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1、The Enneagram (also sometimes called Enneagon ) is a nine-pointed geometric figure. The term derives from two Greek words - ennea (nine) and grammos (something written or drawn).The introduction of the Enneagram figure is credited toG.I. Gurdjieff, who introduced it in histeachings as a universal sy

2、mbol which displays the fundamental cosmic laws. Gurdjieff did not disclose where the figure originally came from besides claiming that it was the emblem of secret societies.The Enneagram figure is now used for various purposes in a number of different teaching systems. In more recent years the figu

3、re has mostly come into prominence because of its use with what is often called the Enneagram of Personality. The fundamental concepts of the Enneagram of Personality are attributed to Oscar Ichazo.Enneagrams shown as sequential stellationsIn geometryan enneagramis a regular nine-sidedstar polygon,

4、using the same points as theregularenneagonbut connected in fixed steps.It has two forms: 9/2 and 9/4 connecting every 2nd and every 4th points respectively. There is also a star figure , 9/3, made from the regular enneagon points but connected as a compound of three equilateral trianglesThe modern

5、use of the Enneagram figure is generally credited toG.I. Gurdjieffand hisFourthWay teaching tradition. His teachings concerning the figure and what it represents does not have any direct connection to the later teachings by Oscar Ichazo and others concerning ego-fixations or personality types.The en

6、neagram figure is a circle with nine points. Inscribed within the circle is a triangle taking in points 9, 3 and 6. The inscribed figure resembling a web links the other six points in a cyclicfigure 1-4-2-8-5-7. The rules of the magic number 142857 can be applied to the enneagram's explanations

7、of processes.According to Gurdjieff, the enneagram is the symbol of the "law of seven" and "the law of three" combined (the two fundamental laws which govern the universe), and therefore theenneagram can be used to describe any natural whole phenomenon, cosmos, process in life, o

8、r any other piece of knowledge.A basic example of the possible usage of the enneagram is that it can be used to illustrateGurdjieff's concept of the evolution of the three types of food necessary for a man: ordinary food, air and impressions. Each point on the enneagram in this case would repres

9、ent the stage and the possibility of further evolution of food at a certain stage in the human body.Most processes on the enneagram are represented through octaves where the points serve asthe notes; a concept which is derived from Gurdjieff s idea of the law of seven. In an octave the developing pr

10、ocess comes to a critical point (one of the triangle points) at which help fromoutside is needed for it to rightly continue. This concept is best illustrated on the keys of the piano where every white key would represent an enneagram web point. The adjacent white keys which are missing a black key (

11、half note) in between represent the enneagram web points which have a triangle point in between. In order that this point would pass onto the next, an external push is required.In the enneagram a process is depicted as going right around the circle beginning at 9 (the ending point of a previous proc

12、ess). The process can continue until it reaches point 3. At point threean external aid is needed in order that the process continues. If it doesn't receive the help , the process will stop evolving and will devolve back into the form from which it evolved. The processcontinues until point 6, and

13、 later 9, where a similar "push" is needed. If the process passes point 9, the initial process will end, while giving birth to a new one.The line of development associated with the Fourth Way developed from the writings ofGurdjieff's students - principally P.D. Ouspensky , Maurice Nico

14、ll , J.G. Bennett and Rodney Collin . They developed Gurdjieff's ideas and left their own accounts. There is an extensive bibliography devoted to the Gurdjieff-Ouspensky tradition.A Gurdjieff foundation exists which claims an authority based on a line of succession directly through Mr Gurdjieff.

15、 The foundation preserves Gurdjieff's music and movements and continues its own work with the Enneagram figure.The enneagram as a structured process was studied byJohn G. Bennettand his associates.Bennett showed how it applied to something as mundane as a restaurant as well as to something as sp

16、iritual as the Beatitudes. It is currently being used to explicate the idea of self-organization in management.The Enneagram of Personality is derived from (established in U.S. Court 970 F.2d 1067, 1075. 2nd Circuit, 1992) partial understandings of the insights of Oscar Ichazo., the Bolivian-born fo

17、under of the Arica School (established in 1968). No evidence has appeared before Ichazo's offerings for using the Enneagram figure with concepts such as "ego fixations" or "personality types" or indeed in any way where each point is described in a way that can be viewed as a

18、typology. All historical documentation of this kind of terminology appears only after Ichazo's original teachings.Ichazo claims that sometime in the 1950s he received insight into how certain mechanistic and repetitive thought and behavior patterns can be understood in connection with the Enneag

19、ram figure and with what he called Trialectic logic as part of a complete and integrated model of the human psyche. The purpose of Ichazo's teachings was to help people transcend their identification with - and the suffering caused by - their own mechanistic thought and behavior patterns.The the

20、ory was founded upon the basic premise that all life seeks to continue and perpetuate itself and the human psyche must follow the same common laws of reality as such. From this, Ichazo defined three basic human instincts for survival (Conservation, Relations and Adaptation) and two poles of attracti

21、on to self-perpetuation (Sexual and Spiritual). With a baseline of a psyche in a state of unity as a prototypical model, the Fixations were defined as aberrations from this baseline, much as the DSM is an observationally based tool for recognizing personality disorders. In fact, Ichazo has related t

22、he Fixations with the DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders categories to show that Fixations are the precursor to mental illness. Each Fixation is diagnosed from the particular experience of psychological trauma a child suffers when the child's expectations are not met in eac

23、hrespective Instinct. Since a child is completely self-centered in its expectations, it is inevitable that the child will experience disappointment of expectation viewed by the child as a matter of one of the three fundamental attitudes (attracted, unattracted or disinterested are the only possible

24、attitudes), and thus experience trauma and begin to form mechanistic thought and behavior patterns in an attempt to protect itself from experiencing a recurrence of the trauma.This basic, irrefutable understanding of three fundamental Instincts and three possible attitudes along with the understandi

25、ng that a human being can be in a state of unity, analyzed with Trialectic logic forms a solid foundation upon which the theory of Fixations is based. As such, the theory of ego Fixations has a particular foundation which can be tested. The idea of "Personality Types" is an invention of in

26、tuition without any particular foundation beyond the theory of ego Fixations, and as such can be interpreted to mean whatever any of the Enneagram of Personality proponents chooses it to mean whenever they choose to so interpret it. Thus we understand why there is no specific, solid agreement among

27、the various proponents of "Personality" as something objective and anything more than a proposition to obfuscate human suffering.By understanding one's Fixations and through self observation, the hold on the mind, and suffering caused by the Fixations, is reduced and even transcended.

28、There was never an intention or purpose in Ichazo's original work to use this knowledge to reinforce or manipulate what is essentially a source of human suffering. Therefore almost all later interpretations of the Enneagram of Personality are viewed by Ichazo as unfounded and therefore misguided

29、 and psychologically harmful as well as spiritually harmful (in the sense of coming to see one's process as such) in light of his original intentions. In other words, the Enneagram Movement can be considered, in most cases, to actually be promoting the strengthening of the basis for the personal

30、ity disorders we find expositions of in the DSM.From the 1970s Ichazo's partial and misunderstood Enneagram teachings were adapted anddeveloped by a number of others, first by the Chilean-born psychiatrist, Claudio Naranjo , who was a member of a training program in Arica, Chile with Ichazo for

31、some months in 1969.Naranjo taught his understanding of the Enneagram of Personality to a number of his American students, including some Jesuit priests who then taught it to seminarians.It is believed by Enneagram theorists that the points of the Enneagram figure indicate a number of ways in which

32、nine principal ego-archetypal forms or types of human personality (also often called "Enneatypes") are psychologically connected. These nine types are often given names that indicate some of their more distinctively typical characteristics. Such names are insufficient to capture the comple

33、xities and nuances of the types which require study and observation to understand in depth.Some brief descriptions of the Enneatypes are as follows:One : Reformer, Critic, Perfectionist- This type focuses on integrity. Ones can be wise,discerning and inspiring in their quest for the truth. They also

34、 tend to dissociate themselvesfrom their flaws or what they believe are flaws (such as negative emotions) and can becomehypocritical and hyper-critical of others, seeking the illusion of virtue to hide their own vices.The One's greatest fear is to be flawed and their ultimate goal is perfection.

35、 The corresponding"deadly sin" Ones isAngerand their "holy idea" or essence isHoly Perfection . Under stressOnes express qualities of Fours and when relaxed qualities of Sevens.Two : Helper, Giver, Caretaker- Twos, at their best, are compassionate, thoughtful andastonishingly gen

36、erous; they can also be prone topassive-aggressivebehavior, clinginess andmanipulation. Twos want, above all, to be loved and needed and fear being unworthy of love.The corresponding "deadly sin" of Twos isPride and their "holy idea" or essence isHoly Will .Under stress Twos expr

37、ess qualities of Eights and when relaxed qualities of Fours.Three : Achiever, Performer, Succeeder- Highly adaptable and changeable. Some walk theworld with confidence and unstinting authenticity; others wear a series of public masks, actingthe way they think will bring them approval and losing trac

38、k of their true self. Threes aremotivated by the need to succeed and to be seen as successful. The corresponding "deadlysin" of Threes is Deceit and their "holy idea" or essence isHoly Law. Under stress Threesexpress qualities of Nines and when relaxed qualities of Sixes.Four : R

39、omantic, Individualist, Artist- Driven by a desire to understand themselves and find aplace in the world they often fear that they have no identity or personal significance. Foursembrace individualism and are often profoundly creative and intuitive. However, they have ahabit of withdrawing to intern

40、alize, searching desperately inside themselves for something theynever find and creating a spiral of depression. The corresponding "deadly sin" of Fours isEnvyand their "holy idea" or essence isHoly Origin. Under stress Fours express qualities of Twosand when relaxed qualities of

41、 Ones.Five : Observer, Thinker, Investigator- Fives are motivated by the desire to understand theworld around them, specifically in terms of facts. Believing they are only worth what they contribute, Fives have learned to withdraw, to watch with keen eyes and speak only when theycan shake the world

42、with their observations. Sometimes they do just that. However, some Fives are known to withdraw from the world, becoming reclusive hermits and fending off social contact with abrasive cynicism. Fives fear incompetency or uselessness and want to be capable and knowledgeable above all else. The corres

43、ponding "deadly sin" of the Five isAvarice and their "holy idea" or essence is Holy Omniscience . Under stress Fives express qualities of Sevens and when relaxed qualities of Eights.Six : Loyalist, Devil's Advocate, Defender- Sixes long for stability above all else. They exhi

44、bitunwavering loyalty and responsibility, but once betrayed, they are slow to trust again. They areprone to extreme anxiety andpassive-aggressivebehavior. Their greatest fear is to lacksupport and guidance. The corresponding "deadly sin" of the Six isCowardiceand their "holyidea"

45、 or essence isHoly Faith and Strength. Under stress Sixes express qualities of Threesand when relaxed qualities of Nines. There are two kinds of Sixes - phobic and counterphobic.Phobic Sixes have a tendency to run or hide from things they fear while counterphobic Sixesare more likely to confront the

46、ir fears.Seven : Enthusiast, Adventurer, Materialist, Epicure- Sevens are adventurous, and busy withmany activities with all the energy and enthusiasm of thePuer Aeternus. At their best theyembrace life for its varied joys and wonders and truly live in the moment; but at their worst theydash frantic

47、ally from one new experience to another, too scared of disappointment to actuallyenjoy themselves. Sevens fear being unable to provide for themselves or to experience life inall of its richness. The corresponding "deadly sin" of Sevens isGluttonyand their "holy idea" oressence is

48、 Holy Wisdom". Under stress Sevens express qualities of Ones and when relaxedqualities of Fives.Eight : Leader, Protector, Challenger- Eights value personal strength and they desire to bepowerful and in control. They concern themselves with self-preservation. They are naturalleaders, who can be

49、 either friendly and charitable or dictatorially manipulative, ruthless, andwilling to destroy anything in their way. Eights seek control over their own lives and destinies,and fear being harmed or controlled by others. The corresponding "deadly sin" of the Eight isLust and their "hol

50、y idea" or essence isHoly Truth. Under stress Eights express qualities ofFives and when relaxed qualities of Twos.Nine : Mediator, Peacemaker, Preservationist- Nines are ruled by their empathy. At their bestthey are perceptive, receptive, gentle, calming and at peace with the world. On the othe

51、r hand,they prefer to dissociate from conflicts; they indifferently go along with others' wishes, or simplywithdraw, acting via inaction. They fear the conflict caused by their ability to simultaneouslyunderstand opposing points of view and seek peace of mind above all else. The corresponding&qu

52、ot;deadly sin" of the Nine isSloth and their "holy idea" or essence isHoly Love. Under stressNines express qualities of Sixes and when relaxed qualities of Threes.Whilst a person's Enneatype is determined by only one of the ego-fixations, their personality characteristics are also

53、 influenced and modified in different ways by all of the other eight fixations as well.Most Enneagram teachers and theorists believe that one of the principal kinds of influence and modification come from the two points on either side of their Enneatype. These two points are known as the 'Wings&

54、#39;.Observation seems to indicate, for example, that Ones will tend to manifest some characteristics of both Nines and Twos. Some Enneagram theorists believe that one of the Wings will always have a more dominant influence on an individual's personality, while others believe that either Wing ca

55、n be dominant at any particular time depending on the person's circumstances and development.This aspect of Enneagram theory was originally suggested by Claudio Naranjo and then further developed by some of the Jesuit teachers.The lines of the triangle and hexagon are believed to indicate psycho

56、logical dynamics between the points connected depending on whether a person is in a more stressed or secure and relaxed state. Therefore the connecting points on the lines are usually called the 'Stress Points' and 'Security Points'. In Don Riso's teachings these lines are also c

57、alled the 'Directions of Integration' and the 'Directions of Disintegration' as he believes that the security points also indicates the 'direction' towards greater psychological wellbeing and the stress points towards psychological breakdown.The more traditional understanding

58、 of the stress and security points is that when people are in a more secure or relaxed state they will tend to express aspects of the 'security' or 'integration' type associated with their main type and aspects of the other direction when stressed. Relaxed or secure Ones, for instanc

59、e, will tend to manifest some more positive aspects of the Seven personality type, Ones tending to be highly self-inhibitory whereas Sevens give themselves permission to enjoy the moment. On the other hand, stressed Ones will express some more negative aspects of the Four personality, particularly the obsessive introspection; they also share a certain amount of self-loathing and self-inhibition.Another emerging belief about these connections between points is t


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