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1、unit 1 vowel sounds發(fā)元音的字母vaa ee ii oo uuvyy ww (simetimes)元音發(fā)音區(qū)別:v舌頭的位置(front, central, back)v口的張度(close, semi-close, semi- open, open)v嘴形v音長元音發(fā)音位置示意簡圖i:iea:u:u:a:frontcentralbackclosesemi-closesemi-openopeni:(微笑音)v發(fā)此音時,嘴微微張開,舌尖稍微抵住下齒,嘴角盡量往兩旁移動,成微笑狀,振動聲帶。v we wi:, seesi:, threeri:, sheepi: p, fieldf

2、i: ldvwe see three sheep in the field.vchinese extremely v feeling agree vplease dreamvachieve believevreceive conceivei:vseeing is believing.v2.speaking english is a piece of cake. v3.i see what you mean, but i cant agree with you. v4.please feel free to call me.iv嘴微微張開,比發(fā)i:時微開 ,舌尖稍抵下齒,舌前部抬高,口型扁平。嘴

3、角兩旁肌肉要比發(fā)i:時略為放松。v timtim, grill gril, six siks, fishfi vtim grilled six fish.ivvisit limit venglish ticket vpretty difficulty vbusy vbuildvlily lives in a big city. v2. can you give me a lift? v3. business is business. v4. im pretty busy. e嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齒,舌自然平放 tedted, helphelp, themem, sellsel, sevensev

4、n, eggegvted helped them sell seven eggs.v字母:e net beltv字母組合:ea heaven headev1. east and west, home is best. v2. i guess this book will be a best seller. v嘴張大,嘴角盡量拉向兩邊,下巴往下壓,舌尖抵下齒。v thatt, manmn, hashz, fatft, catktvthat man has a fat cat.v1. a bad bat sat on a fat cat. v2. sad dad and mad dan ran o

5、n the sand.a v類似漢字“啊”的發(fā)音,但嘴巴張開的幅度更大,舌頭自然放平,舌尖不接觸下齒 。:舌身平放,舌中部伸向硬腭,但不要接觸到硬腭,舌部肌肉緊張。雙唇微微張開.v thirty: ti, personp: sn, learnl: n, verbv: bvthirty persons learned verbs.:v字母組合:ear early heardv字母組合:er prefer certainv字母組合:ir dirty skirtv字母組合:or world worthv字母組合:ur hurt pursev字母組合:our journalv字母組合:ere were

6、v 1.the early bird catches the worm. v2. first come, first served. v3. hes never nervous in front of girls. 舌身平放,嘴稍稍張開,舌中部伸向硬腭,但不要與之接觸,雙唇扁平,口部肌肉、舌頭一定要放松輕聲,非重讀音節(jié)里politep lait, american merikn awake weikvthe polite american awakes.v字母:a about alongv字母:e open presidentv字母:o today secondv字母:u support su

7、ggestv字母組合:er: eager performancev字母組合:or: actor doctorv1.the faster, the better. just try your best. v2.her younger brother is a writer and her elder sister is a doctor. v :舌中部向硬腭抬起,但不要與之接觸;舌尖和舌端兩側(cè)輕觸下齒。vonewn, dumpdmp, trucktrk, bumpbmp, busbsvone dump truck bumped one bus.v字母:o love wonv字母:u fun st

8、udyv字母組合:oo blood floodv字母組合:ou enoughv1. money doesnt grow on trees. v2. its fun to run and jump in the sun. u: v類似拼音“u”或漢字 “烏”,但嘴形略扁,上下唇微微撅起,直流一個小氣孔,上下齒則微張,聲帶肌肉略為緊張,振動聲帶。vsuesu:, blewblu:, twotu:, blueblu:, balloonb lu: nvsue blew two blue balloons.u:v字母:u rudev字母:o improvev字母組合:ue bluev字母組合:oe sh

9、oev字母組合:oo soon v字母組合:ui fruitv字母組合:ou routev字母組合:ou soup u v上下唇微微撅起,形成的氣孔要比發(fā)u:時大一些。vwolfwulf, pullpul, woodenwudn, hookhukvthe wolf pulled wooden hooks.uv字母:u putv字母:o womanv字母組合:oo cooker woodv字母組合:oul could : v類似拼音“o”。雙唇收圓,并向前突出,微緊張,舌身向后縮,振動聲帶。像公雞“喔喔喔”打鳴聲。vpaul p: l, caughtk: t, all: l, ballb: lv

10、paul caught all the balls.:v字母:a always smallv字母:o long costv字母組合:au faultv字母組合:augh daughterv 字母組合:aw awfulv字母組合:ough thoughtv字母組合:oa abroad aboard v雙唇收圓,向前微突起,發(fā)音強而短促。v cockkk, locklk, dogdg, boxbksvthe cock locked the dog in the box.v字母:o hot dog box hospitalv字母:a what wash wantcar farm card arm g

11、arden fast class last glass雙元音:由兩個元音拼合而成ei: 口型由半開到扁平vmaymei, bakebeik, eighteit, cakekeikvmay baked eight cakes.v字母:a fatev字母組合:ai mainv字母組合:ay payv字母組合:ei eightv.no pain, no gain. v the more mistakes you make, the more progress you make. ai:口型由大到小vmikemaik, rideraid, whitewait, bikebaik vmike rides

12、 a white bike.v字母:i chinav字母:y flyv字母組合:ey eyev字母組合:ie piev字母組合:ui guidev字母組合:igh flightv字母組合:eigh heightv time flies. 時光飛逝。v great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。v the kite is flying in the sky. au:口型從大到小a重讀,u輕讀。 vouraur, cowkau, foundfaund,househausvour cow found our house.v字母組合:ou proudv字母組合:ow allowv

13、字母組合:ough boughu: 口型由扁到圓vthoseuz, ownerun, rowru, olduld, boatbutvthose owners rowed old boats.v字母:o hopev字母組合:oa boatv字母組合:oe toev字母組合:ou soulv字母組合:ow growv字母組合:ew sewi :口型由圓到扁,前重讀后輕讀。vjoydi, toytivjoy plays those toys with a boy.v字母組合:oy toyv字母組合:oi choicei:veari, hearhi beerbi herehivmy ears cant

14、 hear because of the beer here. v字母組合:ear hearv字母組合:ere herev字母組合:eer beerv字母組合:ea ideavvbearb, carek therevi cant bear you care bear there.v字母組合:air airv字母組合:are sharev字母組合:ear bearv字母組合:ere therev字母組合:eir their 易混淆的元音v i: sheep least leave v i ship list livev i: real greet meatv ei rail great mainv i bit lift willv e bet left well v e bed leg lendv bad lag landve edge fell wetv ei age fail waitv e bed leg lendv bad lag landve edge fell wetv ei a


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