1、GOVERNOR SCHWARZENEGGER:Well, thank you very much, President. First of all,I want to thank President Gu for having me here, andI want to thank Mr. Qizhifor your kindintroduction.Thank you very much.It is wonderful to be here at this university. Whata special place. I just looked around a little bith
2、ere, it's a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want tocongratulate you for going to this magnificentuniversity here.Now, the lasttime Iwas here in Chinawas fiveyearsago, and then I was promoting my movies. They had amovie festivalhere,theArnold SchwarzeneggerMovieFestival. I remember they showed all my
3、 movies for aweek - which was a rarity, may I remind you - andtheyalso showed themovies on television.But we alsowere here to promote Special Olympics, which is anorganization that helps people with mentaldisabilities, so I was here for both reasons.But this time I'm here as the governor of the
4、greatstateof California.I'mhere representing thepeopleof California, and we're here on a trade mission tosee how we can do more businesswith China and to helpeach other, because both California is a very fastgrowing state, and China is a very fast growingcountry,and therearea lotofthingsthat
5、we can dofor one another.ButIdidn'twant tomiss the opportunitytocome heretoday and to talk with the young people; as a matterof fact, to the brightest young people of China. Andthis is why it is so great to be here at the TsinghuaUniversity, and I'm honored that I was invited here.Now, I rea
6、da littlebitabout the historyofTsinghua,and I learned that actually this school originallypreparedstudentstoattenduniversitiesinAmerica.Now, I also know that since the attack on our WorldTrade Centers it has become more and more difficultto go to the universitiesinAmerica because you needto fill out
7、 all kinds of paperwork now and you havetoget visas, and it'sverycomplicated,and you havetowaita much longerperiodoftime togo overthere.But let me tell you, things are improving already.I'veheardthat it'seasingup,the restrictions,andit's easier to get a visa. My young Chinese friends
8、,I want to tell you that in case no one from Americahas ever invited you, let me do this right nowpersonally. I want to warmly invite all of you hereto come to the United States, and especially to cometo California, because that's the happening place.California is the best place.Please come and
9、visitus,we willwelcome you. Iinviteyou all to come there and to travel, to meet theAmerican people, and to come there and study in ouruniversities,and some day hopefullyyou will come anddo business over there, or maybe you'll want to moveover there. Whatever your goal is, you're alwayswelcom
10、e. America, afterall, let'snotforget,istheland of opportunity. And it's not only the land ofopportunity for Austrians like me, but for Chinesepeople as well. Remember that.I know thatbeginningwith thiscentury,China isalsobecoming a land of opportunity. It's a fast growing place, and as t
11、he students of this great university and the citizens of a rising China, I think that you have a great future also here in this country. And today I want to talk to you a little bit about thedreams, about the dreams of your future, and dreamsfor this country. I want to talk to you a little bitabout
12、dreams,because itseems tome thatI'msomewhatofan expertindreams, because Ihad a lotof my dreamsbecome a reality. So let me just briefly tell you mystory, and tell you a little bit about how I startedwith my career.I thinkthatthisstorykind ofrelatesa little bit also to you, and also to China.I sta
13、rted way back as a weightlifter. I always likedthe idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder.From thefirstmomentwhen Igripped a barbelland helditaround the bar and liftedthesteelup overmy head,I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that thisis something that I'm goingtodo; thatI was inl
14、ovewith that,and thisisgoingtobe somethingthatI'mgoing to do. I'm going to pursue the sport ofweightlifting and bodybuilding.Now, I remember the first real workout that I had.Eight milesaway from my home villageinAustria therewas a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with abicycle.And th
15、ereI trainedforhalfan hour,becausethey said that after half an hour you should stopbecause otherwiseyour body willgetreallysore.Butafter half an hour I looked at my body, and nothinghad happened. So I said, "I'd better work out foranother halfhour."So I liftedsome more. My strengthdidn
16、't improve, I didn't see the muscles pop out oranything like that, so I trained for another half anhour. And then after another half hour I trainedanotherhalfhour,and alltogether Itrained two anda half hours.Well,letme tellyou something.After two and a halfhours - even though they told me th
17、at I shouldn'ttrain that much or I would get really sore - I leftthe gymnasium, I rode my bicycle home. And after thefirstmile Igotnumb, and Icouldn'tfeelanymore thehandle of the bicycle, and I fell off the bike and Ifell into the ditch on the side of the road. So I gotup again and I tried i
18、t again. Another few yards, Ifelloffthebicycleagain.And I trieditthree,fourmore times, and I just couldn't ride my bicyclebecause my body was so numb and my legs felt likenoodles.Well,letme tellyou something.The next morningwhenI gotup, my body was so sorethat Icouldn'teven liftmy arms to co
19、mb my hair. I had to have my mother combmy hair, and you know how embarrassing that is. Butyou know something?I learneda very importantlesson,thatpain means progress. Painisprogress.Each timemy muscles were sore from a workout I knew that theywere growing and they were getting stronger.I think there
20、 is a reallifelessonin that.Aftertwoor three years of discipline and determination andworking out hard, I actually changed my body, and Ichanged my strength.And thattoldme something;thatif I could change my body that much, and if I couldchange the strengthofmy body thatmuch, then I couldalso change
21、anything else. I could change my habits,I could change my intelligence, I could change myattitude, my mind, my future, my life. And this is exactly what I have done. I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries. You can change, China can change, everyone in the world
22、can change.My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn't understand my dreams at all. They were alwayswondering,they said,"What ishe doing? When areyougoing to get a job, a real job? When are you going tomake money?" And allof thosequestions Igot.And theysaid, "I hope we didn&
23、#39;t raise a bum, someone thatdoesn't make money and just wants to live in agymnasium and think about their bodies." Well, Iendured all of this negative thinking, and the morenegative the thinking got, and the more negative thequestions got, the stronger and the more positive Ibecame, the
24、stronger I became inside.So of coursesome ofyourfamiliesmaybe thinkthesameway, and thisis why I'mmentioningthat.Some ofyourfamilies maybe don't believe in your dreams. But letme tell you something, my young friends. Keep yourdreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don't giveup on them,
25、even when you are temporarilydefeated ordenied. Keep your dreams.I remember the firsttime Iwent totheUnitedStatesand I was competing in a competition, the WorldChampionships in Bodybuilding. I lost. I came insecond, and I was devastated. I was crushed. I feltlike a loser,a majorloser,letme tellyou.I
26、cried,as a matter of fact,because IfeltlikeI disappointedmy friendsand I disappointedmyself.But thenextdayI got my act together, I shifted gears, and I said,"I'mgoingto learnfrom thatlesson.I'm goingto stayhere in America. I'm not going to go back to Europe.I'm going to stay in
27、America and I'm going to trainwith the American champions, I'm going to train theAmerican way. I'mgoing to eatthe American food,I'mgoing to train with the American machines and theprinciples.And a yearlater,inAmerica, Ibecame theWorld Champion in Bodybuilding. So I think this is aver
28、y, very important lesson.And from then on, Icontinued.My careertookoff,andeverything that I wanted to do I accomplished. Firstitwas tobecome a champion inbodybuilding.LateronI became a movie star,todo allthegreatmovies,theConan movies and the Terminator movies and all this.Then I became the governor
29、 of the great state ofCalifornia,of thesixthlargesteconomy inthe world.Allof thishappened because ofmy dreams,even thoughotherpeople toldme thatthosedreams were bogus andthey were crazy, but I held onto my dreams.And people would always say, no matter what, even inbodybuilding they said I would neve
30、r make it. Andlateron in themovies,inHollywood theysaidIwouldnot make it. They said, "You will never make it. Youhave a German accent.No one inHollywoodhas evermadeit with a German accent.Yeah, maybe you can playsomeNazi roles or something like that, but you cannotbecome a leadingstarwithan acc
31、ent.Plusyourbody,you're overdeveloped, you have all these muscles.They did Hercules movies 20 years ago, that'soutdated.Nowit's WoodyAllen. Woody Allenisin, hisbody is in." And those were the messages. "And AlPacino, the skinny guy, he is in. But not your body,it's too big.
32、 And your name, Schwarzenegger, it willnever fiton a movieposter.Forget it.Forgetit,youwill never make it. Go back to bodybuilding."Well, the rest is history. After Terminator 3, Ibecame the highest paid movie star in Hollywood. Andletme tellyou something,itcontinuedon. Even whenI ran for gover
33、nor people said, "Arnold, you willnever make it. You will never become governor ofCalifornia.What do you know about government?"Well,the fact is, I knew exactly as much about governmentas the rest of the people knew in California, whichis that government is out of touch, and it's out o
34、fsync with the people, and it needed a shakeup. So Ididn't listen to all those people that said I wouldnevermake it.I continued campaigning,Ilistened tomy dreams, and the rest also is history. I becamegovernor.So always it just carried me on, those dreams. Sobodybuilding gave me the confidence,
35、movies gave methe money, and pubicserviceand beinga governorgaveme a purposelargerthan myself. And thatis thebriefstoryof my dreams and a briefstory ofmy earlylife,and how my dreams made me successful.A person, of course, should not be stingy with their dreams. So I, of course, don't just think
36、and dream about myself, but I also have dreams for you, and dreams for China. So let me just talk a little bitabout that. China's economy has become an engine of human progress, lifting millions of people out of poverty. This is a moral and economic good for China and for the rest of the world.
37、I often read thatChina's economy islikelytobecome thelargestin theworld over the next 50 years, and I think this isterrific.This does notmean, of course,thatAmericawill get poorer; it just means that China will getricher, and the United States will benefit fromChina's progress as much as the
38、 U.S. benefited fromthe rise of Western Europe after World War II.Some in my country fear that China's research anddevelopment will overtake America's, but I believethat America and the world will benefit from China'sscientific and technological advances. I think wewill benefit from that
39、. If China makes advances instem cellresearch,therestof theworld willbenefitfrom that.If China discoversan energybreakthrough,this is good for the rest of the world, such as thebenefit of a free market.Some fear that China will buy up American companies,but that fear also existed in the '80s, wh
40、en Americafeared that Japan was going to buy up Americancompanies. So what? It was just good, and to thebenefit of America. We should welcome China'sinvestment in Americancompanies,just as wewelcomethe billions of dollars that China has invested inU.S. treasury bonds. This shows that China has f
41、aithin America, and American investment in China showsthatwe have faithin you. So I believethatChina andU.S.economic relationswillbecome even closerintheyearsahead. CertainlyI realizethatwe do not agreeon everything,butwho does? CertainlyIrealizethatChina has major hurdlestoovercome, but itisnotform
42、e tosay how China shouldovercome thosehurdlesandachieve its dreams.But I can tell you, however, what has given Americasuch energyand strengthover thelast200 years,andperhaps there are some insights in this for China.America isa nationthatbelievesinthepower oftheindividual, and what the individual ca
43、n accomplish,no matter thecolor,no matterthereligion,no matterthe ethnic background of the individual.Recently, as you probably have read, Rosa Parks, aformer seamstress married to a barber, married to ahairdresser,died,and she lay inhonor intheRotundaof the U.S. Capitolin Washington.Peoplefromaroun
44、dAmerica came to say farewell to her and to thank herfor changing our historyand for changingour society.Now, what did this 92 year-old black woman do thatdeserved such great honor? What did she do? Well, in1955, thedays of racialsegregation, she had refusedto giveup her seaton the bus to a whiteman
45、. She hadrefused.Her simplerefusalto move to the back of thebus put into motion events that led to my country'sgreat civil rights movement. The small protest of awoman that maybe weighed less than 100 lbs. broughtdown a racist system. As you can see, the individualcan make a difference.Let me te
46、llyou about anotherindividual,Ken Behring,a millionaire California businessman who found hispassionin giving wheelchairsto poor and physicallydisabled people all around the globe, includingChina. He says that he has met people who have spent years in rooms with no window, just lying there and starin
47、g up at the ceiling, never seeing the outside world unless someone was willing to pick up that person and take them outside to show them the world.He says that it's no wonder so many of those physically disabled people dream about being a bird. Mr. Behringsays that most of us thinkthat a wheelch
48、airwouldbea confinement, but to millions of people it is not aconfinement,it isfreedom,freedomtomove and togoto school,freedomto vote,freedomtogeta job,andfreedom for hope forthe future.He has given freedomand wheelchairs to 400,000 people around the world.The individual can make a difference.My mot
49、her-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver-I alwayslike to mention her, because it gets me on the goodside of her - she, for instance, started anorganization called Special Olympics. She staredSpecial Olympics which is for people with mentaldisabilities. And of course when she started thatorganization she w
50、as told by the experts, "Don't doit. You cannot take people with mental disabilitiesout ofmental institutions and have them participatein sports events. They will drown in the swimmingpools.They will killeach otheroutthere,they willhurt each other. Don't do it." But Eunice KennedyS
51、hriverhad a dream and a passion,and todaymillionsof people compete in Special Olympics around theworld, including right here in China. This is why Iwas here fiveyears ago. Fiveyears ago you had 50,000participants in the Special Olympics. Today, fiveyears later,you have 500,000 participantsinSpecialOlympics. 500,000 people are getting a chance toparticipate in sports programs, getting a chance tohave healthcare,have a chance to be treatedequally,with res
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