



1、1. _ n. 質(zhì)量;品質(zhì);性質(zhì) _ n. 數(shù)量 2. _ adj. 吝嗇的;自私的;卑鄙的3. _ adj. 積極的;活躍的 _ n. 活動;社交活動 _ n. 行動;動作4. _ adj. 慷慨的;大方的 _ adv. 寬大地5. _ n. 自我;自身 _ adj. 自私的 _ adj. 無私的;忘我的 _ adv. 無私地;忘我地6. _ vt. (與 to連用)獻身;專心于 _ adj. 忠實的;深愛的 _ n. 獻身;忠心7. _ adj. 和平的;平靜的;安寧的 _ n. 和平;安寧 _ adv. 愛好和平地;寧靜地;安詳?shù)?. _ n. 指導(dǎo);領(lǐng)導(dǎo) _ n. 指導(dǎo)者;導(dǎo)向器 _

2、vt. 指導(dǎo)9. _ adj. 法律的;依照法律的 _ adv. 合法地 _ adj. 非法的10. _ vi.& vt.投票;選舉;n.投票;選票;表決 _ n. 投票者;有投票(選舉)權(quán)者 11. _ vt. 進攻;攻擊;抨擊12. _ adj. 相等的;平等的 _ adv. 相等地;平等地 _ adj. 不相等的;不平等的13. _ adj. 不公正的;不公平的 _ adj. 公正的;公平的14. _ vi.逃脫;逃走;泄露 15. _ vt. 教育;訓(xùn)練 _ n.教育 _ adj. 受過教育的;有教養(yǎng)的短語:1. _ _ work 失業(yè) 2. as a _ of fact 事實

3、上3. blow _ 使充氣;爆炸4. _ trouble 在危險、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中5. turn _ 求助于;致力于6. lose _ 喪失勇氣或信心 7. _ _ power 當權(quán);上臺8. set _ 設(shè)立;建立 9. be _ to 被判處(徒刑)重點句型:1.The time _ I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. 第一次見到納爾遜·曼德拉的時候,是我一生中非常艱難的時期。2.only then _ _ _ to answer violence with violen

4、ce. 只有到這個時候,我們才決定用暴力反抗暴力。3.I felt bad _ _ _ I talked to a group. 第一次給旅行團作講解時,我的心情很不好。重點詞匯:1.quality n.U&C 質(zhì),質(zhì)量,品質(zhì);特性 C性質(zhì);特性;特點For study, quality often matters more than quantity. Modesty is one of his good qualities._One quality of wood is that it can burn._溫馨提示:quality與quantity 的區(qū)別:quality 質(zhì)量;q

5、uantity 數(shù)量。Quantities of food was on the table. _ 【即學(xué)即練】完成句子 (原創(chuàng))他仔細地檢查家具的質(zhì)量。 He examined _ _ _ _ _ . 他具備了一個成功商人應(yīng)具有的所有品質(zhì)。 He has _ _ _ of a successful businessman. 2.devote vt.獻身;專心于He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science. Please devote more time to your work.

6、 _常用結(jié)構(gòu):devote ones energy/ones time to (doing) sth.奉獻某人的精力/時間于某事sb. be devoted to (doing) sth. 某人獻身做某事【即學(xué)即練】完成句子他的一生都奉獻給了中國的航空事業(yè)。 He _ _ _ to Chinas aviation.他專心于幫助窮困的人。 He is devoted to _ _ _ .溫馨提示:在devote.to.短語中,to是介詞,后面接名詞或動詞ing。常見的類似短語還有:pay attention to(注意); stick to(堅持); lead to(導(dǎo)致); prefer. t

7、o(相比更喜歡); look forward to(盼望)等?!炯磳W(xué)即練】單項填空The idea for the new machine came to Mr Baker _ to his invention. (2010·陜西師大附中11月月考)A. while he was devotedB. while devoting C. while devoting himself D. while devoted3.equal adj. 平等的;相等的;勝任的 vt. 等于,比得上 n. 同等/相等的人或物All people are born equal. _Bill is qui

8、te equal to running the office._Three times five is the equal of ten plus five._常用結(jié)構(gòu):be equal to sth./doing sth. 勝任某事/做某事be equal with 與平等without equal/have no equal 無與倫比/無比【即學(xué)即練】完成句子你能勝任這項工作嗎? Are you _ _ the task? 他們認為,在上帝眼中窮人和富人是平等的。 They believe that in the sight of God the poor _ _ _ _ the rich

9、. 在中國,姚明是個無與倫比的籃球隊員。 Yao Ming is a basketball player _ _ in China.單項填空 (原創(chuàng))He doubted whether she would be _ to the job. A.equalB.similar C.familiarD.content4.reward n. 報答;酬金(為某些特殊服務(wù)提供或給予的金錢) vt.酬謝,獎賞;報應(yīng);懲罰(壞人或壞事)Its a reward for virtue(美德)._He worked hard but without much reward. He will sooner or

10、later be rewarded for bad deeds.溫馨提示:reward v.作“報答,報償;酬謝;獎勵”講時,常跟介詞with/for 連用;作“報應(yīng);懲罰(壞人或壞事)”講時,跟for連用。常用結(jié)構(gòu):as a reward (for) 作為(對某事的)報酬(或獎賞)give/offer a reward to sb. for sth. 為某事而給某人報酬in reward for 為酬答;作為獎勵reward sb.(with.)for sth. 為某事(而以)報答reward sb. for sth. 因某事使某人得到報應(yīng)或懲罰【即學(xué)即練】完成句子她的善良沒有得到任何回報。

11、 She got nothing _ _ _ her kindness.他用一個獎勵來報答我。 He _ _ _ a prize. 他們給了他獎賞,作為他服務(wù)的報酬。 They _ _ _ his great services. =They rewarded his great services.【易混辨析】reward/award/prizereward表示“獎賞,酬謝”,動詞只能以人或人的行為作賓語,名詞表示某人因做了某事而應(yīng)得到某東西。award 作名詞指正式或官方“給予、頒發(fā)、授予”(獎?wù)?,獎金等),也可以指法庭裁決;作動詞可以跟雙賓語,award sb. sth. 把某物授予/判給某

12、人。prize 只能作名詞,表示“獎賞,獎金,獎品”,尤指在比賽中獲得的榮譽。 【即學(xué)即練】單項填空The girl got nothing in _ for her kindness, which made her very sad. A.prize B.award C.medals D.reward Martin Luther King, great Black leader in the movement against racial discrimination, was _ the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstanding contribut

13、ion to world peace. A.rewarded B.given C.awarded D.offered5.as a matter of fact 實際上用法點撥: as a matter of fact在意義上等同in fact/in actual fact/actually/ in reality/to tell the truth。As a matter of fact, Ive never been there before. 事實上我從未到過那里?!韭?lián)想拓展】in the matter of sth.關(guān)于;就而論make matters worse將困難或情況弄得更糟(a

14、s) a matter of course(作為)理所當然的事; (按照)常規(guī)【即學(xué)即練】完成句子我想跟她談?wù)勎业男剿畣栴}。 I want to speak to her _ _ _ _ my salary. 她設(shè)法使他們平靜下來, 不想?yún)s適得其反。 Her attempts to calm them down only _ _ _ . 我照例每天早晨查看公文格。 I check my in-tray every morning as _ _ _ _ . 溫馨提示:matter 作不及物動詞時常用于否定句和疑問句中,意為“關(guān)系,要緊”。All these things do not matte

15、r now. 【即學(xué)即練】單項填空It rained that day. _, our car broke down on the way. A.In factB.Actually C.To make matters worseD.To tell the truth6.blow up 爆炸;突然嚴峻;大發(fā)雷霆 My father blew up when I didnt come home last night. 我昨晚沒回家,父親大發(fā)雷霆。Stop at the gas station and well blow up the tyres. 在加油站停一下,我們要給輪胎打氣。【聯(lián)想拓展】bl

16、ow sb. up 訓(xùn)斥某人blow sth. up 炸壞某物;給某物充氣;放大某物(尤指照片);夸大某事物blow down 吹倒;炸毀 blow off 吹掉;將(熱水、蒸汽等)放出blow out 吹熄;(電線)燒斷blow over 被淡忘;消散;停止;(壞天氣)大風平息【即學(xué)即練】完成句子我的帽子被風刮掉了。 My hat _ _. 我?guī)缀醣伙L刮倒了。 I was almost _ _ by the wind. 有人打開了門, 蠟燭隨之被吹滅了。 Somebody opened the door and the candle _ _ . 風暴在夜里停止了。 The storm _ _

17、 in the night. 單項填空A short circuit will _ the fuse(保險絲). (原創(chuàng)) A.blow up B.blow off C.blow out D.blow over7.in trouble 在危險、受罰、痛苦、憂慮等的處境中Please telephone us when you are in trouble.遇到困難時就給我們打電話。If we cant keep to the schedule, well be in (a lot of) trouble. 我們不按時完成計劃就要有麻煩了?!韭?lián)想拓展】get into trouble惹上麻煩ha

18、ve trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困難(其中的介詞 in 在口語中通常可省略)take (the) trouble to do sth. 不怕費事或困難而盡力去做某事go to (the) trouble to do (of doing) sth. 不辭辛勞做某事/費心做某事give sb. trouble/put sb. to trouble麻煩某人;打擾某人have trouble with 有病痛;同鬧糾紛【即學(xué)即練】完成句子他惹事落到了警方手里。 He _ _ _ with the police.19我們沒費吹灰之力就找到了他的辦公室。 We _ _ _(i

19、n) finding his office. 他不嫌麻煩地為我去火車站指路。 He _ _ _ to show me the way to the railway station. 他費心為我們打聽到了我們乘坐的火車開車的時間。 He went to _ _ _ finding out when our train was leaving. 我不愿意給我不認識的人添麻煩。 I dont like _ _ _ people I dont know.這個男人經(jīng)常與他的妻子鬧矛盾。 The man often _ _ _ his wife. 溫馨提示:在take (the) trouble to d

20、o sth.結(jié)構(gòu)中,用不用冠詞均可,但含義稍有不同:用冠詞,表示不怕費事或不怕麻煩而去做某事;不用冠詞,表示盡心盡力或費盡心血而去做某事?!炯磳W(xué)即練】單項填空Even an experienced climber can _ to reach the summit. A.get into troubleB.make trouble C.ask for troubleD.take trouble over8.set up建立;創(chuàng)立A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于戰(zhàn)后成立。【聯(lián)想拓展】set about開始做 set apart使與眾不

21、同;留出;撥出(專用)set aside把放在一邊;省出,留出set down寫下,記下 set forth陳述;闡明set off出發(fā);動身;使爆炸;引起;激發(fā)set out出發(fā);動身;擺放,陳列;開始,著手【即學(xué)即練】完成句子我得開始收拾行李了。 I must set _ my packing for relaxation. 她把書放在一旁, 點了一支香煙。 She set _ her book and lit a cigarette. 首相在電視上公布了他的政府工作目標。 The Prime Minister set _ the aims of his government in a t

22、elevision broadcast. 溫馨提示:set about doing sth.=set out to do sth. 開始做某事。set off和set out都有“動身,出發(fā)”之意,但要注意其細微的差別:set off開始(旅行、賽跑等); set out從某地出發(fā)上路。 【即學(xué)即練】單項填空The President _ _ his views in television broadcast.A.set downB.set forth C.set backD.set off 9.only then did we decide to answer violence with v

23、iolence.(P34)只有到這個時候,我們才決定用暴力反抗暴力。only 修飾時間、條件、方式狀語等放在句首時,主句構(gòu)成部分倒裝。Only then did she realize she had made mistakes. 直到那時她才意識到她所犯的錯誤。Only when he came back did I go to bed. 當他回來的時候,我才上床睡覺。溫馨提示:only放在句首,修飾狀語時才倒裝,修飾主語,賓語則不倒裝。Only you understand me.只有你了解我?!炯磳W(xué)即練】單項填空 I failed in the final examination las

24、t term and only then _ the importance of studies. (2010·山東青島二中11月月考) A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realize重點句型:10.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep. (P38)他在午餐后的休息時間以及晚上本來該睡覺的時間教我們學(xué)習。should have done本應(yīng)該做某事(但實際上并沒有做)That

25、s really what I should have done. 那的確是我應(yīng)該做的。溫馨提示:在這種用法中ought to= should,但在語氣上沒有should強。否定形式表示“不該做某事而結(jié)果做了”。He ought not to have taken the old clothes away.他不該把舊衣服帶走。(事實上已帶走了。)【聯(lián)想拓展】情態(tài)動詞+have done用法小結(jié):would+have done 用于虛擬條件句中,表示與過去事實相反。must+have done 表示對過去情況的推測,只用于肯定句,意為“一定”,其否定的意義用cant+have done表示。co

26、uld+have done本來有能力做而實際上沒有做。neednt+have done本來不必做的事,實際上卻做了。may (might)+have done表示對過去的推測,多用于陳述句,意為“可能”。用 might 比用 may 語氣更加委婉。 【即學(xué)即練】完成句子真不知道沒有你的幫助我該怎么辦。 I really dont know what I _ _ _ without your help.路面是濕的,昨天晚上肯定下雨了。 The street is wet. It _ _ _ last night. 如果我能夠停下來,事故就不會發(fā)生了。 If I _ _ _ , there wou

27、ldnt have been an accident. 昨天我沒必要去辦公室。 I _ _ _ to the office yesterday.請不要那樣做。你們倆很有可能被抓住然后殺掉! Please dont do that. You _ _ _ _ caught and killed! .單詞拼寫 1. The young heiress was so _ (大方的) that she gave all her money away in a couple of years.2. Everybody knows that our director is very _(忠誠的) to hi

28、s wife.3. The goods of this company are of good _ (質(zhì)量). It is no wonder they sell so well.4. All the _(領(lǐng)導(dǎo)) of our city pay much attention to education.5. As we all know, fighting is an act of _(暴力).6. The beautiful girl is very gentle, which shows she is an _(有教養(yǎng)的) girl.7. His efforts were _(獎賞)with

29、 success.8. To keep fit, he is a _ in all kinds of sports.9. As we all know, the Peoples R _ of Korea is our neighbour.10. It is said that he holds an important p _ in the government office. .用方框內(nèi)所給短語的適當形式填空fight against/believe in/the same as/give up/make a list/devote ones whole life/set up/be sen

30、tenced to/come to power/as a matter of fact1. We must _ the enemy.2. Do you _ Chinas traditional herbal medicine?3. This answer must be a cribbing; its exactly _ Joness.4. They _ without a fight.5. Please _ of things I must buy.6. He _ to the study of science. 7. He suggested that the murderer refer

31、red to _ death at once.8. Some men _ a small stage.9. When did Napoleon _?10. _, real knowledge comes from practice and direct experience.完成句子1. Do you easily _ _ (喪失信心)when you are in trouble?2. The doctor _ _ _ (建議我) sleep and to get up early.3. I am worried about whether I will be _ _ _ (失業(yè)).4. H

32、is efforts _ _ _ (得到回報)high salary. 5. _ _ _ (只有到了這個時候)they decide to answer violence with violence.6. He is a man who is easy to _ _ _ (相處). 7. Although he turned to many officials, he finally _ _ _ _ _ (可能會判死刑).8. The football team _ _ _ (投票選我) their new captain.9. Whether in the past, now or in t

33、he future, _ _ _ _ (我們都是平等的).10. I _ _ _ (請你原諒) for my behaviour this morning. 單項填空1.Men and women didnt have _ rights by law in ancient time. A.same B.ordinary C.equal D.confident2.He is such a kind man that he is ready to help people _ .A.in troubleB.at last C.of courseD.as well3.Anyone who is _ t

34、o play this role in the play please put up your hand. I dont want to force (強迫) anybody. I think I _ . A.fit; will beB.interested; do C.ready; can beD.willing; am4.Im sure that this boy will be a great person in the future if he is well _.A.looked afterB.educated C.concerned aboutD.practiced5.He was

35、 caught and sentenced for _ a dam on the river last year. A.blowing upB.breaking down C.moving awayD.dropping off6.People _ a monument to honor those people who devoted their lives to their country. A.set out B.set down C.set up D.set on7.In order to compete with others, a factory should aim at _ ra

36、ther than _ . A.quantity; qualityB.quality; quantity C.quantities; qualities D.quality ;qualities8.He passed the test but _ , he didnt really understand the subject. A.in a factB.after all C.at the same time D.as a matter of fact 9.People in the city _ the lawyer to be the leader of the committee, f

37、or they thought he could give a correct order of the city. A.voted against B.voted on C.voted for D.voted with10.During wartime, the religious leader was _ in Monahan for twenty years.A.put in a prisonB.put in the prison C.put in prisonD.put in prisons 11.As soon as he _ , he raised his own opinion about economy. A.reached power B.arrived at power C.came to power D.got to power12.They will not _ even


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