



1、Mr Wind and Mr SunTeach ing ObjectivesBy the end of the less on, the stude nts are expected to Lan guage objectives? ide ntify the meaning of some new words in the story (e.g., stre ngth, proud, etc.)Skill objectives:? get the passage outl ine by skim ming the story.? find the main ideas and detaile

2、d information by scanning the story.Emotio n objectives:?learn that stre ngth is not the most importa nt thi ng and every one has his own strongpoints and weak poin ts.Teach ing aid:? Multi-mediaTeach ing proceduresStagesTeacher ' s activitiesStudents ' activitiesAimswarm in g-up? Play a sho

3、rt video preview.? Sing the song.? To help the students get ready for the class.Pre-read ing preparati on? Ask the students about differe nt kinds of weather.? Name different kinds of weather.? To elicit the topic of this less on? Have a small talk about what Mr Wind and Mr Sun can do.? Express thei

4、r own ideas accord ing to the pictures.? To activate what they have lear ned or known about wind and sun.While- readi ng procedure? Ask students to skim the story the n rearra nge the paragraphs and get the main idea of each paragraph.? Skim the story, put paragraphs in the correct order and the n c

5、omplete the outl ine.? To help students develop their readi ng skills: readi ng for gist.? Ask students to read paragraph 1 and an swer the questi ons.? Read paragraph 1 and an swer the questi ons.? To understand the details in paragraph 1.? Ask students to read paragraph 2 and an swer the questi on

6、s.? Read paragraph 2 and an swer the questi ons.? To understand the details in paragraph 2.? Guide students to have a role play betwee n Mr Wind and Mr Sun.? Have a role play.? To understand the pers on alities of Mr Wind and Mr Sun better.? Play a video clip to elicit the questi on and ask stude nt

7、s to complete the bla nks.? Watch the video clip and complete the bla nks.? To make the less on more lively.? To make the students have a better un dersta nding of paragraph 3.? Ask students to summarize Mr Wind ' cha nges of feeli ngs in paragraph 3.? Summarize Mr Wind's changes of feelings

8、 in paragraph 3.s? To improve students ability of summariz ing.? Ask students to dub for the video clip.? Dub for the video clip.? To consolidate theun dersta nding for MrWin d.? Play the video clip about Mr Sun and have a retelli ng.? Watch the video clip about Mr Sun and have a retelli ng.? To mak

9、e the students have a better un dersta nding of paragraph 4.? Ask students to complete the table.? Complete the table.? To consolidate what they have lear ned.? Ask students to predict what would happe n n ext? Predict what would happen.? To practice the readi ng skill of predict ing.? Play the thir

10、d video clip to test the predict ing and ask the stude nts to read paragraph 5.? Watch the video clip and test the predict ing.? Read paragraph 5 together.? To make the students to have a better un dersta nding of paragraph 5.? Ask students to summarize the cha nges of feeli ngs of Mr Wind and tell

11、what'1 'refers to.? Summarize the changes of feel in gs of Mr Wind.? Tell what' I ' oror referwfed.? To make the students to have a better'w®'erstanding of the whole story.Post-readi ng activities? Ask students to have a retelling of Mr Wind.? Have a retelling of Mr Win

12、d.? To practice students the ability of retelli ng.? Ask students what they have lear nt from the story.? Express their ideas after lear ning the story.? To make students aware that strength is not the most importa nt thing.Assig nmentoral work:1)Listen and read the story. 2) Collect more fables and

13、 read them.writte n work:Continue the story: What will Mr Wind do after the competition?教案設(shè)計(jì)說明 教材分析 本節(jié)課是 7B Module3 Unit9 <Mr Wind and Mr Sun> 閱讀課的第一課時(shí), 文本大意是:風(fēng)和太陽為證明誰的力量大而進(jìn)行的一次比賽。文本中雖有 5至 6 個(gè)生詞,同時(shí)出現(xiàn)了大量的動(dòng)詞過去式,但是通過PPT圖片、教師的肢體語言、 上下文猜想生詞可幫助學(xué)生理解文本大意。因?yàn)?上海市中小學(xué)英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)? 和?英語學(xué)科教學(xué)根本要求? 中指出:學(xué)生能不借助詞典, 讀懂

14、含有 1%-2%生詞 的短文,理解其大意,獲取一些信息即可。這實(shí)際上也是為學(xué)生進(jìn)入八、九年級(jí) 更深層次的閱讀理解奠定根底。 學(xué)情分析 我校學(xué)生的閱讀能力參差不齊, 個(gè)別差距較大。 一局部學(xué)生還未具備良好的閱讀習(xí)慣,但是對(duì)于英語閱讀有一定的熱情。所以我通過在課堂中情趣的引導(dǎo)、 思維的調(diào)動(dòng)意圖逐步提高學(xué)生的閱讀理解能力。 設(shè)計(jì)思路 在 pre-reading 階段:我通過一首關(guān)于天氣的歌曲來引入課題,隨即進(jìn)行 brainstorming 讓學(xué)生把 各種不同的天氣例舉出來,其目的是為了引出本課的兩個(gè)主人公: Mr Wind 和 Mr Sun.然后通過圖片激活學(xué)生關(guān)于風(fēng)和太陽的背景知識(shí),并且教授新單詞

15、: strength 和 brightly ,同時(shí)提出疑問: Who is stronger?在 While-reading 階段:1. 讓學(xué)生快速閱讀通篇文章進(jìn)行排序,同時(shí)說明這樣排序的理由文章中有相 關(guān)依據(jù),并且讓學(xué)生說出每段段落大意,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生快速閱讀能力以及概括 能力。2. 讓學(xué)生進(jìn)行分段瀏覽,通過答復(fù)下列問題、預(yù)測(cè)、分角色朗讀等方式,縱向以Mr Wind 和 Mr Sun 比賽為主線,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生與文本對(duì)話,讓學(xué)生理解故事發(fā) 生的起因、經(jīng)過、結(jié)果,同時(shí)橫向分析出主人公尤其是 Mr Wind 在比賽前、比賽中、比賽后的心理變化。3. 文章中有四句關(guān)于 strong 的句子,我分別把它們例舉出來并詢問關(guān)于每句 話的人稱指代,幫助學(xué)生更好地理解整篇故事以及


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