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2、為兩個部分:主干部分和選項部分。主干部分的原文約300詞,其中有5段空白處,空白處的位置可能在段首、段中、段未;選項部分為7段文字,每段可能是一個句子,可能是兩三個短句。其中5段文字分屬于主干部分的空白處。要求考生依據自己對文章的理解從選項中選擇5段文字放回到文章中相應的5段空白處。2) 文章結構(a)描述性結構(主要介紹事物、問題或傾向的特點,對人物的描述如傳記,包括人身體特征、家庭背景、成長過程、個性愛好、成就貢獻等內容進行描述,因此時間、地點往往是出題重點)(b)釋義性結構(解釋某一理論、學科、事物,主要用例子比喻類比闡述)(c)比較性結構(把兩個人或事物功能、特點、優(yōu)缺點進行對比)(d


4、)重新閱讀相關詞句,重點做剛才沒做出的題或不確定的題,此時可將已選出的答案代入原文,利用排除法。同時檢查核對已選出的答案,看文章從內容上是否語義連貫合理,語篇結構上是否通順連貫、具有一致性、合乎邏輯,寫作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用語是否恰當貼切。如果所選的答案可以滿足上述標準,則表明各個問題的答案基本正確。4)比較兩類關鍵詞 :將7個選項的關鍵詞與5個空的前后句中的關鍵詞進行比較,匹配的是正確答案。具體方法:1 閱讀各個空的前后句,標記關鍵詞 在閱讀文章的開始部分、明確文章的基本話題以后,要閱讀五個空自的前后句,并將前后句中的解題線索,即關鍵詞標記下來。關鍵詞包括句中的核心名詞或名詞詞組(如

5、帶有形容詞的名詞詞組),專有名詞、時間數字、代詞、連詞等。2 閱讀各個選項,尤其是選項的首句,標記關鍵詞 3 比較并匹配上述兩類關鍵詞,確定答案 4 將確定的答案代入原文,看讀起來是否通順。 如:下面一篇文章51 You dont show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you52.The important position is the

6、 one that you go to sleep in If you go to sleep on your back,youre a very open personYou normally trust people andyou are easily influenced by fashion or new ideasYou dont like to displease peopleSo you never express your real feelings53 If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive person

7、You worry a lot and youre always easily upsetYou always stick to your own opinions or judgment,but you arent very ambitious(上進心)54.This means that you enjoy having a good time If you sleep curled up,you are probably a very nervous personYou have a low opinion of yourself and so youre often delusiveY

8、oure shy and you dont normally like meeting peopleYou prefer to on your own,Youre easily hurt If you sleep on your sideyon have usually got a wellbalanced personality55.Yonre usually carefulYou believe in yourselfYon sometimes feel anxious,but you dont often get sadYou always say what you think even

9、 if it makes people rather angry.A. Youre quite shy and you arent quite sure of yourselfB. You know your strengths and weaknessC. Normally people seldom change their sleeping positionD .Everyone has got two personalitiesthe one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and realE. Maybe

10、 you dont want to make friends with a person who sleeps curled up.F .You usually live for today not tomorrowG. In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their positions1標記空前后句中的關鍵詞 本文主要討論各種睡眠姿勢反映出的各種性格。各個空前后句的關鍵詞標記如下: 51空后:名詞詞組secret personality ,dont show 52空前position 空后important ,positi

11、on, the one ,等。說明空中要填入的選項含有此類詞匯。 53關鍵詞:never express your real feelings54關鍵詞:arent very ambitious(上進心)。空后,you enjoy having a good time 55空前句中的關鍵詞:wellbalanced ,空后為careful2標記選項中的關鍵詞 (A) 關鍵詞shy,arent quite sure說明空的前一句可能提到過一種不敢干什么(B) know your strengths and weakness說明一個人性格是好的,優(yōu)缺點都知道而且能調控。 (C) seldom ch

12、ange their sleeping position說明前后一句可能提到數字,而且是很少的。 (D) two personalities,shown secret (E) dont want to make friends,sleeps curled up.(說明前面或后面肯定提到蜷著身子睡覺的人的各種個性。(F) live for today not tomorrow(活在當下,沒抱負)(G) frequently change their positions3比較兩類關鍵詞 將7個選項的關鍵詞與5個空的前后句中的關鍵詞進行比較,發(fā)現匹配的是: 51與D、52與G、53與A、54與F、5

13、5與B。 4 代入原文 將確定的選項代入原文,發(fā)現意義上與邏輯上都通順,因此為正確答案。 三、七選五解題策略七選五解題的關鍵是能嫻熟地利用各種銜接手段。銜接手段分為三種:詞匯銜接、邏輯銜接、結構銜接(具體如下)。1). 詞匯銜接詞匯銜接又可以具體分為三種:代詞、同義詞/近義詞、上下義詞/同一范疇詞對應關系。        1. 代詞英語表達中的代詞出現的頻率極高,代詞的作用是指代前面提及的名詞或形容詞概念,巧妙利用這樣的指代關系和根據代詞的單復數差異可以準確而快速地解題。  例題:The new desi

14、gn was well received by the reception staff of the hotel chain._   正確選項句子為:They all believe that its introduction has led to a modern, more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them.  例題分析:選項中的they是一個復數人數主格代詞,對應空格前句中的staff。staff是一個集合名詞(全體員工),是個復數概念。 

15、; 例題:It is important, therefore, that we should know what people using our stores want of us._ During the past two years, we have been working hard to improve the standard of our products in both these areas.  正確選項句子為: The research made by the company shows that, above all else, custo

16、mers expect fashion and value.  例題分析:空格后的句末in both these areas中both這個不定代詞提示考生空格中一定出現兩個并列的名詞概念,即fashion and value。 2. 同義詞/近義詞英語前言后語之間往往有同義詞、近義詞、近義表達語甚至相同詞匯的重復使用,這是我們解題的一個很好的判斷線索。  例題:Laura Ashley made a fortune by looking back to past centuries, searching for old designs to d

17、ecorate a variety of clothes and household furnishings. _.  正確的選項是:These traditional products created a huge wave of demand from the States and elsewhere.  例題分析:空格前句中的old和選項中的traditional是近義詞,是很明顯的同義對應關系。   有的時候,如果選項中出現空格前后句里相同的詞匯,尤其是實詞(特別是名詞),這往往是很好的提示。這就是所謂的同詞重復現象。例題:51 You dont

18、 show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you正確選項為Everyone has got two personalitiesthe one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real例題分析:空格后句和空格里都出現了personality,secret,

19、在讀選項的時候很容易注意到這個同詞重復的解題線索。3. 上下義詞/同一范疇詞什么是上下義詞和同一范疇詞?舉個例子你們就明白了。Fruit和apple之間就是上下義詞,因為前者包含了后者,或可以說后者是前者的一個子集。Apple和orange之間則是同一范疇的關系,都屬于fruit。利用前后句中這樣的特殊的同義關系常常可以很輕松地解題。  例題:A recently study by American management institute shows that the processing of documents takes up 60% of office works time

20、, 40% of labor costs and up to 10% of business income. _.正確的選項是:These figures are hardly surprising since documents convey nine-tenths of all information.  例題分析:選項中的these figures 提示我們前句一定出現了大于等于三個數字,figure/number/ data等都是表示“數字、數據”的意思,空格前面出現了三個百分數,屬于數字的一種,是上下義詞的關系。2)、邏輯銜接邏輯銜接根據前后句之間的邏輯關系又細分為:解釋關

21、系、例證關系、因果關系、轉折關系。1. 解釋關系前后句之間含有解釋的邏輯關系,這樣的邏輯關系是很隱蔽的。例題_thats why I dont wear a white coat.正確選項:He has tried to create an environment where people are not afraid  例題分析:后面說不穿白大褂,前面則為解釋的原因。2. 例證關系前后句的某句是為了證明另一句而舉的例子。例證的形式多樣,但就其本質而言無非是思維上的形象(例子、類比等)和抽象(觀點)的辯證關系,用到的思維過程無非就是基本的歸納(從例子到觀點)和推理(從觀點到例子)。例

22、題:Manager should provide regular feedback to their staff._.正確選項:For example, when good work has been done it must be praised.例題分析:選項是對前句舉了一個十分明顯的例子。3. 因果關系前后句的邏輯是因果關系,常見的邏輯表達有:because, for, since, as, the reason is that,result in/ from, be due to, be attributed to 等等。  例題:There is no doubt that

23、, in an increasingly competitive trading environment, we are better equipped than ever to compete and to win and we feel increasingly optimistic._.   正確選項:This is due to our now having a clear strategy(戰(zhàn)略) with a focus on the customer, product improvement  例題分析:選項句中有一個非常重要的形容詞clear,這個

24、詞足以說明該公司的strategy(戰(zhàn)略)是正確的,一家公司有著清晰而正確的戰(zhàn)略思想當然會使其蒸蒸日上??崭袂懊嬉痪湔侵v的該公司躊躇滿志,十分樂觀。空格句開頭的this is due to 反映出這樣的因果邏輯關系。4. 轉折關系  例題: known as Glasgows most fashionable dentist,正確選項Jerome is keen to point out that he takes his work very seriously.例題分析:空格前句作者用了一個as引起的倒裝表示盡管他是城里最時尚的牙醫(yī),但人家對工作可是(take seriously


26、、最后闡明自己的觀點)英語文章絕大多數都是總分結構,無論是全篇的邏輯,還是每一個獨立的意群(一般以自然段的形式出現)的邏輯都是總分結構。利用總句和分句中可能存在的上述的各種銜接關系可以迅速地解題。由于篇幅有限,這里就不舉例說明了。下面讓我們來用上述總結的方法巧解一篇文章。(2009年高考英語遼寧卷閱讀理解新題型樣題)Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a batter student in several ways 71. Second, your notes are excellent m

27、aterials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report 72 . Whenever or however you take notes

28、, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.73The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. Write your notes in your own words. 

29、74 Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速記). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.75A. Use words, not complete sentences.B. There are three practical

30、note-taking methods.C. You must write your notes on separate paper.D0. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and re


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