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1、英語第12課時八年級(下)Units 78)(人教版)(人教版)重點詞匯 1.square(n.)平方;正方形2introduce(v.)介紹;引見3modern(adj.)現代的;當代的4abroad(adv.)在國外;到國外5southern(adj.)南方的6treasure(n.)珠寶;財富7hurry(v.)匆忙;趕快8tool(n.)工具9ocean(n.)大海;海洋10towards(prep.)朝;向;對著 11.nature(n.)大自然;自然界12success(n.)成功13record(n.)唱片;記錄14beauty(n.)美;美麗15thick(adj.)厚的;濃的

2、16ancient(adj.)古代的;古老的17protect(v.)保護;防護18include(v.)包括;包含19population(n.)人口;人口數量20wide(adj.)寬的;寬闊的 21.achieve(v.)達到;完成22force(n.)力;力量23government(n.)政府;內閣24awake(adj.)醒著25remain(v.)遺留;剩余26research(n.)研究;調查27weigh(v.)有重;重28excitement(n.)激動;興奮29wild(adj.)野生的30condition(n.)條件;狀況 詞匯拓展 1.record(錄音機;錄像機)

3、recorder2nature(自然的;天然的)natural3Asia(亞洲人;亞洲的)Asian4tour(旅行者;觀光者)tourist(吸引很多游客的)touristy5protect(保護;防衛(wèi))protection(保護人)protector6wide(普遍地;廣泛地)widely7thick(反義詞)thin 8.include(包括在內)including9achieve(成就;成績;完成)achievement10awake(醒;喚醒)wake11weigh(重量)weight12beauty(美麗的;美好的)beautiful(美好地;美妙地)beautifully13sa

4、nd(鋪滿沙子的;含沙的)sandy14southern(南;南方;南方的;向南)south重點短語 1.吸入;吞入(體內)take in2面對(問題;困難等)in the face of3出生時at birth4因而死die from5趕快;急忙hurry up6(可以)隨便(做某事)feel free7就我所知as far as I know8爭吵;爭論fight over 9.大自然的力量the forces of nature10絆倒;摔倒fall over11每兩年every two years12現場演唱sing live13相互one another14把某人/某物介紹給某人in

5、troduce sb./sth.to sb.15屬于belong to16看起來適合某人look good on sb. 重點句型 1.Qomolangma is 8,844.43 _ _珠穆朗瑪峰高8,844.43米。2China has _ _ _ in the world.中國是世界上人口最多的國家。3One of _ _ _ _ _ _ mountain climbing.登山是世界上最危險的運動之一。4_ is also very hard _ _ _ air as you get near the top.當你接近山頂時,呼吸也會非常困難的。5It also _ that huma

6、ns can sometimes _ _ than the forces of nature.它也展示了人類有時比自然界的力量更強大。 meters highthe biggest populationthe worlds most dangerous sports isItto take inshowsbe stronger6.One of the main reasons _ _ people want to challenge themselves _ _ _ _ difficulties.其中的一個主要原因是人們想要在面臨困難面前挑戰(zhàn)自己。7Adult pandas _ _ _12 h

7、ours a day _ about 10 kilos of bamboo.成年熊貓每天花大約12小時吃10千克竹子。8_ you _ Little Women_?你已經讀過小婦人了嗎?No,I _沒有。9_ _ is on my island?還有誰在我的島上呢?10She _ _ _ _ _ she actually missed all of them.她開始意識到,事實上她是多么想念他們所有的人。 is becausein the face ofspend more thaneatingHavereadyethaventWho elsecame to realize how much一

8、、根據句意和漢語提示寫單詞完成句子。1Whats the _ (人口) of China?Its about 1.3 billion.2A large number of _ (游客) come to China for sightseeing.3Computers are used more and more _ (廣泛地) around the world.4The great _ (成就) of China proves that the reform works well in the development.5Sunglasses are used for _ (保護) our ey

9、es in the bright sunshine.6Hard work can lead you to _ (成功)7Be careful!A dog is running quickly _ (朝) you.8New _ (科技) can help us do things faster and better.9I think the English book _ (屬于) to Mary.Her name is on it.10Thank you for _ (介紹) your friends to me!populationvisitors/touristswidelyachievem

10、entprotectingsuccesstowardstechnologiesbelongsintroducing二、用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空。11Alice was asleep while her brother was still _ (wake)12My cousin is very fat.He _ (weigh) about 90 kilos now.13The _ (beautiful) of nature attracts lots of people every year.14The weather in the _ (south) part of China is h

11、otter and wetter.15I visited many places of interest, _(include) the Summer Palace.16China has _ (success) in sending people into space.17The new policy has brought us lots of _ (excite)18Now more and more people come to realize the importance of the _ (protect) of the environment.19Jack failed the

12、exam last time because of his _ (ill)20The people in Canada can speak English and _ (France)awakeweighsbeautysouthernincludingsucceededexcitementprotectionillnessFrench三、從方框中選擇恰當的短語并用其正確形式完成下列各句。at birth,die from,in the face of,hurry up,belong to,fall over,take in,one another21We can help and learn

13、from _22If you dont _,you wont catch the early bus.23Dont run too fast or youll _24This book _ Alice,her name is on the cover.25The young man _ an accident last year.26She never gives up,though she is _ lots of challenges.27The mouse looked very small _28English has _ many words from other languages

14、.one anotherhurry upfall overbelongs todied fromin the face ofat birthtaken inpopulation和最高級 1. China has the biggest population in the world.(From:Unit 7/Section A)中國是世界上人口最多的國家。【題組訓練】.單項選擇。1In North America,_ meat eaters are bears and mountain lions.They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mic

15、e.(2015,蘇州)Asmallest Bthe smallestClargest Dthe largest2ShuHow Lin is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA.(2015,梅州)Apopular Bless popularCmore popular Dthe most popularDD3Of all the drinks,tea is _ in the world.It has 5,000 years of history in China over.(2015,臨沂)Aolder Bthe oldest Cold Dvery

16、 old4_ the population of China?1.3 billion.Everyone knows China has the _ population in the world.(2014,畢節(jié))AWhat are,most BWhat is,largestCHow many are,most DHow many are,largestBB5Do you know _?Yes.Its about 3,600,000.(2015,天水)Awhat the population of Tianshui isBwhat is the population of TianshuiCh

17、ow many the population of Tianshui isDhow much the population of Tianshui is6The _ of Guangzhou _ about 8 million.Apopulation,are Bpopulation,isCpeople,is Dpeople,areAB.根據漢語完成句子,每空一詞。1北京的人口數量是多少?你知道嗎?_ _ the population of Beijing?Do you know?2中國大約有十三億人口。China _ _ _ _ about 1.3 billion.3黃河是中國第二長的河流。Y

18、ellow River is the _ _ river in China.4在所有女孩中,她是最漂亮的女孩之一。She is one of the _ _ girls of all.What ishas a population ofsecond longestmost beautiful(1)population是名詞,意為“人口;人口數量”,作主語時謂語動詞要用單數形式。當其前面有分數或百分數等詞語修飾時,表示整體中的一部分人,謂語動詞用復數形式?!就卣埂吭儐柸丝跀盗繒r要用“Whats the population of?”提問。表示人口“多”可用large或big;表示人口“少”用sm

19、all。如果用代詞指代population時,應用that。(2)最高級常與in或of短語搭配使用。2. Its 8,844,43 meters high!(From:Unit 7/Section A)它有8 844.43米高!8,844.43 meters high 【題組訓練】.單項選擇。1You come to school early every day._ is it from your home to school?Its only about one kilometer.(2015,襄陽)AHow long BHow muchCHow many DHow far2_ is the

20、 Qomolangma?(2015,梅州)Its 8,844 meters.Its very hard to climb the mountain.AHow deep BHow longCHow far DHow highDD3In this test,were asked to write a passage of about _.(2014,宜賓)A80words B80wordC80 words D80 word4How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha?It is a _ flight from Tianjin to Changsha.(2014,呼

21、和浩特)A2hourlong B2houslongC2 hours long D2 hour long5How amazing the noodle is!Yes,it is _,and breaks the Guinness World Record as the longest handmade noodle.A1,704meterlong B1,704meterslongC1,704 meter long D1,704 meters longCAD.根據漢語完成句子。1我們的教室6米寬。Our classroom is about _ _ _2那條河3米深。The river is ab

22、out _ _ _3那個公園有多遠?_ _ is the park?six meters widethree meters deepHow far計量的表達方法可以是:基數詞表示數量的名詞(單數/復數)形容詞(long/wide/high/tall/deep/thick/old等),這種結構可以作賓語或后置定語。【拓展】“基數詞名詞(單數)”或“基數詞名詞(單數)形容詞”相當于形容詞,用作前置定語。3. ,such as the importance of money and success,but not about belonging to a group.(From:Unit 8/Sec

23、tion B)比如金錢和成功的重要性,但不屬于一類。 belong to 【題組訓練】.單項選擇。 1.Is there anything _ to you?(2015,梅州)Athat is belong Bthat belongCthat belongs Dwhich belongs2Do you know Diaoyu Island?(2014,咸寧)Sure.It _ China since ancient times.Abelongs to Bbelonged toChas belonged to Dis belong toCA3The French book must be_Li_

24、YingsShes the only one whos studying French.(2014,黃岡)_Abelong to Li Yings Bbelong to Li YingCbelong Li Yings Dbelong Li Ying4Mo Yan,a famous Chinese writer,won the Nobel Prize for literature at the end of the year 2012.We learn that success _ the person with a nevergiveup attitude.(2014,哈爾濱)Adrives

25、outBtakes overCbelongs to5The hair band must _Shes the only girl at the party.Abelong to Lily Bbelong to LilysCbe Lily Dis LilysBCA.根據漢語完成句子。1It is wellknown that the Diaoyu Island _ (屬于) to China.(2014,煙臺)2這棵樹一定屬于我們。(belong to)(2014,棗莊)The tree must belong to us.belongsbelong to意為“屬于;歸所有,”其中belong是

26、不及物動詞,常與介詞to連用。后接代詞作賓語時,要用賓格形式(不可用物主代詞);后接名詞時,也不能用所有格。belong to sb.be ones屬于某人的,ones是物主代詞,或名詞所有格形式?!颈嫖觥縝elong to與havebelong to意為“屬于”,而have意為“擁有”;belong to是物作主語,強調某物屬于某人,have是人作主語,強調某人擁有某物;belong to不用于進行時,也沒有被動語態(tài)。4.success/succeed/successful/successfully 【題組訓練】.單項選擇。1The students arrived at the top o

27、f the mountain _ two hours later.(2014,青島)Asuccessful BsuccessfullyCsuccess Dsucceed2Overseas experience may help make our life _So why not try to study abroad?(2014,東營)Ausual BusefulCsuccessful Dtraditional3It is _ that Mr.Guo sailed across the world by himself _ within about 130 days.(2013,青島)Ater

28、rified,successful Bscary,successfullyCamazing,successfully Dconvincing,successfulBCC.用succeed,success,successful或successfully填空。1At last his uncle became a _ businessman.2Whats the secret of your_?3I passed the exams _ last term.4I dont think it is difficult for a man _ as long as he tries his best.

29、successfulsuccesssuccessfullyto succeed考點詞性詞義句子成分succeed動詞成功;實現目標謂語success名詞成功主語、賓語、表語successful形容詞成功的定語successfully副詞成功地狀語6. provide/offer 【題組訓練】.單項選擇。1Would you please provide us _ some information about the school sports meeting?Sure.Its said that it will start _ the morning of September 20th.(20

30、15,鄂州)Afor,on Bwith,on Cfor,in Dwith,in2How is Tom now?I hear the company _ him a good job,but he refused it.(2015,呼和浩特)Aprovided BofferedCpassed Dintroduced3Parents often _ their children _ some good advice.(2014,蘭州)Aoffer,with Boffer,/Cprovide,with Dboth B and CBBD4Its reported that the Chinese go

31、vernment provides free milk powder(奶粉) _ children in poor areas.(2013,宿遷)Awith Bfor Cto Dby5The local people like that Italian restaurant because it _ both delicious food and good service.(2014,東營)Auses Bwants Cshares Dprovides6The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.(2013,萊蕪)Ale

32、nt Boffered Ctook DbroughtBDB考點詞義常見搭配provide提供;供應provide sth.for sb.;provide sb.with sth.offer主動提出;自愿給予offer sb.sth.;offer sth.to sb.;offer to do6. already/yet/still 【題組訓練】.單項選擇。1Holly has _ fed the dog,but she hasnt watered the plants _(2014,青島)Astill,already Balready,yetCyet,still Dyet,already2The

33、 3D Titanic is a moving film.My parents have seen it twice _(2014,黃石)Ayet Balready Cnever Dalmost3The bag that my grandpa made for me gradually gets out of style,but it is _ the best thing in my mind.Ajust Bstill Calready DyetBBB4Who will teach _ oral English next term?Can it be a new teacher?Perhap

34、s.But our head teacher hasnt told us _Ayour,already Byou,yetCyou,already Dyour,yet5Have you _ heard the story about Jack?No,not _Aalready,ever Bever,yetCyet,already Dyet,everBB.用already,still或yet填空。1There is _a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow it?2The actress is _ 50,but she lo

35、oks much younger than she really is.3Come on,Dave.Its time for dinner.Im not hungry _Ive just had a hamburger.stillalreadyyet考點詞義用法already已經多用于完成時態(tài)的肯定句中,若用在疑問句,表示一種驚訝的語氣。yet已經;還,尚且多用于完成時態(tài)的否定句或疑問句中。still仍然常與although,though連用備考跟蹤訓練 一、單項選擇。1Do you know _ this iPhone 6 belongs to?Let me see.Oh,its _(201

36、5,鄂州)Awhose,her Bwhose,hersCwho,her Dwho,hers2Mr.Wang isnt at work today._I know,he has gone to London.AAs old as BAs far asCAs soon as DAs long as3Could you tell me _ a moment ago?(2015,廣州)Awhat were they talking aboutBwhat are they talking aboutCwhat they were talking aboutDwhat they are talking a

37、boutDBC4When will Diana arrive?(2014,威海)Oh,she _She is in the meeting room now.Aarrives Bis arrivingCarrived Dhas arrived5. You may feel difficult to_enough air in Tibet.Atake away Btake onCtake in Dtake off6If you prefer the red evening dress,youll have to pay _ 30 dollars,because its made of silk.

38、OK.Here you are.(2014,鄂州)Aother Bthe other Cmore DanotherDCD7Beibei,is Mr.Chen in the office?No.He _ for half an hour.(2014,龍巖)AleftBhas leftChas been away8I have read Robinson Crusoe _,but I havent read Tom Sawyer_Aalready,already Byet,yetCyet,already Dalready,yet9The movie is so interesting that _

39、 people have seen it in the past few days.Atwo million Btwo millionsCtwo million of Dtwo millions ofCDA10The _ you work at your lessons,the _ results you will get.Ahard,good Bharder,goodChard,better Dharder,better11_ they are good friends,_ they have different interests.AThough,but BThough,/CBecause

40、,so DBecause,/ 12Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident.Its _ one that I have ever heard of.Aa very serious Ba more seriousCthe most serious Dthe least seriousDBC13I have _ the magazine for two week.Ill return it this afternoon.Afinished Blent Cbought Dkept14How many books are there on the bo

41、okcase?Let me _ first.Aread Bcount Ccopy Drecord15I really love this band!(2015,南昌)_ Ive got every CD theyve made so far.ASounds good. BMe,too!CI disagree. DI hope so.DBB二、完形填空。(2015,廣東)Once upon a time,there was a lazy poor living in a small house with spider webs(蜘蛛網) on the walls and mice running

42、 around.People _16_ coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day.He thought it was poverty(貧困) that _17_ his unhappy life.One day,the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for _18_ about changing his life.The old man gave him a beautiful vase(花瓶) and sai

43、d,“This is a magic vase that will bring you _19_”The poor man looked at the vase _20_Why would he need a vase in his poor house?However,he didnt want to _21_ such a beautiful vase,so he brought it home on the table.“Its not right for something so beautiful to be _22_,” the poor man looked at the vas

44、e and thought.Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it,making it even more beautiful._23_ he was still not satisfied.“It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web.” At this,he started to do some cleaning in the house and paint the walls.His house turned into _

45、24_ place immediately.The poor man _25_He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy.From then on,he worked hard and his life got better and better.( )16.A.enjoyed Bavoided Cforgot Dconsidered ( )17.A.led to Bconnected to Cmade up Dset up ( )18.A.serviceBkn

46、owledgeCadviceDcare ( )19.A.peace Bhappiness Cmess Dregret( )20.A.sadly BnervouslyCproudly Dsurprisedly ( )21.A.throw away Bgive outCpay for Dkeep off ( )22.A.ugly Bfull Cempty Ddirty( )23.A.Although BButCSo DBecause( )24.A.large BdarkCstrange Dcomfortable( )25.A.cheered up Brang upCsped up Dstayed

47、upBACBDACBDA三、閱讀理解。(2014,福州)Smartphone,poor sightLook around and youll see people busy on their smartphones.Smartphones do make our lives easier.But have you ever thought about what they mean to your eyes?According to a study,half of British people own smartphones and they spend an average of two ho

48、urs a day using them.There has been a 35% increase in the number of people in the UK who suffer from shortsightedness since smartphones were introduced there in 1997.Staring at smartphones for long time gives you dry eyes.When looking at something in the distance,your eyes automatically blink a cert

49、ain number of times.However,when you look at things closer to your face,the blinking slows down.This reduces the amount of tears and causes discomfort in your eyes.Another bad habit is using smartphones in dark rooms before going to sleep.If you look at a bright screen while your pupils(瞳孔) become l

50、arger,too much light enters your eyes.This can do harm to the eyes and cause a disease called glaucoma(青光眼)While youre probably not going to stop using your smartphone,there are a few things you can do to protect your eyes.Hold your phone at least 30 centimeters away from your eyes when using it.Tak

51、e a break every hour and try the following:look at something at least five meters away from you and then focus on the tip of your nose.Repeat this several times.It should reduce the discomfort in your eyes.26The article is mainly about _Athe rules to obey when using smartphonesBthe harm that smartph

52、ones do to users eyesCthe reasons why teenagers get shortsightednessDadvantages and disadvantages of smartphones27From Paragraph 2,we learn that _Ahalf of the British people began to use smartphones 17 years agoBeach of the British people spends two hours a day on smartphonesCmore British people hav

53、e suffered from shortsightedness since 1997Dthe number of British people who own smartphones increases by 35%BC28According to Paragragh 3,using smartphones improperly may cause _Atoo many blinksBmore tears in the eyesCsmaller pupilsDdry eyes and glaucoma29Which of the following is suggested by the w

54、riter?_ADont use the phone for over an hour without a break.BHold the phone at least half a meter away from the eyes.CTurn off your phone for a couple of hours every day.DLook at something green far away for several minutes.DA30This article is written to advise people _Anot to buy smartphonesBto stop using smartphonesCto make full use of smartphonesDto use smartphones properlyD四、詞匯運用。A)根據句意及所給漢語提示,寫出句中所缺單詞。31Look!The two _ (船)are coming towards us.32We will never forget the _ (美)of the lake.33The shopping mall is _ (現代的)Many people like to go there.34He has a deep feeling for the b


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