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1、七年級上冊英語作文u1 假設你叫jenny,你班里來了一位新同學叫bob ,他正好是你的同桌,請你用英文向他問好,并向他介紹你的學習用品。注意一定要用“whats this in english ?”和“ its”句型哦!來吧!是這邊一個對話吧。jenny:hello !bob:hello! jenny:what s your name?bob:my name is bob. jenny:hello,bob i m jenny. bob:hi,jenny,how are you?jenny:i m fine,and you ?bob:i m ok.hoe old are you? jenny:

2、i m 12,how old are you? bob:me too!what is this? jenny:it s a pen. bob:spell it,please. jenny:p-e-n. bob:thanks. u2 早晨湯姆見到林濤,互相問好。林濤指著一個橘子問湯姆:這個用英語怎么說,如何拼寫并且問它是什么顏色。就此情節(jié)用英文編一段對話。不少于8 句。l-lintao t-tom l:good morning! t:good morning! l:what s this ?t:it s a orange. l:spell it please. t:o-r-a-n-g-e. l:

3、what color is it? t:it s orange. l :thanks. u3 認真閱讀以下表格,假設這是你的一張胸卡,請根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容寫4-5 句話來介紹一下自己的情況。first name:mike last name:hand telephone number:5554-3678 hello!my name is mike hand.my first name is mike.my last name is hand.my telephone number is 5554-3678,bey-bey! u4 假如你的同學王芳丟失了一支鋼筆,請你為她寫一則尋物啟事。有一位叫t

4、ony 的同學撿到一支鋼筆,將它交給失物招領所,請你再寫一則失物招領啟事。u5 根據(jù)表格寫短文,至少有四句。name collection jim 5basketballs,2soccer balls,3baseballs jim has a sport collection,he has 5 basketballs,2soccer balls,3baseballs.he plays sports every day! u6 寫一篇短文介紹一下你自己和父母一天三餐分別喜歡吃什么食物。不少于40 個詞。i like hanburger for breakfast,for lunch i like

5、 rice and fish.i don t like broccoli i like chicken and rice for dinner.my father likes rice for breakfast.he likes toamtoes for lunch,as for dinner,he likes potatoes and rice.my mother too. u7 向同學們介紹一下你自己吧。包括:姓名、年齡、性別、你喜歡的食物、顏色、運動等。不少于60 詞。my name is cindy.i m a 13 years old girl.i like ice-cream,h

6、amburgers and french fries.i like wite and lost my pen. my name is wng fang,call 110. found is this your pen?call tony:120. black best.i like black and white t-shirts,i like black and white plants.i like play tennis. u8 寫一篇短文介紹一下你自己和家人、朋友的生日,至少五句話。my birthday is july 10th.when is my mother s birthda

7、y?it s june 2nd,when is my father s birthday?sorry,i don t know. u9 請根據(jù)下面提示寫一篇短文。內(nèi)容包括:(1)周末,經(jīng)常跟朋友一起看電影。(2)誰是你最喜歡的電影明星?(3)那部電影是你最喜歡的,為什么?do you like movies ?do you often go to movies? i like movies very much.i often go to movies with my friends on weekends.i like action movies very munch.but i don t

8、like thrillers.they re too scary.jet li is my favorite actor.he is a good actor.i like his movie shaolin temple very much.it s an interesing movie.it s an interesing movie.it s very successful. u10 你想在學校建立一個什么樣的社團,請你為這個社團招收新成員做一個海報。do you like sports?do you play tennis?do you play volleyball?do you

9、? we have tennis club and volley ball club.please come and join us! u11 下面是 ann 一天的生活時間表,請以ann s day 為題,寫一篇短文。不少于60 詞。6:30 have breakfast 7:10 go to school 11:30 have lunch 16:30 play sports 17:20 have dinner 18:40 do homework 20:20 watch tv 21:35 go to bed ann s day my sister ann has breakfast at 6

10、:30,then she go to school.she has lunch at11:30.at 16:30 she play sports,after she has dinner.in the evening,she does homework at 18:40.at 20:20 she watches tv.then she go to bed at 21:35. u12 請你根據(jù)下列課程安排寫一封信,告訴你的朋友你上星期五的上課情況。friday time subject 8:00-8:50 english 9:10-10:00 chinese 10:10-11:00 math 2

11、:00-2:50 history 3:00-3:50 art 4:00-4:50 music how are you?let me tell you about my classes.on friday,i have six classses.i have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.in the morning,classes begin st 8:00 and finish at 11:00.we have english,chinese and math.in the afternoon,classes

12、begin at 2:00,at finish at 4:50.we have history,art and music.what about you?please write soon. 新目標英語七年級上冊作文范文:1. my friend(我的朋友)her birthday is march 5th. she is good at english and chiese.she often plays the piano. she likes reading books and listening to the music. her hobbies are reading and lis

13、tening to music. she is a nice girl. we often help each other. we are good friends. 2.假設你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,請你寫一篇文章介紹你的家庭。hello,everyone!im limei.look! this is my family photo. this is my grandmother. she is 58. this is my father. he is a teacher. he is 36. and my mother is 36, too. who s that boy? oh,

14、 he is my brother. he is 13 and i am 12. my brother and i are students. 3.假設這是 tom 的房間,請你用80詞左右介紹他的房間。look! this is toms room. his photos are on the wall. his t-shirt is on the bed. his baseball bat is behind the dresser. the keys are in the drawer. the computer is on the desk. where is toms basebal

15、l? oh, its under the bed. what is on the floor? they are tom s shoes, socks and computer games. what do you think of toms room?4.寫一篇文章介紹你的朋友jim 所擁有的體育器材和他喜歡的體育運動。jim has a great sports collection. he has 10 basketballs, 4 footballs,2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 baseballs. he doesnt have a p

16、ing-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis rackets. of all the sports, he likes tennis best. he likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for health. he often plays tennis and basketball with his friends after school. 3 月 5 日。她擅長英語和漢語。她經(jīng)常彈鋼琴。她喜歡看書和聽音樂。她的愛好是讀書和聽音樂。她是一個好女孩。我們經(jīng)?;ハ鄮椭?。我們是好朋友。2.大家好

17、!我是limei. 看!這是我的全家福。這是我的祖母。她58 歲。這是我的父親。他是一名教師。他36 歲。我的母親也是 36歲。那個男孩是誰?哦,他是我哥哥。他 13 歲,我 12 歲。我的哥哥和我都是學生。3. 瞧!這是湯姆的房間。他的照片掛在墻上。他的t 恤在床上。他的棒球棒在梳妝臺后面。鑰匙在抽屜里。計算機在書桌上。湯姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床底下。地板上是什么?它們是湯姆的鞋子,襪子和電腦游戲。 你覺得湯姆的房間怎么樣?4.吉姆擁有一個大的體育用品收藏。他有10 個籃球, 4 個足球, 2 乒乓球, 15個排球和 9 個棒球。他沒有一個乒乓球球拍, 但他有 8 個網(wǎng)球拍。 在所有的運動中

18、,他最喜歡打網(wǎng)球。他很喜歡運動,因為他認為運動是對健康有益的。他經(jīng)常在放學后和他的朋友們打網(wǎng)球和籃球。5.自我介紹my name is wang ming.my birthday is june 5th. i am chinese. i am a student.i study very hard.my favorite subject is english. i like it because it is interesting. i can play the piano and the trumpet, but not very well. i love swimming and i am

19、 good at it.of all kinds of movies, i like comedies best. i think theyre interesting. i m one of the best students in my class. my teachers all say i am a good student.they all like me and i like them, too. 6. my english teacher(我的英語老師)miss wang is my english teacher. she looks very young.shes about

20、 thirty years old, and she wears glasses.shes funny . but she is strict with us. she wants us to study hard, her lessons are interesting. we are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. she is a good teacher, and we all like her. 7.music lovers wanted(招聘音樂愛好者)we need more music lovers in

21、 our club. do you like music? can you sing? can you dance? can you play the violin, the piano, the guitar or the drums? if your answers are “yes”, then you can join our music club. please call gina at 612-5568. 8. (談談你對電影的看法) of all kinds of movies, i like comedies best. i think theyre interesting.

22、my favorite actor is jackie. i like his movie king of comedy. i think its a successful comedy. for action movies, i like the lord of the ring best. it s exciting. i like documentaries because they re true stories. i like only some thrillers. many thrillers are scary and boring. 5.我的名字是王明 .我的生日是 6 月

23、5 日。我是中國人。我是一個學生.我學習很努力.我的最喜歡的科目是英語。我喜歡它,因為它很有趣。我可以彈鋼琴和吹喇叭,但不是很好。我喜歡游泳并且我很擅長.在所有種類的電影中,我最喜歡喜劇片。我想他們很有趣。 我是我班上最好的學生之一。我的老師都說我是一個很好的學生 .他們都喜歡我,我也喜歡他們。6.王老師是我的英語老師。她看起來很young.she的約三十歲,她穿glasses.she很有趣。不過,她嚴格要求我們。她要我們努力學習,她的課很有意思。我們非常高興,在她的課堂,我們都喜歡她的課。她是一位好老師,我們都喜歡她。7.我們需要在我們的俱樂部更多的音樂愛好者。你喜歡音樂嗎?你能唱歌嗎?你能

24、跳舞嗎?你能拉小提琴,鋼琴,吉他,打鼓呢?如果你的答案是“yes”,那么你可以加入我們的音樂俱樂部。請致電612-5568吉娜。8.在各種各樣的電影中,我最喜歡喜劇片。我想他們很有趣。我最喜歡的演員是成龍。我喜歡他的電影 “喜劇之王” 。我認為這是一個成功的喜劇。 至于動作片,我最喜歡“指環(huán)王”。它令人興奮。我喜歡紀錄片,因為他們是真實的故事。我只喜歡一些恐怖片。許多恐怖片都太恐怖和無聊。9.請你寫一篇短文介紹你的周末生活。i have a good weekend. on saturday morning ,i do my homework. after lunch, i go shoppi

25、ng with my mother. at about five oclock, i go to play basketball with my friend. on sunday, i watch a football game on tv. i often help my mother do housework. i watch tv with my parents in the evening. then i go to bed at nine oclock. i m very happy on weekends. 10.以 my favorite為題,寫一篇短文my favorite

26、subject is english. i like it because it is interesting. i have english every day. i can speak a little english. i join the school english club. every afternoon i go there to talk in english. i can see the english movies and read english books. i think it is useful for me. i want to learn it well. i

27、 like english very much. 11.介紹你的一日三餐。hello, everyone! i dont like sports, but i like eating very much. i eat a lot food every day. for breakfast, i like milk, eggs and bread a lot . for lunch, i like french fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. for dinnerr, i like fruits, vegetables and rice. 12.my

28、 day(我的一天)i get up early at six every day. after doing some morning exercises, i read english for twenty minutes. at seven i have breakfast. after breakfast i take my schoolbag and go to school. our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. after lunch at 12 oclock, i take a sh

29、ort rest in the classroom. we have three more classes in the afternoon.after school at five , i go back home. i often help my mother do some housework. sometimes i watch tv. after dinner, i begin to do my homework. then i take a shower. i go to bed at nine thirty. 9.我有一個美好的周末。星期六早上,我做我的功課。午飯后,我和我的母親

30、去購物。大約 5 點,我和我的朋友一起玩籃球。 星期天,我在電視上觀看足球比賽。我經(jīng)常幫助媽媽做家務。 晚上我與我的父母看電視。 然后我在九點鐘去睡覺。 周末我很高興。10.我最喜歡的科目是英語。我喜歡它,因為它很有趣。我每一天都有英語課。我會講一點英語。我參加了學校的英語俱樂部。每天下午我去那里用英語交談。我可以看英文電影和閱讀英文書籍。我想這對我來說是有用的。 我想學好它。 我非常喜歡英語。11.大家好!我不喜歡運動,但我很喜歡吃。我每天吃很多食物。早餐,我非常喜歡牛奶,雞蛋和面包。午餐,我喜歡薯條,雞肉,漢堡包和蘋果。對于晚餐,我喜歡水果,蔬菜和大米。12.我每天早上六點起床。 做了早操

31、后, 我讀英語 20 分鐘。七點吃早餐。 早飯后,我?guī)衔业臅ド蠈W。我們的課始于八點,我們早上有四節(jié)課。在12 點吃午飯后,我要在教室里作短暫的休息。我們在下午還有3 節(jié)課。在 5 點放學后 .我回到家里。我經(jīng)常幫助媽媽做一些家務,有時候我看電視。晚飯后,我就開始做家庭作業(yè)。然后我沖個澡。我在九點半去睡覺。七年級下冊u1 假設你是胡芳,你想在網(wǎng)上找一個筆友,請根據(jù)你的實際情況寫一封電子郵件,內(nèi)容包括姓名、年齡、國籍、語言、愛好等等,開頭已給出。dear friend, my name is hu fang.i want to find a pen pal.i m 14 years old,

32、i live in zhejiang,china,i speak chinese.,i can speak english.i like play computer games and watch movies,my favorite movie is d.gray-man.i like it very much. please write and tell me about your self. hu fang u2 給遠方的筆友寫一封信,介紹一下你的鄰近環(huán)境。dear lisa, i want to talk to you about my neighborhood. near my ho

33、use is a hotel.across from my house is a book store,it s very clean.the park is across from the hotel.behind the book store is a post office.across from the post office is my school,it s not very big but clean. yours, li yang u3 在我家附近的動物園里,有一頭小象叫l(wèi)arry ,他來自非洲,七歲了,他喜歡吃水果和草。他對人們很友好。他喜歡玩水。他喜歡和游人玩。他既高大又強

34、壯還有一個長鼻子,他的牙也很長。他的耳朵像兩把大扇子。我非常喜歡他。there is a baby elephant in the zoo .its name is larry .it comes from africa .it s 7 years old .it likes eating fruit and grass. it s friendly to people .it likes playing with water and the people . it is tall and strong .it has a long nose .its teeth are long ,too.

35、its ears are very big like two fans . i like it very much . u4 假如你叫carl smith ,你擅長寫作和交談。希望在電視臺從事記者工作。你的年齡是24 歲,會英語和法語兩種語言。寫一封求職信。50 詞左右。dear sir, i m carl simth.i m 24years old . i m good at writing and talking .i can speak english and french . i want to be a reporter in your tv station .i think i c

36、an do wellin the new job .please give me a chance .i ll try my best to do my job better . thank you very much . yours, carl smith u5 假設現(xiàn)在是星期日上午8:30, dave 和他的同伴們正在公園玩,請根據(jù)下面提供的信息寫一下他們的活動。name activity place dave 、jim and kevin play soccer over there kate and sally dance under a tree linda play the vio

37、lin behind the tree judie read a book near a tree tom and ken swim at a pool brad listen to music near the pool it is 8:30 on saturday morning .it s very fine today .dave and his friends are in the park .there are many people here .it s very busy in the park .look!what are dave s friends doing ?well

38、 ,dave ,jim and kevin are playing soccer over there .kate and sally are dancing under a tree .linda is playing the ciolin behind the tree . near the tree,judie is reading a book .where are tom and ken ?oh,they are swimming at a pool .they swim very well .brad is listening to the music near the pool

39、.he likes music very much .they are all happy . u6 天氣預報的短文good morning ! here s the weather report for some big cities in the world . beijing is cloudy . it s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . in hong kong there s beautiful sunshine. people will feel cool in the daytime. it is sunny

40、in new york , but there s a strong wind in the afternoon. it will be rainy in sydney but very hot. the day after tomorrow will be sunny. that s the weather report for today . thank you for listening . u7 根據(jù)提供的信息寫一篇短文:湯姆高高的個子,中等身材, 金色的短直發(fā), 會講英語和一點漢語,喜歡打籃球,最喜歡的動物是熊貓和海豚。他認為熊貓很可愛,海豚很聰明。tom is tall and h

41、as a medium bulid .he has short blonde straight hair .he can speak english and a little chinese.he likes reading books and playing basketball .his favorite animals are panadas and dolphins .he thinks panadasare cute and dolphins are clever. u8 假如你是披薩店的老板,請寫一則廣告介紹一下你店里披薩的種類。would you like some pizzas

42、? please come to the house of pizza .there are all kinds of pizzas heresmall ones ,medium ones and large ones .we also have two specials .one is onions and salad,and the other is tomotoes,potatoes and cheese .the prices are quite reasonable .welcome to the house of pizza .i think you will like them

43、. u9 描述一下你上周末是怎么樣度過的。(注意時態(tài))i had a busy weekend. on saturday morning ,i got up early in the morning .then i cleaned my bedroom and had breakfast quickly ,because i wanted to help my uncle to do some farm work .i worked hard all day .in the evening,i went home . on sunday morning ,i did my homework a

44、t home .and it was a little difficult .in the afternoon , i played football with my classmates .i was tired but i was happy over the weekend . u10 用過去時態(tài)描寫假日或周末的短文、日記jenny had a busy weekend . last saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking english at home . she watched tv and played tennis on saturday afternoon. that night, she went to the movies. on sunday morning , she cleaned her


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