七年級(jí)英語下冊 重點(diǎn)短語及句型 人教新目標(biāo)版_第1頁
七年級(jí)英語下冊 重點(diǎn)短語及句型 人教新目標(biāo)版_第2頁
七年級(jí)英語下冊 重點(diǎn)短語及句型 人教新目標(biāo)版_第3頁
七年級(jí)英語下冊 重點(diǎn)短語及句型 人教新目標(biāo)版_第4頁
七年級(jí)英語下冊 重點(diǎn)短語及句型 人教新目標(biāo)版_第5頁
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1、重點(diǎn)短語及句型unit 1重點(diǎn)短語:1、一個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)俱樂部 a sports club 2、象棋俱樂部 chess club 3、想加入一個(gè)英語俱樂部want to join an english club 4、音樂俱樂部 music club 5、講故事俱樂部 the story telling club 6、美術(shù)俱樂部the art club 7、彈吉它 play the guitar 8、敲鼓 play the drums 9、給說 /與交談talk to/with 10、喜歡做某事 like to do / doing sth 11、和一塊玩游戲 play games with 12、幫助

2、(某人)做某事 help (sb) with sth / help (sb) (to) do sth 13、說英語的學(xué)生english-speaking students 14、打電話找某人 call sb at + 電話號(hào)碼 15、有空be free 16、善于與某人相處be good with sb 17、擅長做某事be good at doing sth 18、與某人交朋友 make friends with sb 19、在周末on /at the weekend = on / at weekends 20. 講故事tell stories重點(diǎn)句子:1.你會(huì)彈吉它嗎?can you pl

3、ay the guitar?2.你會(huì)唱歌或跳舞嗎?can you sing or dance?3.你非常擅長講故事。you are very good at telling stories.4.學(xué)校文藝表演招募學(xué)生students wanted for school show5.來加入我們吧!come and join us!6.我喜歡和人們一塊談話和玩游戲。i like to talk and play games with people.7.放學(xué)后你忙嗎?are you busy after school?8.請撥293-7742找布朗先生。please call mr brown at

4、293-7742.9.周末你有時(shí)間嗎?(同義句)are you free on the weekend? / do you have time ?10.你善于與老人相處嗎?are you good with old people?unit 2重點(diǎn)短語:1、 去學(xué)校 go to school 2、回家 go home 3、去睡覺go to bed 4、刷牙 brush teeth 5、吃早餐eat/have breakfast 6、從晚上12點(diǎn)到早上六點(diǎn)from twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning 7、在那之后 after th

5、at 8、上班遲到 be late for work 9、在學(xué)習(xí)日on school days 10.在晚上七點(diǎn)一刻 a quarter past seven in the evening 11、早早睡覺 go to bed early 12、快速地吃 eat quickly 13、做運(yùn)動(dòng)play/ do sports 14、 到家 get home 15、玩電腦游戲play computer games 16、吃一頓營養(yǎng)早餐 eat a good breakfast 17、午餐吃許多水果和蔬菜eat lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch 18、晚餐后

6、after dinner 19、差一刻到12點(diǎn)a quarter to twelve 20、對(duì)有益/好處be good for 21.起床 get up 22.穿上衣服 get dressed 23. 洗淋浴 take/have a shower 24.廣播電臺(tái) radio station 25. 在周末 on /at the weekend = on / at weekends 26. 做作業(yè) do ones homework 27. 散步 take a walk / go for a walk 28. 要么.要么.; 或者.或者. either .or. 29.大量,許多 a lot of

7、.= lots of重點(diǎn)句子:1、現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?what time is it ? / whats the time?2、現(xiàn)在06:05。its six o five now. / its five past six.3、我沒有太多時(shí)間吃早飯。i dont have much time for breakfast.4、我有時(shí)打半個(gè)小時(shí)籃球。i sometimes play basketball for half an hour.5、午飯我通常吃漢堡。i usually eat hamburgers for lunch.6、當(dāng)我到家,我總是先做我的作業(yè)。when i get home, i alw

8、ays do my homework first.7、晚上我要么看電視要么玩電腦游戲。in the evening,i either watch tv or play computer games.8、她知道它對(duì)她沒好處,但是它嘗起來很好。she knows its not good for her, but it tastes good!9、我有一個(gè)非常健康的生活。i have a very healthy life.unit 3重點(diǎn)短語:1乘火車到某地(兩種)take the train to sp / go to sp by train 2、乘地鐵到某地(兩種)take the subw

9、ay to sp / go to sp by subway 3、騎自行車到某地ride the bike to sp / go to sp by bike/ on a bike 4、步行到某地 walk to sp / go to sp on foot 5、開小汽車到某地 drive/ take a car to sp / go to sp by car/ in a car 6、騎自行車大約15分鐘 about 15 minutes by bike 7、離這兒 from here 8、穿過河流 cross the river 9、滑鐵索過河去學(xué)校 go on a ropeway to cros

10、s the river to school 10、一個(gè)11歲的男孩 a 11-year-old boy 11、每個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)日 every school day 12、離開家leave home 13.每天 every day 14.認(rèn)為 think of 15. 在.和.之間 between .and . 16. 實(shí)現(xiàn);成為現(xiàn)實(shí) come ture重點(diǎn)句子:1.我每天騎自行車上學(xué)。i go to school by bike every day./ i ride my bike to school every day. 2、我不確信。im not sure. 3、它是很好的鍛煉。its good

11、exercise.4、你認(rèn)為那旅程怎么樣?what do you think of the trip? /how do you like the trip?5、你走路還是騎自行車?do you walk or ride a bike?6、對(duì)許多學(xué)生來說,到學(xué)校是容易的。for many students, its easy to get to school.7.他對(duì)我來說就像是位父親。he is like a father to me.8.有一座橋是他們的夢想。it is their dream to have a bridge.9. 謝謝你的上封來信。thanks for your last

12、 letter.10. 乘公交車需要花費(fèi)大約40分鐘到那里。it takes about 40 minutes to get there by bus.unit 4重點(diǎn)短語:1. 遲到 be / arrive late for 2. 按時(shí) be on time 3. 在走廊里 in the hallways4. 在教室里 in the classroom 5. 在課堂上 in class 6. 在班里 in the class 7. 在餐廳里in the dining hall 8. 聽音樂 listen to music 9. 戴一頂帽子 wear a hat 10. 許多規(guī)則 a lot

13、of rules 11. 太多規(guī)則 too many rules 12. 把. 帶到.take.to. 13. 把. 帶來.bring.to. 14. 不得不 have to 15. 保持安靜keep/be quiet 16.照相 take photos 17. 幫助他的媽媽做早餐help his mom make breakfast 18. 在上學(xué)日 on school days 19. 在上學(xué)日的晚上 on school nights 20. 鋪床make one's bed 21. 玩的愉快 have fun= have a good time = enjoy oneself 2

14、2. 穿校服 wear a uniform 23.清洗餐具 do the dishes 24.聽. listen to. 25. 外出 go out 26.清洗餐具 do the dishes 27. 鋪床 make ones bed 28.對(duì)某人嚴(yán)格要求 be strict with sb 29. 遵守規(guī)則 follow the rules 重點(diǎn)句子: 1.上課不要遲到。你必須按時(shí)。dont be / arrive late for class. you must be on time.2.不要在課堂上聽音樂。dont listen to music in class.3.我們能把音樂播放器

15、帶來學(xué)校嗎?can we bring music players to school?4.我們必須在圖書館里保持安靜。 we have to be / keep quiet in the library.5. 不要把臟碗丟在廚房里。dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.6. 我不開心因?yàn)榧依镉刑嘁?guī)定了。im not happy because there are too many rules at home.7. 我必須留短發(fā)。i must keep my hair short.8. 我從來都不開心。i never have (any ) fu

16、n.9. 然后我必須去廚房為爺爺找食物。then i have to go to the kitchen to get food for grandpa.unit 5重點(diǎn)短語:1. 真的很嚇人really scary 2. 有點(diǎn)意思kind of interesting 3. 整天睡覺sleep all day 4. 黑白相間black and white 5. . 之一one of . 6. 好運(yùn)的象征a symbol of good luck 7. 迷路get lost 8. 有食物和水的地方 places with food and water 9. 砍倒 cut down 10. 處于

17、(極大地)危險(xiǎn)之中be in (great) danger 11. 多于,超過 over = more than 12. 象牙制品things made of ivory 13. 很長一段時(shí)間 (for) a long time 14. 來自中國be / come from china 15. 想看老虎want to see tigers 16. 南非south africa 17. 由 . 制成be made of.重點(diǎn)句子:1. 讓我們拯救大象。lets save the elephants.2. 他能用兩條腿走路。he can walk on two legs.3.你家有寵物嗎?does

18、 your family have a pet?4. -你為什么不喜歡這只貓?- why don't you like the cat? - 因?yàn)樗悬c(diǎn)無聊。- because she's kind of boring.5. 歡迎到動(dòng)物園!welcome to the zoo!6.難道她不漂亮嗎?isn't she beautiful?7. -他們來自哪里?-where are they from? - 他們來自中國。- they are from china.unit 6重點(diǎn)短語:1. 看電視watch tv 2. 看報(bào)紙read a newspaper 3. 通過電

19、話交談 talk on the phone4. 聽cd listen to a cd 5. 使用電腦 use the computer 6. 玩電腦游戲play computer games 7. 做湯make soup 8. 清洗餐具 do / wash the dishes 9. 那聽起來不錯(cuò)。 that sounds good. 10. 電視節(jié)目 tv show 11. 有點(diǎn)無聊 kind of boring 12. 沒什么 not much 13. 出去吃 eat out 14. 看電影go to the movies 15. 端午節(jié)dragon boat festival 16. 包

20、粽子make zongzi 17. 其他任何一個(gè)晚上any other night 18. 寄宿家庭host family 19. 沒有想家一樣的地方 no place like home 20. 洗衣服 wash clothes 21. 早晨八點(diǎn)鐘 eight o'clock in the morning 22. 喝茶 drink tea重點(diǎn)句子:1. 這是我家的照片。here is a picture/ photo of my family.2. 我是珍妮。(電話用語)this is jenny.3. 你想和我一起吃晚飯嗎?do you want to join me for di

21、nner?4. 我很樂意。i'd love to.5.讓我們先在我家見面吧。let's meet at my home first.6.那時(shí)見。see you then.7. 北京現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?what time is it in beijing? / what's the time in beijing?unit 7重點(diǎn)短語:1. 捎口信take a message 2. 給某人回電話 call sb back 3. 度假 on (a) vacation4. 暑/寒假summer / winter vacation 5. 努力學(xué)習(xí)/工作 study/ work hard

22、 6. 給某人打電話 call sb 7. 給某人寫信write to sb 8. 正好適合 .just right for. 9. 給某人拍照 take a photo of. 10. 玩得開心have a great time/ have fun / enjoy oneself 11.做午飯 cook lunch 12. 看電視watch tv 13.玩電腦游戲 play computer games 14.那太好了!that's great! 15. 我的一些老朋友 some of my old friends 重點(diǎn)句子:1. 北京的天氣怎么樣?how's the wea

23、ther?/ what's the weather like?2. 我正在和一些朋友在公園里打籃球。i'm playing basketball with some friends at the park.3. 你的哥哥在家嗎?is your brother at home?4. 他在朋友家學(xué)習(xí)。he's studying at his friend's home.5. 我能為他少個(gè)口信嗎?can i take a message for him?6. 你能告訴他給我回電話嗎?could you just tell him to call me back?7.當(dāng)

24、然,沒問題。sure, no problem.unit 8重點(diǎn)短語:1. 在 .對(duì)面 across from. 2. 在.前面 in front of. 3. 在圖書館的后面 behind the library 4. 在.和.之間between . and . 5. 緊靠銀行next to the bank 6. 在付費(fèi)電話附近near the pay phone 7. 在左邊on the left 8. 在右邊on the right 9. 在中心大街上 on center street 10. 離. 遠(yuǎn)be far from 11. 打擾一下excuse me 12. 沒問題no pro

25、blem 13. 為.而感謝thanks for.14. 在周末on weekends 15. 擅長be good at 16. 在上學(xué)的日子 on school days 17. 空閑時(shí)間free time 18. 讀書read books 19. 花時(shí)間spend time 20. 喜愛閱讀enjoy reading 21. 觀看某人正在做某事 watch sb doing sth 22. 在我家附近in my neighborhood 23. 在附近 in the neighborhood 24. 看起來像 look like 25. 沿著.走go along/ down 26. 去購物

26、 go shopping重點(diǎn)句子:1. 這兒附近有一個(gè)郵局嗎?is there a post office around/ near here?2. 我剛來到這個(gè)鎮(zhèn)子。i'm new in town.3. 它離這里不太遠(yuǎn)。it's not too far from here.4. 我可以和你一起走。i can walk/ go with you.5. 如此的感謝。thanks so much.6. 在第一個(gè)十字路口向右轉(zhuǎn)。turn right at the first crossing.7. 餐館在你的左邊,付費(fèi)電話的對(duì)面。the restaurant is on your l

27、eft, across from the pay phone.8. 在我家附近有一個(gè)動(dòng)物園。there is a zoo in my neighborhood.unit 9重點(diǎn)短語:1. 中等身高 (be) of medium height 2. 中等身材(be) of medium build 3. 最后in the end 4. 卷發(fā)curly hair 5. 直發(fā)straight hair 6. 短短的卷發(fā)short curly hair 7. 長長的棕色的直發(fā)long straight brown hair 8. 去看電影go to the movies 9. 有點(diǎn)晚 a little

28、 late 10. 戴眼鏡 wear glasses 11. 警察藝術(shù)家 police artist 12. 與某人交談talk to / with sb 13. 每個(gè)罪犯each criminal 14. 在報(bào)紙上 in newspapers 15. 在電視上on tv / television 16. 同樣的方式 the same way 17. 一份有趣的工作 an interesting job 18. 記得去做某事remember to do sth 記得做過某事 remember doing sth 19. 將要做某事 be going to do sth 20. 金色的卷發(fā) cu

29、rly blonde hair重點(diǎn)句子:1. 你今天晚上將會(huì)去看電影嗎? are you going to the movie tonight?2. 我可能會(huì)有點(diǎn)晚。i may be a little late.3. 我不認(rèn)識(shí)他。i don't know him.4. 他既不高也不矮。he isn't tall or short.5. 一會(huì)兒見。see you later.6. 他們告訴他罪犯長什么樣。they tell him what the criminal looks like.7.很多人不是總以相同的方式看待事物,所以同一個(gè)人他們可能描述的不同。 many peopl

30、e don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. unit 10重點(diǎn)短語:1. 一大碗.a large bowl of . 2. 一中碗.a medium bowl of. 3. 一小碗.a small bowl of. 4. 雞肉洋白菜面chicken and cabbage noodles 5. 牛肉胡蘿卜面beef and carrot noodles 6. 羊肉土豆面mutton and potato noodles 7. 西紅柿雞蛋面 tomato

31、and egg noodles 8. 點(diǎn)菜take one's order 9.長壽的象征a symbol of long life 10. 世界各地around the world 11. 給.帶來好運(yùn) bring good luck to. 12. 切碎 cut up 13. 受歡迎get popular 14. 許愿make a wish15. 想要做某事 would like to do sth= want to do sth 16. 在不同的國家in different countries 17. .的數(shù)量the number of. 18. 吹滅 blow out 19.

32、一口氣,一下子 in one go 20.(夢想)實(shí)現(xiàn) come ture 21.把.放在.里put. in . 22. 使某人做某事make sb do sth 23. 讓某人做某事let sb do sth重點(diǎn)句子:1. 我想要一些面條。i'd like some noodles.2. 我還不確定。i'm not sure yet.3. 我能為您點(diǎn)菜嗎?may i take your order?4. 牛肉湯里有蔬菜嗎?are there any vegetables in the beef soup?5. 你想要多大的?what size would you like?6

33、. 那是對(duì)的。 that's right.7. 我喜歡餃子,魚和橙汁。 i like dumplings, fish and orange juice.8. 我不喜歡洋蔥,綠茶和粥。i don't like onions, green tea or porridge.unit 11重點(diǎn)短語:1. 去散步 take a walk / go for a walk 2. 擠牛奶 milk a cow 3. 騎馬 ride a horse 4.喂雞 feed chickens 5. 和一個(gè)農(nóng)民交談 talk with a farmer 6. 拍照 take some photos/ p

34、ictures 7. 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地 show sb around sp 8.學(xué)了很多關(guān)于.的知識(shí) learn a lot about . 9. 從.到. from . to. 10. 摘草莓 pick strawberries 11. 上周 last week 12. 在農(nóng)村,在鄉(xiāng)下 in the countryside 13. 去釣魚 go fishing 14. 你真幸運(yùn)。lucky you. 15.許多. quite a lot (of.) 16. 爬山 climb the mountains 17. 出來,出現(xiàn) come out 18.參加學(xué)校旅行 go on a school t

35、rip 19. 參觀科學(xué)博物館 visit the science museum 20. 教某人怎樣做某事 teach sb how to do sth 21.一個(gè)令人興奮地一天 an exciting day 22.對(duì).感興趣 be interested in . 23. 太多人 too many people 24. 一點(diǎn)也不,根本不 not. at all 25.消防站 fire station 26. 總的來說 all in all 27. 玩的開心 have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself 28. 去叔叔家 visit uncles h

36、ome 29.那聽起來很有趣. that sounds interesting. 30.做游戲 play games重點(diǎn)句子:1. 你上周的學(xué)校旅行怎么樣? how was your school trip last week?2. 好極了! it was great / excellent!3. 我和我的爺爺一起喂雞。i fed chickens with my grandpa.4. 它是如此的好玩。 it was so much fun.5. 那里的天氣怎么樣?how was the weather there? / what was the weather like there?6. 空氣是如此的清新干凈.the air was so clean.7. 我在晚上看了星星。i watched the stars at night.8. 導(dǎo)游教我們怎樣制


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