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1、大學(xué)英語新策略3unit 5 agr icuiturepart i i after-ci ass li steningi. understanding basic skillslistening taskdi rect i ons: l i ste n to the conversations careful /y and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.1. w: i wonder i f mrs f i sher has any fami i y. her room i s a i ways qu ie tm: actua

2、l ly she i s a mot her of t hree her ch i i dren a i i i i ve abroad. thas why the nurses take care of herq: what can be inferred from the conversation?2. w: hush. mum has just fallen as ieep.m: 11 i s so si lerrt here that i can hear my breathing.w: we must be qui et she hast ful ly recovered from

3、her i i iness and needs restq: what can be inferred from the conversation?3. w: my mother does not approve of my fr i endship with our ne i ghbor, john. m: why?w: she says that john often tells i ies and worr i es that i may become d i sho nest if i make f r i e nds with him q: what can be inferred

4、from the conversation?4. m: i'm sorry to hear you' re not feeling we i i.w: oh, it' s just a cold. noth i ng ser i ous how about your job interv iew with ibm?m: terr if ic i have got a two-year contract of employment.q: what does the man mean?5. w: eggs are supposed to be one of the heai

5、thiest foodsm: next to potatoes.q: what does the man mean?6. w: these clouds look strange, don' t they?m: yes. they i ook i i ke snakes i have read that b i ack c i ouds of th i s shape are sometimes the s ign of an earthquake.q: what can we i earn from the conversation?7. m: did you hear that m

6、r. and mrs brown went to par i s for a vacation last month?w: yeah. di d they enjoy themseives?m: it is hard to say. when they got there, they couldt get a room in a good hotei.w: thas too bad but they rea i ly shou i d have made a reservation for a room ear i ier.q: what can be drawn from the conve

7、rsation?8. w: you have a tei ephone call, mr. smith.m: who is it?w: he didn' t say.m: tel i him i m out of the office until next monday.q: what can be inferred from the conversation?9. w: you' re growi ng a beard, aren t you?m: yeah. i am a free man now.w: why?m: my wife has been away on a b

8、us i ness t r i p. i ' m my own boss for the time be i ng. q: what does the man mean?10. w: the city is going to put up a new shopp i ng center i n the ne i ghborhood. m: another shopp ing center? thas noth ing new.q: what does the man mean?1.w: i wonder if mrs fisher has any family.her room i s

9、 a i ways qu ietm: actually she is a mother of three.her ch i idren a i i i i ve abroadthas why the nurses take care of her.q: what can be inferred from the conversation?2.w: hush.mum has just fallen as ieep.m:it is so si ient here that i can hear my breathing.w: we must be quiet.she hasn, t fully r

10、ecovered from her illness and needs restq: what can be inferred from the conversation?w: my mot her does not approve of my f r ie ndship with our n e i ghbor, joh n.m: why?w: she says that john often tells i ies and worr ies that i may become d i shonest if i make fr iends with h imq: what can be in

11、ferred from the conversation?4.m: i'm sorry to hear you' re not feel ing well.w: oh, it' s just a cold.noth ing ser i oushow about your job interview with ibm?m: terr if ic.emp i oyment.have got a two-year contract ofq: what does the man mean?5.w: eggs are supposed to be one of the heait

12、hiest foods.m: next to potatoes.q: what does the man mean?w: these clouds look strange. don? t they?m: yes.they iook i i ke snakesi have read that b i ack c louds of th i s shape are sometimes the s i gn of an earthquake.q:what can we 1 earn from the conversation?7.m:did you hear that mr. and mrs br

13、own went to par i s for a vacation last month?w:yeah.did they enjoy themseives?m:it is hard to say.when they got there, they couldn, t get a room in a good hotel.w: that' s too bad.but they rea i i y shoui d have made a reservation for a room ear i ier.q:what can be drawn from the conversation?w

14、: you have a t e i ephone call, mr. smith.m: who is it?w: he dicin' t say.m: tel i h im i m out of the office until next mon day.q: what can be inferred from the conversation?9.w: you,re growing a beard, aren? t you?m: yeah.i am a free man now.w:why?m:my wife has been away on a bus i ness tr i p

15、.i'm my own boss for the time bei ngq:what does the man mean?10.w: the city is goingto put up a new shopp i ng centeri n the ni i. understanding a conversationlistening taskdi rections:listenthe conversation and decidewhether the followingstatements are true(t) or false(f).one day in summer 2003

16、, miss huang, a chinese student who studied in germanywas i nv i ted by mr. schroder to vi si t his ecological farm in a little town near hamburg. they chatted whi le walking around.s: m i ss hua ng, we i come to the eco logi ca i farm. fi rs t allow me to gi ve you a br ief ing of the far m. ai i y

17、ou see is our far m. we are compara t i ve i y sma i i with 70 hec tares in tot a i, of which 30 are agr icu it ural f i e i ds, the same amount of 30 are pas tries, and this is t he fores t, wh i ch a 丨 so has some eco 丨 og ica i func ti ons.h: mr. schroder, before i come to germany, i hear that d

18、i vers if ication i s one typical symbol of the ecologicai agr icuitura i field is that r i ght?s: you' re quite r ight. let' s just stop here and have a iook at the potatoes. we' re repea ting the p i an t every seven years th i s p i ece of i and, you wi i i find toma toes only t hi s

19、year and the year 2010 aga i n. in bet ween, t here wi i i be ot her products, i ike grain, wheat, grass land or i ike what you see over there, peas peas are fol lowing i mmed i ately after potatoes. nex t year, here will be growingpeas.h: look, t here sea tter some sunflowers over t here. i don&quo

20、t; t t h i nk you do p la nt them on purposes: it is not on purpose it is jus t because some ti mes we are a ma teurs, not profess i on a i s but, any way, it m akes it m ore i i ka ble. wherever yo ufin d on i y onepi ant, there i s something wrong with the nature nature a i ways means r ichness, d

21、 i vers i f i ca tion, and lot of n umbers and lot of k i nds h: th i s i s actua i i y your ph i i osophy of runn i ng eco logical farm. but why do you a i so keep a group of cattle in your farm? for me a t?s: we bas i ca i i y have the catt i e to get man ure, rat her than mea t we have eno ughman

22、ure to keep our so i i fer tile.are the ear iy potatoes we have.look, we come to the processing factory. thesethey taste very good and sei i very we i i.h: sweet?s: no. we don, t like sweet potatoes.h: what is the good qua i ity of th i s pi ant?s: the color, the taste and the con s i s tency. it is

23、 q uit e f i rm. it is ye i low, a i most go i den. taste very cr i spy why not have a t ry?h:cant agree more.it means if you eat good things you are of coursegood guy.i f you eat bad things,you are a bad guy.right?h: yeah, it tastes good and de i ic ious.s:miss hua ng, whe n it comes to the die t,

24、t here i s an ol d ch i nese say i ng wea i waysh:refer to, do you know?what is that?s: you are what you eat.s: absolutely.one day in summer 2003. m i ss hua ng, a ch i nese stude nt who stud ied in germany was i nv i ted by mr. schroder to v i s it h i s eco logical farm in a lit 11 e town near ham

25、burg.they chatted while walking around.s: m i ss huang, we i come to the ecologi cai farm.f i rst allow me to give you a br iefi ng of the farmai i you see i s our farmwe are compara tively sma i i with 70 hec tares in tot a i, of wh i ch 30 are agr i cu it ura i fie ids, the same amoun t of 30 are

26、pas tries, and t hi s i s the fores t, wh ich a i so has some ecological functions.h: mr. schroder, before i come to germany, i hear t hat d i vers if ica tion is one typical symbol of the ecoiogicai agr i cultural fieldois that right?s: you' re quite r ight.let' s just stop here and have a

27、look at the potatoes.we" re repeating the plant every seven yearsth i s p i ece of i and, you will find tomat oes on i y t hi s year and the year 2010 aga in.in bet wee n, t here will be ot her produc ts, i i ke gra in, whea t, grass land or i i ke what you see over there, peas.peas are fol low

28、ing immed iately after potatoes.next year, here wi i i be growing peas.h: look, there seatter some sunflowers over there.i don' t th i nk you do pi ant them on purpose.s: 11 i s not on purpose.it i s jus t because some times we are ama teurs, not but, any way. it makes it morei i kab i e.whereve

29、r you find on ly one pl an t, t here i s some thing wrong with the nat ure nature a i ways means r i chness, divers if ication. and lot of numbers and lot of kinds. h: thi s i s actu ally your phi losophy of runn i ng eco logi ca i farm but why do you a i so keep a group of cattle i n your farm?for

30、meat?s: we bas ica i i y have the cattle to get man ure, rather than me a t.we have eno ugh man ure to keep our soi i fer tile.look, we come to the process i ng factory.these are the early potatoes we have.they taste very good and sei i very well.s: no, we don' t like sweet potatoes.h: what is t

31、he good qua i ity of th i s pi ant?s: the color, the taste and the consi stency.it is quite firm.it is ye i low, aimost go i den.why not have a try?h: yeah,it tastes good andde i ic ious.iii. understanding passageslistening task 1di rect i ons: l isten to the news and then answer the following quest

32、ionsaquacuiture is the production of food through the controi led growth and harvesting of p lants and animals that live i n water. using low-cost equi pment and simple methods, aquaeulture can supply more protein-rich foods than trad itional agr i cuiture ii ke farming.one popular envi ronment for

33、aquacuiture i s smali iakes or ponds surrounded by i and, away from the ocea n. fish such as carp and ti lapia are produced in t h i s way.in mos t areas of the wor ldt twenty - five perce nt of the f i sh ponds mus t be at i east three meters deep you can p iant grass on the bottom of the pond. but

34、 you shou id remove a i i t rees from the bottom and s ides of the pond i n order to keep the i eve i of oxygen high enough for the f i sh. you shou id a i so remove al i bushes and rocks. and you shou id remove a i i t rees within nine met ers of the edge of the pond. th i s i s so that leaves will

35、 not fall into the pond. leaves can use up a lot of oxygen that fish need. you shou i d p i ace a p i pe a t the bottom of the pond big en ough for a i i the water to escape in about five days.you can feed the f i sh many k i nds of foods these i nc i ude cassava, sweet potatoes. banana and ma i ze

36、other foods i nciude coffee and wastes from fru it-process i ng factor ies feed the f ish only as much as they can eat in one day.you harves t the f i sh by ope ning the p i pe and permit ting some of the water to escape then the i arger fish can be caught by hand or with nets made from rope. there

37、shou id be enough water lef t so t hat the sma i ler fish continue to live in the pond.you can harves t the fish at any ti met but it is bes t done in coo i wea ther. the pond can also be dried a t this time i f n ecessary to f i x any problems the n the pond can be filled with water aga in and many

38、 new smai i f i sh can be addedaquacuiture i s popular around the world because there i s usuaily no need for cos tly equi pme nt ai so, you can know ahead of time how many fish wi i i be harves ted. bad weather does not usually affect the harvest however, good qua i ity water i s necessary and you

39、must know how much of it is ava i iabie at a i i times.aquacuiture is the product ion of food through the controi ied growth and harvesting of pi ants and anima is that live in water.us i ng iow-cost equi pment and simple methods, aquaculture can supply more protein-rich foods than trad itional agr

40、i cuiture i i ke farmingone popular envi ronment for aquacuiture i s smai i iakes or ponds surrounded by i and, away from the oceanf i sh such as carp and ti lapia are produced in thi s way.in most areas of the worid, twenty-five percent of the fish ponds must be at i east three meters deep.you can

41、pi ant grass on the bottom of the pond.but you shou i d remove a i i t rees from the bottom and s i des of the pond i n order to keep the i eve i of oxyge n h i gh eno ugh for the f i sh. you shou i d a i so remove a i i bushes and rocks.and you shou id remove a i i t rees within nine met ers of the

42、 edge of the pond.th i s i s so t hat i eaves will not fa i i into the pond. leaves can use up a lot of oxygen that fish needyou shou id pi ace a p ipe at the bottom of the pond big enough for a i i the water to escape i n about five daysyou can feed the f i sh many k inds of foods.these inc iude ca

43、ssava, sweet potatoes, banana and mai zeother foods inciude coffee and wastes from fru it-process i ng factories.feed the fi sh only as much as they can eat in one dayyou harvest the f ish by opening the p ipe and permitting some of the water to escapethen the i arger f i sh can be caught by hand or

44、 with nets made from ropethere should be eno ugh water i ef t so t hat the sma iler f i sh continue to live in the pond. you can harvest the f i sh at any time, but it is best done in cool weather.the pond can a i so be dr i ed at th i s time i f necessary to fix any problems.the n the pond can be f

45、 i i i ed wi th water aga i n and many new sma i i fish can be added.aquacuiture i s popui ar around the worid because there i s usuaily no need for costly equipment.ai so, you can know ahead of time how many fish wi i i be harvested.bad weather does not usually affeet the harvestlistening task 2di

46、rections: fill in the blanks according to the passage you hearthe number of coun tries growing gm crops has i ncreased from 6 in 1996 t o 25 i n 2009, says the latest annua i report o f the irrt erna tional service for theacquisi tion of agri-biotech appii cation (isaaa). released in be i j i ng las

47、t month.the p lanting of genetically mod if ied crops has surged, particui ar iy in develop i ng countr i est because of the globai food crisis, accordi ng to the report. around 134 million hectares woridwide are now pianted with gm crops. the uni ted states tops the i ist of countries growing gm cr

48、ops, fol lowed by braz i i, argentina, india, canada, china, paraguay and south africa.“it is unwise to say no to gm t ech nol ogy con s ider i ng the food crisis the wor i d faces, ” clive james, cha i r of isaaa, told sc i dev. net.“the most promi s i ng t ech no logical strat egy at t h i s time

49、for in creas ing gl oba i food, feed and fiber produc tivi ty is to comb i ne the bes t of the old and the bes t of the new, by i nt egra ting the bes t of conven tional crop t echnol ogy and the bes t of crop biotechnology appl icat i ons inciud ing novei tra i ts. ” he sa i dbut non-governmental o

50、rgan i zation fr i ends of the earth questioned whether gm crops have been as successfui as isaaa portraysin a repor t released on the same day, it sa id that gm crops occupy i ess t han three per cen t of global agr icu it ural i and and that more t han 99 per cent of the crops are gro wn for anima

51、l feed and b i of ue i s rat her than food.u there i s still not a single commerc ia i gm crop with in creased yield, drought-toleranee, sait-toleranee, enhanced nutrition or other benef ici a i tra its i ong promi sed by biot ech compa ni es, ” sa id the repor t, pointing out that “99 per cent of b

52、iot ech agr icu it ure con s i s ts of four crops with jus t two t ra i ts, herbicide-to i erance and/or i nsect-resistance” it sa id that india has p i aced a morator i um on the p i ant i n g of it s fi rst gm food crop due to widespread concerns on its heai th, env i ronmentai and soc io-economic impact.the number of count r ies growing gm crops has in creased from 6 in 1996 t o 25 i n 2009, says the i at est annua i repor t of the internatio nal service for the acqu i s i tion of agr i-b i ot ech appl ica tion (isaaa), re i eased in beijing i as t mon ththeplan ti ng of geneti


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