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1、Unit 1OutsideviewConversation 1Li:What a wonderlul view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?A;nWhen a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford” Li:Thatrs a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isnrt it?A:Correct,so do

2、 you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?Li: Fve got another year to go and then I suppose Fil go back home.A; And you will find a job?Li:I think I have to do my Master's before I look for work.But I must admit London is very special.Do you think you would ever leave London?A:Sure, Pd love

3、to come to china one day, and I like traveling. But i think Pll a Iwa y s come back here.Li:We 11, your roots are here and there are so many opportunities.A;But have you ever thought of living in London for a year or two?Li:Yes, but what could I do here? I had planned to become a teacher.But i have

4、often thought if there was a job i could do here in publishing,maybe as an editor, Pll go for it.A:That's sounds like a great idea.I think that would really suit youLi:Maybe I should update my CV and send it to one or two publisher.A:Don*t make it look too goodLi:Why not?A;We 11,if you enjoy wor

5、king with London Time Off, we don't want you working with anyone else Li:Oh, working with you and Joe its great fun and really interesting. I couldn't think of a better way to find out about a cityA;So maybe you should think about applying for a job with usLi:But do you think I'dTm not s

6、ure if Joe likes meA: Doni even think about it!Joe is very stra ight talking and I promise you that you*d know if he didn't like you.Li:Perhaps we should both update our CVs and look for jobs togetherA:Hey,right!That would be tun.Conversation 2Li:TaIking about future plans,how do you see your ca

7、reer developing?A: My career?Well, I like working for London Time Off. It's a part of a larger media company called Lift off US A,so there are lots of opportunities.But.Li:But.What?A:Itrs not always very easy working with Joe.I meankind of think he has a diftbre Jt agenda(differcnway cf fhinking

8、 finm Andy 不 ,樣的想法)_LJike-his work, but sometimes I don't think his heart is in his job.Li:How did he end up in London?A: He did media studies in the States,and then found work as a go 於 r(雜:)at Lift off US A inNew York.Li:What's a gofer?A:Go for this,go for that.Ifs a word for the least exp

9、erienced person in the film and TV industry.Then he came to London and got a proper job as a researcher at Lift off UK,and then after a few ye a rs he got the producer's job in London Time Off Li:He is good at his job,is n't he?A:Yes,he is confident and competent at what he does,so the peopl

10、e who work with him rate him quite highly ( speak highly of ).LkExcept you?A:No,I rate him too.And I get on with him quite we 11,although we are not best budies or anything like th at, its just.I want his job!Li:Now we know your little secret.I promise I wonrt te 11 anyoneA:Janet,there was something

11、 I was going to ask you.Li:Sure,what is it?A:I was wondering.oh,itrs nothing.Anyway,all this talk about your future career is making me thirsty.Lets go for a drink.Li:Who is round ?A:You.Outs ide view :How to get a jobGraduation.What a big day!Your life is about to begin!And then your parents say.HG

12、et a job”. I tell you Looking for your first job out of college can be pretty hard.Reading all the job listing is so annoying.Even trying to figure out what the actual job is can be difficult.Searching through the want ads can be so boring.And writing your resume is really hard work.nI don't hav

13、e that day open. "Getting a job in terview,and then going on it the whole process is pretty tough.nSorry to keep you waiting.Uh,have a seat.nnI have your resume here,and you are interested in the assistants position.11nYeah,ye ah"“Well,the right candidate for this job has to be very outgoi

14、ng and sociable.After all it is a sale position.r,"Well, I'm a real extrovert(性格外向的人 ).Definitely.”“And the right candidate has to have great self-confidence.Customers need to feel that you know what you're talking about/1“Well, I'm really self-confident.Um I know what I'm talki

15、ng about and I think I can project that1'nSo,what skills would you bring to this job?”nnWell, I realize that Pm completely overqualified for this position.I mean,um,in my last job,! was running the whole place.11nOh,so you've supervised people?nn Yep, five of them.So,obviously I could do thi

16、s job,no problem.I also have really good computer skills.Um what else do you want to know about me?HEven though I was trying re a lly hard,even though I had sent out about 300 resumes,even though I asked all my friend and re la tive s if they knew of anything.I wasn't getting anywhere Despite al

17、l my best efforts J was still unemployed.HPlease,why donrt you see a career CQunseUor (顧問(wèn))?ril pay for it.Anything to help you get a job!”“Samantha,Tm Phyllis S te in .Welcome u,'Oh,hi,Phyllis .Nice to meet you.1' So Ifigure,heck,why not?I met with Phyllis Ste in,a professional job coach. nI

18、nterviewingis vital to getting the job that you want.nShe showed me how to prepare for an interview by doing research on the position and the company.And latter,she coaching me on my interviewing skills.HI am going to pretend to be your intervie we r,a nd then we'll stop it and replay it and loo

19、k at the video and see what we could learn from that.OK?,nrI don't think that you should go into an interview having not practised with some of the questions that are pretty standard.nnTell me about yourself/1“Well,my parents my mom is a social worker,and my dad is an engineer.”nYour preparation

20、 is re a lly important”"What do you know about our organization?11nWe 11J saw on,um,on the Internet that ,you do business publishing?Right?n“There is a whole range of things that have to do with how you present yours elt7H"Why should I hire you?""Oh,wen.,um, Pm a really outgoing

21、person,and I like J like people a lot.I'm responsible and nice.”“You need to think about what the interviewer is actually looking for.n“Samantha, what was a major problem that yourve encountered and how did you solve it?”HI havenrt really had any problems to deal with. n“Thank you.Now lets look

22、at your mock interview on videotape. ,M,I think it boilsulQ2u(歸結(jié)為)to preparation,presentation, and understanding what the interviewer is looking for n(Watching the videotape)nAnother way of answering it is not telling about yourself ,but telling your relationship to the job .HSo,they don't care

23、so much about your parents and that you want to live in Cambridge.They may need you to be able to be a trouble shooter. You use some examples in your life from being a trouble shooter.,M,One of the things that someone who is an assistant in a trade show is doing, is dealing with problems .You need t

24、o be sure that you stay,sort of ,on target with pre venting,presenting yourself in the strongest possible way/1This time I felt a lot more confident when I went in for the interview.nI have developed strong communication skills.In college I worked on the school paper and I brought some writing sampl

25、es to show you.f,nI also worked every summer at a bed-and-breakfast.nnI worked a lot with our guests.I booked reservation over the phone,got them what they needed,and handled any complains.""Well,I feel like I did re a lly we 11. We 11 see. HMaking a good first impression is the most impor

26、tant part of a job interview. Arriving on time and being confident are the most important parts of a job interview. Its very important that you are being confident and you're being clear in your answers and listening carefullyNot fidgeting (坐立不安, 煩躁)and being confident are the most important thi

27、ngs in a job inte rview.Writing a thank-you note is the most important thing you want to do after a job interview/And go in there with a firm handshake .Listening innIfs not enough to ask what successful people are like.It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind wh

28、o succeed and who doesn't"This is the basic idea of an intriguing book called Outliers, by the American journalist Malclom Gladwell.The book explores the factors which contribute to people who are extremely successful in their careers, for example, the role the family , culture and friend p

29、lay.Gladwell examines the causes of why the majority of Canada ice hokey players are born in the first few months of the calender year,what the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates did to achieve his extraordinary success,and why the Beatles managed to redefine the whole of popular music in the 1960s.Gla

30、dwe 11 points out that the youth hockey league in Canada recruits from January the first, so that players born early in the year are bigger,stronger and better athletes than others born later in the year.And because they have this advantage at the start of their sports career,they're given extra

31、 coaching,and so there's a greater chance that theyfll be picked for an elite hockey team in the iuture.He calls this phenomenon accumulaiive advaniage積累優(yōu)勢(shì))_bit like the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Success depends on the process by which talented athletes are identified

32、 as much as it does on their own abilities.Another aspect which contributes to success is the 10000 hour rule .Great success demands an enormous amount of time for practise and training.For example,the Beatles performed live in Hamburg Germany more than 1200times over four years,much more than the 1

33、0000 hours Gia dwell claim is necessary for great success.So by the time they returned to England,they had developed their talente and sounded completely difterent from any other group.In the same way,Bill Gates had thousands of hours* worth of programming because he had access to a computer at his

34、high school.He also became a teenager just at the right time to take advantage of the latest developments in computer technology.Outliers has met with extraordinary sucess,matched only by GladweIl's own career for 25 years in journalism.As a result, many cities have seen it as an autobiography,

35、in which the writer appears to be apologizing for his own personal achievements.But the ides that you have to be born at the right moment,in the right place and in the right family,and then you have to work really hard is a thought-provoking way of revisiting our traditional view of genius and great

36、 achievement.Its certainly worth reading,as long as you don't take it too seriously.Listening in 2P:Hi,we are talking about typical working hours in the US and in BraziLEricumyou're from the States,te 11 me what are the typical working hours in the States?E:Er.traditionally people go to work

37、 at 9ofclock in the morning and they finish at about 5 ,so sort of a 9to 5.P:And,and Penny I.I know you're English but you work in Brazil,what are the hours in Brazil?Penny:Um varies slightly,sometimes you can start um on an early shift,say,8o'ck)ck in the morning to 5 um or 9 until 6 .But i

38、n Brazil often people will work longer hours than this. P:Right,right ok.And what kind of clothes do you wear?I mean do you dress up formally or in a re laxed way?E:It used to be that you would wear a jacket and tie to work for.for men but er nowadays an open shirt is ok.You don't necessarily ha

39、ve to wear a tie and sometimes on a Friday you can wear a pair of jeans to work.P:Oh,right the dress down Friday?E:The dress down Friday that's right.P:Does that still happen?E:Yes, yes sure it does.P:And how about in Brazil?Penny:Um, it's foirly casual,quite informaLum I mean you need to lo

40、ok neat and tidy obviously,but you,you have your own choice rely on what you would we ar, the re are no rules and regulations.Ifs important to look smart but comfortable.P:Right,yeah do you have meal breaks or is that.you just fit in meals when you can or.? E:LunchJunch is usually an hour sometimes

41、a little shorter if you have to do a lot of work from your desk.P:Yeah,how about Brazil?Penny:Thats the same, about an hour.P:And,and with overtime J mean,if you.I mean you're obviously contracted to do a certa in number of hours.What happens if you do more than the hours that you.thatrs in you.

42、that are in your contract?E:I have to make a fairly um strict record of my hours so if I go beyond 5 o'clock on most days I put in for overtime.P:Right.E:And it's the first hour is one of overtime and then there's I think 15minute periods after that.SoI could work an hour and a quarter .

43、P:And you'd be paid for the quarter hours?E:Thats right,by the quarter hour.P:How about in Brazil?PennyJfsJfs a lot looser in Brazil actually.We we often end up doing overtime but unfortunately not paid.P: Fine.Thafs hard luck.And what about holidays,what about in the States?You don*t have much

44、holidays in the States do you?E:No.When you start at a company you get two weeks holiday or two weeks vacation as we say.P:YeahE:Um then it's usually not until yourve been at the company for about five ears that they give you another week.So you get three weeks after you've been there for fi

45、ve years. P:And what about in Brazil?Penny:Um it*s quite good actually- 30days.P:Sounds very generous.Penny:Yeah I can pop back to.P:Is that 30 working days or 30 days in tota 1?Penny:Thafs 30 working daysP:Wow,that'sPenny:Yes,yeah it's a good deal.P:What about retirement?! know its a long w

46、ay of there When do you retire?E:Generally speaking it's at 65.P:And the same for women.E:Um it's I think a little sooner than that for women.Women I think 62or 63.P;Right,good.And in Brazil is it similar?Penny:Similar to the States.Ifs um after 60 for women.65 for men ,or if you've cloc

47、ked up about 30 or 35 years of service then you can retire after that. P:Right and when.do you have a pay day?When is pay day?E:Um,well ,we gt paid twice a month,so we get paid at the beginning of the month and then we get paid in the middle of the month at the 15th g加 orake(大約 P:Yeah,and what about

48、 in Brazil?Penny:I think it all depends which company you're working fbr.For the one I am working for right now I get paid twice a month but when I began,with a different company that was once a month,sojt varies.P:And are there any company benefits that you have in the States?Do you have a comp

49、any car or a pension?E:Yeah,we get a company car. We Ye able to. we lease a car in effect but it's a company car that we get for 18 months to two years and then we.we can move on to another model from that.There's a fairly good pension scheme,thafs still working,and hospitalization as well.

50、P:Oh,that's importantE:Yeah,a health plan through work is very important.P:Right.And what about in Brazil?Penny: Ye ah,excellent benefits like that.Well I mean it does depend on the company and the status of your or your job but you might get a carjiving accommodation,school for the children,the

51、yrll pay for your lunch,travel passes,gasoline,health insurance,all sorts of benefits actually its very good.P:Sounds very good,with the holiday and all those benefits it sounds a great place to work.Unit 2Outside viewConversation 1Joe: OK, when you finished chatting, lets get down to work.Andy: OK,

52、 sure.Janet: Fine by me. Whafs on the agenda?Joe: First up today is Read all about it! Now, I assume everyone has read all the books fbr the future? Has anyone read any of the books?Andy: Well, Joe, there are over 20 new books coming out next month, soJoe: Tm sorry, I really think thafs quite unacce

53、ptable. Ifs your job! What about you, Janet?Janet: Pm sorry but this is the first time Pve worked on Read all about it! And I didn't know I was meant to read all the books.Andy: Have you read them?Joe: No, but that's why you're my assistants. You're meant to assist me.Andy: It's

54、true that we need to read the books, Joe, but we haven'tJoe: OK, there you go. You are a Iwa y s making excuses!Andy: And whafs more, we haven't even chosen the books yet.Joe: OK, let's get down with it. Whafs on the list?Janet: I suppose wefre looking for books with a London angle (倫敦視角

55、)?Andy: Not necessarily.Janet: Is it OK to look for non-fiction too?Joe: Absolutely.Janet: OK, here*s an idea. There's a new biography (自傳)of Charles Dickens which Pm reading. Andy: Sounds good-his books are a Iwa y s on TV.Janet: You see Pm studying Dickens at university, and I noticed it in th

56、e bookshop last week.It's really interesting.Joe: OK, te 11 us more.Janet: Well, it's a description of the London locations where he set many of his books like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.Andy: Sounds right up your street (拿手的)!Joe Well done, Janet. Maybe you can show Andy how to plan

57、 the feature. OK, thafs it everyone. Let's get to it!Conversation 2Janet: Whafs the matter with Joe today?Andy: No idea. He's a bit like that sometimes. He gets annoyed with me, but I don't really know why.Janet: He wasn't being at all fair. How often does he get like this?Andy: Well

58、, I suppose it's not very often. But sometimes he really gets on my nerves_( 使某人4煩 意亂).Janet: Donrt let it get to you. He's probably got too much work, and he's stressed.Andy: Well, he should keep his problems away from the studio. Anyway, you're the expert on Dickens, te 11 me somet

59、hing about him.Janet: Well, Charles Dickens was one of the most popular novelists in 19th century Britain . Many of his novels first appeared in magazines, in short episodes. Each one had a cliffhanger at the end that made people want to read the next episode (集,一集).Andy: And was he a Londoner?Janet: He was born in Portsmouth but his family moved to London when he was ten years old. Andy: And he set most of his stories in London, didnrt he?Janet: Thafs right. He knew the city very well.Andy: Whereabouts in London are his s


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