內(nèi)蒙古烏拉特中旗二中八年級英語上冊 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1學(xué)案(無答案)(新版)仁愛版_第1頁
內(nèi)蒙古烏拉特中旗二中八年級英語上冊 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1學(xué)案(無答案)(新版)仁愛版_第2頁
內(nèi)蒙古烏拉特中旗二中八年級英語上冊 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1學(xué)案(無答案)(新版)仁愛版_第3頁
內(nèi)蒙古烏拉特中旗二中八年級英語上冊 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1學(xué)案(無答案)(新版)仁愛版_第4頁
內(nèi)蒙古烏拉特中旗二中八年級英語上冊 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1學(xué)案(無答案)(新版)仁愛版_第5頁
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1、unit 1 playing sports topic 1一學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1.談?wù)撘话銓頃r(shí)be going to的用法2.談?wù)搶W(xué)生喜歡的體育活動(dòng)及計(jì)劃二、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.讀1a,2a,找出下列短語。暑假期間_ _ _ _為加油 _ _ 舉辦一場籃球賽_ _ _ _兩者都 _ _ 學(xué)校劃船隊(duì)_ _ _ _相當(dāng)_ _ table tennis _ row much_ 2.從1a中找出三處包含“be going to”的句子并翻譯。_譯為:_譯為:_譯為:_be going to表示_,其后加_3.讀2,完成以下練習(xí)。sports 滑雪 滑冰 劃船 騎自行車 打排球 打乒乓球 游泳 名詞skiing _

2、_ _ _ _ _ 動(dòng)詞 ski _ _ _ _ _ _ 仿照2,編一個(gè)新對話(注意名詞與動(dòng)詞的運(yùn)用) a:_ b:_ a:_ b:_ _ a:_b:_ 三、知識點(diǎn)導(dǎo)學(xué) 1.see sb do sth意為“看見某人做了某事或常做”動(dòng)作結(jié)束see sb doing sth意為“看見某人正在做某事” 正在進(jìn)行he saw her_the road.他看見她穿過了馬路i saw her_at this time yesterday.昨天這個(gè)時(shí)候我看見她正在跳舞i saw a thief_(go) out of the shop.2.prefer用法。現(xiàn)在分詞_ 過去式_.prefer+doing 更

3、喜歡 .prefer to do更喜歡 .prefera to b“和b相比更喜歡”其中 a、b可以是名詞也可是ving 練習(xí)1. i prefer_(cycle)2.i prefer_to_.和蘋果相比我更喜歡香蕉3.she prefers _to_她喜歡讀書勝過游泳教學(xué)反思: unit1.playing sports topic1.im going to_( play) basketball. section b 一學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1.繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)be going to的用法2.談?wù)搶W(xué)生喜歡的體育項(xiàng)目和運(yùn)動(dòng)員二、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.寫出下列職業(yè)并變成復(fù)數(shù)比賽者_(dá) _ 科學(xué)家_ _ 音樂家_ _ 飛行員_ _

4、 男警察_ _ 女警察_ _ 郵遞員_ _ 漁民_ _ 2.讀1a,找出下列短語。為效力_ _ 長大_ _ 夢想的工作 _ _在將來 _ _ _最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)_ _ _最喜歡的選手_ _ 3.讀1a,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空 marias favorite sport is_.her favorite player is_.but when she _ _(長大),she is going to bea_.michaels favorite sport is_,too.his favorite player is_.he is_meters tall.he_ _the houstonrockets in

5、 the nba.michael wants _ _a basketball player_ _.thats his_.一般將來時(shí)態(tài)專練用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. i _(leave)in a minute.2 i _(be)tired. i _(go)to bed early tonight.3 mary's birthday is next monday, her mother _(give)her a present.4 it is very cold these days. it _(snow)soon.5. -_ you _(be)here this saturday?-no.

6、 i _(visit)my teacher.6. i am afraid there _(be)a meeting this afternoon. i can't join you.7. mike _(believe, not)this until he _(see)it with his own eyes.9 most of us don't think their team _(win).單項(xiàng)選擇(   ) 1.  there _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. a. will be going to &#

7、160;     b. will going to be   c. is going to be     d. will go to be(   ) 2.  charlie _ here next month. a. isn't working     b. doesn't working  c. isn't going to working     d

8、. won't work(   ) 3.  he _ very busy this week, he _ free next week.   a. will be; is            b. is; is      c. will be; will be        d. is; will

9、be教學(xué)反思: unit1.playing sports topic1.im going to_( play) basketball. section c一學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1.繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)be going to的用法2.談?wù)擉w育帶給人們的好處二、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.讀1a,找出下列短語。去騎自行車_ _ 爬山_ _ _運(yùn)動(dòng)_ _ 相當(dāng)好_ _一場學(xué)校運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)_ _ _ _下星期_ _參加_ _ _ 跳高/遠(yuǎn)_ _/_ _為加油_ _ 確信_ _全世界_ _ _ _后天_ _ _ _保持健康_ _/_知識點(diǎn)導(dǎo)學(xué)spend當(dāng)花費(fèi)講的時(shí)候是指花費(fèi)時(shí)間,財(cái)力,精力等在某事或某物上,主語是人。 sb.+ 

10、;spend +時(shí)間/金錢+on sth. / (in) doing sth. 她花費(fèi)大量的錢買衣服she spends a lot of money_ _ .=she spends a lot of money_ _  _.這件外套花了我100元。i _ _ _  _ this coat.there be在將來時(shí)態(tài)中,結(jié)構(gòu)是:there is/are going to be 或ther

11、e will bethere_ _a strong wind next sunday.下周日將會(huì)有場大風(fēng)there_ _ _ _three p.e classes next week.下星期我們將會(huì)有三節(jié)體育課。it makes me strong.它使我強(qiáng)壯.make/keep+sb/sth+adj.使某人/某物(保持)這個(gè)消息使我很高興the news_ _ _.我們必須保持教室干凈we _ _ _ _ _.be good for sb/sth對某人/某物有好處, 其反義詞短語是:be bad for be good at =do well in 擅長做 其后加 n./ving.runni

12、ng_ _ _his lungs.跑步對肺有好處他擅長打籃球he_ _ _/_ _ _basketball.he_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _basketball.教學(xué)反思: unit1.playing sports topic1.im going to_( play) basketball.section d一學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1.總結(jié)一般將來時(shí)態(tài)be going to的用法2.談?wù)擉w育活動(dòng)與近期計(jì)劃二、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.讀1a,找出下列短語。一位著名的足球明星_ _ _ _到達(dá)_ _中國國家隊(duì)_ _ _與對抗_ _多遺憾_ _ _/_ _ _加入到某人中_ _動(dòng)身前往_ _2.再讀1a,找出表將來的句子

13、_譯為:_譯為:_譯為:_回答下列問題what is david beckham?when did he arrive in beijing?what are they going to do tomorrow?why is it too bad?where are they leaving for?四、用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空would you like _(cheer)us on?he _(be)a dancer in the future.there_(be)a sport meet next tuesday.she is one of the best_(play).he goes_(cy

14、cle)every sundays.they spent two hours_(do)their homework.mary is good at_(sing).which sport do you prefer,_(row)or_(ski)?they_(leave)for beijing tomorrow.what_you_(do)next weekend?_she_(swim)the day after tomorrow. 教學(xué)反思: unit1.playing sports topic1.im going to_( play) basketball.一按要求寫出下列單詞win(名詞)_

15、play(名詞)_ dance(名詞)_run(名詞)_ prefer(現(xiàn)在分詞)_cycle(名詞)_row(名詞)_skate(名詞)_ ski(名詞)_healthy(名詞)_excite(形容詞)_(形容詞)_relax(形容詞)_(形容詞)_against(反義詞)_二短語去騎自行車_ _ 爬山_ _ _ 相當(dāng)好_ _一場學(xué)校運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)_ _ _ _下星期_ _參加_ _ _ 跳高/遠(yuǎn)_ _/_ _為加油_ _到達(dá)_ _全世界_ _ _ _后天_ _ _ _保持健康_ _/_一位著名的足球明星_ _ _ _中國國家隊(duì)_ _ _與對抗_ _加入到某人中_ _多遺憾_ _ _/_ _ _動(dòng)身

16、前往_ _為加油 _ during the summer holidays_row much_ table tennis_ 學(xué)校劃船隊(duì)_ _ _ _ 相當(dāng)_ _ 長大_ _ 為效力_ _ 夢想的工作 _ _在將來 _ _ _舉行一場籃球賽_ _ _ _多遺憾啊 _ _ _ unit1 topic1 are you going to play basketball?在、期間 n. 世界對著,反著 n. 健康v.加油 n.肺;肺臟 n.歡呼聲,喝彩聲 n.心臟,心;紙牌中的紅桃 n.隊(duì),組 后天v.獲勝,贏得 adj.健康的,健壯的v. 練習(xí),實(shí)踐 adj.健康的;適合的;v.更喜歡,寧愿(選擇) 保持健康v.騎自行車 晚飯v.劃船;n.(一)排,(一)行 v.(使)放松,輕松v.adv


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