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1、 中醫(yī)英語常用語(一)中醫(yī)方劑名稱的翻譯方法從目前的翻譯實(shí)踐來看,方劑名稱均可以音譯。如“麻黃湯”可譯為Mahuang Decoction,“桂枝湯”可譯為Guizhi Decoction。也有的將劑型也予以音譯。但也有不少人采用直譯或意譯的方式翻譯方劑名稱。但在具體翻譯時(shí)有的采用英語翻譯方劑名稱中的中藥名(如將“桂枝湯”譯為Cinnamon Twig Decoction),有的則采用拉丁語翻譯(如將“桂枝湯”譯為Ramulus Cinnamoni Decoction)。有關(guān)中藥名稱的翻譯問題,請(qǐng)參見第二十課的有關(guān)內(nèi)容。就直譯和意譯而言,方劑名稱的翻譯可以有如下一些方式:以方中君藥命名的方劑譯

2、式為:主藥名劑型名,如“麻黃湯”可譯為Herba Ephedrae Decoction或Ephedra Decoction。以主治病證命名的方劑譯式為:病證名劑型名,如“疝氣湯”可譯為Hernia Decoction。以動(dòng)物命名的方劑譯式為:動(dòng)物名劑型名,如“白虎湯”可譯為White Tiger Decoction,“青龍湯”可譯為Blue Dragon Decoction。以借喻法命名的方劑譯式為:借喻物劑型名,如“碧玉散”可譯為Jasper Powder,“玉女煎”可譯為Jade Maiden Decoction。以功效命名的方劑譯式為:功效劑型名,如“溫脾湯”可譯為Spleen-Warm

3、ing Decoction或Decoction for Warming the Spleen。以服藥時(shí)間命名的方劑譯式為:時(shí)間劑型名,如“雞鳴散”可譯為Rooster-Crowing Powder,“雞蘇散”可譯為Rooster-Waking Powder。以主藥加功效命名的方劑譯式為:主藥劑型名for功效,如“朱砂安神丸”可譯為Cinnabaris (或Cinnabar)Decoction for Tranquilizing the Mind,“黃連解毒湯”可譯為Rhizoma Coptidis (或Coptis)Decoctioin for Relieving Toxin。8以顏色命名的方

4、劑譯式為:顏色+劑型名,如“桃花湯”可譯為Peach Blossom Decoction,“紫雪丹”可譯為Purple-Snow Bolus。9以加減方式命名的方劑譯式為:君藥+劑型名+plus(加)或minus(減)+加上或減去的藥物名稱,如“桂枝加(減)芍藥湯”可譯為Ramulus Cinnamoni (或Cinnamon Twig)Decoction Plus Radix Paeoniae(或Peony)。10以方中所含諸藥數(shù)加功效命名的方劑譯式為:所含諸藥數(shù)+劑型名+for+功效,如“五味消毒飲”可譯為Five-Ingredient Decoction for Eliminating

5、Toxin。(三)中醫(yī)方劑常見劑型及其翻譯中醫(yī)方劑劑型比較多,現(xiàn)就其主要種類與譯法分述如下:1湯劑:Decoction2散劑:Powder3丸劑:可譯為Bolus(大丸藥)、Pellet(小丸藥)或Pill(1)蜜丸:Honeyed Bolus(2)水丸:Water Pellet(3)糊丸:Paste Pill(4)濃縮丸:Condensed Pellet4膏劑:Paste, Ointment, Plaster, Salve(1)流浸膏:Liquid Extract(2)浸膏:Extract(3)煎膏:Decocted Paste(4)軟膏:Ointment, Paste(5)硬膏:Plast

6、er 5丹劑:與丸劑同,只因多用精練藥品或貴重藥品制成,所以稱丹不稱丸。6酒劑:Vinum 7茶劑:Medicinal Tea8藥露:Syrup 9錠劑:Lozenge, Pastille, Troche10糖漿劑:Syrup11片劑:Tablet12沖服劑:Granule 13針劑:Injection14栓劑:Suppository15膠囊劑:Capsule(二)中藥藥性的翻譯1Among these materials, flowers, herbs and trees are the ones most frequently used, that is why Chinese mater

7、ia medica is called Chinese medicinal herbs.在這些藥物中,大多數(shù)是、草和樹木,所以中藥又稱為中草藥。2The Chinese medicinal herbs are characterized by four properties (cold, heat, warm and cool) and five tastes (sour, bitter, sweet, acrid or pungent-spicy and salty). 中草藥具有寒、熱、溫、涼四種不同的藥性(即四氣)和酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五種不同的味道(即五味)。3Herbs such as

8、 prepared aconite root (Fuzi), which relieve cold syndromes, are characterized as warm or hot. 象附子這樣能解除寒證的草藥性屬溫?zé)帷?When the taste is not obvious, it is known as bland or tasteless. 味道不明顯的草藥為淡味或無味。5Also, some herbs are characterized as astringent. 還有一些藥物具有收澀的作用。6Herbs that have a dispersing function a

9、re pungent-spicy. 辛味之藥具有宣散作用。7Herbs may be cold, slightly cold and very cold; bitter, slightly bitter and very bitter; etc. 藥物或者為寒、微寒和大寒;或者為苦、微苦和苦甚。8The functional tendencies of herbs are marked by ascending, descending, floating and sinking. 藥物的作用趨勢(shì)為升降沉浮。9Herbs that ascend and float move upward and

10、 outward; they promote sweating, raise yang, cause vomiting and open the orifices.具有升浮作用的藥物有發(fā)汗、升陽、涌吐和開竅的功效。 10Herbs that descend and sink move downward and inward, conduct qi downward, promote urination and defecation, subdue yang and calm the mind. 具有降沉作用的藥物有行氣、通便、潛陽和安神的功效11In addition, processing

11、and preparation may change the taste and property of the herb and influence its functional tendencies. 另外,炮制有可能改變藥物的性味和影響藥物的作用趨向。12A herb may selectively act upon a particular part of the body to relieve pathogenic change in specific meridians and organs. 一個(gè)藥物可以有選擇性地作用于人體的某一特定部位以消除某一經(jīng)絡(luò)或器官的病變。13The m

12、eridians that a herb enters depend on the corresponding symptoms relieved. 一個(gè)藥物歸于何經(jīng)取決于它所祛除之癥狀。14In the Chinese Materia Medica, the words “toxic, nontoxic, very toxic or slightly toxic” often appear. 在中華本草一書中,“有毒、無毒、有大毒或有小毒”等詞經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)。15No overdose of toxic herbs should be given as this may lead to side

13、effects. 使用有毒的藥物時(shí)不要多量,以免帶來副作用。(三)中醫(yī)治則的翻譯方法1Diaphoresis, also known as exterior-relieving method, is a therapeutic method used to open the muscular interstices and relieve exterior syndrome with the herbs for relieving the exterior and inducing sweating. 汗法,也叫解表法,是運(yùn)用解表發(fā)汗的方藥,開泄肌腠,解除表證的一種治療方法。2It also

14、can be used to treat edema serious above the waist, early stage of carbuncle and ulcer as well as inhibited eruption of measles with the same manifestations mentioned above. 本法也可以用以治療水腫病腰以上腫甚、瘡瘍病初起,以及麻疹透發(fā)不暢等具有上述證候者。3Diaphoresis is either induced by herbs acrid in taste and warm in nature or by herbs

15、 acrid in taste and cool in nature. 汗法有辛溫發(fā)汗和辛涼發(fā)汗之分。4the method of nourishing yin to induce sweating 滋陰發(fā)汗5the therapy of supporting yang to induce sweating 助陽發(fā)汗6Emesis is a therapeutic method used to direct pathogenic factors or toxic materials to be vomited out through the mouth. 吐法是引導(dǎo)病邪或有毒物質(zhì),使之從口涌吐

16、而出的一種治療方法。7Emetic therapy is usually used to treat sthenia syndrome with urgency to vomit out things retained inside. 吐法常用以治療病情急迫而必須迅速吐出積滯的實(shí)證。 8Purgation is a therapeutic method used to discharge feces, eliminate retention of substance and fluid inside the body and relieve accumulation of sthenia-he

17、at with the prescriptions and herbs effective for catharsis. 下法是運(yùn)用具有瀉下作用的方藥,通過瀉下大便,攻逐體內(nèi)結(jié)滯和積水,并解除實(shí)熱蘊(yùn)結(jié)的一種治療方法。9Mediation is a therapeutic method used for eliminating pathogenic factors and supporting healthy qi. 和法是祛除病邪扶助正氣的一種治療方法。10This therapy is used to treat a variety of syndromes, such as shaoyan

18、g syndrome marked by alternative chills and fever in the semi-exterior and semi-interior phase; irregular menstruation due to disharmony between the liver and stomach and stagnation of liver qi; abdominal pain and diarrhea due to hyperactivity of the liver and asthenia of the spleen.這一療法應(yīng)用范圍廣,如往來寒熱于

19、半表半里的少陽證,肝胃不和、肝氣郁結(jié)所致的月經(jīng)不調(diào),以及肝旺脾虛的腹痛、瀉泄等。11Clinically mediation is divided into four types: mediating shaoyang, relaxing the liver and harmonizing the stomach, regulating the liver and spleen, and regulating the intestines and stomach.臨床上和法分為四種:和解少陽,適用于邪在半表半里之間的少陽證;舒肝和胃,適用于肝氣犯胃,胃失和降;調(diào)和肝脾,適用于肝脾失調(diào);調(diào)和腸胃

20、,適用于邪在腸胃,寒熱互見。12Warming therapy, also known as cold-eliminating therapy, is a therapeutic method used to eliminate pathogenic cold and invigorate yangqi with the prescriptions and herbs warm and hot in nature. 溫法,也叫祛寒法,是運(yùn)用性質(zhì)溫?zé)岬姆剿?,以祛除寒邪和補(bǔ)益陽氣的一種治療方法。13Clinically warming therapy is divided into three t

21、ypes: warming the middle to eliminate cold, resolving phlegm and retention of fluid by warming and restoring yang to rescue collapse.臨床上溫法分為三類:溫中祛寒、溫化痰飲、回陽救逆。 14Warming therapy also includes such therapeutic methods as warming the lung to resolve fluid retention, warming the kidney to promote water

22、metabolism, warming meridians and the liver and warming the stomach to regulate qi. 溫法還包括溫肺化飲、溫腎利水、溫經(jīng)暖肝、溫胃利氣等。15Heat-clearing therapy is a therapeutic method used to clear away heat by means of reducing fire, removing toxin and cooling blood with the prescriptions and herbs cold and cool in nature.

23、清法是運(yùn)用性質(zhì)寒涼的方藥,通過瀉火、解毒、涼血等作用,以清除熱邪的一種治療方法。16Heat-clearing therapy is clinically divided into four types: clearing away heat to reduce fire, clearing away heat to remove toxin, clearing away heat at ying phase to cool blood, and nourishing yin to clear away heat.臨床上清法分為四類:清熱瀉火、清熱解毒、清營(yíng)涼血、養(yǎng)陰清熱。17Resoluti

24、on is a therapeutic method used to remove the retention of food and eliminate stagnation with herbs effective for promoting digestion. 消法是運(yùn)用助消化、導(dǎo)食滯的方藥,以消積導(dǎo)滯的一種治療方法。18Clinically resolution is divided into three types: promoting digestion to eliminate food retention, removing mass and resolving accumu

25、lation and regulating qi to resolve stasis. 臨床上消法分為三類:消食導(dǎo)滯、消痞化積、行氣消瘀。19Other resolving therapies include resolving phlegm to remove fluid retention, resolving water to subside swelling and softening hardness to resolve stagnation.消法還包括消痰化飲、消水散腫及軟堅(jiān)散結(jié)。20Invigorating therapy is a therapeutic method use

26、d to treat asthenia and weakness by means of supplementing essence, blood and body fluid with the prescriptions and herbs effective for tonifying and reinforcing the body. 補(bǔ)法是運(yùn)用滋養(yǎng)強(qiáng)壯作用的方藥,以補(bǔ)充精、血、津液等物質(zhì),消除虛弱證候的一種療法。21Clinically invigorating therapy is divided into four types: invigorating qi, tonifying

27、 blood, invigorating yin, invigorating yang.臨床上補(bǔ)法分為五類:補(bǔ)氣、補(bǔ)血、補(bǔ)陰、補(bǔ)陽。(四)病機(jī)病癥翻譯1. Pathogenesis refers to the mechanism involved in the occurrence, development and changes of disease. 病機(jī)即疾病發(fā)生、發(fā)展與變化的機(jī)理。2Such a combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors damages the relative equilibrium between yin an

28、d yang in the body, or leads to dysfunction of the viscera and meridians, or results in disturbance of qi and blood, which consequently bring on various local or general pathological changes. 正邪相爭(zhēng)破壞了人體陰陽的相對(duì)平衡,或使臟腑、經(jīng)絡(luò)功能失調(diào),或使氣血功能紊亂,從而產(chǎn)生全身或局部的多種多樣的病理變化。3Although diseases are various and clinical manife

29、stations are complicated, the pathogenesis, in general, involves no more than such factors as superabundance or decline between healthy qi and pathogenic factors, imbalance between yin and yang, disorder of qi and blood as well as dysfunction of the viscera and meridians.盡管疾病的種類繁多,臨床征象錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜,但總離不開邪正盛衰

30、、陰陽失調(diào)、氣血失常、經(jīng)絡(luò)和臟腑功能紊亂等病機(jī)變化的一般規(guī)律。4In this case the healthy qi is difficult to launch an intense struggle against pathogenic factors and eventually leads to an asthenia syndrome. 在這種情況下,正氣難以有力抗擊邪氣,引起虛證。5The clinical manifestations of asthenia syndrome are spiritual and physical lassitude, lusterless co

31、mplexion, palpitation and shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, or feverish sensation over five centers (palms, soles and chest), or aversion to cold and cold limbs and weak pulse, etc. 虛證的臨床表現(xiàn)是神疲體倦、面容憔悴,心悸氣短,自汗,盜汗,五心煩熱,畏寒肢冷,脈虛無力等。6Under such a condition, the conflict between he

32、althy qi and pathogenic factors is intense and brings on a sthenia syndrome. 在這種情況下,邪正之爭(zhēng)激烈,導(dǎo)致實(shí)證。7The clinical manifestations of sthenia syndrome are profuse phlegm, indigestion, accumulation of fluid and dampness, interior retention of blood stasis, high fever, mania, high and coarse voice, unpalpab

33、le abdominal pain, constipation, dysuria and powerful pulse, etc.實(shí)證的臨床表現(xiàn)是壯熱,狂燥,聲高氣粗,腹痛拒按,二便不通,脈實(shí)有力等 8The pathological changes of imbalance between yin and yang mainly include relative predominance, relative decline, mutual consumption, mutual rejection and depletion of yin and yang. 陰陽失調(diào)的病理變化包括陰陽偏勝、

34、陰陽偏衰、陰陽的護(hù)損、陰陽的格拒和陰陽的亡失。9“exuberance of pathogenic factors leads to sthenia”“邪氣盛則實(shí)”10That is why it is said in Su Wen that “predominance of yang causes external heat”. 所以素問說:“陽盛則外熱”。11Relative decline of yin and yang refers to asthenia syndrome because “l(fā)oss of essence leads to asthenia”. 陰陽的偏衰指的是“精氣

35、奪則虛”的虛證。12Relative decline of yang is mainly caused by congenital deficiency, or postnatal malnutrition and endogenous impairment due to overstrain, or prolonged illness consuming yangqi. 陽偏衰主要由先天稟賦不足,或后天飲食失養(yǎng)和勞倦內(nèi)傷,或久病損傷陽氣所致。13The causes of relative decline of yin are various, such as pathogenic fact

36、ors of yang nature impairing yin, fire transformed from extreme changes of emotions damaging yin and prolonged illness consuming yin. 陰偏衰多由陽邪傷陰,或因五志過極,化火傷陰,或因久病耗傷陰液所致。14The usual symptoms caused by relative decline of yin are feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles and chest), bone-st

37、eaming, tidal fever, flushed cheeks, emaciation, night sweating, dry mouth and throat and reddish tongue with scanty coating as well as thin, rapid and weak pulse.陰偏衰的常見癥狀為五心煩熱、骨蒸、潮熱、面赤、消瘦、盜汗、口干咽燥、舌紅少苔、脈細(xì)數(shù)無力等。15Mutual consumption means that the asthenia or deficiency of yin or yang affects its oppon

38、ent, consequently bringing on simultaneous asthenia of both yin and yang. 互損指的是陰或陽任何一方的虛損影響及相對(duì)的一方,形成陰陽兩虛的病機(jī)。16The asthenia of yin leading to asthenia of yang is known as yin consuming yang and the asthenia of yang resulting in asthenia of yin is called yang consuming yin. 陰虛而導(dǎo)致陽虛稱為陰損及陽,陽虛導(dǎo)致陰虛稱為陽損及陰。

39、17The former refers to a morbid state marked by asthenia of both yin and yang resulting from yin asthenia due to loss of yin-fluid that makes the production of yangqi deficient. 前者指陰液虧損累及陽氣化生不足,形成以陰虛為主的陰陽兩虛病理狀態(tài)。18The latter refers to a morbid state marked by asthenia of both yin and yang resulting f

40、rom asthenia of yang that affects the production of yin-fluid. 后者指陽氣虛累及陰液的化生,從而形成以陽虛為主的陰陽兩虛病理狀態(tài)。19Mutual rejection between yin and yang means that the extreme superabundance of either yin or yang stagnates inside and rejects its opponent, consequently bringing on complicated pathological phenomena s

41、uch as true cold and false heat or true heat and false cold. 陰陽格拒指陰或陽的一方偏勝至極,因而壅遏于內(nèi),將另一方排斥格拒于外,從而出現(xiàn)真寒假熱或真熱假寒等復(fù)雜的病理現(xiàn)象。20Superabundance of yin rejecting yang, also known as rejection of yang, means that interior exuberance of yin drives yang to float exteriorly, clinically leading to such false-heat s

42、ymptoms as flushed cheeks, dysphoric fever, thirst and large pulse.陰盛格陽,又稱格陽,指陰寒之邪壅盛于內(nèi),逼迫陽氣浮越于外的病理狀態(tài),臨床表現(xiàn)為面紅、煩熱、口渴、脈大等假熱之象。21 Exuberance of yang rejecting yin, also known as rejection of yin, means that interior predominance of pathogenic heat stagnate yang and prevents it from reaching the limbs, c

43、linically resulting in such false-cold symptoms as deep cold sensation of the limbs and sunken pulse.陽盛格陰,又稱格陰,指熱邪內(nèi)盛,陽氣被遏,不能外達(dá)于肢體,臨床表現(xiàn)為四肢逆冷、脈象沉伏等假寒之象。22Loss of yin or yang refers to a critical morbid state due to sudden and excessive loss of yin-fluid or yangqi. 陰陽亡失指機(jī)體的陰液或陽氣的突然大量亡失,導(dǎo)致生命垂危的一種病理狀態(tài)。 2

44、2Loss of yin is frequently caused by superabundance of pathogenic heat or prolonged retention of pathogenic heat that scorches yin-fluid, or by other factors that excessively consumes yin-fluid.亡陰常由熱邪熾盛,或邪熱久留,大量灼陰液所致,也可由其它因素大量耗損陰液而致。23“five endogenous pathogenic factors” 內(nèi)生五邪 (五)有關(guān)痰的翻譯1. The experie

45、nce was unique, at times hard or tryingyet taken as a whole, invaluable and enriching. (在該院的)經(jīng)歷是不同尋常的,雖然有時(shí)艱難或者難堪,但總的來說是很有價(jià)值的和豐富的。2. In traditional Chinese medicine, the term “phlegm” has two meanings. In a narrow sense, it is that substance which one expectorates. In a broader sense, it is the subst

46、ance which can lodge in the meridians and organs, manifesting as phlegm syndromes. 在中醫(yī)里,痰有兩層意思。狹義的痰指的是由喉嚨咯出的痰; 廣義的痰指的是可以停滯在經(jīng)絡(luò)和器官里并引起痰證的痰。3. The production of phlegm is mainly associated with a dysfunction in the transformation, transportation and elimination of fluid resulting from disorders of the

47、lungs, spleen and kidneys. Phlegm is a progression of dampness, but is heavier and thicker than dampness, and even more likely to cause blockage and obstruction. Phlegm is both the result and cause of disharmony.痰的生成主要與肺脾和腎臟病變引起的運(yùn)化和排泄水液功能失調(diào)有關(guān)。痰是濕之甚,但比濕厚重, 甚至更易于引起阻滯和閉塞。痰既是失調(diào)的結(jié)果, 有時(shí)失調(diào)的原因。4. The spleen

48、 is said to form phlegm, and the lungs are said to store it. Phlegm may be both the cause and result of the failure of the dispersing and descending function of the lungs. 脾是生痰之源, 肺為儲(chǔ)痰之器。肺失宣降可以引起痰,痰也可以導(dǎo)致肺失宣降。5. This can manifest as fullness and distension in the epigastrium, borborygmus, loose stool

49、s, lethargyledi:, and generalized heavy sensation. 這可以表現(xiàn)為胃脘部脹滿, 腸鳴, 便溏, 昏睡, 及全身困重。6. Deficiency of kidney yang may lead to a dysfunction in the transformation of water, causing water to flood upward, and resulting in the formation of phlegm. 腎陽虛可導(dǎo)致水濕運(yùn)化失常,從而引起水液上泛, 形成痰液。7. Exophthalmic goiter is a co

50、ndition marked by protrusion of the eyeballs, increased heart action, enlargement of the thyroid gland, weight loss, nervousness, fine tremor of the extended fingers and tongue, altered bowel activity, heat intolerance, and excessive sweating.眼球突出性甲狀腺的特征是眼球突出, 心跳加快,甲狀腺增大,體重下降,緊張, 指端微微顫動(dòng), 大便失常, 惡熱, 多

51、汗等。8. In traditional Chinese medicine, this condition is regarded as arising from emotional distress or frustration, which may cause stagnation of the liver qi and spleen qi and the accumulation of phlegm. 在中醫(yī)里,這中病理狀態(tài)被看作是情志不遂所致, 可引起肝脾之氣郁結(jié)及痰液聚積。9. If, in addition, this prolonged stagnation of the qi

52、has transformed into fire, there may be damage to the heart yin with irritability, mental restlessness, and palpitations.另外,如果氣郁化火, 則可傷心陰, 癥見易怒, 心煩和心悸等。(六)八綱相關(guān)翻譯1The manifestations of diseases, though complicated, can be generalized into certain patterns in the light of the eight principles. 疾病的表現(xiàn)盡管

53、極其復(fù)雜,但基本上都可以用八綱加以歸納。2So it is said in Su Wen “the experienced diagnosticians inspect complexion and take pulse to differentiate yin and yang first.” 所以素問說:“善診者,察色按脈,先別陰陽?!?Generally speaking, any syndromes that correspond to “yin” in nature are termed yin syndromes, such as interior syndrome, cold s

54、yndrome and asthenia syndrome; while any syndromes that correspond to “yang” in nature are termed yang syndromes, such as exterior syndrome, heat syndrome and sthenia syndrome. 一般地講,凡符合“陰”的屬性的證候稱為陰證,如里證、寒證、虛證等;凡符合“陽”的屬性的證候稱為陽證,如表證、熱證、實(shí)證等。4 lying with the knees drawn up蜷臥5The differentiation of syndr

55、omes according to the exterior and interior syndromes is applicable to exogenous diseases for the purpose of detecting the depth of transmission and the development of pathological changes. 表里辨證適用于外感病,可察知病情的輕重深淺及病理變化的趨勢(shì)。6Interior penetration of the exogenous pathogenic factors indicates progress of

56、the disease while exterior withdrawal of the endogenous pathogenic factors suggests receding of the disease.表邪入里為病進(jìn),里邪出表為病退。 7The interior syndrome, usually seen at the middle and late stages of exogenous diseases or endogenous diseases, is usually caused by interior transmission of the unrelieved e

57、xogenous pathogenic factors into the viscera, or by direct invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors into the viscera, or by impairment of the viscera by emotional factors, improper diet and overstrain. 里證多見于外感病的中后期或內(nèi)傷病,一般由外邪不解內(nèi)傳入里,侵犯臟腑所致,或外邪直接侵犯臟腑而成,或情志內(nèi)傷,飲食勞倦等因素直接損傷臟腑。8That is what implied in the statement of “predomination of yang generating heat and predomination of yin generating cold”. 這就是“陽盛則熱,陰盛則寒”的含義。9floating whitish complexion kmplekn(面色)晄白10bland taste in the mouth口淡11 profuse and clear urine小便清長(zhǎng)12interior penetration of heat transformed from pathogenic cold, or heat transforme


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