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1、1 reviewLesson 58 A blessing in disguise? “Cursed” True Stories Behind famous Cursed Movies The Poltergeist Trilogy 惡靈三部曲惡靈三部曲 The Curse: Everyone who appeared in the poltergeist trilogy is now dead.four of the trilogys actors all died within 6 years of the first movie, One living actress said that

2、she returned home from the set each day to find pictures on her wall askew! She would then straighten them out, only to find them crooked again the next day! New Wordslblessing n. 福分,福氣福分,福氣ldisguise n. 偽裝偽裝ltiny adj. 極小的極小的lpossess v. 擁有擁有l(wèi)cursed adj. 可恨的可恨的lincrease v. 增加增加lplant v. 種植種植lchurch n.

3、 教堂教堂levil adj. 壞的壞的lreputation n. 名聲名聲lclaim v. 以以.為其后果為其后果lvictim n. 受害者,犧牲品受害者,犧牲品lvicar n. 教區(qū)牧師教區(qū)牧師lsource n. 來源來源lincome n. 收入收入ltrunk n. 樹干樹干blessing n. 福氣福氣, 福分福分 l1.Gods favour and protection 神恩;神的保佑神恩;神的保佑lGod bless you!l請接受我對你們婚姻的祝福。請接受我對你們婚姻的祝福。lPlease accept my blessing upon your marriag

4、e.l2.things that one is glad of令人高興的事令人高興的事lGood health is a blessing.身體健康是幸事。身體健康是幸事。l3.good wishes; approval祝愿,認可祝愿,認可lI went on trip with my parents blessing.l我得到父母的同意后去旅行了。我得到父母的同意后去旅行了。blessing(神的)祝福;天惠,幸福,幸事(神的)祝福;天惠,幸福,幸事Good health is a blessing.e.g.健康是福健康是福count ones blessings心存感恩,知足心存感恩,知足

5、blessingbless v.bless+sb./sth with sth. 把把賦予賦予,賜予;有幸得到賜予;有幸得到祝福,保佑祝福,保佑I am blessed with good friends.Bless me!哎呀!我的天!哎呀!我的天!e.g. God blessed him with success and victory.God bless you!=Bless you!愿上帝保佑你(打噴嚏時說的)愿上帝保佑你(打噴嚏時說的)disguise v. 偽裝偽裝disguise as 偽裝成偽裝成憨豆先生把自己偽裝成一個美女。憨豆先生把自己偽裝成一個美女。Mr. Bean dis

6、guised himself as a beauty. V. 掩飾掩飾 I cant disguise my anger. a blessing in disguise disguise n. 偽裝偽裝 lin disguise 穿著偽裝的 la wolf in disguise 披著羊皮的狼, 被偽裝的狼 la blessing in disguise 因禍得福 lI had to get out of that house in disguise.l我不得不化裝離開那屋子。tiny adj. 極小的極小的tiny = very very smalltiny = very very smal

7、lShe showed us_ a tiny bedroom.(A.into/B.around/C.for)tiny adj. 極小的極小的 possess v. 擁有擁有 ltiny = very very smalll sb. possess sth. 某人有某物某人有某物 lThey possess property all over the world.l他們在世界各地均有財產(chǎn)。他們在世界各地均有財產(chǎn)。lHe decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.l他決定放棄所有一切,出家為僧。他決定放棄所有一切,

8、出家為僧。lpossession n. 擁有擁有, 占有占有, 所有所有, 著迷著迷, 領土領土, 領地領地, 財產(chǎn)財產(chǎn)(常用常用復數(shù)復數(shù)), 自制自制 lin ones possession 某人有某物某人有某物lHe was found in possession of dangerous drugs.l他被發(fā)現(xiàn)藏有危險物品。他被發(fā)現(xiàn)藏有危險物品。curse n. 詛咒,咒罵 cursed adj.可惡的,可恨的curse sb/sth for sth.因詛咒It is better to light a candle than to curse darkness.與其詛咒黑暗,不如點亮光

9、明Cursive 行草cursed adj. 可恨的可恨的 被詛咒的被詛咒的, 邪惡的邪惡的 lcurse n.詛咒,咒語,禍根vt.詛咒,咒罵,降禍l女巫詛咒他。lThe witch put a curse on him.lThe witch cursed him.lbe under a curse 遭受詛咒llift a curse 解除詛咒lcurse sb for sthincrese v.增長構詞:in(加強)+creas(生長)+E(v.n.) 加快生長-增加,增長(主要指(主要指工資,產(chǎn)量工資,產(chǎn)量, ,數(shù)量數(shù)量的增加的增加 increase by +(倍數(shù)或百分數(shù)倍數(shù)或百分數(shù))

10、 增加增加了了 increase to +(實際數(shù)實際數(shù) ) 增加增加到到n. 增加增加 increase in value /price /be on the increase 正在增長正在增長 = be increasing increasing adj. 增強的,增大的增強的,增大的increasingly adv. 不斷增加地不斷增加地 The output increased_ over 200 percent 產(chǎn)量增長了兩倍多。產(chǎn)量增長了兩倍多。 The population has increased _1.2billion 人口數(shù)量增加到人口數(shù)量增加到1.2億億bytoincr

11、easegrowaddincrease作動詞或名詞,著重體積、數(shù)量、強度、程度、力量、權威、名聲、財富等的增加或增強;add是動詞,指將某物加在另一物上,使之在數(shù)量、體積、重要性等方面有所增加;grow作不及物動詞,表示“增長”與increase意義基本相同,但grow還另含有“生長、發(fā)育、種植等”之意。increase v. 增加增加 n.增長增長l The population has increased greatly.l人口急劇增長。l an increase ofl a 50% increasel同義詞: add to , raise, grow, enlargel反義詞: decl

12、ine, decrease, reduceplant v. 種植種植 lplant 強調(diào)把東西給種下去 lplant tree 種樹(只是種, 活不活不管) lTree Planting day 植樹節(jié) lgrow v. 生長 lgrow sth. 種莊稼(不但種, 還要讓它生長) n.植物v.種植Plants need water and sunshine.TreePlantingday植樹節(jié)plant 與grow的區(qū)別planttree種樹(只是種,活不活不管) growv.生長growsth.種莊稼(不但種,還要讓它生長)church n.教堂gotochurch指的是到教堂去做禮拜;

13、gotothechurch則指到教堂這個地方去。 Christ基督,God神,Heaven天堂,Angel天使,sister,nun修女,follower信徒,cross十字架,pray祈禱,Easter復活節(jié),hell地獄,devil魔鬼,撒旦church n. 教堂教堂 lchurch加the 表示地點;church不加the 和功能有關 lgo to the church 去教堂玩 lI am at the church. 在教堂玩 lgo to church 去教堂做禮拜 lI am at church. 做禮拜 evil adj. 壞的壞的good and evilMoney is

14、the root of all evil. n. 罪惡,邪惡罪惡,邪惡speak evil of sb說某人壞話說某人壞話reputation n. 名聲,名望名聲,名望 enjoy a good reputation build up ones reputationruin ones reputationevil adj. 壞的壞的 reputation n. 名聲名聲 levil = wicked adj. 邪惡的 lgood reputation 好名聲; bad reputation 壞名聲 l has a good/bad reputation as/forl has a good

15、reputation as a doctorl has a good reputation for generosityl has a bad reputation for lazinessl establish/build up/make/ruin lfame n. 名聲(一定是好名聲), 名望, 傳說, 傳聞 lfamous adj. 著名的, 出名的, 極好的, 令人滿意的 Those children are the sad victims of their parents divorce.Victim n.受害者,犧牲品那些孩子因父母離異而成為可憐的 become the victi

16、m of=fall a victim to成為的犧牲品claim v. 以以為其后果為其后果 ;聲稱;聲稱source n. 來源來源 lclaim = take 拿拿, 索取索取 lclaim可以表示(疾病、意外等)奪去(生命)可以表示(疾病、意外等)奪去(生命) l The accident claimed a few lives. l這場意外奪去了幾條生命。這場意外奪去了幾條生命。l聲稱聲稱l claim to do聲稱做某事聲稱做某事l claim that l he claimed that all he had said was true. water source data so

17、urcelresource n. 資源資源(一次又一次的來源,一次又一次的來源,re-又又) lreread vt.重讀重讀, 再讀再讀 lsauce n. 沙司沙司, 醬油醬油, 調(diào)味料;調(diào)味料;vt. 調(diào)味調(diào)味, 使增加趣味(讀音與使增加趣味(讀音與 source相同)相同) incomeWhats your income from your job?你工作的收入是多少?income 定期的收入salary指腦力勞動者的收入,數(shù)額比較固定。來源于salt(sal鹽+ary與有關之物-古羅馬時,當兵的食宿由國家包干,只發(fā)一些津貼買調(diào)味的鹽,這一份“買鹽的小錢”便是最古老的“薪金”形式,沿用至

18、今),白領工作的,(尤指按月發(fā)的)wage:體力勞動者的工資(藍領)pay是salary 和wage的非正式說法,可指軍餉n.收入income n. 收入收入 lincome tax 所得稅所得稅lincome gap 收入差距收入差距l(xiāng)personal income 個人所得個人所得l low/high incomelrent v. 租,租借,出租;租,租借,出租;n. 租金租金 linterest n. 興趣,關心,重要性,影響,利息,利益,利害興趣,關心,重要性,影響,利息,利益,利害 lvt. 使發(fā)生興趣,引起使發(fā)生興趣,引起的注意的注意 lDINK-丁克家族丁克家族 : Ddoubl

19、e,Iincome,Nno,Kkids lkid n.哄騙,取笑,開玩笑,小孩,小山羊;哄騙,取笑,開玩笑,小孩,小山羊;v. 哄騙,取笑,哄騙,取笑,開玩笑,欺騙開玩笑,欺騙 lDINK=double income no kids 丁克家族丁克家族據(jù)說弗林利這個小村里有一棵據(jù)說弗林利這個小村里有一棵 “該詛該詛咒的樹咒的樹”Textl1、The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a cursed tree. lThere/名詞主語名詞主語/代詞主語代詞主語 +be said to do sth. 據(jù)說據(jù)說(是(是對不太有把握的事發(fā)表看法時一

20、種謹慎的說法)對不太有把握的事發(fā)表看法時一種謹慎的說法) l It is said that he is very good. lHe is said to be very good.據(jù)說他人非常好據(jù)說他人非常好l it is said that 據(jù)說據(jù)說 l用于這種結(jié)構的動詞除了用于這種結(jié)構的動詞除了say之外,還有之外,還有believe,know,find,fear,think等:等: l It is feared that many lives have been lost in the train. l 在這次列車事故中,恐怕有不少人喪生。在這次列車事故中,恐怕有不少人喪生。 lth

21、e tiny village of Frinley 弗林利這個小村莊,其中介詞弗林利這個小村莊,其中介詞of表表示的是同位關系:示的是同位關系: lthe city of Beijing 名叫北京的城市名叫北京的城市 lat the age of twenty 20歲時歲時 la height of three feet 三英尺的高度三英尺的高度 就因為報上提到過這棵樹就因為報上提到過這棵樹, 所以現(xiàn)在所以現(xiàn)在來弗林利參觀的人來弗林利參觀的人 越來越多越來越多.2、Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visi

22、tors to Frinley has now increased. lmention vt. 提到提到, 提及提及 (bring up)lMy father often mentions you. lin a newspaper 強調(diào)報紙里面的內(nèi)容強調(diào)報紙里面的內(nèi)容 la number oflots of許多許多l(xiāng)a number of students 許多學生許多學生 lthe number of的數(shù)量的數(shù)量/總數(shù)總數(shù)lthe number of students 學生的數(shù)量學生的數(shù)量 該樹是該樹是 50 年前栽在教堂附近的年前栽在教堂附近的, 但但只是近幾年才得到了一個壞名聲只是近幾年

23、才得到了一個壞名聲.3、The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. lHave you planted any vegetables yet? 你種蔬菜了嗎?lit is/was (被強調(diào)部分 that/who(m)+ 從句)萬能強調(diào)結(jié)構 lIt is I that am looking for you. 強調(diào) “I” lIt is Jack who(m) Frank phoned last

24、night. lJohn visited New York last month. la) 強調(diào)主語:強調(diào)主語: lIt was John who / that visited New York last month. l上個月去紐約的是約翰上個月去紐約的是約翰 lb) 強調(diào)賓語:強調(diào)賓語: lIt was New York that John visited last month. l約翰上個月去的是紐約。約翰上個月去的是紐約。 lC)強調(diào)時間狀語:)強調(diào)時間狀語: lIt was last month that John visited New York. l約翰是上個月去的紐約。約翰是上

25、個月去的紐約。 lgainget 得到得到 lno pain, no gain. 無付出無收獲。無付出無收獲。lI need to gain experience. 我需要積累經(jīng)驗。我需要積累經(jīng)驗。A It 強調(diào)句型強調(diào)句型1.It 強調(diào)句型的構成:強調(diào)句型的構成: It is (was) +被強調(diào)部分被強調(diào)部分+that(who/whom)+ 句子其他部分。2.被強調(diào)對象: ,狀語從句,不能用來強調(diào)不能用來強調(diào)謂語謂語(動詞)。(動詞)。3that 可以用來指可以用來指 Who 用來指用來指主語、主語、賓語、賓語、 狀語狀語(時間,地點)(時間,地點)人或物,地點、時間、人(主格)whom

26、(賓格)狀語狀語從句從句 You look pretty today.You do look pretty today. 用用 ItIt 強調(diào)句型分別來強調(diào)強調(diào)句型分別來強調(diào)主主語、語、賓賓語、語、時時間間狀語、狀語、地點地點狀語狀語I met Mary at the railway station yesterday morning.It was I who (that )met Mary at the railway station yesterday morning.強調(diào)主語:強調(diào)賓語:It was Mary who(whom ) I met at the railway station

27、 yesterday morning.強調(diào)時間狀語:It was yesterday morning that I met Mary at the railway station.強調(diào)地點狀語:It was at the railway station that I met Mary yesterday morning. 2. It 強調(diào)句型的強調(diào)句型的一般疑問句型一般疑問句型的構成:的構成:Is /was+it+所強調(diào)成分所強調(diào)成分 +that/who/whom.?e.gIt was Mary who(whom ) I met at the railway station yesterday

28、 morning.Was it Mary who(whom ) I met at the railway station yesterday morning?Eg: Where did you see her book yesterday ? Where was it that you saw her book yesterday?(強調(diào)特殊疑問詞(強調(diào)特殊疑問詞where) 3. It 強調(diào)句型的強調(diào)句型的特殊疑問句型特殊疑問句型:疑問詞疑問詞 + is/was+itthat(who/whom)+句子其他部分句子其他部分?強調(diào)提問的特殊疑問詞強調(diào)提問的特殊疑問詞+It was in the

29、lab that was taken charge by Professor Harris that they did the experiment.take charge (of sth) 控制或掌管控制或掌管; 承擔責任承擔責任 (They did the experiment in the lab that was taken charge by Professor Harris.)主語從句:主語從句:It is certain that he is honest and modest.很顯然,他是誠實而謙虛的。很顯然,他是誠實而謙虛的。It is known to all that p

30、aper was made first in China.眾所周知,紙是中國人最早制造出來的。眾所周知,紙是中國人最早制造出來的。 強調(diào)句與主從的區(qū)別:強調(diào)句與主從的區(qū)別:強調(diào)句:去掉強調(diào)句:去掉It beIt be that that后,句子通意完整后,句子通意完整 it is it is 無意義無意義主語從句:去掉主語從句:去掉It beIt bethatthat,句子不通順;,句子不通順; it it無實意,無實意,is is 有意義有意義 thatthat后可移到句首,刪除后可移到句首,刪除it it。據(jù)說據(jù)說, 誰要是觸摸了這棵誰要是觸摸了這棵 樹樹, 誰就會交上誰就會交上惡運惡運;

31、 如果誰摘了一片樹葉如果誰摘了一片樹葉, 誰就會死去誰就會死去.4、It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. l英語中分號可以斷開兩個句子 lanyone 任何人,與 he 相對應 lIf anyone wanted to go there, he will do sth. lHis sincerity touched me . 他的誠懇態(tài)度感動了我。lHe has lost touch with reality.他與現(xiàn)實脫節(jié)。很多村民相

32、信此樹已經(jīng)害了不少人很多村民相信此樹已經(jīng)害了不少人. 5、Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims.lclaim可以表示疾病、意外等“奪去(生命)”: lThe accident claimed a few lives. l那次事故奪走了幾條人命。lShe was the victim of a road accident. l她是一場交通事故的受害者。人們曾請求人們曾請求 教區(qū)的牧師叫人把樹砍掉教區(qū)的牧師叫人把樹砍掉, 但他直到現(xiàn)在也沒有同意但他直到現(xiàn)在也沒有同意.6、The vi

33、car has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. (=has said no to the request.)lsb. be asked to do sth. 被請求做某事,sb.做事 lhave sth. done 使某事被做,叫別人完成某事 lI will go to have my bicycle repaired. (別人修車) lI will go to repair my bicycle. (自己修車) lI will have my hair cut. lmake sth. done

34、讓某事被做讓某事被做 lCould you make yourself known? 你能讓別人你能讓別人知道你嗎知道你嗎?(你的自我介紹你的自我介紹) l=Could you introduce yourdself? 你能自我介紹你能自我介紹一下嗎一下嗎? lCould you make youself heard ? 你能讓別人聽你能讓別人聽到你嗎到你嗎?(你能大聲點嗎你能大聲點嗎?) lmake的用法:的用法:make +賓語賓語+賓補;賓補;make +sb.+do 讓某人做某事;讓某人做某事;make +sth.+done 讓別人做某事讓別人做某事 lso far 迄今為止(常與現(xiàn)在

35、完成時連用)迄今為止(常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用) l He hasnt returned my books so far. 7、He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. lpoint out = explain 指出,解釋 l I realized that he had make a mistake, so I pointed it out to him immediately

36、. l He pointed out that it was a mistake not to help them. 8、In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. lIn spite of =despitelin spite of 盡管,雖然;不顧,不管 lHe set off in spite of the heavy rain. lin spite of all that = in spite of

37、what 盡管 l(in spite of 介詞后面不能接從句, 只能加what引導的從句) l In spite of what you have told me, I still believe (that) he has stolen the money. 9、So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! l(1)so far為固定短語,其含義之一為為固定短語,其含義之一為“迄今為止迄今為止”,常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用:常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用: lHe hasnt returned my books so far. l迄

38、今為止他還沒有還我的書。迄今為止他還沒有還我的書。l(2)not one ofnone of一個人也沒有一個人也沒有,單數(shù),單數(shù)no one of(no one不能加不能加of););not one of them表示表示“一個人也沒有一個人也沒有”,其語氣比,其語氣比none of them或或 no one要強。要強。lbe struck down被打倒(被打倒(stike down 使使生重病,生重病,殺死)殺死) l Many people were struck down in that war. l He was stuck down by cancer last year. Sp

39、ecial difficulties lIncrease and Growlincrease vt. &vi. 增加,增大,增長,增強增加,增大,增長,增強 l The firm has increased his salary. l His salary has increased. lgrow vi. 增長,長,成長,生長增長,長,成長,生長 l The number of vistors to Frinley has now grown/increased. l The students in this university has grown in number. l How

40、tall youve become! How youve grown! l She has grown so much she is nearly as tall as I am. lgrowincrease(表示數(shù)量增長表示數(shù)量增長) lThe number is increasing/growing. Gain and Earnlgain vt. 獲得,得到(獲得,得到(get sth.);受益,獲益);受益,獲益(earn無此含義)無此含義) l Jane has gained much from her year in Australia. learn vt. (通過努力通過努力)獲得

41、,得到;賺錢(獲得,得到;賺錢(gain無此無此含義)含義) l earn money 掙錢掙錢 learn ones living 謀生謀生 lTry to save as you earn. 掙了錢時要設法存起來。掙了錢時要設法存起來。 l She earns $500 a month. l It has gained/earned an evil reputation. Pick and Cutlpick vt. 采摘,采集 l They picked a lot of flowers yesterday. lcut vt. 切,割,剪 l She cut an apple in two

42、. to, so as to , so that, in order to, & in order that lto, so as to , so that, in order to, & in order that 這些結(jié)構都用于表示目的。 lA:to, so as to 及in order to 后面跟動詞原形,常用于非正式英語中;in order to 多用于肯定句中或句首,而so as to 則多用于否定句中: He ran to the station to catch the train. He ran to the station so as to catch the train. He w


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