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1、1. 專業(yè)詞匯漢譯英數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)Data Structure計算機視覺Computer vision對象和類object and class軟件需求Software Requirements軟件工程Software Engineering計算機體系結(jié)構(gòu)Computer Architecture構(gòu)件component軟件生存周期Software life cycle系統(tǒng)工程與分析System engineering and analysis軟件需求分析Software requirement analysis軟件設(shè)計Software design面向目標(biāo)的設(shè)計Object-oriented desi

2、gn可維護性設(shè)計Maintainable design數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動的設(shè)計Data-driven design模塊測試Module testing單元測試Unit testing邊界條件Boundary condition綜合測試,集成測試Integration testing功能測試Function testing性能測試Performance testing驗收測試Acceptance testing安裝測試Installation testing軟件質(zhì)量保證Software quality assurance軟件標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Software standard軟件維護Software maintenan

3、ce性能管理Performance management聯(lián)機查詢Online inquires數(shù)據(jù)處理Data processing2. 縮略詞ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非對稱數(shù)字用戶線AOLAmerican On-Line美國在線服務(wù)公司ALUArithmetic Logic Unit算術(shù)邏輯單元ARPAddress Resolution Protocol地址轉(zhuǎn)換協(xié)議ATMasynchronons transfer mode異步傳輸模式ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network美國國防部高

4、級研究計劃局建立的計算機網(wǎng)APIApplication Programming Interface應(yīng)用程序編程接口BASICBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code初學(xué)者通用符號指令代碼BOOMBinocular Omni-Orientation Monitor雙目全方位監(jiān)視器BCHBinary-coded hexadecimal二進制編碼的十六進制BINACBinary Automatic Computer二進制自動計算機CASEcomputer-aided software engineering計算機輔助軟件工程CD-ROM

5、Compact Disc-Read Only Memory光盤只讀存儲器CMMCapability maturity model能力成熟度模型CMMControllable Memory Module可控存儲組件CSMACarrier sense multiple access載波偵聽多路訪問CDMACode Division Multiple Access碼分多址訪問COBOLCommon Business-Oriented Language面向商業(yè)的通用語言CPUCentral Processing Unit中央處理器CRTCathode-ray tube陰極射線管CRCCyclical

6、Redundancy Check循環(huán)冗余檢查CRMCustomer Relationship Management客戶關(guān)系管理C/SClient/Server客戶機/服務(wù)器網(wǎng)絡(luò)DODDepartment of Defense Model美國國防部模型DSLDigital Subscriber loop數(shù)字用戶環(huán)路DSPDigital Signal Processing數(shù)字信號處理DDNDigital Data Network數(shù)字數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)DNSDomain name system域名系統(tǒng)DCEDistributed Computing Environment分布式計算環(huán)境DBMSDatabase

7、Management System數(shù)據(jù)庫管理信息系統(tǒng)DNSdomain name system域名系統(tǒng)DMADirect Memory Access直接存儲器訪問DODDepartment of Defense Model美國國防部模型DECDigital Equipment Corporation美國數(shù)字設(shè)備公司DVSTDirect-View Storage Tube直視存儲管EDAEvent-driven Architecture事件驅(qū)動架構(gòu)ERPEnterprise Resource Planning企業(yè)資源計劃ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator a

8、nd Computer電子數(shù)字積分計算機ENIAC計算機EDSACElectronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer延遲存儲電子自動計算機FTPFile Transfer Protocol文件傳輸協(xié)議GPSGlobal Position System全球定位系統(tǒng)GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service通用分組無線服務(wù)技術(shù)GBGiga Bytes十億字節(jié)(吉字節(jié))GUIGraphical User Interface即圖形用戶接口GMLGeneralized Markup Language通用置標(biāo)語言3Gthird Generation

9、 wireless第三代無線通信GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications全球移動通訊系統(tǒng)HMDhead-mounted display頭盔顯示器HTMLHypertext Markup Language超文本鏈接標(biāo)示語言HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol超文本傳輸協(xié)議HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer以安全為目標(biāo)的HTTP通道ISPInternet Service Provider因特網(wǎng)服務(wù)供應(yīng)商ISOCInternet Society國際互聯(lián)

10、網(wǎng)協(xié)會IABInternet Architecture Board因特網(wǎng)結(jié)構(gòu)委員會IETFInternet Engineering Task Force互聯(lián)網(wǎng)工程任務(wù)組IESGInternet Engineering Steering Group互聯(lián)網(wǎng)工程指導(dǎo)小組ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers因特網(wǎng)域名與地址管理組織ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol網(wǎng)際控制報文協(xié)議IMAPInternet Mail Access Protocol因特網(wǎng)郵件訪問協(xié)議IPInternet Pr

11、otocol網(wǎng)際協(xié)議I/OInput/Output輸入輸出(設(shè)備)IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers電氣和電子工程師協(xié)會ISOInternational Organization for Standardization國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化組織LSIlarge-scale intrgration大規(guī)模集成OSIOpen System Interconnect Reference Model開放式系統(tǒng)互聯(lián)參考模型MPLSMulti-Protocol Label Switching多協(xié)議標(biāo)記交換MPEGMoving Picture Exp

12、erts Group動態(tài)圖像專家組MP3Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer IIIMSIMedium-scale integration中規(guī)模集成MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface樂器數(shù)字接口MIMEMultipurpose internet mail extension多用途因特網(wǎng)郵件擴展協(xié)議NICNetwork Interface Card網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口卡MPCMultimedia Personal Computer多媒體個人計算機MAEMetropolitan Area Exchange城域交換站NAP

13、Network Access Point網(wǎng)絡(luò)訪問節(jié)點NATNetwork address translation 網(wǎng)絡(luò)地址轉(zhuǎn)換ODBCOpen Database Connectivity開放式數(shù)據(jù)庫連接OMGObject Management Group對象管理組織OSOperating System操作系統(tǒng)OSIOpen System Interconnect開放式系統(tǒng)互聯(lián)參考模型OOPObject-Oriented Programming面向?qū)ο蟮木幊碳夹g(shù)PSTNPublic Switch Telephone Network公共交換電話網(wǎng)PCBPrint Circuit Board印制電路

14、PDAPersonal Digital Assistant個人數(shù)字助理PINPersonal identification number個人身份識別碼PSTNPublic Switch Telephone Network公共交換電話網(wǎng)RISCReduced Instruction Set Computing精簡指令集RFCRequest for comment請求說明CISCComplex Instruction set Computing復(fù)雜指令集計算技術(shù)RFIDRadio Frequency Identification無線射頻識別(電子標(biāo)簽)RFIPSOAService-Oriented

15、 Architecture面向服務(wù)架構(gòu)SoCSystem - on-a - Chip系統(tǒng)級芯片SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol簡單對象訪問協(xié)議SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol簡單郵件傳輸協(xié)議SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language標(biāo)準(zhǔn)通用置標(biāo)語言SSIsmall-scale intrgration小規(guī)模集成SSLSecurity Socket Layer加密套接字協(xié)議層TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol傳輸控制協(xié)議/

16、網(wǎng)際協(xié)議UDDIUniversal Discovery Description and Integration通用描述發(fā)現(xiàn)和集成UMLUnified Modeling Language統(tǒng)一建模語言USBUniversal Serial Bus通用串行總線VLSIvery-large-scale intrgration極大規(guī)模集成VRMLThe Virtual Reality Modeling Language虛擬現(xiàn)實建模語言VRVirtual Reality虛擬現(xiàn)實WSNwireless sensor network無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)XMLExtensible Markup Language擴展標(biāo)

17、記語言XSLExtensible Style sheet Language可擴展樣式表語言ULSIultra-large-scale intrgration超大規(guī)模集成UNIVACUniversal Automatic Computer通用自動計算機UMLUnified Modeling Language統(tǒng)一建模語言UDPUser Datagram Protocol用戶數(shù)據(jù)報協(xié)議URLUniform Resource Locator統(tǒng)一資源定位VLSIVery Large Scale Integrated circuites超大規(guī)模集成電路W3CWorld Wide Web Consortiu

18、m萬維網(wǎng)聯(lián)合會一 漢譯英1聲卡是一塊印刷電路板,它能把數(shù)字信息譯為聲音,也能把聲音變?yōu)閿?shù)字信息,它插在母板(計算機主電路板)上的槽內(nèi)(slot),而且通常連接一對喇叭(speaker)Audio card is a piece of printed circuit boards, which can translate digital information into voice, and it also can translate voice into digital information, (it is planted in the slot of the main board(the

19、main computer circuit boards) it is always plugged into a slot on main_board and connected with a pair of speakers.2計算機是一種電子裝置,它能接受一套指令或程序,并通過數(shù)據(jù)運算,或收集和聯(lián)系其他形式的信息來執(zhí)行該程序。Computer is a kind of electronic device which can receive(adopt) a set of instructions or procedures, and carry out the procedures th

20、rough data computing(calculation), or collecting and contacting(association with) other form of information.3IT機構(gòu)早在XML和Web Services出現(xiàn)之前就成功地編制和部署了SOA應(yīng)用程序。不過他們用模塊化、可重復(fù)用部件、面向?qū)ο缶幊袒驊?yīng)用編程接口等術(shù)語來談?wù)撨@個過程。雖然它們中沒有一個是與SOA完全相同的,但它們都包含了SOA的一些方面.IT institution had successfully established and worked out (deployed) t

21、he SoA applications before the appearance of XML and Web Services. But they discussed the process with modular and reusable components, object-oriented programming or application programming interface and other terms. Although none of them is identical with the SOA, all of them contain some aspects

22、of the SOA.4本文提出了一種基于B/S架構(gòu)的單點登錄模型,為企業(yè)整合各種遺留系統(tǒng)提供了一種簡單有效的單點登錄方法。詳細介紹了采用ActiveX控件和AD實現(xiàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Windows應(yīng)用(包括Ftp和Telnet)和B/S應(yīng)用的單點登錄的原理和方法。In this article, the author addressed a B/S structure(architecture) based single sign on model which provide a simple and effective single sign on method for enterprises to c

23、ombine all kinds of legacy systems. The author introduced the theory and method of standard windows applications (including ftp and telnet) and B/S application single sign on model with ActiveX and AD in detail. 5今天,RFID標(biāo)簽開始出現(xiàn)在很多產(chǎn)品上,例如,全世界銷售的大多數(shù)新汽車山都配備了嵌入RFID標(biāo)簽的鑰匙,每個標(biāo)簽含有唯一的識別碼。Today, RFID tags began

24、 to emerge in many products, for example, a majority of the new cars sold in the world come equipped with keys embedded with RFID tags that each contains a unique identifier. 6根據(jù)軟件工程原理,軟件開發(fā)被分為軟件需求規(guī)格說明、軟件總體設(shè)計、軟件詳細設(shè)計、單元編碼與測試以及軟件集成等階段,其中軟件需求分析是最關(guān)鍵的一個階段。(According to)Under the principle of software engi

25、neering (theory), software development is divided into software requirements specification, software design, software detail design, unit coding and testing, as well as software integration periods, in which software requirements analysis is the most critical stage(important phase).7隨著多媒體在高速網(wǎng)絡(luò)中的應(yīng)用,Q

26、oS組播路由問題成為越來越重要的研究課題。QoS組播路由在計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)中是著名的Steiner樹問題,同時也是NP完全問題。本文提出了一種基于PBIL(Population-Based Incremental Learning)的QoS組播路由算法,能在滿足帶寬和時延約束條件下尋找代價最小的多播樹。該算法有效地結(jié)合了遺傳算法的進化特性與競爭學(xué)習(xí)算法的特點,采用預(yù)處理機制和基于路徑的樹編碼結(jié)構(gòu),在網(wǎng)絡(luò)規(guī)模較大的情況下也能得到很好的應(yīng)用。最后仿真實驗證明該算法快速有效。With the application of multimedia In high-speed network, QoS mult

27、icast(group broadcast) routing has become more and more important research topics. QoS multicast routing is the famous Steiner tree problem in the computer network, and it is NP-complete problems at the same time. In this paper, the author addressed a QoS multicast routing algorithm based on PBIL (P

28、opulation-Based Incremental Learning), which can find the smallest cost multicast tree with the bandwidth and delay constraints conditions. This algorithm combined effectively evolutionary characteristics of genetic algorithms with the characteristics of competitive learning algorithm, based on the

29、use of pretreatment mechanisms and path-based tree coding, which can be properly applied in large scale networks. The algorithm can be testified in the final simulation, which turned out to be quickly and efficient. 8UML是一種對軟件中的制品進行可視化、規(guī)約、構(gòu)造和文檔化的語言,使用UML可以對系統(tǒng)的靜態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)、動態(tài)行為進行可視化建模,而模型就是對現(xiàn)實的簡化。UML使用多種圖描述系

30、統(tǒng)不同側(cè)面,如用例圖、活動圖、類圖、交互圖、組件圖和部署圖等。隨著軟件系統(tǒng)的復(fù)雜性不斷提高,可視化建模越來越重要,UML已經(jīng)成為可視化建模的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。UML is a kind of language which processes the visualization of the Statute, the structure and documentation for software products, the system can use the UML static structure, the dynamic behavior of visual modeling, and the mo

31、del is the o simplification of reality. UML uses a variety of graphic describing different aspects of system, such as the use of case diagram(illustration), activity maps(chart), graphs, interactive maps, plans(module chart and deployment chart) and deployment of components such plans. With the cont

32、inuously improving of the complexity in the software system, visual modeling becoming more and more important, UML has become the standard visual modeling.三英譯漢1The development of IC made it possible for electronic devices to become smaller and smaller.集成電路的發(fā)展是電子器件可以做得越來越小2Thanks to the introduction

33、of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. 由于我們實行了改革開放政策,我國的綜合國力有了明顯的增強。3Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into parcels called “packets,” sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then

34、 reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination.分組交換是傳輸數(shù)據(jù)的一種方法,它先將數(shù)據(jù)信息分割成許多稱為“分組”的數(shù)據(jù)信息包;當(dāng)路徑可用時,經(jīng)過不同的通信路徑發(fā)送;當(dāng)?shù)竭_目的地后,再將它們組裝起來4At this moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other occasions in the whole history of the

35、 world.此時此刻,通過現(xiàn)代通信手段的奇跡,看到和聽到我們講話的人比整個世界歷史上任何其他這樣的場合都要多5IP multicasting is a set of technologies that enables efficient delivery of data to many locations on a network. IP多信道廣播是使數(shù)據(jù)向網(wǎng)絡(luò)中許多位置高效傳送的一組技術(shù)6Behind this formal definition are three extremely important concepts that are the basis for understand

36、ing the Internet: packet switching, the TCP/IP communications protocol, and client/server computing.在這個正式的定義背后,隱含著三個極其重要的概念:分組交換、TCP/IP(傳輸控制協(xié)議/網(wǎng)際協(xié)議)通信協(xié)議和客戶機/服務(wù)器計算技術(shù),它們乃是理解因特網(wǎng)的基礎(chǔ)7It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well, but on television everything is much more living, much mo

37、re real. 可能有人會指出, 無線電廣播同樣也能做到這一點, 但還是電視屏幕上的節(jié)目要生動、真實得多。8Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.工具和技術(shù)本身作為根本性創(chuàng)新的源泉多年來在很大程度上被科學(xué)史學(xué)家和科學(xué)思想家們忽視了9The way in which a number of processor units are

38、 employed in a single computer system to increase the performance of the system in its application environment above the performance of single processor is an organizational technique.將許多處理器組成單一的計算機系統(tǒng),從而提高該系統(tǒng)在其運行環(huán)境中的性能,使其超過單個處理器的性能,這種方法稱為組織技術(shù)。10N, which was established to aid Internet users in findi

39、ng and sharing online music files known as MP3 files, is perhaps the most well-known example of peer-to-peer e-commerce, although purists note that Napster is only partially peer-to-peer because it relies on a central database to show which users are sharing music files.N建立的目標(biāo)是幫助因特網(wǎng)用戶發(fā)現(xiàn)并分享在線音樂文件,即人所

40、共知的MP3文件。盡管純化論者強調(diào):因為它依賴中央數(shù)據(jù)庫來顯示哪一位用戶正在分享音樂文件,所以Napster僅僅是部分對等。但Napster或許是對等電子商務(wù)最著名的實例11The proliferation of mobile computing devices and local-area wireless networks has fostered a growing interest in location-aware systems and services. In this paper we present RADAR, a radio-frequency (RF) based s

41、ystem for locating and tracking users inside buildings. RADAR operates by recording and processing signal strength information at multiple base stations positioned to provide overlapping coverage in the area of interest. It combines empirical measurements with signal propagation modeling to determin

42、e user location and thereby enable location-aware services and applications. We present experimental results that demonstrate the ability of RADAR to estimate user location with a high degree of accuracy.移動計算設(shè)備和本地區(qū)內(nèi)的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)的增長已培養(yǎng)出了對位置感知系統(tǒng)和服務(wù)的越來越濃厚的興趣。在這篇文章中我們討論雷達,無線電頻率(射頻)系統(tǒng),這套系統(tǒng)定位與跟蹤建筑物內(nèi)的用戶。我們通過記錄和處理的

43、信號強度信息操作雷達,通過多基站定位,以提供重疊覆蓋在該地區(qū)的定位信息。它結(jié)合基于經(jīng)驗的測量與信號傳播模型,以確定用戶的位置,從而提供位置感知服務(wù)和應(yīng)用。我們目前的實驗結(jié)果表明這樣的雷達系統(tǒng)有能力以高度的準(zhǔn)確性來估計用戶的位置。12The proliferation of mobile computing devices and local-area wireless networks has fostered a growing interest in location-aware systems and services. A key distinguishing feature of s

44、uch systems is that the application information and/or interface presented to the user is, in general, a function of his or her physical location. The granularity of location information needed could vary from one application to another. For example, locating a nearby printer requires fairly coarse-

45、grained location information whereas locating a book in a library would require fine-grained information.移動計算設(shè)備和本地區(qū)內(nèi)的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)的增長已培養(yǎng)出了對位置感知系統(tǒng)和服務(wù)的越來越濃厚的興趣。一個重要特點是這類系統(tǒng)是應(yīng)用信息和/或界面提交給用戶,一般來說主要是他或她的物理位置。所需要的位置信息的粒度從一個應(yīng)用到另一個來說可能是大不一樣的。舉例來說,尋找一臺附近的打印機,需要相當(dāng)粗粒度的位置信息,而在一個圖書館里定位的一本書,將需要細粒度信息。13While much research ha

46、s focused on developing services architectures for location-aware systems (e.g., Maa97,Nel98), less attention has been paid to the fundamental and challenging problem of locating and tracking mobile users, especially in in-building environments. The few efforts that have addressed this problem have

47、typically done so in the context of infrared (IR) wireless networks. The limited range of an IR network, which facilitates user location, is a handicap in providing ubiquitous coverage. Also, the IR network is often deployed for the sole purpose of locating people and does not provide traditional da

48、ta networking services. To avoid these limitations, we focus on RF wireless networks in our research. Our goal is to complement the data networking capabilities of RF wireless LANs with accurate user location and tracking capabilities, thereby enhancing the value of such networks.14而這方面的研究主要重點集中在了為位

49、置感知系統(tǒng)(例如, Maa97,Nel98 )開發(fā)服務(wù)體系結(jié)構(gòu),不大注意一些根本性和具有挑戰(zhàn)性的問題如定位與跟蹤移動用戶,尤其是一個封閉性的建筑環(huán)境內(nèi)的用戶。由于幫助用戶定位紅外網(wǎng)絡(luò)使用范圍的局限性,在提供無所不在的覆蓋面上來說是一個缺陷。此外,紅外網(wǎng)絡(luò)往往是只被部署來定位用戶的,而沒有提供傳統(tǒng)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)數(shù)據(jù)服務(wù)。為了避免這樣的局限性,我們專注于研究射頻無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)。我們的目標(biāo)是為實現(xiàn)基于射頻無線局域網(wǎng)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)數(shù)據(jù)和準(zhǔn)確的用戶定位和跟蹤能力,從而提高網(wǎng)絡(luò)的使用價值。15In this paper, we present RADAR, an RF-based system for locating and

50、 tracking users inside buildings. RADAR uses signal strength information gathered at multiple receiver locations to triangulate the users coordinates. Triangulation is done using both empirically-determined and theoretically computed signal strength information.在本論文中,我們討論雷達射頻系統(tǒng),這套系統(tǒng)定位與跟蹤建筑物內(nèi)的用戶。雷達利用

51、聚集在多個接收地點的信號強度信息,以得到用戶三維定位坐標(biāo)。這個坐標(biāo)是根據(jù)基于經(jīng)驗和從理論上計算出信號強度的信息來確定的。16 Our experimental results are quite encouraging. With high probability, RADAR is able to estimate a users location to within a few meters of his/her actual location. This suggests that a large class of location-aware services can be built

52、 over an RF local-area wireless data network.我們的實驗結(jié)果很鼓舞人心。雷達能高效率地估計一個用戶的位置,而這個位置只和他/她的實際位置只相差數(shù)米的距離。這表明,大量的位置感知服務(wù)可以部署在基于射頻的無線數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)絡(luò)上。17The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we survey related work in location determination technologies. In Section 3, we discuss our research

53、methodology. Section 4 contains the core of the paper where we present and analyze the empirical and the signal propagation modeling methods. A discussion of extensions to the base RADAR system appears in Section 5. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 6.本文的其它部分的組織結(jié)構(gòu)如下:在第2節(jié)中,我們縱覽關(guān)于位置測定的技術(shù)。

54、在第3節(jié)中,我們討論研究的方法。而論文第4節(jié)的核心內(nèi)容在于分析經(jīng)驗性的和信號傳播的建模方法。關(guān)于基地雷達系統(tǒng)的擴展討論出現(xiàn)在第5節(jié)。最后,我們在第6節(jié)中得出我們的結(jié)論。18 In this paper, we have presented RADAR, a system for locating and tracking users inside a building. RADAR is based on empirical signal strength measurements as well as a simple yet effective signal propagation mod

55、el. While the empirical method is superior in terms of accuracy, the signal propagation method makes deployment easier. We have shown the despite the hostile nature of the radio channels, we are able to locate and track users with a high degree of accuracy. The median resolution of the RADAR system

56、is in the range of 2 to 3 meters, about the size of a typical office room. Our results indicate that it is possible to build an interesting class of location-aware services, such as printing to the nearest printer, navigating through a building, etc., on an RF wireless LAN, thereby adding value to s

57、uch a network. This, we believe, is a significant contribution of our research. Our eventual plan is to combine location information services with the RADAR system and deploy this within our organization.在這篇文章中,我們已經(jīng)介紹了雷達RADAR:一種基于射頻的室內(nèi)用戶定位和跟蹤系統(tǒng)。雷達是基于經(jīng)驗性的信號強度測量以及一個既簡單又有效的信號傳播模型。而實驗法在精度上是非常高的,信號傳播的方法使部署更加容易。我們已經(jīng)證明了,盡管存


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