



1、Section W Writing英文書信寫作技法指導 文體指導 英文書信是英語應用文的一個重要形式, 它在行文方式及格式方面與中文書 信格式有許多不同,一封完整的書信包括五部分,即信頭、稱呼、正文、結束語 和簽名,具體如下:1信頭:寄信人的地址和寫信日期,寫在信的右上角。注意英語中地名的 寫法與中文不同,要從小到大;日期的寫法也與中文不同,不是寫在簽名之下, 而是寫在寄信人的地址之下。 習慣上人們采用美式英語表達, 即月、日、年;月、 日與年之間用逗號隔開, 月份盡量不要縮寫, 如 June 8,2019;而英式英語表達則 為日、月、年,中間不用逗號隔開,如 8 June 2019。2稱呼:

2、自成一行,頂格寫。稱呼語常用: Dear Sir/Madam/Manager/Editor/Friends/Bob,稱呼之后一般用逗號。3正文:信件的主體部分即為信的正文。正文寫在稱呼的下一行,與Dear后第一個單詞對齊。正文通常包括三部分,即開頭、目的和結尾。正文的開頭語 常用:Thank you for your last letter asking about.; rm glad to.。正文的結尾語是 正文的一部分, 常常另起一行,常用的結尾語有: I'm looking forward to your reply ; Thanks and all the best Best

3、wishes;Wishing you a pleasant journey。4結束語:結束語與正文的結尾語不一樣,它要寫在結尾語的下一行,位 于書信的右下角,后面用逗號。常用的結束語有: Yours sincerely/faithfully/truly ; Sincerely/Truly yours ; Yours 等。5簽名:簽名寫在結束語的下一行,與結束語對齊,也就是簽上寫信人的 名字。亮點句式 1With regard to the matter you mentioned in your lette,r my suggestion is that you should come bac

4、k to teach art in the west after graduation for the following two reasons.關于你在信中提到的問題, 我建議你畢業(yè)后回到西部教美術, 有如下兩個理 由。2. I'm writ ing to you about the lecture to be give n n ext Mon day.我寫信給您是關于下周一將舉行的講座。3. I wish there were a better word than“thanks” to express my appreciation for your gen erous help

5、.感激之情,溢于言表。4. I'm very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as a sales engin eer with your compa ny.我對貴公司銷售工程師的職位非常感興趣。5. I hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situati on as well as they can.我希望有關部門能考慮我的建議,并盡全力改善。6. I feel t

6、hat it would be beneficial to express my views concerning your fatness. 我覺得就你的肥胖問題我表達的觀點可能會很有用。7. If we had followed his advice , we could have done the job bette, with less money and fewer people.要是聽取了他的意見,我們不僅可以節(jié)省人力、財力,而且還會把工作做得 更好。8. You should follow/take his advice that you (should)eat less mea

7、t.你應該接受他讓你少吃肉的建議。滿分佳作構建寫作任務假定你是高二年級的學生李華,你發(fā)現你身邊許多同學每次遇到考試都會出 現一些焦慮癥狀。請你根據以下要點提示寫一封信,向某英語報社編輯反映該問 題。要點提示:1. 焦慮的原因及表現;2. 你的建議。注意:1.詞數100左右;2.可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。審題謀篇體裁英文書信時態(tài)一般現在時主題考試焦慮人稱第一人稱為主結構第一段:出現的現象一一考試焦慮; 第二段:分析這一現象的原因、表現及危害; 第三段:提出具體的建議。遣詞造句I.對接單元詞匯焦慮1.an xiety2.concen trate集中精力3.inten ti on目的,意圖4.h

8、ave bad effects on對產生不好的影響5.the result/c on seque nee結果,成績n.巧用單元句式(一)完成句子1 .我們中的一些人擔心考試不及格以至于達不到父母的期望。Some of us are so worried about failing in the exam that we can't come up to our pare nts' inten ti ons.2.所有這些對考試結果會產生不好的影響。All these have bad effects on the consequenee in exams.【導學號:450620

9、32】3 .我們渴望減少焦慮。(be an xious to do)We are anxious to reduce these an xieties.4. 我們應當證實考試僅僅是檢驗我們學得怎么樣的一種方式。(co nfirm that 賓語從句)We should confirm that exams are just one way to check how we are getting along with our studies.(二 )句式升級5. 用“too.to.”結構升級句子1Some of us are too worried about faili ng in the e

10、xam to come up to our pare nts' intentions.妙筆成篇第3頁【參考范文】Dear Editor,I'm Li Hua of Senior Two.I'm writing to tell you about the anxieties among us students before exams.Some of us are too worried about failing in the exam to come up to our parents' intentions.This is why most of us feel nervous before exams.Some can't concentra,te some can't sleep wel,l and some even have poor memories.All these have bad effects on the consequence in exams and we are anxious to reduce these anxieties.In my opinion ,first we should confirm that exams are just o


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