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1、一、形容詞、副詞的基本用法(一)多個形容詞作定語時的排列順序如果兩個及兩個以上的形容詞修飾一個名詞時,與被修飾的名詞關系較密切的形容詞靠近名詞;如果幾個 形容詞的密切程度差不多,則音節(jié)少的形容詞在前,音節(jié)多的在后。如:a small wonderful gift。常用的順序為:限定詞(these, those,)+數(shù)量形容詞(three) +描繪性形容詞(beautiful) +大 小、長短、高低等形體形容詞(large long, high) +新舊(old) +顏色(red) +國籍(Chinese) +材料(wood) +用途(writing) +被修飾的名詞(desk)為了方便記憶,不

2、妨試試如下口訣:限定描述大長高,形狀年齡與新老:顏色國籍出材料,用途類別往后靠,英語中有些形容詞既可以做前置定語,也可以作后置定語,但意義不同,常見的有:present (現(xiàn)在的/ 在場的),responsible (可依賴的/應負責的),concerned (憂心忡忡的/有關的),proper (適當?shù)?正經(jīng)的, 正式的),involved (復雜難懂的/相關的),absent (心不在焉的/缺席的)。如:the responsible man可依賴的人the man responsible 應負責的人the present members 現(xiàn)在的成員the members present

3、在場的成員the absent students心不在焉的學生the students absent缺席的學生the concerned teachers憂心忡忡的老師們the teachers concerned (與事情)相關的老師們(二)表語形容詞表語形容詞(如:afraid, alone, awake> asleep* alive, alike, ashamed> afloat, well, sorry> unable, worth, sure)并非只能做表語,它們還可以作補足語,有的還可作后置定語(一般不做前置定語)。如:To my surprise, the dr

4、iver is still alive after the traffic accident0令我吃驚的是,交通事故發(fā)生后,司機還活著。The people, and the people alone> are the motive force in the making of world history。人民,只有人民,才是創(chuàng)造世界歷史的動力。(三)形容詞作狀語形容詞作狀語表示伴隨或結果,并不表示動詞的方式。如:He returned home, safe and sounds他安然無恙的回到了家。The goat rolled over, dead。山羊翻了個身,死了。He is s

5、tanding there» full of fear他充滿恐懼的站在那。(四)有些副詞置于句首可修飾全句,作評注性狀語。如:Fortunately he was not drowned and was saved by the PLAO幸運的是,他沒被淹死,被解放軍救了。Happily for her, her stepmother was kind to herc使她高興的是,她的繼母對她很好。Luckily> he was not hurt in the accidento幸運的是,他在事故中沒有受傷。Obviously, your answer is absolutel

6、y wrongo很顯然,你的答案絕對錯誤。Naturally* you will want to discuss this problem with your parentSo你自然想和你的父母商量一下此事。(五)副詞enough的用法1. enough作副詞用來修飾形容詞、副詞時要放在所修飾詞的后面。如:students brave enough to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills。足夠勇敢參加這個探險課的學生肯定會學到很多有用的技能°Strangely enough,

7、some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless。很奇怪,一些著名的科學家具有粗心和細心雙重特點。2. cannot與enough連用,表示“再也不為過如:You cannot be careful enough。你再細心也不為過。注意:enough的這種用法還可用cannot (never等否定詞)too”表達。如:I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down。You

8、can never be too careful in the street。我正沿著大街騎車,突然一輛汽車橫插過來,把我撞倒了。在大街上,你再小心也不為過。(六)熟記下列幾句有關形容詞、副詞的固定搭配1. He' s dead/blind drunk (=very drunk).他喝的酩酊大醉。2. Het s wide awake.他完全沒有睡意。3. It' s raining/snowing heavily.雨/雪下的很大。4. He, s sound/fast asleep.他睡得很沉。5. He* s moving/breathing/drinking/smokin

9、g heavily.他吃力的移動/喘著粗氣/酒喝得多/煙抽的多。6. The traffic/ He' s moustache is heavy.交通擁擠/他的胡子濃密。7. The population of China is larger than that of Japan.中國人口比日本多。8. The price of the book is high/low.這本書的價格很高/低。=The book is expensive/cheap.這本書很貴/便宜。(七)有些副詞還可以作連詞,但作副詞時,常放在句末,如though, (ever) since, in case等。如:

10、She promised to phoneo I heard nothing, though,=Though she promised to phone I heard nothings她答應要打電話來,可我沒聽到回信兒。二、形容詞、副詞的比較等級(一)原級1. 用 asas, notas/ soas, the same as, suchas 弓I 導。如:Henry is a worker as good as Peter (is)0=Henry is as good a worker as Peter (is)。=Henry is such a good worker as Peter (

11、is)。Henry和Peter 一樣都是好工人。Henry dose not have so/as many books as I have。Henry的書不如我的多,It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science。人們普遍認為,教學是一門科學,同時也是一門藝術。2. as +形容詞+ as +數(shù)量詞=數(shù)量詞+形容詞。如:The building is as tall as 100 meterso=The building is 100 meters tall。這棟樓房有100米高。3. 貌

12、似同等程度比較結構的一些固定習慣用語英語中有些看似是同等程度的比較結構,實際上它們是一些固定的習慣用語。如:as long as只要,有 之久:as far as 至lj 十也點,就 而言;as soon as 就:as well as 又:as good as (=very nearly) 與幾乎一樣,幾乎,簡直。如:I will work as (so) long as I livec只要活著,我就要工作。He has experience as well as knowledgec他既有知識又有經(jīng)驗。(注意此句的翻譯順序)(二)比較級1 .比較急修飾語常見的有rather, much,

13、still, even, far, any (用于否定句或疑問句,a lot. a little» a great deal, by far» a bit, three times 等。如:The students study even harder than before。學生們學習比以前更努力了。2 . “the +比較級,the +比較級”表示"越,越2如:The more tickets you sell, the more money you will get。你賣的票越多,掙的錢就越多。The longer you stay, the better (

14、it will be)。你待的時間越長越好。3 .“比較級+ and +比較級”表示“越來越3如:The new city is becoming more and more beautiful0這個新城市變得越來越美麗了。4 . the +比較級+ of the two (+名詞),表示“兩個中的較的一個"。如:The taller of the two boys is my brother0這兩個男孩中較高的那個是我哥哥。5 .用介詞by表示相差的程度。如:She is taller than I by three inches(=She is three inches tall

15、er than I。)她比我高3英寸。I missed the last train by one minuteo我差一分鐘沒趕上最后一趟火車。6 . 一個人所具有的兩種性質(zhì)的比較,用morethan結構,意為“與其不如6如:Ann acts quite unfriendly。1 think she' s more shy than unfriendly。(more shy 不可變?yōu)?shyer 或 shier)Ann表現(xiàn)的很不友好。與其說她不友好,不如說她害羞。7 .比較的對象不能互相包容,常見的句型是:any other +單數(shù)名詞all (the ) other + 復數(shù)名詞比較

16、級 + than + < anyone elseany of the other + 復數(shù)名詞the rest of +復數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞如:The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States.密西西比7可比美國其他任何一條河都長。China is larger than ,any other country in Asia 中國比亞洲任何別的國家都大 any country in Africa 中國比非洲任何國家都大8 .比較的對象應該相同。如:The climate here is wa

17、rmer than that of Shanghaio這里的氣候比上海的好。The radios made in our factory are better than those (made) in your factory。我們工廠生產(chǎn)的收音機比你們廠的好。9 .注意比較結構中的省略現(xiàn)象在日常交際中,彼此都明白的比較對象往往省略。如:What do you think of the film?1 have never seen a better one。(后邊省略了 than this film)Tom' s compositiont if not better than, is

18、at least as good as Jack, s。(后邊省略了 composition) 這種省略現(xiàn)象制造了一定的障礙,在高考題中出現(xiàn)頻率較高,應引起足夠的重視。10 .貌似比較級的一些固定習慣用語(1) In no country other than Britain can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.只有在英國,人們才可能在一天中經(jīng)歷四個季節(jié)。(no-other than只有,正是。它常用來加強語氣, 多用于書而語,)(2) More than one student was given awa

19、y a ticket to the concert.不止發(fā)給了一個學生去聽音樂會的票。(3) His whole school education added up to no more than (= only) one year.他所受過的學校教育加起來僅僅一年。(4) He prefers to stay at home rather than go to the cinema.他寧愿待在家里,也不愿意去看電影。(5) He is far more pleased at the news.聽到那個消息,他極其高興。(三)最高級1 .最高級的修飾語常見的有:序數(shù)詞,by far, near

20、ly, almostt by no means, not really, not quite, noting likea 如:The bridge being built now is by far the largest across the Yellow River。目前在建的那座橋是橫跨黃河之上的橋當中最長的。I' d like to buy the second most expensive camera。我想買僅次于最貴的照相機。2 .否定詞+比較級=最高級。如:There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down

21、 his life for his friendso為朋友而放棄生命的人的愛是最偉大的愛。He has never spend a more worrying dayo他度過了最擔心的一天。易錯知識總結(-)表示倍數(shù)的幾個句型1. times as +形容詞/副詞原級+ as2. times +形容詞/副詞比較級+ than3. times + the + 性質(zhì)名詞 + of 4. The + 名詞 + be + times + that/those of 5. The + 名詞 + be + times + what 從句如:At a rough estimate, Nigeria is t

22、hree times the size of Great Britain。= At a roughestimate, Nigeriais three times as big as GreatBritain。= At a roughestimate, Nigeriais twice bigger thanGreatBritain"粗略估算,尼日利亞的面積是大不列顛的三倍。The outputof this year is 3times that of 2007.=The outputof this year is 3times what it was in2007.今年的產(chǎn)量是200

23、7年的3倍:After the new technique was introduced* the factory produced twice as many tractors in 1988 as the year before。自從新技術被引進以后,這家工廠1988年生產(chǎn)的拖拉機是上一年的2倍。(一)表示不定數(shù)量的常用表達與名詞的搭配關系修飾可數(shù)名詞的有(a) few, fewer» (the) fewest severaL (a good) many, a (great/large/small) number of, hundreds of, dozens of, score

24、s of, thousands of 等:修飾不可數(shù)名詞的有 a bit of, (a) little» less, a great deal of, a large amount of, (the) least, much 等。修飾可數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞的有 all, a lot of, lots of, enough> plenty of, masses of, a large quantity of, large quantities of, more, most, some, any 等。如:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factor

25、ies here。許多外國公司已在此設廠。Quantities of food were spend out on the table0許多食品被攤在了桌子上。(二)具有兩種形式的副詞英語中有的副詞兼有兩種形式:一種是與形容詞同形;另一種是在該形容詞后而加副詞詞綴-ly構成。這 兩種形式的副詞在詞義和用法上有一定的差異,有的甚至完全不同。常見的這類副詞有:direct徑直地,directly恰好:free自由地、免費地,freely自由自在地、隨便地: flat 平坦地,flatly 直截了 當?shù)兀簊hort 突然(=suddenly ), shortly 不久;even 甚至,evenly 平均地;clean 完全地、徑直地,cleanly清潔地、干凈利索地:clear隔開、不接觸,clearly清晰地、明顯地;close近地, closely緊密地、接近地:easy安逸地,easily容易地:dead突然地、完


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