1、英語(yǔ) 11(1)07 春期末復(fù)習(xí)資料第一部分交際用語(yǔ)1. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?A. Sorry, you cantB. No, you cantC. sorry, he is busy at the mome nt2. -What kind of TV program do you like best?A. It s hardctp,sactuallyB. I only watch them at weekendC. I m too busy to say3Oh, sorry to bother you.A. Oh, I dont k
2、nowB. No, you cantC. That s okay4. Can you turn down the radio, please?A. I m sorry, I didn t realize it was that loudB. Please forgive meC. I ll keep it down next time5. -Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?A. That s fine, thank youB. Yes, pleaseC. Of course not6. -Hello, could I
3、speak to Don please?一_?A. Who are youB. Whos speakingC. Are you Jane7. -May I know your address?A. Sure. Here you areB. I have no ideaC. Itsffam here8.How s the movie? Interesting?A. I was seated far away in the cornerB. Far from. I should have stayed home watch ing TVC. It was show n late un til mi
4、dnight9.What if my computer doesn t work?A. Im not good at computerC. Ive called the repair shop10. -Lets take a walk.B. Ask Anne for helpA. Yes, let sB. Oh, thanks11. -Whats the pbrtem, Harry?C. Yes, pleaseA. I can t remember where I left my glassesB. No problem at allC. Thank you for ask ing me ab
5、out it12. Is this the motel you mentioned?A. Yes, it s as quiet as weteXpe B. It looks comfortableC. No, the price s reas on able13. Would you like to have dinner with us this eve ning?A. I don t knowB. Sorry, but this eve ning I have to go to the airport to meet my pare ntsC. No, I ca nt14. -Well,
6、Mary, how are you?A. I m good B. I mepsed C. I m fine15. Would you like to see the menu?A. No, tha nks. I already know what to orderB. Your menu is very clearC. I hear the food here is tasty16. - I think the Internet is very helpful.B. That s a very good idea C. Neither do I第二部分詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)1. The defi niti
7、 on leaves_ for disagreeme nt.A. a small room B. much room C. great deal room2. I prefer classic music_pop music.A. Yes, so do I3. An cie nt Greece is the_ of western civilizati on.A. sources B. source C. orig in4. It is very convenient_here.A. livi ng B. to live C. live5. All the team members tried
8、 their best. We lost the game,_.A. as B. therefore C. however6. The sun heats the earth,_is very important to living things.A. that B. what C. which7. When we were having a meeting, the director _the bad news byteleph one.A. was telli ng B. was told C. could tell8. More and more people in Chi na now
9、_to work regularly.A. drive B. drives C. have drive n9. Let me_ the case carefully before I draw a con clusi on.A. look out B. look into C. look after10. The patie nt acted on the doctor s_and fin ally recovered.A. advices B. advise C. advice11. Silk_ by Chin ese for thousa nds of years now.A. has b
10、ee n used B. was used C. is used12. You_to lock the door at night.A. shall B. ought C. must13. You must expla in_how they succeeded_the experime nt.A. thanB. toC. withA. of us, for B. at us, at C. to us, in14. Before I got to the ci nema, the film_ .A. had begu n B. has begu nC. is beg un15. I have
11、lived here_ 1997.A. for B. si nee C. from16. A lecture hall is_where stude nts atte nd lectures.A. that B. one C. which17. I m tired. I_ workVgy hard.A. have B. have bee nC. had18. He keeps_ at himself in the mirror.A. to lookB. looki ngC. look19. The bedroom n eeds_ .A. decorate B. to decorate C. d
12、ecorat ing20. Before she left on the trip, she_hard.A. had trainedB. has trainedC. would trained21. He is the man_dog bit me.A. that B. whichC. whose22. Mary forgot_a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A. writi ngB. to write C. to have writte n23. -What s happe ned to Tom?-_ to hospi
13、tal.A. He s been takenB. He ll be taken C. He s taken24. He was_about his new job.A. above the moon B. on the moonC. over the moon25. Everything_ if Albert hadn t called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyedB. would have bee n destroyedC. would be destroyed26. On his first sea_, he was still quite y
14、oung but showed great courage toface the storm.A. tripB. voyageC. tour27. I broke my leg whe n I_skii ng in America.A. was B. is C. would be28. She was convi cted_murder.A. toB. inC. of29. He, as well as I,_a stude nt.A. isB. amC. are30.Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball o
15、n TV, she it on the radio.A. was liste ning to B. was heari ng C. was liste ning31. Hardly_ home whe n it bega n to rain.A. had I got B. I had got C. had I arrived in32. It happe n_ a win ter ni ght.A. at B. in C. on第三部分完型填空Passage 1There are advantages and disadvantages to 1 Asian and Western educa
16、tional methods. For example,one adva ntage2_ the educati on in Japa n is that stude nts there learn much more math and scie nee_3_America n stude nts. They also study more hours each day tha n America ns _4_ . The study isdifficult, but it 5 stude nts for a society that values discipli ne and self-c
17、 on trol. There is, however, adisadva ntage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, 6 many stude ntssay that after an exam, they forget much of the in formatio n that they have memorized.The advantage to the education in North America, 1_ the other hand, is that students l
18、earn to think bythemselves. The system prepares them for a society that values _8_ ideas. There is, however, adisadva ntage.Whe n stude nts graduate from high school, they haven memorized _9_ many basicrules and facts as students in other coun tries 10 .1. A. only B. bothC. all2. A. for B. asC. to3.
19、 A. toB. for C. than4. A. doB. haveC. does6. A. andB. yetC. just1. A. atB. on C. un der8. A. oldB. poorC. newPassage 2A study has shown that fitness is the key (1)_ long life, irrespective of bodyshape (2) _even smoking habits. Researchers discovered that people whoexercise live Ion ger tha n (3)_,
20、eve n if they are overweight and smoke.The study found that (4)_fit of the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study werefive times more likely to die within six years of the start of the research than the fittest.This was true (5)_the men had heart problems, smoked or were overweight.Scientists concluded
21、that it was better (6)_and active than skinny andsede ntary. Dr Ken cooper, a fit ness expert, said,“You are better off smok ing a packeof cigarettes a day and exercising regularly than (7)_a nonmoker andsedentary. Although he adds,“Butdonmisunderstand me. I am not endorsing(8)_ , I am trying to tel
22、l you how dan gerous it is to be sede ntary.”The British Gover nment is putt ing pressure(9)_manu facturers to reduce highlevels of sugar in food and to restrict the hard-sell of j unk food to childre n in order to improve the nationhealth. But the new study suggests the Government should en courage
23、 more people (10) .5. A. provides B. getsC. prepares9. A. moreB. lessC. as10. A. haveB. doesC. havent7. A. estimateB. estimati ng C. estimated2.A. or B. andC. but3.A. these that do not notB. whether or not C. whe n7. A. bei ngB. be C. to beB. exercis ing C. to exercisePassage 3More and more people (
24、1)_ to in stall burglar alarms in their houses if they wantto get in sura nee. In sura nee compa nies (2)_people in certa in areas to in stall thealarms before they will give them in sura nee for the fast year. This is (3)_ toin creas ing crime in some parts of the coun try. This can be a problem fo
25、r people (4)_ are struggling to make (5)_ends meet. The alarms, (6)_can be veryexpe nsive, n eed to be in stalled by an electricia n. It is (7)_ that 20% ofhomeshave alarms in stalled, and that ano ther 20% of people pla n (8)_ but have notin stalled them (9)_. The in sura nee compa nies told people
26、 (10)_ the alarmson all doors and win dows.1. A. has B. had C. have2. A. have bee n asked B. have bee n ask ing C. asked3. A. due B. because of C. because5. A. the B. allC.-(不填)1. A. forB. ofC. to4. A. the littleB. less C. the least6. A. to be fatB. being fat to C. doingB. these who do notC. those w
27、ho do5. A. if or not8. A. smokedB. to smokeC. smok ing9. A.forB. on C. to10. A. exercised4. A. which B. whoC. what6. A. whichB. who C. that8.A. to have them installinginstalling them9.A. still B. already C. yet10. A. to i nstallB. i nstalledC. i nstalli ngPassage 4Peter Blake is a successful bus in
28、essma n, but he (1)_ to be very poor. Hehad no where to live and (2) _working in a pub whe n he (3)_to start his own bus in ess. Peter had always (4) _ interested in pla nts and flowers, (5)_ hedecided to set up a compa ny (6)_cared for the plants in big offices. At first he worked on his (7), butso
29、on he took (8)_two people to help him. The compa nyhas bee n grow ing (9)_ for the last ten years. Peter is now veryrich, (10)_ he complains that now he doesn a nfsrlkLwwiitlpla computer every day!短文理解 1There have bee n cha nges in all sorts of differe nt areas of British society .In rece nt1.A. wou
30、ldB. usedC.-2.A. has bee nB. wasC.been3.A. had decidedB. has decided C. decided4.A. wasB. beingC.been5.A. soB. butC. although6.A. whoB. whichC. whose7.A. himselfB. selfC. own8.A. upB.onC. in9.A.-B. upC. overD10. A. thereforeB. moreoverC. but第四部分閱讀理解.intoB. to have them in stalled C. to have bee nyea
31、rs in the UK we have had a very large in crease in the nu mber of couples who getdivorced.After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid in crease in the nu mberof divorces. The rate in creased steadily and in rece nt years has in creased much morerapidly. But there are also quite a l
32、ot of people who do actually get married. At prese ntthe marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone dow n since the nu mberof people who marry has gone dow n quite a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantlyin the last 10 years. Quite high proportions of people now live toge
33、ther without marrying,and, for example, 40 per cent of childre n born in the UK are born to couples who arentmarried or are born to lone pare nts. There are quite a large nu mber of lone pare ntfamilies, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woma n rather tha n a man.The average family size now in th
34、e UK is 1.8 children per couple, which means thattheres been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The decli ning divorce rate in the UK.B. Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK.C. The increasing divorce rate in
35、the UK.2. During the last ten years,_.A. the marriage rate has gone dow n more rapidly in the UKB. the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UKC. 40% of childre n were born to un wed couples in the UK3. Accordi ng to the passage, the cohabitati on rate in the UK tends to_.A. soar (急劇上升)B. not men t
36、i oned in the passageC. stay stable4. Accordi ng to the passage, which of the followi ng stateme nts isOT true?A. The marriage rate has gone dow n in rece nt years.B. The highest divorce rate was around 1969.C. The marriage rate is curre ntly 70 perce nt.5. The last paragraph tells us_.A. the birth
37、rate in the UK is increasing at the momentB. the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly nowC. the birth rate in other Europea n coun tries keeps in creas ing短文理解 2People all over the world today are begi nning to hear and lear n more and more aboutthe problem of pollution. Pollution is causedeit
38、her by man seleaseof completely new andoften artificial (人造的)substancesinto the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a n atural substa nee 物質(zhì)) ,such as oil from oil tan kers into the sea.Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution causedcould be
39、 con trolled if only compa ni es, in dividuals and gover nments would make moreefforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comeswrapped up three of four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks areincreasingly sold in bottles or tins which can be
40、reused. This not only causes a litterproblem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper.Advertis ing has helped this process by persuad ing many of us not only to buy things wen either want nor n eed, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Polluti on andwaste
41、 comb ine to be a problem every one can help to solve by cutt ing out unn ecessarybuying, excess use and careless disposal 處理)of the products we use in our daily lives.1. The main cause of polluti on is_ .A.the release of artificial or n atural substa nces into the en vir onmentB.the producti on of
42、new in dustrial goodsC.in creased amounts of a n atural substa nee2. Much of the polluti on could be con trolled if only_.A.farmers would use less artificial fertilizersB.gover nments would take effective measuresC.all sides concerned would make more efforts3. Food packages, bottles and tins for dri
43、nks can cause_.A. air and water polluti onB. both a litter problem and a waster of resourcesC. to pay for the service4. Which of the followi ng can not help solvi ng the problem of polluti on?A. Cutt ing out unn ecessary buying.B. Reduce excess useC. Eati ng.5. What does the un derl ined word“ litte
44、r ” mean in paragraph 2?A.Bits of waste thingsB.serious problemC.in dustrial polluti on短文理解 3A funny thing happe ned on the way to the com muni cati on revoluti on: we stopped talk ing to eachother.I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting ourconversat
45、ion. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof! I was cut offas if I had become absent from the conv ersatio n.The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing people without looking at them, say ing hello, no tic ing their babies or stopp in
46、g to pat their dogs. It seems that the limitlesselectro nic voice is preferred to huma n con tact.The teleph one used to connect you to the abse nt. Now it makes people feel absent. Recently Iwas in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us becausehe could not hear the pers on onthe
47、 other end of his cell phone. There we were, four frie nds driv ing dow n the highway, un able to talk toeach other because of the small thing desig ned to make com muni cati on easier.Why is it that the more conn ected we get, the more disc onn ected I feel? Every adva nee in communi cati ons tech
48、no logy is a setback 退步)to the close ness of huma n interaction. With e-mail andinstant message over the Internet, we can now com muni cate without see ing or talk ing to one ano ther.With voice mail, you can make en tire con versati ons without ever reachi ng anyon e. If my mom has aquestio n, I ju
49、st leave the an swer on her machi ne.As almost every con tact betwee n huma n beings gets automatic, the emoti onal dista nee in dexgoes up. Pump ing gas at the stati on? Why say good-m orning to the assista nt whe n you can swipeyou credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of huma n con
50、 tact? Maki ng a deposit at thebank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the n eighborhood whe n you can put your card into the ATM?More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation or beingrelieved that voice mail picked up because I didn t really htime to talk. Th
51、e tech no logy devoted to helpi ng me keep in touch is maki ng me Ion elier.I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail teleph one, and an e-mail acco unt. Givi ng themup isn t a choice. They are great for what they are inten ded to do. It s their unintended results thatmake me upset. What good
52、is all this gwhiz tech no logy if there is no one in the room to hear you cryingout“ Gee whiz ”?1. The author s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feelA. un happy B. funny C. won derful2. Accordi ng to the author, huma n con tact in a park mea ns_.A. look ing at each oth
53、er and say ing hello whe n pass ingB. no tici ng their babies and stopp ing to pat their dogsC. both A and B3. Accordi ng to the author, the more conn ected we get in com muni cati ons tech no logy,the_ we are.A. more automatic B. more disc onn ectedC. closer4. What are the examples the author gives
54、 to explain his idea that every advance in com muni cati onstech no logy is a setback to the close ness of huma n in teract ion?A. With e-mail and in sta nt messageover the Intern et, we can now com muni cate without seeing ortalking to one another.B. With voice mail, you can make en tire conv ersat
55、io ns without ever reach ing anyone.C. All of the above.5. What is the uninten ded result of com muni catio n tech no logy, accord ing to the author?A. It makes com muni cati on easier and conv ersati on possible everywhere.B. It actually creates a dista nce betwee n people in stead of bringing them
56、 together.C. It makes huma n con tacts limitless with electr onic voices everywhere短文理解 4Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in largecities. Their answer is the bicycle, or“ bike ”.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work
57、 every day. In New York City, some bikeriders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rodebicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore lessdirty air from car engin es.For several years this group ha
58、s been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example,they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders have touse the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were speciallanes more people wo
59、uld use bikes.But no bicycle lanes have bee n draw n. Not every one thinks it is a good idea - they say it will slow traffic.Some store owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic, they will have less bus in ess. Andmost people live too far from dow ntow n to travel by bike.The city
60、 gover nment has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep every one happy. Only onweekends, Central Park is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles on ly. But Bike for aBetter City says that this is not eno ugh and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.1. Accordi ng to the p
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