



1、少兒英語故事 100 字帶翻譯 -小象和大傘The elephant is big, and strength.Strength also has a strong“ bad : can bully. Look, the little squirrel was jerkefell down. The turtle was struck, he a tumble; The little hedgehog was he tripped, lie prone on the ground.The elephant satisfiedly say:“ who call my energy so big?

2、 Alas!Love to bully people, of course, no one is willing to play with him, stay small like a person every day.Then, in the rainy season, it rained every day.The animals suddenly discovered that, for several days did not see the elephant.The little squirrel said:“ may the elephant is sick?“ No, his b

3、ody so great. The turtle said,“ I see what he is at home.“ Oh, I see! Little hedgehog said,“ all these days of rain, he had no umbrcome out! Night, a shadow in front of the elephant house, down, left; For a moment, and a shadow in front of the elephant house, put down his things and left; Another sh

4、adow.The next day, the elephant opened the door, oh, the door filled with an umbrella!The elephant see, his heart was touched. The umbrella is too small for the elephant, cannot use. In the afternoon, brought a extra large umbrella umbrella company. The elephant open umbrella, just right.The next mo

5、rning, the rain has stopped, the sun came out. Quick to noon, the sky overcast, and it' s going to rain.The elephant snatched up extra large umbrella, ran out of the door, ran to the hillside.On the hillside, animals have played all morning.The elephant came to the hill, said: “ it 'gosing t

6、o rain soon, you fast to my umbrella! Small animals just to small like umbrella,- it raine“dhhueaavily.The elephant with a big umbrella, back covered with small animals.That way, it lik'e sbrother led the brother and sister. 小象個(gè)子大,力氣也大。力氣大也有力氣大的 “壞 處:能欺負(fù)人。瞧,小松鼠被他一推,摔倒了;小 烏龜被他一撞,摔跟頭了;小刺猬被他一絆,趴地上了

7、小象得意地說: “誰叫我的力氣這么大呢 ?唉! 愛欺負(fù)人,當(dāng)然沒有人愿意和他一起玩,小象每天一個(gè)人呆著。 轉(zhuǎn)眼,雨季到了,每天都下雨。小動(dòng)物們突然發(fā)現(xiàn),一連好幾天都沒看見小象了。小松鼠說: “可能小象生病了吧 ?“不會(huì)的,他的身體那么棒。 小烏龜說, “我看他是在家里做什么事情。“哦,我知道了 !小刺猬說, “這幾天都下雨,他沒有雨傘,沒法出來 ! 夜晚,一個(gè)黑影來到小象家門前,放下手里的東西,離去;一會(huì)兒,又一個(gè) 黑影來到小象家門前,放下手里的東西,離去;又一個(gè)黑影 第二天,小象翻開門,哦,門前放滿了雨傘 ! 小象明白了,他心里十分感動(dòng)。這些傘,對(duì)小象來說都太小了,不能用。下 午,制傘公司送來了一把特大號(hào)雨傘。小象翻開傘,正適宜。第二天上午,雨停了,太陽出來了??煽斓街形鐣r(shí),天上烏云密布,又要下 雨了。小象急忙抓起特大號(hào)雨傘,奔


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