1、27037語言學(xué)概論復(fù)習精華第一章緒論填空題或選擇題1. A symbol con sists of two parts : a con creteform and the meaning which it con veys.一個符號由兩個部分組成:一個具體的形式和它所表達的意思。2. By say ing Ianguage isarbitrary ,we mean we can ' t give a sou nd reason why such aform is pronounced in this way rather than in that way, and why a par
2、ticular meaning should be in dicated by this form rather tha n by that form.當說語言是任意的,我們指我們不能合理地解釋為什么這個音以這種形式而不是以那種形式發(fā)音。并且為什么以這種形式而不是以那種形式來表明某種特殊的意義。3. Language has two levels .They are grammaticallymeaningfullevel and soundmeanin gless level.語言有兩個層次:語法上有意義的層次和聲音上無意義的層次。4. Huma nlan guageshavesuchdes
3、ig nfeaturesasproductivitydiscrete ness,displaceme nt,arbitrari nessculturaltran smissi on duality and in tercha ngeability .人類語言具有以下的甄另V性特征:能產(chǎn)' 5. La nguage is a system because every lan guage con sists of a set of rules which un derliepeople ' s actual speech or writing .語言是一種體系,因為每種語言都是由一
4、套規(guī)則組成的,這些規(guī)則表明了人們的真正語言或書面形式。(2009年10月考題)6. By saying languageis creative ,we mean that every languagecontains an infiniten umber of senten ces ,which ,however are gen erated by a small set of rules and afin ite set of words .當說語言具有創(chuàng)造性的時候,我們指每種語言都包括無數(shù)的句子,而這些句子由有限的規(guī)則和有限的單詞所構(gòu)造的 第二章語言學(xué)填空題或選擇題1. Accord in
5、g to Joh n Lyons ,gen eral li nguisticsdeals with Ian guage in gen eral anddescriptive lin guistics(描寫語言學(xué))is con cer ned with one particular lan guage .根據(jù)約翰,普遍語言學(xué)把語言作為一個整體進行研究,而描寫語言學(xué)關(guān)注一種特定的語言。(2009 年10月考題)2. In de Saussure ' s term, langue refers to the system of language andparole refersto the
6、speaker ' s speech . 根據(jù)索緒爾的定義,語言指的是語言的體系,而言語指的是說話者的語言。(2009年10月考題)3. Phono logyis the scie nee that deals with the sou nd system.音位學(xué)是研究語音系統(tǒng)的科學(xué)。4. Syntax studies two kinds of rules : phrase structure rules and transformational rules .句法學(xué)研究兩種規(guī)則:短語結(jié)構(gòu)規(guī)則和轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)則。5. According to Chomsky , competence is “
7、 the speaker-hearer ' s knowledge of hislanguage ” .while performaneeis “ the actual use of language in concretesituations ” .根據(jù)喬姆斯基,語言能力是語言使用者所具有的知識,而語言運用是這種知識在具體情況下的實際運用。6. Lan gueor compete neeis abstract and not directly observed ,while parole orperforma nee iscon crete and directly observab
8、le .語言或者語言能力是抽象的,是不能直接觀察的,而言語或者語言語用是具體的,是能直接觀察的。7. The scientific method involves four stages: collecting data forming a hypothesis ,testi ng the hypothesis , draw ing con clusi ons.科學(xué)的研究方法涉及四個階段:收集材料,提出假設(shè),驗證假設(shè),得出結(jié)論。Saussure is the father of modern linguistics .索緒爾是 "現(xiàn)代語言學(xué)之父”。The synchronicstud
9、y of a language is concerned with a“ state ” of a language at aparticular poi nt of time.語言的共時性研究關(guān)注的是處于某一時間點的語言所做的描述。A syntagmatic relation(橫組合關(guān)系)refers to the sequentialcharacteristic ofspeech.橫組合關(guān)系指的是語言的序列特點。Phono logicalk no wledge is a n ative speake r ' s in tuiti on about the sou nds andso
10、und patter ns of his lan guage .音位知識是當?shù)卣Z言者關(guān)于他語言的語音和語音模式的知識。Morphologicalknowledgeis a native speaker ' s intuitionabout how a word isformed .形態(tài)學(xué)知識是當?shù)卣Z言者關(guān)于單詞是如何形成的知識。Syntacticknowledge is a native speaker' s intuition about whether a sentence isgrammatical or not .句法知識是當?shù)卣Z言者關(guān)于一個句子是否合乎語法的知識。Se
11、manticknowledgeis a native speaker ' s intuition about the meaning oflan guage ,in cludi ng meaning of words and meaning of senten ces.語義知識是當?shù)卣Z言者關(guān)于語言意義的知識,包括單詞意義和句子意義。Phonetics is the study of speech sou nds of all huma n lan guages.語音學(xué)是對所有人類語言的語音研究。(2009年10月考題)Morphology exam ines word formatio
12、 n and the in ter nal structure of words .形態(tài)學(xué)研究的是單詞的構(gòu)成和單詞的內(nèi)在結(jié)構(gòu)。Syntaxis concernedwith how words are combinedto form phrases and how8.句法學(xué)關(guān)注單詞是如何組合成短語phrases are comb ined by rules to form senten ces .以及短語是如何通過規(guī)則形成句子的18. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sent
13、ences .語義學(xué)是對單詞和句子的意義研究。(2010 年1月考題)19. A diachronicstudy is concerned with the historical development of a Ianguage overa period of time.歷時性研究關(guān)注的是語言經(jīng)過一定時間階段所發(fā)生的歷史變化。20. A paradigmatic relation is a relation between a linguistic element in an utteraneeand lin guistic eleme nts outside that uttera nee
14、, but bel onging to the samesub-system of the lan guage .縱聚合關(guān)系是話語中的一種語言成分和話語之外的語言成分之間的一種關(guān)系,但是都屬于語言的同一種子系統(tǒng)。(2009年10月考題)第三章語音學(xué)填空題或選擇題1.Phon eticshas threesub-bra nches:acousticpho neticsauditoryph on eticsandarticulatoryph on etics . 語音學(xué)有三種分支:聲學(xué)語音學(xué),聽覺語音學(xué)和發(fā)音語音學(xué)。2.The vocal tract (發(fā)音系統(tǒng)) can be divided i
15、nto two parts:the oral cavity and nasalcavity .發(fā)音系統(tǒng)可以被分成兩種:口腔和鼻腔。3.A consonant is a speech sou nd in which the air-streamfromthe lungs is eithercompletely blocked or partially or where the openingis sonarrowthat the airescapes with audible fricati on .A vowel is usually produced withvibrati onof the
16、vocal cords.輔音是發(fā)音的時候從肺部呼岀的氣流要么是全部阻塞或者部分阻塞,岀氣口過窄以至于可以聽到摩擦的聲音。一個元音一般是通過聲帶振動所形成的。4.Articulatoryph on eticsis concerned with how a sou ndis produced by the vocal5. Acousticphoneticsdeals with how a sou nd is transmittedfrom the speaker ' smouth to the listener ' s ears.聲學(xué)語音學(xué)研究聲音是如何從說話者的口中傳入聽話者的耳
17、朵中的。(2009 年10月考題)6. Auditorypho netics in vestigates how a sou nd is perceived by the liste ner.聽覺語音學(xué)研究聲音是如何被聽話者所接收的。(2010 年1月考題)7. Accord ing to the positi on of the velum, consonants are divided into oral consonantsand nasal consonants.根據(jù)軟腭的位置,輔音被分成口腔輔音和鼻腔輔音。8. The production of a stop consists of
18、 three stages :closure stage ,hold stage andrelease stage .一個塞音或者閉止音的形成包括三個階段:閉合階段,保持階段和釋放階段。9. The raising of the soft palate causes the production of oral consonants while theloweri ng of the soft palate brings about the producti on of n asal consonan ts.軟腭的上提會導(dǎo)致口腔輔音的形成,而軟腭的下降會導(dǎo)致鼻腔輔音的形成。10. In Eng
19、lish ,there are three nasal consonants .They are m ,n ,n .在英語中有三個鼻腔輔音,它們是 m, n, n.11. According to the presenee or absenee of vocal cord vibration(聲帶振動),the Englishconsonants can be classified into two groups :voicedconsonants a nd voicelessconsonants .根據(jù)聲帶振動的有無,英語輔音可以被分成兩種:濁輔音和清輔音。12. In terms of l
20、ip rounding ,vowels are classified intorounded vowels and unroundedvowels .根據(jù)口形,元音被分成圓唇元音和非圓唇元音。13. The space between the vocal cords is calledglottis . 聲帶中間的位置被稱為聲門。14. When the vocal cords are spread apart ,the air-stream is not blocked at the glottisand it passes freely into the vocal tract(聲帶系統(tǒng))
21、without vocal-cord vibrati on(聲帶振動).The sounds produced in this way are calledvoiceless consonants .當聲帶被分開,氣流在聲門處沒有阻礙,并且沒有經(jīng)過聲帶振動就自由進入到發(fā)音系統(tǒng),以這種 方式所發(fā)岀的音被稱為清輔音。15. When the vocal cords are nearly touching each other but not completely closed ,theair-stream pass ing through the glottis has to cause vibr
22、ati on .The sou nds made inthis way are calledvoiced consonan ts.當聲帶幾乎要合但是沒有完全合閉,從聲門所通過的氣流一定會發(fā)生振動,以這種方式所形成的音被稱為濁輔音。 ( 2009年10月考題)16. Stops can be divided into two types:oral stops a nd n asal stops.塞音或者閉止音可以分成兩種:口腔閉止音和鼻腔閉止音。17. According to the state of the velum ,vowels are divided intooral vowels
23、and nasalvowels.根據(jù)軟腭的狀態(tài),元音被分成口腔元音和鼻腔元音。18. In English ,nasal vowels occur only beforenasal consonants ,and oral vowels beforeoral consonants 。在英語中,鼻腔元音只發(fā)生在鼻腔輔音之前,而口腔元音發(fā)生在口腔輔音之前。(2010 年1月考題)19. In English ,all the back vowels excepta: are rounded vowels.在英語中,除了 a:之外所有的后元音都是圓唇音。20. In terms oftonguepo
24、sition,vowels can be classified intofront ,ce ntral ,back ,high ,mid and low vowels .根據(jù)舌頭的位置,元音可以分成前元音,中元音,后元音,高元音,中元音和低元音。(2009年10月考題)(2010年1月考題)第四章音位學(xué)填空題或選擇題1. En glish pho no logyin vestigates the sou ndsystem of En glish .Itis differe nt fromEn glish phon etics, which is concerned withthe speech
25、 soundsthat occurs in theEn glish lan guage .En glish phono logy studies the abstract aspects :the fun cti ons ofsoundsa nd the sou nd comb in ati onpatter ns.英語音位學(xué)研究的是英語的語音系統(tǒng)。它不同于英語語音學(xué),英語語音學(xué)關(guān)注的是英語語言中所發(fā)生的語音現(xiàn)象。英語音位學(xué) 研究是抽象的方面:聲音的功能和聲音的組合方式。2. A phoneme is defined as a minimaldistinctive unit in the so
26、und system of alanguage .音位被定義成在語言的發(fā)音系統(tǒng)中最小的具有甄別性特征的單位。( 2009 年10月考題)3. Two forms are a minimal pair when they meet three conditions :1)they are differentin meaning ,2) they differ only in one sound segme nt , 3)the differe nt sou nds occurin the same position in the strings .Whena group of words mee
27、t all the threecon diti ons ,they are called ami ni mal set.當兩種形式符合三種條件他們就是最小對立體或者最小對立對,第一,他們的意思不一樣,第二,他們只有一個語音切分不一樣,第三,不同的語音在同一個位置。當一組單詞滿足這三個條件,他們就是最小對立集。4. There are three types of distribution:contrastivedistribution,complementarydistribution and free variati on . 英語中有三種分布,對比分布,互補分布和自由變異。(2010年1月
28、考題)5. If two or more sou nds can occur in the same en vironment and the substitution ofone sou nd for ano ther bri ngs about a cha nge of meaning they are incon trastivedistribution . 如果兩個或者更多的音在同一種環(huán)境下能夠發(fā)生,并且一個語音代替另一個語音會產(chǎn)生意義的改變,他們就是對比分布6. If two or more sou nds n ever appear in the same en viro nmen
29、 t ,they are said to be incomplemen tary distribution. 如果兩個或者更多的音從不會在同一種環(huán)境下發(fā)生,他們就是互補分布。(2009年10月考題)7. If two sou nds can occur in the same en viro nment and the substituti on of one sou ndfor the other does not cause a cha nge of meaning ,the n they are said to be infreevariation . 如果兩個音能在同一環(huán)境下發(fā)生,并且
30、一個語音代替另一個不會導(dǎo)致意義的改變,那么他們就是自由變異。8. The distinctive features are the features that can contrast words .甄另性特征或者區(qū)別性特征是能夠區(qū)別單詞的特征。9. Distinctive features are used to describe phon emes ,whilephonetic features (語音特征) are used to describe their alloph ones .區(qū)另屮性特征是用來描述音位的,而語音特征是用來描述他們的音位變體的。10. The dist in c
31、tive features which can only have an effect on one sou nd segme nt arecalled segmental features.只對一種聲音切分有影響的區(qū)另屮性特征被稱為切分特征。(2009 年10月考題)11. The dist in ctive features that can affect more tha n one sou nd segme nt and can alsocontrast meaning are called suprasegmental features .There are three kinds
32、of them: stress ,intonation and juncture.能夠影響的不止一個語音切分,而且能區(qū)另U意義的區(qū)另V性特征被稱為超切分特征。超切分特征有三種,重音,音調(diào)和連音或者音渡。12. The position ofstress can bring about a change of meaning in a word.。 重音的位置會導(dǎo)致單詞意義的變化。13. Tone languages are languages that use pitch to contrastmeaning at wordlevel ,whereasintonationIanguagesar
33、e Ianguages that use pitch to distinguishdiffere nt meanings at phrase level or sentence level .聲調(diào)語言是在單詞的水平上用音高來區(qū)別意義的語言,然而語調(diào)語言是在短語或者句子的水平上用音高來區(qū)別不同意義的語 言。14. Juncture refers to the phonetic boundary features that may mark grammatical unitssuch as word and clause .連音是指能夠表示諸如單詞和從句等語法單位的語音分界特征。(2009年10月
34、考題)15. If we are interested in thephoneticunits of a word, the resulting transcription isbroad , if we are onlyinterestedin its distinctivefeatures ,the resultingtranscription isnarrow.如果我們對一個單詞的語音單位感興趣,那么音標就是寬式的,如果我們只對它的區(qū)別性特征感興趣,那么音標就是嚴式的。16. The fun cti on of pho no logical rules is to cha nge aph
35、onemictra nscripti on(音位音標)in to its phonetictra nscripti on(語音音標).音位規(guī)則的功能是將音位音標改變?yōu)檎Z音音標。第五章形態(tài)學(xué)填空題或選擇題1. Sema ntically ,morphemes can be grouped intoroots and affixes . 從語義上來講,詞素可以分成詞根和詞綴。2. Morphologyis a scie nee that exam ines word formatio n and the in ter nal structureof words.形態(tài)學(xué)是一門研究單詞的構(gòu)成和單詞的內(nèi)
36、在結(jié)構(gòu)的科學(xué)。3. A morpheme is definedas a minimalmeaningfulunit in the grammatical(2009 年 10詞素被定義為語言的語法體系中最小的意義單位system of a lan guage .月考題)4. Structurally morphemes fall in totwo kinds : free morphemes a nd boundmorphemes .從結(jié)構(gòu)上來講,詞素分為兩種:自由詞素和黏附詞素。5. The root is the most important part of a word that carr
37、ies the principal meaning .詞根是一個帶有主要意義的單詞中最重要的部分。6. Affixes are lexically depe ndenton roots and do not con vey the fun dame ntalmeaning of words.詞綴在詞義上是依賴詞根的,不表達單詞的重要意思。7. Free morphemes are those that can sta nd by themselves as in dividual words.自由詞素是那些能夠獨立作為單詞存在的詞素。8. Boundmorphemes are never fo
38、und alone as words ,but are always joined withother morphemes.黏附詞素是不能夠獨立作為單詞存在的,總是和其它詞素合在一起。(09年10月考題)(2010年1月考題)9. In terms of positi on, we may divide affixes in to prefixes a nd suffixes andin fixes . 就位置而言,我們可以把詞綴分為前綴,后綴和中綴。(2010 年1月考題)10. Accord ingto fun cti on,we can classify affixesin toin f
39、lecti onal affixes andderivational affixes .根據(jù)功能,我們能將詞綴分成屈折詞綴和派生詞綴。11. Morphs are related to morphemes in general ,whileallomorphs (語素變體) arealways related to a specific morpheme.語子或形素與整體的語素有關(guān),而語素變體總是跟某一特定的語素有關(guān)。(2010年1月考題)12. If two or more morphs are semanticallyidenticaland also in complementarydi
40、stributi on ,they are said to be in allomorphs of the same morpheme.女口果兩個或更多的語子或形素在語義上是一樣的而且處于互補性分布,他們就是同一語素的語素變體。(2009 年10月考題)13. A morph that has form but no meaning is called aempty morph while a morph thathas meaning but no form is called azero morph .具有形式但是沒有意義的語子或形素被稱為空語子。而具有意義但是沒有形式的語子或形素被稱為零
41、語子。14. There are two kinds of relationsbetween the morphemes within a word: linearorder a nd hierarchical order.在一個單詞的語素之間存在兩種關(guān)系:線性結(jié)構(gòu)和層次結(jié)構(gòu)。15. In the IC Analysis of a word , the forms at the bottom of the tree-branch diagram arecalled ultimate constituents ,which are in dividual morphemes and theref
42、ore cannot be further divided into smaller parts.在一個單詞的直接成分分析中,在樹形圖底部的形式被稱為最終成分,他們是獨立的語素,因此不能再拆成更小的部分。( 2009年10月考題)16. All the forms in a tree-branch diagram, except the word itself at thetop, are thecon stitue ntsof the word.在樹形圖的所有形式中,除了頂部的單詞本身,都是單詞的成分。(2010年1月考題)17. The constituentswhich are invo
43、lved directly in forminga larger constituentarecalled the immediate con stitue nts /ICs of the larger form.涉及直接形成一個更大成分的成分叫做直接成分。18. Morphologicalrules are the rules that determine how morphemes are combinedto form new words.形態(tài)學(xué)規(guī)則是指決定詞素是如何組合形成新的單詞的規(guī)則。19. When a new word is formed by putting an affix
44、 to the base ,the process involved iscalled affixation .當一個新單詞是通過添加一個詞綴到詞基上形成的,所涉及的過程被稱為詞綴法20. Free morphemes can be further grouped intolexical morphemes andfunctionalmorphemes .自由語素可以進一步分成詞匯語素和功能語素。21. Gen erally ,affixati on in En glish may be further divided into two types :prefixati onand suffi
45、xation .一般而言,在英文中詞綴法可以進一步分為兩種:前綴法和后綴法。22. Some new words are created simply by changing their parts of speech .The processin volved is called conversion.些新單詞只是通過改變他們的詞性而創(chuàng)造的,這種過程被稱為轉(zhuǎn)類法。23. If two or more separate words are conjoined to produce a form which is used as asin gle word, the combi ning pro
46、cess is known ascompounding .女口果兩個或者更多的獨立單詞合在一起形成可以被作為一個單獨的單詞而使用的形式,這種合并的過程就是復(fù)合法。(2010年1月考題)24. Blending is a process in which a compound is made by deletingand combiningparts of two words.混合法是一種通過刪除或者合并兩個單詞的部分而構(gòu)成一個復(fù)合詞的過程。(2009年10月考題)25. Clippingrefers to the process whereby a word is shortened with
47、out a change inthe meaning and in the part of speech.略寫法或者截短法指的是不改變意思和詞性而將一個單詞加以簡略的構(gòu)詞過程。26. Acronymyis the process by which words are formed by putting the initial lettersof several words together .首字母縮略法是指通過把許多單詞的首字母合并而構(gòu)成新詞的過程。27. By back-formation, we delete a suffix from an appare ntly complex fo
48、rm in stead通過逆序of add ing a suffix. It may be regarded as the opposite case of suffixati on.造詞法或者逆生法,我門刪除掉一個復(fù)雜形式的后綴而不是添加后綴。它可以被認為是后綴法的反過程。28. Inflectional affixes serve toindicategrammatical relations, such asn umber ,ge nder ,te nse aspect ,caseand degree.屈折詞綴或者屈折詞素,表現(xiàn)的是語法關(guān)系,如數(shù)、性、時態(tài)、態(tài)、格和級。(2010年1月考
49、題)第六章句法學(xué)填空題或選擇題1. Senten ces can be studied in two ways:statically we make structural descripti onsof senten ces to illustrate the parts of senten ces and the relati on ships among them:;dyn amically , we exam ine the process by which senten ces are gen eratedbysyn tactic rules.句子可以用兩種方式研究:靜態(tài)而言,我們作岀
50、句子的結(jié)構(gòu)描述來表明句子的部分和它們之間的關(guān)系。動態(tài)而言,我們檢驗用句法規(guī)則構(gòu)造句子的過程。 (2009 年10月考題)2. Syn tax is a scie nee that is con cer ned with how words are comb ined to form phrasesand how phrases are comb ined by rules to form senten ces.句法學(xué)指的是研究單詞是如何構(gòu)成短語以及短語是如何通過規(guī)則組合形成句子的。3. The sequen tial /syntagmaticrelati on refers to the li
51、n ear orderi ng of the words andthe phrases withi n a sentence .序列關(guān)系或者橫組合關(guān)系指的是在一個句子中單詞和短語的線性次序。4. The substitutional /paradigmaticrelation is a kind of relation between linguistic替代關(guān)系或者縱聚合forms in a sentence and linguistic forms outside the sentence .5. The linguistic forms that havesubstitutional /
52、paradigmatic relations belong tothe same syn tactic category(句法類型,句法范疇).有替代關(guān)系或者縱聚合關(guān)系的語言形式屬于同一種句法類型或句法范疇。(2010年1月考題)6. Syn tactic categories can be further divided into two groups :lexical category(詞匯范疇) ,such as Noun and Verb ; non-lexical category,such as Sentence,NounPhrase and Verb Phrase.句法類型可以進
53、一步分成兩種:詞匯范疇,比如名詞和動詞。非詞匯范疇,比如句子、名詞短語和動詞短語。7. The hierarchicalrelati on(等級關(guān)系)shows us the inner layeri ng of senten ces .等級關(guān)系為我們表明了句子的內(nèi)部層次。8. In a hierarchical structure diagram of a sentence ,there are three distinct levels orhierarchies : sentence level which is the highest ; word level which is the
54、 lowest ; phrase level which is in between .在一個句子層次結(jié)構(gòu)圖中,有三種明顯的層次或者等級,最高的句子層次,最低的單詞層次和處于中間的短語層次。9. In a hierarchical structure diagram of asentence ,the forms at the word-level areultimate constituents of the sentence ;the forms at the word-level and the phrase-level are thecon stitue ntsof the sente
55、nce ;the con stitue nts conn ected bythe two lines that are branching from the same point are called the immediate constituentsof the form above that poi nt .在一個句子的層次結(jié)構(gòu)圖中,位于單詞層次的形式是句子的最終成分,位于單詞層次和短語層次的形式是句子的成分,由同一點兩條線連接的成分叫做直接成分。(2010 年1月考題)10. The same phrase or sentence may have two or more interp
56、retation depending ona case is called structuralthe hierarchicalarrangementof its constituents .Suchambiguity.(結(jié)構(gòu)歧義)同一個短語或者句子可能有兩種或者更多的解釋,這取決于短語或句子成分的層次安排,這種例子被稱為結(jié)構(gòu)歧義。11.Each bra nching point in a phrase marker(短語標記法)is called a node .在短語標記法中的每一個分叉點叫做結(jié)點。12.TG Grammar(轉(zhuǎn)換生成語法)claimsthat the static study of sentences is onlycon cer ned with one level of structure ,i.e ,surface structure ,but the dyn amic studysurface structure and deepof senten ces deals with two levels of structure :bothstructure .
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