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1、Unit6 TOPiC2 SeCtiO nC 精品教案I. Material an alysisSeCtiOn C是一節(jié)閱讀、寫作課,主要活動是1a, 2和3a。通過圖片所創(chuàng)設的情景,將學生帶入閱讀材料的語境中,呈現一篇關于自己居住社區(qū)的周邊設施 的介紹,給學生提供寫作的范文;還將要求學生根據1a所學內容,結合自己的實際情況寫一篇介紹自己社區(qū)的短文,是一個信息輸出的過程,旨在培養(yǎng)學生的 寫作能力;語音板塊通過聽錄音完成不同的任務,來復習所學語音,培養(yǎng)學生的 辨音能力、單詞的連讀、句子的升降調以及正確的朗讀習慣。本課涉及鄰里關系, 因此教師在教學英語知識與技能的同時,應引導學生學會和他人和諧相處

2、,共創(chuàng) 美好的生活氛圍。本課也是一堂閱讀課,教師應該摒棄傳統的滿堂灌,轉換為對 學生閱讀能力的培養(yǎng),包括略讀、掃讀、尋找細節(jié)信息、信息轉換能力等,為學 生的終身英語閱讀打下良好的基礎。II. TeaChi ng aims1.K no WIedge aims能根據已學語音、音標及發(fā)音規(guī)則,正確朗讀并能拼寫下列詞匯:SUCh as, com mun ity, child, ChiIdre n, a lot of, lots of, sport, close, close to, far, farfrom, service, area, colorful能夠在篇章敘述中,熟練運用there be句型

3、來介紹自己居住的社區(qū)、社區(qū)環(huán) 境和周邊設施;能夠就 談論社區(qū)環(huán)境、周邊設施”等話題進行交流與陳述,如:(1) There are a lot of tall build ings and small garde ns in our com mun ity.(2) There is a com munity SerViCe Cen ter in our area.2.Skill aims能聽懂簡單的課堂用語并做出適當的反應;能根據圖文就居住環(huán)境和鄰里關系等基本話題進行交流;能根據圖文理解相關話題,并根據要求進行學習活動;能寫出介紹自己居住的社區(qū)環(huán)境的短文。3. Emotio nal aims能夠

4、在游戲、小對話、小表演等活動中,培養(yǎng)出學習英語的興趣和積極主動 的學習精神;能夠與同伴積極合作,參與課堂活動,大膽實踐;能夠學會和他人和諧相處,共創(chuàng)美好的生活氛圍。HLThe key POintSand difficult POintS1. 能夠在篇章敘述中,熟練運用there be句型來介紹社區(qū)環(huán)境和周邊設施;2. 能夠在閱讀過程中,學會略讀、掃讀、精讀等技能。IV. Lear ning StrategieS1. 能夠養(yǎng)成運用圖片、關鍵詞、背景知識等幫助閱讀理解的學習策略;2. 能夠清楚、大聲地進行朗讀,認真聽錄音和老師的發(fā)音,大膽開口,反復 模仿;3. 能在學習過程中養(yǎng)成預習和復習的學習習

5、慣。V. TeaCh ing aids錄音機、教學掛圖、閃卡和黑板VI. TeaCh ing PrOCedUreS12 / 9StePIn troductio n(5 min UteS)In teractio nPatter n1. The whole class work.2. Group work.StUde nt activity1.Focus their attention onthe teacher.2. Sit in groups. DeSig n a map about your com mun ity ,in clud ing the post office, the book

6、store, the hospital, the bank and so on. DraW it on the paper. Then show it to the class and in troduce it to the whole class.TeaCher activityready for lear ni2.Make theStUde nts PraCti( the words about the com mun ity in Written and oral work.ng.e.g.In Our COm mun ity, there are two ban ks. Near th

7、e banks there is a big supermarket. We Can go shopp ing in it. I n front of the SUPermarket there is a post OffiCe .3. Pair work.3.Suppose one of your n eighbors comes to borrow your bike. Thi nk3.Make theStUde nts USe thexpressi ons abouOfferi ng andWhat you may say, USing the Senten CeS about Offe

8、ri ng and ask ing forask ing for help iSeCtiO n B inand Writte n work.about a conv ersati on abouthelp.e.g.A: EXCUSe me. I am your new n eighbor, Jack.B: Oh, welcome, Jack.Would you like me to help you?A: Yes, tha nks. May I borrow your bike? I Want to go to the library, but it ' S a little far

9、from here.B: Of course. Here is the key.A: Thanks a lot.B: You' rwelcome.4.Help theStUde nts revise the words aboutbuild ings in the com mun ity in SeCt ion B. Lead to 1a.4. Group COmPetiti on. Look at the PiCtUreS of4. Group work.build ings in the com mun ity. An SWer the teacher ' question

10、s. Try to Say the n ames of them and What you Can do there as quickly as you can. The group WhiCh Can an SWer the most questio ns COrreCtIy will be the Winnerin this group COmPetiti on.T: What Can you See in this picture?(Show a PiCtUre of a supermarket.) S: A supermarket.T: What Can you do there? S

11、: We Can buy some no tebooks, PenSand so on in it.T: Today, We have a friend, Lin da. She WantS to show US a beautiful PiCtUrePreSe ntati On(10 mi nutes)1. The whole class work and in dividual work.2. In dividual work and Pair work.3. Pair work.about her com mun ity.Would you like to have alook?1. L

12、ook at the PiCtUre in1a. Say the PIaCeS inEn glish, SUCh as shops,school and so on. Lear nsome new words, com mun ity, child, sport, close, far from, service, area, colorful .2. Look at the PiCtUreS andSay the PIaCeS as quickly as you can. Then Say the words accord ing to your Partner 'escriptio

13、n in pairs.A: My home is not far from my school. “ Nofar ” . B: “ Closeo ”.1.Prese nt new words With the help of thePiCtUreS and flashcards.2. Go on Iear ningthe new words3. Pre-reading. Work in PairS and complete thetasks before readi ng.Un derl ine the PIaCeS in En glish first. Then discuss With y

14、our Part ner, “ Dgou like living there? Why?4. WhiIe-reading. Read 1a3. Make theStUde nts get ready before readi ng.4. I ndividual work, group work and the whole class work.and get the main idea of this passage.Read aga in and fill in the bla nks in 1b.Read the third time andCirCIe TrUe or False in

15、1c.DiSCUSS the an SWerS in groups. The whole class CheCk the an SWerS together.4.Make the StUde nts lear n to get the detailed in formati ontocomplete the ta while readi ng.COn SOlidati On(10 mi nutes)1. Pair work.1. Post-reading. Retell 1ain PairS With the help of the PiCtUre in 1a and the frame in

16、 1b.Some PairS retell the PaSSage With your own words to the whole class.1.To be a goo liste ner.PraCtiCe (10 mi nutes)1.1 ndividual work and Pair work.2. The whole1. Do 3a. Read the word groups in 3a. Try to find the word With the differe nt sound in each group. Then liste n to the tape and CheCk t

17、he an SWerS With your Part ner. After that, read after the tape.2. Do 3b. LiSten to the teacher. Lear n the gestures about the rising tone and1. Play the tape recorder and CheCk the an SWe2. Make theStUde nts know liais on, the risirclass work and Pair work.3. I ndividual work and Pair work.the fall

18、i ng tone. Payatte nti on to the sound and the liais on. DiSCUSS the rules With your Part ner. The n liste n to the tape and read the Cha nt aloud together. After that, some PairS read the Cha nt to the whole class.3. Read the Senten CeS on the blackboard WhiCh are give n by the teacher. Pay attenti

19、on to the liaison, the rising tone and the falli ng tone.PrOdUCti On(10 mi nutes)1.1 ndividual work and Pair work.1. Do 2. DraW a PiCtUre of your com mun ity. Then draw UP a frame like 1b about your com mun ity. DiSCUSS your com mun ity With your Partner. Then Write dow n a PaSSage to describe your

20、com mun ity. After that, CheCk your PaSSage With your Part ner. e.g.Frametone and the falli ng tone.3.Make theStUde nts PraCtiCe the liaiso n, the rising tone and the falling tone in other Senten ces.1. Make theStUde nts USe the expressi OnS about com mun ity in Oral and Writte n work after lear nin

21、g.What's n the com mun ity?(1) Ma ny people: teachers, doctors, OffiCerS and so on;(2) A lot of tall buildi ngs: school, library, post office.(3) Com mun ity SerViCe Cen ter;PaSSageMy n ame is Joh nson. I live in MeiShancun. It 'as big community. It 'like a big family. Many doctors, teachers and OffiCerS live here.2. ASSig n the ho


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