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1、外研版小學(xué)四年級英語上冊教案全冊module1 unit1 go straight on 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m1 u1 課題go straight on. 課型新授型教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識與能力1 enable the ss to learn the words:live, road, supermarket. 2 make the ss understand and use the new phrases and sentence patterns: go straight on, excuse me, turn left/right, next to a:excuse me .where

2、s the ,please?b: go straight on./turn left./turn right. 3 develop the ss abilities of listening and speaking . 過程與方法1 review the words about directions by game method. 2 teach the text with the task-based method. 3 do a survey by cooperative learning . 情感與態(tài)度1 faster the ss consciousness of good co-o

3、peration. 2 keep the ss confidence in learning english. 重點make the ss use the following sentences correctly: a: excuse me .wheres the ,please?b: go straight on./turn left./turn right. 難點help the ss ask the way in english. 教法1 game method 2 task based method 學(xué)法1 cooperative learning 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備tape-recorder

4、, word cards, multi-media computer ,a hat, a map of jiaozuo 學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計1 review some words about directions. 2 listen to the tape and circle the words that you dont understand.教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整step 1 warm-up 1 review a poem “ the hat is in my hand”.2 make a dialogue about a hat with the students. t: where is t

5、he hat? ss: its in/on/under/next to the desk.3 ask the students to practise the following sentences with other things. a: where s the ?b: its in /on/under /next to. step2 presentation 1 prepare a simple map. it contains a zoo, a school, a park, a supermarket, a station, a house. t: i m here. excuse

6、me , where is the zoo?ss (引導(dǎo)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)新句型 ) go straight on ./ turn left./ turn right. 2 ask the students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue. s1: i m here. excuse me , where is the park?s2: go straight on . 3 teach the new words in the dialogue. house, supermarket ,station, go straight on ,turn left

7、, turn right. 4 teach the text. t: amy and sam 遇到了一條走失的狗,他們要把小狗送回家。他們是怎樣找到狗的家呢,讓我們一起聽聽他們的對話。 isten to the tape p try to answer the following questions. questions: (1) what s the dogs name?(2) where does the dog live? (3) who helps them? 5 play the tape ,and find the answers: (1) its doudou.(2) it li

8、ves in no.2,west lake road. (3) an old man helps them. 6 teach the text with the ppt.help the ss understand the text. 7 play the tape again ,and have the ss read after the tape . explain the new words in the text. 8 work in groups to read the text . 9 ask some groups to act the text. 10 write the ke

9、y sentences on the blackboard: a: excuse me. where is the , please?b: go straight onstep 3 consolidation 1 do exercise 3 with the new sentences. 2 prepare a map of jiaozuo.ask the students to work in groups to ask the way,eg: s1: i m in zhanqianlu road. excuse me, where is xueshenglu road,please? s2

10、:(查找地圖 )go straight on s3: i live in . excuse me.where is it? s4: (查找地圖 ) turn leftstep 4 homework: 1 listen to the tape and work in groups to act the text. 2 copy the new words and the key sentences. 3 draw a map show the route from your home to your school. 【板書設(shè)計】module 1 unit 1 go straight on. a:

11、 excuse me .wheres the , please?b: go straight onmodule1 unit2 it s at the station.主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m1 u2 課題it s at the station. 課型新授教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識 與能力1. 聽懂目標(biāo)語句: it s at the station. it s near the houses.能口頭運用這些語句說明方位。2. 能識別運用單詞: station, train, up,down,near,house. 過程 與方法運用探究合作的學(xué)習(xí)方法,激發(fā)學(xué)生興趣情感 與態(tài)度培養(yǎng)學(xué)英語的興趣重點學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)語

12、句: it s at the station. its near the houses.能口頭運用這些語句說明方位。難點正確使用方位介詞描述簡單的位置關(guān)系教法聽說法 , 游戲法學(xué)法表演法,對話法 ,游戲法教學(xué)1 準(zhǔn)備錄音機,單詞卡片,多媒體,玩具火車(紙畫的火車)學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計聽錄音,圈出不理解的單詞和句子教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整step1 warmmer. 1 greetings. 2 review the words and the text in module 2 unit 1. 3 show their homework ,a map. t :excuse me ,where is you

13、r school? s1:t: on your way to school, what can you see? s1: i can see a supermarket. then ask some students to describe what they can see. step 2 presentation 1 describe the following things on the blackboard: a hill,some houses, a station 2 take out the toy train ,and tell the students the train w

14、ill start. t:i will read a passage. listen to me, and i will ask some students to help me to draw the trains route . (the train is up the hill, the train is down the hill, the train is near the houses, the train is at the station.) s1: (用粉筆畫出路線 ) s2: ( 用粉筆畫出路線 ) (其他學(xué)生聽 ,在自己本上畫出火車的路線) 3 list the key

15、phrases on the blackboard: up the hill, down the hill, near the houses, at the station 4 teach the text. t: today there are some trains in our class. listen to the tape and try to find the answers., ask some questions.( 出示課件 ) (1)how many trains are there? (2)where is train 3? 5 let the students ans

16、wer. (1)there are four trains. (2)it s near the houses.6.play the tape again, and ask them to read after the tape. 7 act the text in pairs step 3consolidation 1 review the key sentences. t: please look at the screen. ( 出示課件 ) let the students make the dialogue. a: excuse me ,i am amy. where is the s

17、upermarket, please ? b: go straight on. turn left 2 listen to the tape ,and learn the chant. 3 do exercise 5 to play a game. step 4homework. 1 recite the text. 2 draw a map and make a dialogue about asking the way. 【板書設(shè)計】unit 2 it s at the station.a: where is the train ? up /down the hill. b: it s n

18、ear the houses. at the station. 【教學(xué)反思】module 2 unit1 shes reading a book 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m2 u1 課題shes reading a book. 課時1 課型新授教學(xué)內(nèi)容student book:module3 unit1 教 學(xué)目 標(biāo)1)-what are you doing? -i m she is 教學(xué)重點用現(xiàn)在時描述圖片。教學(xué)難點進行時態(tài)的學(xué)習(xí),詞組教 法analytic approach 學(xué) 法aural-oral method 學(xué)情分析教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備cd-rom cards 教 學(xué) 過 程施教者修改或點

19、評step1: warmer a.greetings b.通過多媒體出示圖片及對話,復(fù)習(xí)已學(xué)過的詞組play basketball, swim, play football 可找個人說 ,或小組代表 ,或集體說.,以引出新學(xué)的詞組。2. leading-up a.ask and answer. 看圖回答, what are you doing? im 然后讓學(xué)生試著說what are you doing?可以師生問答 ,或生生問答. 掌握好之后變換人稱what is he /she doing ?三人一小組進行練習(xí) . 學(xué)習(xí)新單詞 picture, talk, letter 掌握詞組 writ

20、e letters, take pictures, talk to, play with 根據(jù)圖片練習(xí)句子shes/hes writing a letter/taking pictures/talking to her/his friends/playing with toys. 3.情景操練根據(jù)上節(jié)課學(xué)過及新學(xué)的詞組,句型同桌練習(xí),或者小組練習(xí).根據(jù)圖片或者動作進行對話練習(xí):如: what is he /she doing ? shes/hes 4課文學(xué)習(xí)大家看一下 sam的一家在忙什么 , (1)listen and answer. 看圖,播放錄音,在聽兩遍后,然后回答問題,主要培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的

21、認(rèn)讀能力。1、what is lingling doing? 2、what is daming doing? 3、what is amy doing? 4、what is tom doing? (2)listen and repeat. 再次播放錄音,學(xué)生邊指邊讀。(3)小組對話練習(xí) .分角色朗讀 . 練習(xí) 2.complete the sentences. 選詞填空 : panpan is _pictures.同桌問答 .找同學(xué)起來說 . 練習(xí) 3 .act it out . what is he /she doing ?的問答. 找同學(xué)到講臺上每一個人做一個動作不動.其他同學(xué)進行問答 .

22、練習(xí) 5 仍舊是對正在進行的動作進行描述.鞏固練習(xí) . 也可以采取 you say i do , you do i say , you say i draw. 等形式 . 5小結(jié)歸納歸納總結(jié)本節(jié)課的所學(xué)的內(nèi)容. what is he /she doing ? shes/hes writing a letter/taking pictures/talking to her/his friends/playing with toys. 【板書設(shè)計】unit 1 she s reading a book. -what is he /she doing ? -shes/hes writing a le

23、tter/taking pictures/talking to her/his friends/playing with toys. module2 unit2 what are you doing? 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m2 u2 課題 what are you doing? 課時1 課型新授教學(xué)內(nèi)容student book:module3 unit2 教 學(xué)目 標(biāo)1)-what are you doing? -i m she is 教學(xué)重點學(xué)習(xí)如何表述及問答正在發(fā)生的動作。教學(xué)難點進行時態(tài)的學(xué)習(xí),詞組教 法analytic approach 學(xué) 法aural-oral method

24、 學(xué)情分析教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備cd-rom cards 教 學(xué) 過 程施教者修改或點評step1: warmer a.greetings: b.ask and answer復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課學(xué)過的內(nèi)容,通過多媒體出示圖片及對話 ,說出句子 ,可找個人說 ,或小組代表 ,或集體說 . 2. leading-up a.找同學(xué)做動作 ,其他同學(xué)介紹他在做什么? b.同學(xué)做動作 .老師問 what are you doing?多說幾遍 ,找同學(xué)回答,然后讓學(xué)生試著說what are you doing?可以師生問答,或生生問答 . 掌握好之后變換人稱what is he /she doing ?三人一小組進行練習(xí) . 學(xué)

25、習(xí)新單詞listen to ,music, read , 掌握詞組 listen to music, read a book,根據(jù)卡片練習(xí)句子i m listening to music /reading a book ./ watchingtv, 3.情景操練根據(jù)上節(jié)課學(xué)過及新學(xué)的詞組,句型同桌練習(xí),或者小組練習(xí).根據(jù)圖片或者動作進行對話練習(xí):如: what are you doing? im listening to music. 4課文學(xué)習(xí)大家看一下 sam的一家在忙什么 , (1)listen and answer. 看圖,播放錄音,在聽兩遍后,然后回答問題,主要培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的認(rèn)讀能力。1

26、、what is sam doing? 2、what is amy doing? 3、what is tom doing? (2)listen and repeat. 再次播放錄音,學(xué)生邊指邊讀。(3)小組對話練習(xí) .分角色朗讀 . 練習(xí) 2.complete the sentences. 選詞填空 : mother is _tv.同桌問答 .找同學(xué)起來說 . 練習(xí) 3 .act it out . what is he /she doing ?的問答. 找同學(xué)到講臺上每一個人做一個動作不動.其他同學(xué)進行問答 . 練習(xí) 5 仍舊是對正在進行的動作進行描述.鞏固練習(xí) . 5小結(jié)歸納歸納總結(jié)本節(jié)課的

27、所學(xué)的內(nèi)容. what are you doing? im listening to musicwhat is he /she doing ? 【板書設(shè)計】unit 2 what are you doing? -what are you doing? -i m listening to music.-what is he doing? -he is listening to music. -what is lingling doing? -she is listening to music 【教學(xué)反思】module3 unit1 what are they doing? 主備人:施教時間:年月

28、日單元m3 u1 課題what are they doing? 課型新授教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識 與能力1)學(xué)習(xí)詢問他人正在做什么事情。2)描述他人正在做的事情。3)學(xué)生能夠聽、說、認(rèn)boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。4)通過創(chuàng)設(shè)和諧的氛圍,讓孩子們輕松愉快地學(xué)習(xí)英語,并形成良好的英語語感。過程 與方法以趣味性為主導(dǎo),將情景教學(xué)法、直觀教學(xué)法、游戲法、聽說演唱法有機的溶為一體,為學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè)一種輕松、活潑、和諧、有趣的學(xué)習(xí)氛圍。 1)學(xué)習(xí)詢問他人正在做什么事情。情感 與態(tài)度1幫助學(xué)生明確學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生自主、合作的學(xué)習(xí)方式。2培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在活動中體會英語學(xué)習(xí)的樂

29、趣,使他們在小組中積極與他人合作,相互幫助,共同完成任務(wù)。3培養(yǎng)學(xué)生熟悉朋友和周圍的事物的差異。重點句型:look at the men under the tree./what are you doing ?/they are playing chess . 難點能清晰準(zhǔn)確地發(fā)出本課所教的單詞的音教法直觀教學(xué)法、游戲法、聽說演唱法有機的溶為一體學(xué)法小組討論教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備電腦、課件、錄音機 /帶、單詞大卡片學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計讓 同 學(xué) 們 寫 出 學(xué) 過 的 動 詞 及 動 詞 的ing形 式 。 及 讀 法 。 如talk ,do,read,write ,listen to ,talk to ,ta

30、ke pictures,play with, 教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整一、warming up 師生齊唱 m2 中的小詩,并配以動作。二、revision 1.教師快速向?qū)W生出示幾組詞,每組包含一個動詞,請學(xué)生說出這個動詞。 師板書:read , write ,listen , play , talk 2.請學(xué)生說這些動詞的 -ing 形式。3齊讀黑板上的動詞及其 -ing 形式。三、presentation (一)學(xué)習(xí)新句型1.請一學(xué)生挑選黑板上所提供的任一動詞,做出相應(yīng)的動作。2.教師通過提問:what is he/ she doing ? 復(fù)習(xí) hes/ she s 動詞+ing +賓語。3.

31、請該生所在組的成員模仿該生的動作,并做動作邊說:i m 動詞+ing+賓語。4.教師故作不解狀問: what are they doing ? 后又釋然說:oh. they re動詞+ing +賓語,并板書。5.教師指著黑板上的句子,請學(xué)生跟說多遍。6.再請一組學(xué)生挑選黑板上所提供的任一動詞(不能重復(fù)),做出相應(yīng)的動作,教師請其他學(xué)生回答問題:what are they doing ? 然后教師把正確答案寫在黑板上。7.請學(xué)生一起認(rèn)讀黑板上的句子。(二)學(xué)習(xí)新動詞1.告訴學(xué)生,教師將要模仿一個動作,他們要猜猜教師正在做什么。2.教師模仿動作后提問: what am i doing? (我正做什

32、么? )引入句子: i m doing taijiquan.。3.請全體學(xué)生一起邊做動作,邊說:i m doing taijiquan.教師通過提問:what are they doing ? 引入句子:theyre doing taijiquan. 并板書。4.用類似方法教 theyre rowing a dragon boat. 并板書。5.教師拿出一副國際象棋問學(xué)生whats this ? do you want to play ?并告訴他們老師將邀請他們一起玩, 但玩之前必須先學(xué)會說play chess, 并板書。6.教說 chess, play chess 。7.教師做饑餓狀說: i

33、 m hungry. im hungry.板書 hungry (餓的) 并重復(fù)說多遍,再提問學(xué)生:what s the matter with me?由此教單詞 hungry(餓的)。8.教師從包中拿出一瓶豆奶說: i want to drink soybean milk. 邊“ 喝” 邊說: drink drink , im drinking.讓學(xué)生模仿跟著教師重復(fù)句子并模仿動作。9.教師拿著豆奶走到學(xué)生中,到邊“ 喝” 邊說:soybean milk is verynice. soybean milk is very nice.提問學(xué)生 what am i drinking ? 由此教說

34、soybean milk(豆奶)并板書。10.請一些學(xué)生模仿喝豆奶的動作,比比誰表演的最好。其間老師可以適時用what is he/ she doing ? what are they doing ?提問其余學(xué)生。四、consolidation (一)快速反應(yīng)1.請幾位學(xué)生到教室前,由教師說動詞詞組,學(xué)生模仿動作,比比誰的反應(yīng)最靈敏。2.讓學(xué)生在小組內(nèi)進行訓(xùn)練。(二)表演1.請學(xué)生打開課本p15,教師指著人們劃船的圖問學(xué)生:what are they doing ? 學(xué)生應(yīng)回答:they are rowing a boat. 2.四人小組中,請學(xué)生a 和 b 向?qū)W生 c 和 d 模仿一個動作,

35、然后由 c 和 d 提問: a 和 b 在做什么?3.讓小組內(nèi)學(xué)生互換角色。4.請幾位學(xué)生到教室前模仿動作,教師提問: what are they doing ?然后讓全班或個別學(xué)生回答。四、1 listen to the tape and follow it . 2 read the text in kinds of ways 五、homework 1. 抄寫單詞: row , play, drink, boat, milk 2 .熟讀并背誦 m4 u1 的課文【板書設(shè)計】module 3 in the park read - readingunit 1 what are they doin

36、g? write -writing what are they doing ? listen -listening theyre doing taijiquan. play ,-playing theyre rowing a dragon boat.talk -talkingmodule3 unit2 whats the elephant doing? 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m3 u2 課題what s the elephant doing ? 課型新授教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識 與能力1) 學(xué)生能夠聽、說、認(rèn)park lake thing interesting people men get on

37、lots of let s2) 能聽懂、會說本課對話。3)能夠運用所學(xué)英語句子,進行簡單的擴展性交流。4)通過描述人物行為,簡要說明一處場景。過程 與方法以趣味性為主導(dǎo), 將情景教學(xué)法、 直觀教學(xué)法、 游戲法、聽說演唱法有機的溶為一體,為學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè)一種輕松、活潑、和諧、有趣的學(xué)習(xí)氛圍。情感 與態(tài)度1幫助學(xué)生明確學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生自主、合作的學(xué)習(xí)方式。2培養(yǎng)學(xué)生在活動中體會英語學(xué)習(xí)的樂趣,使他們在小組中積極與他人合作,相互幫助,共同完成任務(wù)。3培養(yǎng)學(xué)生熟悉朋友和周圍的事物的差異。重點1)繼續(xù)掌握句型 theyre 動詞+ing +賓語 2) 描述地點位置難點通過描述人物行為,簡要說明一處場景教法直

38、觀教學(xué)法、游戲法、聽說演唱法有機的溶為一體學(xué)法表演小組競爭教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備電腦、課件、錄音機 /帶、單詞大卡片學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計預(yù)習(xí)各種學(xué)過的動名詞教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整一、warming up 師生互相打招呼,問好。二、revision 1教師說動名詞: swimming, singing, dancing, rowing 請學(xué)生作出相應(yīng)動作。2free talk. 以小組為單位選派一名代表,用英語描述本組成員收集的有關(guān)人物或動物正在進行的某種動作的照片、圖片等。三、presentation (一)單詞教學(xué)1教師表演動作讓學(xué)生來說出runing /jumping 2 .分組讀,齊讀,搶讀,充分調(diào)動學(xué)生的積

39、極性。(二)課文教學(xué)1老師在出示書教學(xué)掛圖1) amy 正在跑步。 2)大明正在跳。 3)amy 正在聽音樂。4)大明正在看電視。然后指著畫,向?qū)W生提問:“what is amy doing?/what is daming doing?”, 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生一起回答 “she is running./he is jumping./she is listening to music./he is watching tv.”。2.老師告訴學(xué)生,將隨意指出其中一幅畫,要求學(xué)生根據(jù)畫的內(nèi)容進行回答。 老師問: “what is she doing?/what is he doing?”, 學(xué)生用:“she i

40、s / he is”回答。3老師要求學(xué)生同桌之間針對簡筆畫的內(nèi)容進行問答活動,如:“what is she doing?” “she is running.”等。四、consolidation 1分別由教師和全體學(xué)生朗讀daming 和 sam對話內(nèi)容。2把全班分為兩個大組,朗讀對話。3請學(xué)生兩人一組,練習(xí)朗讀。4請幾對學(xué)生表演課文內(nèi)容,或看著動畫配音。五、homework 1聽課文錄音,熟練認(rèn)讀課文。2用英語寫 3 個句子,說說自己的家庭成員正在做什么。(最好配上圖)【板書設(shè)計】 unit 2 what s the elephant doing ? runrunning jump-jumpi

41、ng she is running she is jumping. 【教學(xué)反思】module4 unit1 do you want some rice? 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m4 u1 課題do you want some rice? 課型new lesson 教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識 與能力a) master the new words and phases: chinese, fast food, chopsticks, difficult. b)the target language: do you want some.? yes, please. no, thank you. c) hel

42、p students to learn how to order food. 過程 與方法listening and speaking; task-based teaching method. 情感 與態(tài)度help students to improve their skill of listening and speaking. 重點the words and the target language of this unit. 難點let the students learn to order food. 教法task-based teaching method; situation tea

43、ching method. 學(xué)法game; work in groups. 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備tape-recorder; cai; 學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計listen to the words and the text; read the text. 教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整step 1warmer(1) greetings:(2) listen to a chant. noodles and rice .noodles and rice, are very very nice. hmm, hmm, hmm, are very very nice.t:do you like noodles ? (yes, i d

44、o . /no, i dont.) t:do you like rice? (yes, i do. ./no, i dont.)step2 new lesson (1)t:i like noodles and rice, because they are very very nice. right? ss: yes. ( 投影出示詞 nice) t:follow me . nice. / nice , nice. ( 高低聲調(diào)讀單詞 )出示單詞:nice rice “i ” pronounce “ai ”. can you read it?(抽讀,男女生讀)(2) t: boys and gi

45、rls, please look at me. what am i doing? ss: you are swimming. t: what am i doing now? ss: you are .t: i am making noodles. understand? (swim- swimming read- reading make- making) ss: yes. t: read after me, please. make, making. t: now please do the action. what are you doing? ss: i m making noodels

46、.t: wonderful! t: what is she doing? ss: she s making noodles.t: what is he doing? ss: he s making noodels.t:now please ask me. ss: what are you doing? t: i am making noodles. do you want some noodles? s: yes, i do. (引導(dǎo)學(xué)生作出回答)t: if you want some noodles, you can say: yes, please. ( 板書) t: if you don

47、t want, you can say:no, thank you. (板書) read after me, please: yes, please. / no, thank you. now please look at the big screen . first, the teacher asks and the students answers. then let the students work in pairs to practise. at last choose some pairs to show their dialogue. (3)t:soybean milk, noo

48、dles, dumplings and baozi.they are very nice.they are all chinese fast food. ( 分類食物圖片投影)(出示詞卡 “chinese”并帶讀詞組 “fast food”)(設(shè)計意圖:通過食物的分類,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的探究能力并自然引入本課詞組 “chinese fast food”的學(xué)習(xí),同時在學(xué)習(xí)過程中,滲透語音教學(xué),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生單詞認(rèn)讀能力。)(4) t: do you like chinese fast food? ss: yes. t: me, too. many foreigners like chinese fast fo

49、od. but they can t use chopsticks.(出示詞卡 “chopsticks ”并帶讀、操練 -實物展示筷子。)chopsticks are very easy for us. but it is difficult for the foreigners. t: for example, its easy. and its difficult.(用左右手分別夾東西 ,在對比中讓學(xué)生理解difficult 的含義。 )(出示詞卡 “difficult”并帶讀)step 3 text(1) daming and amy are hungry.they want to ea

50、t something. please listem to the tape and think about the three questions.1) does amy want some rice?2) what is the man doing? 3) are chopsticks difficult? 4)have they got fast food in england? after the tape. choose some students to answer the questions.(設(shè)計意圖:通過好朋友 daming 和 amy 的經(jīng)歷整體呈現(xiàn)課文,并通過設(shè)置語言學(xué)習(xí)

51、的信息溝,讓學(xué)生帶著問題觀看課本圖片信息,給學(xué)生思考的空間。 )(2) listen, point and say.let s listen again, point and say. pay attention to your pronounciation. ok?(設(shè)計意圖:通過聽音、模仿、指讀,訓(xùn)練學(xué)生用正確的語音語調(diào)朗讀課文,并進一步增強學(xué)生的認(rèn)讀能力。)(3) work in groups, read the text freely. (設(shè)計意圖:以聽力練習(xí)的形式進一步鞏固課文內(nèi)容,同時有重點的選擇需要學(xué)生補充的內(nèi)容。此活動可激發(fā)學(xué)生積極性。 )step5 say and make

52、a new chant: say the chant:do you want some noodles? do you want some noodles?yes, please. yes, please.do you want some rice?do you want some rice?no, thank you. no, thank you. make a new chant in groups: show the new chant:(設(shè)計意圖:以chant 的形式加強學(xué)生對詞匯、句式的記憶,并在小組合作創(chuàng)編、展示的過程中為學(xué)生提供拓展思維,融會貫通的機會,進一步培養(yǎng)了他們合作、創(chuàng)新

53、的意識。 )step 6 :extension1、now, its time to order food. lets see who will be the best waiter or waitress. first, ill be the waitress.t: do you want some coffee? s1: yes, please. t: do you want some dumplings? s1: yes, please. t: do you want some meat ? s1: no, thank you.)2 are you clear? now take out

54、your menu and let s begin. 3t: now, let s see how many students you have helped.(count)t: can you show? t: you are the best waiter / waitress. (獎勵勇于上臺展示自己并表演最棒的同學(xué))(設(shè)計意圖:讓學(xué)生在大量習(xí)得語言的基礎(chǔ)上,通過任務(wù)驅(qū)動學(xué)得語言。同時,真實、有趣的調(diào)查活動充分體現(xiàn)了學(xué)生的主體性,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生積極主動地參與語言實踐,學(xué)以致用。 )step 7 summary and homework :1. t: today, we learn how to

55、 use “do you want some ? yes, please. / no, thank you.” to order food .2. try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. (多吃些水果,少攝入些蛋白質(zhì),使飲食均衡合理。)an apple a day keeps doctor away. (一日一蘋果,醫(yī)生遠(yuǎn)離我。引導(dǎo)孩子健康飲食)3.英國人的就餐禮儀(了解并對比中西方飲食文化的差異)step 8.homework:(1) listen and read the text for five t

56、imes;(2)get more information about fast food.【板書設(shè)計】module 4 chinese unit 1 do you want some rice? fast food a: do you want some?chopsticks b:yes, please. / no, thank you. difficult module4 unit2 how much is it? 主備人:施教時間:年月日單元m 4 u 2 課題how much is it? 課型new lesson 教學(xué)目標(biāo)知 識 與 能力a) master the words: dum

57、plings, cook, vegetable; b) the target language: a: what are you doing? b:i m making/ cooking_. a:do you want some? b:yes, please./no, thank you. c) help the pupils to learn how to ask for food. 過 程 與 方法task-based teaching method ; situation teaching method 情 感 與 態(tài)度help students to know order food;

58、cultivate the attitude to love english and speak out bravely. 重點1.a: what are you doing? b:i m making/ cooking_. 2.a:do you want some? b:yes, please./no, thank you. 難點the usage of “make ”and “cook”.教法listening and speaking; task-based teaching method ; situation teaching method 學(xué)法work in groups. 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)

59、備tape recorder; cai; word cards; some food 學(xué)情分析預(yù)習(xí)設(shè)計listen to the text; read the words and the text fluently 教學(xué)過程施教者調(diào)整step1 warming up 1、greetings. t:hello,boys and girls. s:hello, miss li. t:how are you? s: i m fine, thank you.2、sing a song. t:do you like singing songs? s: yes. t:now lets sing the s

60、ong i m listening to music. look at the big screen and sing after it ,ok? s: ok. step2 leading in. 1、making a dialogue with the students. t:look, here are many food. what are they? ss:oranges,bread,eggs, chocolates, soybean milk and meat. t: do you want some oranges? s1:yes,please. t: do you want so


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