone communication is common nowadays, therefore, how to 1) ensure smooth business communication gets increasingly important. Now Id like to introduce some tips on making proper business calls. First, you should know 2) the purpose of your call in advance. Make

6、 sure you have 3) all the documents youll need before you dial. One important thing we should not overlook is time schedule. Try to 4) schedule a specific time for calls. Before you make the call, be sure that you get rid of 5) all distractions. For example, turn off the radio, television, etc. When

7、 making the call, listen carefully and 6) confirm that you have understoodeach point. Dont pretend you have understood when you havent. Another thing we should keep in mind is: let other people speak and try to avoid 7) interruptions. Speaking slowly and clearly is important. Try to avoid 8) strong

8、accent. Besides, make sure 9) you sound polite and agreeable. Remember that you should not argue! Use 10) the optional choice method, such as “Which is better, Monday or Tuesday?”, “Morning or afternoon?”, “Ten or eleven a.m.”? And, of course, try to make your call brief. Avoid 11) lengthy calls. Ad

9、ditionally, dont try to be funnyyou may be misunderstood. The last tip you should bear in mind is to 12) smile while you are talking. Your listener can “hear” your smile.Read & Complete the diagram.o 1. Id like to speak to Miss Chang in marketing, please.o 2. Whos calling?o 3. Hold the line, ple

10、ase.o 4. Good morning. Paul Y Associates. Can I help you?o 5. Mr. Wilson from ALT Packaging.The DiagramThe operator Mr. WilsonGood morning, Paul YAssociates. Can I help you?Whos calling?Hold the line, please.Mr. Wilson from ALT Packaging.Id like to speak to Miss Chang in marketing, please.Key: 4 1 2

11、 5 3Read & Match1.Id like to speak to2.Hold the line, please.3.Can I help you?4.Whos calling?5.Good morning.6.Its aboutA.How may I help you?B.Im calling aboutC.Could/Can I speak to?D.Can I ask your name, please?E.One moment, please.F. Hello.Key: 1C 2E 3A 4D 5F 6BListening &Speaking Listen to

12、 a telephone dialog and fill in the message note.KeyMp3ScriptTipsMessage NoteTo: From:Phone:Message: Taken by: Louise Paulson Paul Jackson 979-326-8965 Ring back to him about the order they placed last Friday. They have to make some changes to the order. Its urgent. RoyTask 2 Leaving a messageOperat

13、or: Hello, ABC Co. Ltd. How can I help you?Paul: This is Paul Jackson of Grand Company. Can I have extension 3421?Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute and Ill put you through.Roy: Louise Paulsons office. This is Roy speaking.Paul: This is Paul Jackson calling. Is Louise in?Roy: Im sorry. Shes out a

14、t the moment.Paul: When will she be back?Roy: Im afraid she wont be back soon. Can I take a message?Paul: Yes, could you ask her to call me at 979-326-8965. I need to talk to her about the order we placed last Friday. Im afraid we have to make some changes to the order. Tell her its urgent.Roy: Coul

15、d you repeat the number please?Paul: Yes, its 979-326-8965 and this is Paul Jackson.Roy: Could you spell it?Paul: P-A-U-L, Paul, J-A-C-K-S-O-N, Jackson. Paul Jackson.Roy: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Ill make sure Louise gets this as soon as possible.Paul: Thanks, bye.Roy: Bye. Viewing & Speaking o W

16、atch the video and fill in the message note.Message NoteTo: From:Company name:Message: Granger Woodruff Jennifer David CITYone Bank The banks fraud division has picked up more than $28,000 in charges within 10 days to his account. Ask him whether his card needs to be frozen for protection. The clerk

17、 needs to verify some of these charges and ring him back tomorrow.How to Leave a MessageState the time of day and your reason for calling.Its 10 a.m. on the 5th of June. Im calling to find out if / to let you know that / to tell you that Make an introduction.Hello, this is Ken.Hello. Im Ken Beare of

18、 Clear Glass. (more formal)Leave your telephone number.My number is You can reach me at Could you call me at Make a request.Could you call me back?Would you mind calling me back?Finish.Thanks a lot, bye.Ill talk to you later, bye.Viewing & Speaking o Pre-viewingo Watch the VOA Special English De

19、velopment Report and learn the “telemarketing”.o Discuss in pairs. What difficulties are you likely to meet when you make a phone call?HintsScript Hints: The difficulties may include: o The line is engaged. o The number dialed is wrong.o The person asked for is not available.o The receptionist mistakes the message.o Go onSix Steps of Making a Sales CallTake the complaint out of the call.A call is an interruption.Get permission to continue.Soften the impact with “just a minute”, etc.Introduce yourself and your company.A


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