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1、第六節(jié) 正說(shuō)反譯,反說(shuō)正譯法negation 在語(yǔ)法與翻譯兩個(gè)不同學(xué)科中含 義不盡相同。 negation 作為一種翻譯技巧,它 主要指在翻譯實(shí)踐中,為了使譯文忠實(shí)而合乎 語(yǔ)言習(xí)慣地傳達(dá)原文的意思,有時(shí)必須把原文 中的肯定說(shuō)法變成譯文中的否定說(shuō)法,或把原 文中的否定說(shuō)法變成譯文中的肯定說(shuō)法。 因此, 翻譯技巧中的 negation 譯成 “正說(shuō)反譯, 反說(shuō)正 譯法”是較為合適的。而語(yǔ)法中的 negation 則 譯成“否定”,因?yàn)樗饕侵赶旅嫠姆N語(yǔ)言現(xiàn) 象: 1 Full negative( 完全否定 ) ; 2 Absolute negative( 絕對(duì)否定 ) ; 3 Semi nega

2、tive( 部分否 定 ) ; 4 Words or phrases with negative implication( 含否定意義的詞或短語(yǔ) ) 。前兩種否 定,除少數(shù)情況外,英語(yǔ)漢語(yǔ)中差別不大;而 后兩種否定,在英漢兩種語(yǔ)言的運(yùn)用中則差別 較大,需要加倍注意。從下面的例句中,可以 體會(huì)“正說(shuō)反譯,反說(shuō)正譯”在翻譯中使用的 一些情況。1 I don ' t think Tom is correct 我認(rèn)為湯姆不對(duì)。 (不譯成:我不認(rèn)為湯姆是對(duì)的。)2 我想小李明天不會(huì)來(lái)了。I don' thi nk Xiao Li will come tomorrow .(不譯成:I th

3、ink Xiao Li won't come tomorrow .)3. A: Are you not going tomorrow?B: No, I'm not going .甲:你明天不去嗎?乙:是的,我不去。4 .Africa is not kicking out Westernimperialism in order to invite other new masters.非洲踢出西方帝國(guó)主義并不是為了請(qǐng) 進(jìn)其他新的統(tǒng)治者。(假如不運(yùn)用“正說(shuō)反 譯,反說(shuō)正譯”這一技巧,譯文就會(huì)成為: “非洲不踢出西方帝國(guó)主義為了請(qǐng)進(jìn)其他 新的主子?!逼淞x則大相徑庭。)他來(lái)這兒不是為了求

4、得我們的幫助。 誤:He came here not to ask us for help.正: He did not come here to ask us for help. 否定狀語(yǔ)時(shí),英語(yǔ)中的否定詞一般不直 接置于被否定詞語(yǔ)前,通常置于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞前。 只有當(dāng)兩個(gè)部分加以對(duì)比時(shí),即不是而是”時(shí),否定詞才可直接置于狀語(yǔ)前。如:他 來(lái)這兒不是為了求得我們的幫助,而是來(lái)給 我們提供一些信息。He came here not to ask us for help, but to give us some information. 即 使 在 這 一 結(jié) 構(gòu) 中,英語(yǔ)還是常把否定詞置于謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞前。T

5、he mountain is not valuable because it is high.山不因其高而貴。 山并不可貴,因?yàn)樗摺?(誤)I don 't read this book for amusement. 我讀這本書(shū)不是為了消遣。 (我不是為了消 遣而讀這本書(shū)。)我為了消遣不讀這本書(shū)。 (誤)A girl is not lovely because she is beautiful, but beautiful because she is lovely.女孩不是因?yàn)槊利惗蓯?ài),而是因?yàn)榭蓯?ài) 而美麗。下面則需視上下文和全句意思而定。I didn 'gto, bec

6、ause I wanted to see him. 我沒(méi)有去,因?yàn)槲乙?jiàn)他。I didn 'gto because I wanted to see him. 我不是因?yàn)橐?jiàn)他才去。I don 't love him , because he is poor. 我不愛(ài)他,因?yàn)樗F。I don 't love him because he is poor. 我并不是因?yàn)樗麤](méi)錢(qián)而愛(ài)他。I don 't love him because he is rich. 我并不是因?yàn)樗绣X(qián)而愛(ài)他。(補(bǔ)充)否定句型的直譯誤區(qū)英語(yǔ)中有一些不同的否定句型,其中有一 些句型不能完全采用直

7、譯法進(jìn)行翻譯,否則, 就會(huì)造成誤譯,甚至與原意背道而馳,下列兩 種否定句型值得注意:1 部分否定句型,這種句型不同于漢語(yǔ)的 思維形式。例如:(1)I do not know all the students.誤譯:對(duì)那些學(xué)生我都不認(rèn)識(shí)。 改譯:對(duì)那些學(xué)生我不是個(gè)個(gè)都認(rèn)識(shí)。(2)All the students didn ' pass the En glish exam in ati on.誤譯:所有的學(xué)生都沒(méi)有通過(guò)英語(yǔ)考試。 改譯:并非所有的學(xué)生都通過(guò)了英語(yǔ)考試。同志們好! Hi, comrades! 首長(zhǎng)好! Hi, Sir!同志們辛苦了! (You are) Worki ng ha

8、rd! 為人民服務(wù)! (We are) Servi ng the people!2.單一否定中的部分句型。例如:(1) It is a Wise |man that never makes mistakes.誤譯:聰明人從不犯錯(cuò)誤。改譯:無(wú)論怎樣聰明的人也難免犯錯(cuò)誤。這里,“It is a adj. + n. that +否定句”是個(gè)習(xí)語(yǔ)中常出現(xiàn)的句型,應(yīng)理解為“ even if+ adj. +肯定句”,即“再的,也會(huì)”。而與此結(jié)構(gòu)相似的強(qiáng)調(diào)句型中,一般沒(méi)有形容 詞。(2) It is a long |lane that has no turning.誤譯:那是一條沒(méi)有彎的長(zhǎng)巷。改譯:無(wú)論多長(zhǎng)

9、(直)的巷也有彎的地方。 沒(méi)有不拐彎的長(zhǎng)巷子。(路必有彎,事必有變)。這里“no + tooto”句型不同于一般“no too”句型,“notoo”部分譯為“盡管”,“to (be)”部分譯為“也會(huì),也將”。(3) The visit lean' have left us a deeper impressi on.誤譯:這次訪問(wèn)根本不會(huì)給我留下較為深 刻的印象。改譯:這次訪問(wèn)給我們留下的印象最深刻 不過(guò)了?!癱an't +形容詞或副詞比較級(jí)”,其實(shí)表 達(dá)的是最咼級(jí)的意義。(4) I can ' t see you quickly eno ugh.誤譯:我不能很快見(jiàn)到你。

10、改譯:我巴不得盡快與你見(jiàn)面。“ cannot + adj./ adv. + eno ugh”,意思是“越越好”。而另一個(gè)與此相似的句型“ can't + adj./ adv. + eno ugh ”,意思為“非 常十分”,如 I can't like the Englishteachi ng en ough.譯為“我非常喜歡教英語(yǔ)?!盚e is the last person to tell a lie.誤譯:他是最后一個(gè)說(shuō)謊的人。 改譯:他最不可能說(shuō)謊。“l(fā)ast”除了有“最后的”意思外,還有“極 少可能的”,“最不愿干的”等意思。在本句里“ last ”的意思應(yīng)為后者。5.

11、 The world today is far from peaceful .今天的世界還很不安寧。(far from是一個(gè)形 式上肯定而含否定意義的短語(yǔ)或詞組,所以 要正說(shuō)反譯”。)6. 我們的人民解放軍蕪愧于偉大的人民軍隊(duì)的 稱號(hào)。Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.7 他盡力克服技術(shù)資料的不足。He tries his best to overcome the lack of technical data .The window refuses to open .The window won '

12、open.The window can 'be opened.The window can 'open.The door is ope n.It is difficult to open the window.9 昨天他沒(méi)準(zhǔn)時(shí)到校。Yesterday he failed to get to school on time.10. 他們不準(zhǔn)小孩人內(nèi)。They excluded childre n (from) gett ing in11. 那座大樓處于無(wú)人管理的狀態(tài)。That building is in a state of neglect .12. 他常常心不在焉。He&quo

13、t; s ofte n absents in ded .13. 干這事我力不勝任。To do this is beyond my ability .14. 雷鋒的高尚行為是贊揚(yáng)不盡的.Lei Feng' noble deeds are labovd allpraise.John is in the parlor , his boss was at lunch |on steak and beer.約翰走進(jìn)客廳,他的老板正在吃牛爭(zhēng)卡、喝啤 酒。15該做這工作的是我,而不是你.I, rather than you ,should do the work 16事實(shí)真相同你想的完全不同。The

14、 truth is quite other than what you think17. She refrained from laughing 她忍住了,沒(méi)有發(fā)笑。.She was refused admitta nee by them他們不許她進(jìn)去19. An opportunity is not likely to repeat itself良機(jī)難再。20. 不辜負(fù)全國(guó)人民和全世界人民對(duì)我們的期Live up to the expectatio ns df our own peopleand the people throughout the world .21. 工作沒(méi)有經(jīng)驗(yàn),出點(diǎn)差錯(cuò)

15、,在所難免。Slips arel scarce" avoidable when you're new to your work .22. 任何事物都有兩點(diǎn),說(shuō)只有一點(diǎn)叫知其一不 知其二。There are two aspects to everything ; to say there is only one is to be aware of one aspect and to be ignorant of the other .23. 在技術(shù)方面,我看大部分首先要照辦,因 為那些我們現(xiàn)在還沒(méi)有,還不懂,學(xué)了比 較有利。In tech no logy, I thi nk f

16、irst we have to follow others in most eases, and it is better for us to do so, since that is what we are lacking at present and know little about .24. 會(huì)議開(kāi)得冷冷清清,有時(shí)甚至開(kāi)不下去了。The meetings were marked by such an absenee of lively discussions that at times they were almost on the point of break ing up.25.

17、使用按鍵,勿用力過(guò)猛。11Avoid Operating the keys roughly .26 .科學(xué)家們?cè)跁?huì)上莊嚴(yán)地保證說(shuō):“我們決不 辜負(fù)黨對(duì)我們的期望?!盩he scie ntists made a sole mn pledge at the conferen ce, say ing,“ Wdlforever live up towhat our Party expects of us .27. The evidenee is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt .證據(jù)確鑿,毋庸置疑28. 那里的縣委不了解下情。isThe

18、 County Party Committee there lignorant of conditions at the lower levels .29. 那家伙很不老實(shí)。That fellow is far from being honest.30. 那城市及其周?chē)牡胤绞遣粌龈酆蜔o(wú)核區(qū)That city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a |nuclear-weapon-freezone.31. 欒平呆立著,回答不出楊子榮的一系列問(wèn) 題。Luan Ping stood still , frying vainly (in v

19、ain) to answer the battery of questions YangZirong raised .32. Mr . White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country .懷特先生并沒(méi)有對(duì)該國(guó)的政變發(fā)表正式評(píng) 論。33. That served to stre ngthe n in stead of weake nour determ in atio n (or : That stre ngthe ned , rathertha nweake ned , ourdet

20、erm in ati on .)那件事沒(méi)有減弱我們的決心,反倒增強(qiáng)了 我們的決心。34. But for the workers ' help, we should not have succeeded in this experiment.沒(méi)有工人們的幫助,我們這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)便不會(huì) 成功。35. All that glitters is not gold . (or: All is not gold that glitters .)正譯:閃閃發(fā)光者,未必皆黃金(或:發(fā)光 的并不都是金子)。誤譯:發(fā)光的一切(一切發(fā)光的)不是金子。36. “ All is not lost ”-John Mi

21、lt on(約翰密爾頓說(shuō)過(guò):)并非全失。(不能誤譯 為一切都沒(méi)有失去。”)37. George Bernard Shaw once said : “A criminals are not murderers . ”喬治 蕭伯納曾說(shuō): 罪犯并非全是殺人 犯?!辈荒苷`譯成所有的罪犯都不是殺人 犯?!保?8.相,But all men are n ot born to reig n 并非人人生來(lái)就都是作帝王的。寧有種呼?)(王侯將39. All graduates from the Foreign Languages In stitutes Will not be appo in ted to do translation work .外語(yǔ)院校的畢業(yè)生并非人人被分配去做翻 譯工作。40. All that flatter


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