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1、i. 重點短語初一年級(下)1. a bottle of2. a little3. a lot of4. all day5. be from6. be over7. come back8. come from9. do one s homework10. do the shopping11. get down12. get home13. get to14. get up15. go shopping16. have a drink of17. have a look18. have breakfast19. have lunch20. have supper21. listen to22.

2、notat all23. putaway24. take hemiddleoftheday28. in the morning / afternoon/ evening29. on a farm30. in a factoryii. 重要句型1. let sb. do sth.2. could sb. do sth.3. would like sth.4. would like to do sth.5. what about something to eat.6. how do you spell.7. may i b

3、orrow.iii. 交際用語1. thanks very much.you're welcome.2. put it/them away.3. what's wrong.4. i think so.i don't think so.5. i want to take some books to the classroom.6. give me a bottle of orange juice, please.please give it / them back tomorrow. ok.9. what's your favourite sport.10. do

4、n't worry.11.i m not good at basketball.12. do you want a go.13. that's right./ that s all right./ all right.14. do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries.yes, i do. / no, i don t.15. we / they have some cds.we / they donnyctdhsa.ve a16. -what day is it today / tomorrow.-it s monday.17. -m

5、ay i borrow your colour pens, please. -certainly. here you are.18. -where are you from.-from beijing.19. what's your telephone number in new york.20. -do you like hot dogs.-yes, i do. a little. / a lot. / very much.-no, i don't. i don't like them at all.21. -what does your mother like.-s

6、he likes dumplings and vegetables very much.22. -when do you go to school every day.-i go to school at 7:00 every day.23. -what time does he go to bed in the evening.-he goes to bed at 10:00.【名師講解】1. that's right./ that s all right./ all right.that srigh意t為 “對的 ”,表示贊同對方的看法、看法或行為,確定對方的答案或判定;例如:&q

7、uot;i think we must help the old man.""我想我們應(yīng)當(dāng)幫忙這位老人;" "that'sright ." 或 " you'reright ."" 說得對 " ;that sallrigh.意t為 “不用謝 ”、“沒關(guān)系 ”,用來回答對方的致謝或賠禮;例如:"many thanks." "that's all right.""sorry. it's broken." "th

8、at's all right."allright .意為 “行了 ”、“可以 ”,表示同意對方的建議或要求;有時仍可以表示“身體很好 ”"please tell me about it." " 請把此事告知我;""all right.""好吧; "is your mother all right. 你媽身體好嗎2. make/do這兩個詞都可以說明為“做”,但含義卻不同,不能混用;make 指做東西或制東西,do 指做一件詳細的事;can you make a paper boat for me.

9、 你能為我做個紙船嗎?he s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作業(yè);3. say/speak/talk/tellsay:是最口語化的最一般的一個詞,意為“說出 ”、 “說道 ”,著重所說的話;如:“ i want to go there by buse said”. 他, 說h, “我要坐汽車到那里去;” please say it in english請.用英語說;speak :說“話 ”,著重開口發(fā)聲,不著重所說的內(nèi)容,一般用作不及物動詞即后面不能直接接賓語 ;如:can you speak about him. 你能不能說說他的情形?i don t like

10、to speak like this我.不喜愛這樣說話;speak 作及物動詞解時,只能和某種語言等連用,表達在對話中恰當(dāng)使用詞匯的才能;如: she speaks english well. 她英語說得好;talk : 與 speak 意義相近,也著重說話的動作,而不著重所說的話,因此,一般也只用作不及物動詞,不過,talk 示意話是對某人說的,有較強的對話意味,著重指連續(xù)地和別人談話;如:i would like to talk to him about it .我想跟他談那件事;old women like to talk with children.老年婦女喜愛和孩子們交談;tell

11、:告“訴 ”,除較少情形外,一般后面總接雙賓語;如: hes telling me astory. 他在給我講故事;tell a lie撒謊 tell sb. to do sth. /tell sb. not to do sth.miss zhao often tells us to study hard.4. do cooking/ do the cookingdocooking 作“做飯 ”解,屬泛指; dothecooking 特指某一頓飯或某一家人的飯;cooking 為動名詞,不能用作復(fù)數(shù),但前面可用some, much 修飾;從do some cooking 可引出很多類似的短語:

12、do some washing 洗些衣服do some shopping 買些東西do some reading 讀書 do some writing寫些東西do some fishing釣魚從以上短語可引申出另一類短語,不能用some, much 或定冠詞;go shopping 去買東西go fishing去釣魚 go boating 去劃船 go swimming去游泳5. like doing sth./ like to do sth.likedoingsth. 與 liketo do sth. 意思相同, 但用法有區(qū)分; 前者強調(diào)一般性的愛好或者表示動作的習(xí)慣性和常常性; 后來表示一

13、次性和偶然性的動作;例如:he likes playing football, but he doesn t like to play football with li ming.他喜愛踢足球,但是他不喜愛和李明踢;6. other/ others/ the other/ anotherother 表其余的,別的,have you any other questions.你仍有其他問題嗎.others 別的人,別的東西in the room some people are american, the others are french.在屋子里一些人是美國人,其他的是法國人;the other

14、 表另一個(二者之中)one, the otherone of my two brothers studies english, the other studies chinese.我兩個哥哥中的一個學(xué)習(xí)英文,另一個學(xué)中文;another 表三者以上的另一個,另一些there is room for another few books on the shelf. 書架上仍可以放點書;7. in the tree/ on the treeinthetree 與 onthetree.譯成中文均為 "在樹上 "但英語中有區(qū)分;inthetree 表示某人、某事(不屬于樹本身生長出

15、的別的東西)落在樹上,表示樹的枝、葉、花、果等長在樹上時,要使用onthetree.如:there are some apples on the tree. 那棵樹上有些蘋果;there is a bird in the tree.那棵樹上有只鳥;8. some/ any(1) some 和 any 既可修飾可數(shù)名詞,也可修飾不行數(shù)名詞;但有以下兩點需要留意;some 常用于確定句中,any 常用于否定句和疑問句中;如:there is some water in the glass.is there any water in the glass.there isn't any wat

16、er in the glass. 2在說話者期望得到確定答復(fù)的一般疑問句中,或在表示懇求,邀請的疑問句中,我們依舊用some;如:would you like some tea.9. tall/ high1說人,動物,樹木等有生命的東西,主要用tall ,不用 high,例如a tall woman一個高個子婦女a(chǎn) tall horse 一個高大的馬2 說一個不與地面接觸的人和物的高時,要用high,而不用tall ,比如人站在桌子上時,飛機飛上天時,例如: he is high up in the tree.他高高地爬在樹上;the plane is so high in the sky.飛

17、機在空中這么高;3指建筑物、山時要tall 或 high 都可以,不過high 的程度比tall 高;4high 可作副詞, tall 不能;5 tall 的反義詞為short, high 的反義詞為low.10. can/ could(1) can 表示體力和腦力方面的才能,或依據(jù)客觀條件能做某種動作的" 才能 " ;例如: can you ride a bike ?你會騎自行車嗎?what can i do for you ?要幫忙嗎?can you make a cake?你會做蛋糕嗎?(2) can 用在否定句和疑問句中時有時表示說話人的"懷疑 "

18、;" 推測 " 或不愿定;例如: where can he be?他會在什么地方呢?can the news be true?這個消息會是真的嗎? it surely can't be six o'clock already ?不行能已經(jīng)六點鐘了吧?you can't be hungry so soon , tom, you've just had lunch. 湯姆,你不行能餓得這么快,你剛吃過午飯;what can he mean?他會是什么意思?在日常會話中,can 可代替 may 表示 " 答應(yīng) " , may 比

19、較正式;例如:you can come in any time. 你隨時都可以來;- can i use your pen ?我能用你的鋼筆嗎?- of course , you can.當(dāng)然可以; you can have my seat, i'm going now. 我要走了,你坐我的座位吧;(3) couldcould是 can 的過去式,表示過去有過的才能和可能性(在否定和疑問句中);例如: the doctor said he could help him. (才能)醫(yī)生說他能幫忙他;lily could swim when she was four years old.(

20、才能)當(dāng)麗麗四歲的時候她就會游泳;at that time we thought the story could be true. (可能性)那時我們以為所說的可能是真的; could 可代替 can 表示現(xiàn)在時間的動作,但語氣較為動聽;例如: could i speak to john ,please?我能和約翰說話嗎? could you ?在口語中表示懇求對方做事;例如: could you wait half an hour ?請你等半個小時好嗎?could you please ring again at six ?六點鐘請你再打電話好嗎?(4) can 的形式只有現(xiàn)在式can 和過

21、去式could 兩種形式;能表示一般現(xiàn)在和一般過去兩種時態(tài),有時也能表示將來;全部其他時態(tài)(包括將來時)須用be able to 加動詞不定式來表示;例如:they have not been able to come to beijing.他們沒有能到北京來;11. look for/ findlookfor 意為 “查找 ”,而 find 意為 “找到, 發(fā)覺 ”,前者強調(diào) “找”這一動作, 并不留意 “找”的結(jié)果, 而后者就強調(diào) “找”的結(jié)果;例如:she cant find her ruler.她找不到她的尺子啦;tom is looking for his watch,but he

22、can t fin湯d 姆it. 正在查找他的手表,但沒能找到;12. be sleeping/ be asleepbesleeping表示動作,意思是“正在睡覺 ”;beasleep 表示狀態(tài),意思是“睡著了 ”;如:-what are the children doing in the room.孩子們在房間里做什么?-they are sleeping. 他們正在睡覺;the children are asleep now. 現(xiàn)在孩子們睡著了;13. often/ usually/sometimesoften 表示 " 常常 " , sometimes表示 "

23、; 有時候 " ,在表示發(fā)生頻率上often 要高于 usually ,usually 要高于 sometimes;這三個詞表示的是常常性,一般性的動作或情形,常與一般現(xiàn)在時連用,常位于主要謂語動詞的前面,其他謂語動詞( be 動詞,情態(tài)動詞和助動詞)的后面,有時也可位于句尾;假如要加強語氣,就放在句首;we usually play basketball after school. 我們通常放學(xué)后打籃球;sometimes i go to bed early. 有時,我睡覺很早;he often reads english in the morning. 他常常在早晨讀英語;14.

24、 how much/ how manyhowmuch 常用來詢問某一商品的價格,常見句式是how much is / are.how much is the skirt.這條裙子多少錢?how much are the bananas.這些香蕉多少錢?howmuch 后加不行數(shù)名詞,表示數(shù)量,意為“多少 “, howmany 后加可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式;how much meat do you want.你要多少肉呀?how many students are there in your class.你們班有多少人?15. be good for/ be good to/ be good atbe

25、goodfor 表示 " 對有好處 ",而 bebadfor 表示 "對有害 " ;begoodto 表示 " 對友好 ",而 be bad to 表示 "對不好 " ; begoodat 表示 "善于,在方面做得好 " ,而 be bad at 表示 "在方面做得不好"; doing eye exercises is good for your eyes. 做眼保健操對你的眼睛有好處;eating too much is bad for you health. 吃的太多對你

26、的身體有害;miss li is good to all of us. 李老師對我們?nèi)康娜硕己苡押茫籺he boss is bad to his workers. 這個老板對他的工人不好;li lei is good at drawing, but i'm bad at it.李雷善于畫畫,但是我不善于;16. each/ everyeach 和 every 都有 " 每一個 "的意思,但含義和用法不相同;each 從個體著眼,every 從整體著眼; each 可用于兩者或兩者以上,every 只用于三者或三者以上;we each have a new book

27、.我們每人各有一本新書; there are trees on each side of the street.街的兩旁有樹; he gets up early every morning.每天早晨他都起得早;each 可以用作形容詞、副詞和代詞;every 只能用作形容詞;each of them has his own duty. 他們各人有各人的義務(wù);they each want to do something different. 他們每個人都想做不同的事情;17. 一般現(xiàn)在時 /現(xiàn)在進行時一般現(xiàn)在時表示常常性的或習(xí)慣性的動作或存在的狀態(tài),也表示說話者的才能,仍有自然現(xiàn)象;而現(xiàn)在進行時

28、表示正在進行或發(fā)生的動作(構(gòu)成方式為am/is /are/+doing );i do my homework in the evening. 我在晚上做作業(yè);i'm doing my homework now.我現(xiàn)在正在做作業(yè);現(xiàn)在進行常常與now, these days, at the moment 或 look, listen 等詞連用;而一般現(xiàn)在常常與often, always, sometimes, usually, every day, in the morning, on mondays等連用;we often clean the classroom after schoo

29、l. 我們常常放學(xué)后打掃教室;look. they are cleaning the classroom . 看!他們正在打掃教室呢;【考點掃描】中考考點在本單元主要集中在:1動詞一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在進行時的用法,人稱代詞的用法,可數(shù)名詞和不行數(shù)名詞的構(gòu)成和用法;2本冊書中常見的交際用語3本冊書中一些重點的詞組和短語考試形式往往是單項填空、完形填空、短文改錯和短文填空;【中考范例】1.- hurry up. we re all waiting for you.-i for an important phone call. go without me.a. waitb. was waitingc.

30、am waitingd. waited【 解析 】答案: c;表示現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作,用現(xiàn)在進行時; 2.could you help with english, please.a. i, myb. me, mec. me, myd. my, i【解析 】答案: c;第一個空作賓語,應(yīng)用人稱代詞的賓格me, 其次個空作定語,應(yīng)用形容詞性物主代詞my ; 3.dr. white can french very well.a. speakb. talkc. sayd. tell【解析 】答案: a ;說什麼語言常用動詞speak;4.english is spoken by people.a. a

31、 lotb. much manyc. a large number ofd. a great deal of【解析 】答案: c;只有 a large number of能用來修飾復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞people;一. 單項挑選1. there is some on the plate.a. cakesb. meatc. potatod. pears2. uncle wang wants the machine like a bike.a. rideb. ridingc. ridesd. to ride3. tom usually goes to bed ten o'clock in the

32、evening.a. atb. inc. ond. of4. picture books in class, please.a. not readb. no readc. not readingd. don't read5. the box is too heavy. let help you to carry it.a. web. usc. oursd. our6. hurry up, we'll be late for the meeting.a. andb. butc. thend. or7. people usually "hello" to eac

33、h other when they make a phone call.a. sayb. speakc. telld. talk8. look. she a kite for her son.a. makesb. is makingc. maked. making9. these shoes are yours. please .a. put on themb. put on itc. put them ond. put it on10. she often gets very late.a. homeb. at homec. to homed. in home11. i think the

34、shop is closed this time of day.a. inb. onc. atd. for12. i want of meat, please.a. half kilob. a half kiloc. half a kilod. a kilo half13. - is this black ruler .- no. it's .a. yours, hisb. your, hisc. yours, himd. you, he14. book on the desk is a useful (重要的) one.a. ab. anc. thed. /15. grandma i

35、s ill. we have to take her to the .a. farmb. post officec. hoteld. hospital16. liu mei often helps her mother housework.a. doesb. doc.doingd. to doing17. we watch evening news on at 7:00 in the evening.a. cctvb. caacc. wtod. mtv18. there a box of apples on the desk.a. areb. isc. hasd. have19. would

36、you like with me.a. gob. to goc. goingd. goes20. sometimes his brother tv after supper.a. watchb. seesc. watchesd. is watching二. 填空a. 依據(jù)句義和首字母寫出所缺的單詞1. kate's glass is empty. she wants a f one.2. i think my father can help you m your broken bike.3. i have two pencils. one is short, the other is

37、l .4. please open the w . it's getting hot here.5. something is w with my bike. may i borrow yours.b. 依據(jù)句意,用括號中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. there are some there, talking loudly. woman2. this blouse isn't hers. it's . my3. the people on the farm are very . friend4. do you know . he5. tom's uncle can

38、drive cars. he is a good . drivec. 選詞并用其適當(dāng)形式填空work, close, look, have, teacher, pen, eat, china, play, climb1. this is our desk. ours are over there.2. bill has three . one is new and the other two are old.3. his uncle very young but he is over forty.4. let's basketball after class.5. look. the

39、cats are up the trees.6. the shop isn't open. it's .7. my brother some new picture books.8. in our classroom there is a large map of .9. mum, please give me something to . i'm very hungry.10. does mr green like in this chinese school.三.依據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框中挑選恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥油瓿蓪υ抋. please give it back soon.b.

40、 it's over therec. certainly. when do you want it.d. thank you very much.e. black and red, and it's not very new.a: excuse me, lin tao. b: yes.a: my bike is broken. can i borrow yours.b: 1 .a: this afternoon.b: ok. here's the key.a: 2 . but where is it.b: 3 . a: what colour is it.b: 4 .a

41、: i see. i think i can find it. b: 5 .a: all right. see you.四.完型填空thesedays menand women, young and old are 1 the samekind of 2 , and a lot of 3 have long hair(頭發(fā)) . we often can't 4 whether they are boysor girls, men or women. 5 old man often goes to walk in the park. he is sitting on a chair n

42、ow. a young person is 6 7 him."oh,goodness."theoldmansays totheotherone."do you 8 thatperson withlonghair. is it a boy or a girl.""a boy," says the other one. "he is my son." "oh," says the old man, "please 9 me. idon'tknow you are his 10 .&

43、quot;"i'mnot hismother,i'mhisfather,"says theother one.1. a. havingb. wearing c. puttingd. buying2. a. clothesb. treesc. pictures d. bags3. a. web. yourc. themd. theirs4. a. talkb. teachc. sayd tell5. a. anb. ac. thed. /6. a. runningb. flyingc. standingd. driving7. a. onb. besidec.

44、 ind. at8. a. seeb. watchc. lookd. read9. a. helpb. excuse c. teachd. ask10. a. baby b. sisterc. fatherd. mother五. 閱讀懂得 a mr li teaches chinese in the usa. he comes back to china every year. he gives us a talk. he says," k day in the usa is very interesting. all children like it very much. it is on march 7th. when you go out on that day, you can see children runningwith kites in the open air 露天 . when you look up, you can see different kites in the sky(天空) . some are big, and some aresmall. they are in differe


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