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1、Adesign basis設(shè)計依據(jù)計劃建議書planning proposals 設(shè)計任務(wù)書design order 標準規(guī)范standards and codes 條件圖information drawing設(shè)計基礎(chǔ)資料basic data for design 工藝流程圖process flowchart 工程地質(zhì)資料engineering geological data 原始資料original data 設(shè)計進度schedule of designBstage of design設(shè)計階段 方案scheme, draft 草圖sketch 會談紀要summary of discussio

2、n 談判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步設(shè)計preliminary design 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計basic design 詳細設(shè)計detail design 詢價圖enquiry drawing 施工圖working drawing, construction drawing 竣工圖as built drawingCclimate condition氣象條件日照sunshine 風玫瑰wind rose 主導風向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)風速maximum (mean) wind velocity 風荷載wind loa

3、d 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷擊及閃電thunder and lightning 颶風hurricane 臺風typhoon 旋風cyclone 降雨強度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 濕球溫度wet bulb temperature 干球溫度dry bulb temperature 冰凍期frost period 冰凍線frost line 冰凍區(qū)frost zone 室外計算溫度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地區(qū)region with heating provisi

4、on 不采暖地區(qū)region without heating provision 絕對大氣壓absolute atmospheric pressure 相對濕度relative humidityDgeneral room name常用房間名稱辦公室office 服務(wù)用房service room 換班室shift room 休息室rest room (break room) 起居室living room 浴室bathroom 淋浴間shower 更衣室locker room 廁所lavatory 門廳lobby 診室clinic 工作間workshop 電氣開關(guān)室switchroom 走廊cor

5、ridor 檔案室archive 電梯機房lift motor room 車庫garage 清潔間cleaning room 會議室(正式) conference room 會議室meeting room 衣柜間ward robe 暖風間h.v.a.c room 飯店restaurant 餐廳canteen, dining room 廚房kitchen 入口entrance 接待處reception area 會計室accountant room 秘書室secretary room 電氣室electrical room 控制室control room 工長室foreman office 開關(guān)柜

6、室switch gear 前室antecabinet (ante.) 生產(chǎn)區(qū)production area 馬達控制中心mcc 多功能用房utility room 化驗室laboratory room 經(jīng)理室manager room 披屋(閣樓) penthouse 警衛(wèi)室guard houseEroofing and ceiling屋面及天棚女兒墻parapet 雨蓬canopy 屋脊roof ridge 坡度slope 坡跨比pitch 分水線water-shed 二氈三油2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油氈一層extra pl

7、y of felt 檐口eave 挑檐overhanging eave 檐溝eave gutter 平屋面flat roof 坡屋面pitched roof 雨水管downspout, rain water pipe)(r.w.p) 匯水面積catchment area 泛水flashing 內(nèi)排水interior drainage 外排水exterior drainage 滴水drip 屋面排水roof drainage 找平層leveling course 卷材屋面built-up roofing 天棚ceiling 檁條purlin 屋面板roofing board 天花板ceiling

8、 board 防水層water-proof course 檢查孔inspection hole 人孔manhole 吊頂suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗簾盒) corniceFwall (cladding)墻體(外墻板)磚墻brick wall 砌塊墻block wall 清水磚墻brick wall without plastering 抹灰墻rendered wall 石膏板墻gypsum board, plaster board 空心磚墻hollow brick wall 承重墻bearing wall 非承重墻non-bearing wall

9、縱墻longitudinal wall 橫墻transverse wall 外墻external (exterior) wall 內(nèi)墻internal (interior) wall 填充墻filler wall 防火墻fire wall 窗間墻wall between window 空心墻cavity wall 壓頂coping 圈梁gird, girt, girth 玻璃隔斷glazed wall 防潮層damp-proof course (d.p.c) 遮陽板sunshade 陽臺balcony 伸縮縫expansion joint 沉降縫settlement joint 抗震縫seis

10、mic joint 復合夾心板sandwich board 壓型單板corrugated single steel plate 外墻板cladding panel 復合板composite panel 輕質(zhì)隔斷l(xiāng)ight-weight partition 牛腿bracket 磚煙囪brick chimney 勒腳(基座) plinthGfloor and trench地面及地溝地坪grade 地面和樓面ground and floor 素土夯實rammed earth 爐渣夯實tamped cinder 填土filled earth 回填土夯實tamped backfill 墊層bedding

11、 course, blinding 面層covering, finish 結(jié)合層bonding (binding) course 找平層leveling course 素水泥漿結(jié)合層neat cement binding course 混凝土地面concrete floor 水泥地面cement floor 機器磨平混凝土地面machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面terrazzo flooring 馬賽克地面mosaic flooring 瓷磚地面ceramic tile flooring 油地氈地面linoleum flooring 預制水磨石地面pre

12、cast terrazzo flooring 硬木花地面hard-wood parquet flooring 擱柵joist 硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring 企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面acid-resistant floor 鋼筋混凝土樓板reinforced concrete slab (r.c slab) 乙烯基地面vinyl flooring 水磨石嵌條divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2坡floor with 2% slope 集水溝gully 集水口gulley 排水溝draina

13、ge trench 溝蓋板trench cover 活動蓋板removable cover plate 集水坑sump pit 孔翻邊hole up stand 電纜溝cable trenchHdoors,glass,windows & ironmongery(hardware)門、玻璃、窗及五金件木(鋼)門wooden (steel) door 鑲板門panelled door 夾板門plywood door 鋁合金門aluminum alloy door 卷簾門roller shutter door 彈簧門swing door 推拉門sliding door 平開門side-hun

14、g door 折疊門folding door 旋轉(zhuǎn)門revolving door 玻璃門glazed door 密閉門air-tight door 保溫門thermal insulating door 鍍鋅鐵絲網(wǎng)門galvanized steel wire mesh door 防火門fire door (大門上的)小門wicket 門框door frame 門扇door leaf 門洞door opening 結(jié)構(gòu)開洞structural opening 單扇門single door 雙扇門double door 疏散門emergency door 紗門screen door 門檻door s

15、ill 門過梁door lintel 上冒頭top rail 下冒頭bottom rail 門邊木stile 門樘側(cè)料side jumb 槽口notch 木窗wooden window 鋼窗steel window 鋁合金窗aluminum alloy window 百葉窗(通風為主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑鋼窗plastic steel window 空腹鋼窗hollow steel window 固定窗fixed window 平開窗side-hung window 推拉窗sliding window 氣窗transom 上懸

16、窗top-hung window 中懸窗center-pivoted window 下懸窗hopper window 活動百葉窗adjustable louver 天窗skylight 老虎窗dormer window 密封雙層玻璃sealed double glazing 鋼筋混凝土過梁reinforced concrete lintel 鋼筋磚過梁reinforced brick lintel 窗扇casement sash 窗臺window sill 窗臺板window board 窗中梃mullion 窗橫木mutin窗邊木stile 壓縫條cover mould 窗簾盒curtain

17、 box 合頁(鉸鏈) hinge (butts) 轉(zhuǎn)軸pivot 長腳鉸鏈parliament hinge 閉門器door closer 地彈簧floor closer 插銷bolt 門鎖door lock 拉手pull 鏈條chain 門鉤door hanger 碰球ball latch 窗鉤window catch 暗插銷insert bolt 電動開關(guān)器electric opener 平板玻璃plate glass 夾絲玻璃wire glass 透明玻璃clear glass 毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass) 防彈玻璃bullet-proof

18、 glass 石英玻璃quartz glass 吸熱玻璃heat absorbing glass 磨光玻璃polished glass 著色玻璃pigmented glass 玻璃瓦glass tile 玻璃磚glass block 有機玻璃organic glassIstaircase, landing & lift (elevator) 樓梯、休息平臺及電梯樓梯stair樓梯間staircase 疏散梯emergency stair 旋轉(zhuǎn)梯spiral stair (circular stair) 吊車梯crane ladder 直爬梯vertical ladder 踏步step

19、扇形踏步winder (wheel step) 踏步板tread 檔步板riser 踏步寬度tread width 防滑條non-slip insert (strips) 欄桿railing (balustrade) 平臺欄桿platform railing 吊裝孔欄桿railing around mounting hole 扶手handrail 梯段高度height of flight 防護梯籠protecting cage (safety cage) 平臺landing (platform) 操作平臺operating platform 裝卸平臺platform for loading &

20、amp; unloading 樓梯平臺stair landing 客梯passenger lift 貨梯goods lift 客/貨兩用梯goods/passenger lift 液壓電梯hydraulic lift 自動扶梯escalator 觀光電梯observation elevator 電梯機房lift mortar room 電梯坑lift pit 電梯井道lift shaftJbuilding material words and phrases建筑材料詞匯及短語bricks and tiles 磚和瓦紅磚red brick 粘土磚clay brick 瓷磚glazed brick

21、 (ceramic tile) 防火磚fire brick 空心磚hollow brick 面磚facing brick 地板磚flooring tile 缸磚clinkery brick 馬賽克mosaic 陶?;炷羉eramsite concrete 琉璃瓦glazed tile 脊瓦ridge tile 石棉瓦asbestos tile (shingle) 波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheetlime, sand and stone 灰、砂和石石膏gypsum 大理石marble 漢白玉white marble 花崗巖granite 碎石cru

22、shed stone 毛石rubble 蛭石vermiculite 珍珠巖pearlite 水磨石terrazzo 卵石cobble 礫石gravel 粗砂course sand 中砂medium sand 細砂fine sand cement, mortar and concrete 水泥、砂漿和混凝土波特蘭水泥(普通硅酸鹽水泥) portland cement 硅酸鹽水泥silicate cement 火山灰水泥pozzolana cement 白水泥white cement 水泥砂漿cement mortar 石灰砂漿lime mortar 水泥石灰砂漿(混合砂漿) cement-lim

23、e mortar 保溫砂漿thermal mortar 防水砂漿water-proof mortar 耐酸砂漿acid-resistant mortar 耐堿砂漿alkaline-resistant mortar 瀝青砂漿bituminous mortar 紙筋灰paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰hemp cut lime mortar 灰縫mortar joint 素混凝土plain concrete 鋼筋混凝土reinforced concrete 輕質(zhì)混凝土lightweight concrete 細石混凝土fine aggregate concrete

24、瀝青混凝土asphalt concrete 泡沫混凝土foamed concrete 爐渣混凝土cinder concrete facing and plastering materials 飾面及粉刷材料水刷石granitic plaster 斬假石artificial stone 刷漿lime wash 可賽銀casein 大白漿white wash 麻刀灰打底hemp cuts and lime as base 噴大白漿兩道sprayed twice with white wash 分格抹水泥砂漿cement mortar plaster sectioned 板條抹灰lath and p

25、lasterasphalt(bitumen) and asbestos 瀝青和石棉瀝青卷材asphalt felt 瀝青填料asphalt filler 瀝青膠泥asphalt grout 冷底子油adhesive bitumen primer 瀝青瑪啼脂asphaltic mastic 瀝青麻絲bitumastic oakum 石棉板asbestos sheet 石棉纖維asbestos fibertimber 木材裂縫crack 透裂split 環(huán)裂shake 干縮shrinkage 翹曲warping 原木log 圓木round timber 方木square timber 板材plan

26、k 木條batten 板條lath 木板board 紅松red pine 白松white pine 落葉松deciduous pine 云杉spruce 柏木cypress 白楊white poplar 樺木birch 冷杉fir 櫟木oak 榴木willow 榆木elm 杉木cedar 柚木teak 樟木camphor wood 防腐處理的木材preservative-treated lumber 膠合板plywood 三(五)合板3(5)-plywood 企口板tongued and grooved board 層夾板laminated plank 膠合層夾木材glue-laminated

27、 lumber 纖維板fiber-board 竹子bamboometallic materials 金屬材料黑色金屬ferrous metal 圓鋼steelbbar 方鋼square steel 扁鋼steel strap,flat steel 型鋼steel section (shape) 槽鋼channel 角鋼angle steel 等邊角鋼equal-leg angle 不等邊角鋼unequal-leg angle 工字鋼i-beam 寬翼緣工字鋼wide flange i-beam 丁(之)字鋼t-bar (z-bar) 冷彎薄壁型鋼light gauge cold-formed

28、steel shape 熱軋hot-rolled 冷軋cold-rolled 冷拉cold-drawn 冷壓cold-pressed 合金鋼alloy steel 鈦合金titanium alloy 不銹鋼stainless steel 竹節(jié)鋼筋corrugated steel bar 變形鋼筋deformed bar 光圓鋼筋plain round bar 鋼板steel plate 薄鋼板thin steel plate 低碳鋼low carbon steel 冷彎cold bending 鋼管steel pipe (tube) 無縫鋼管seamless steel pipe 焊接鋼管we

29、lded steel pipe 黑鐵管iron pipe 鍍鋅鋼管galvanized steel pipe 鑄鐵cast iron 生鐵pig iron 熟鐵wrought iron 鍍鋅鐵皮galvanized steel sheet 鍍鋅鐵絲galvanized steel wire 鋼絲網(wǎng)steel wire mesh 多孔金屬網(wǎng)expanded metal 錳鋼managanese steel 高強度合金鋼high strength alloy steelnon-ferrous metal 有色金屬金gold 白金platinum 銅copper 黃銅brass 青銅bronze 銀

30、silver 鋁aluminum 鉛lead anti-corrosion materials 防腐蝕材料聚乙烯polythene, polyethylene 尼龍nylon 聚氯乙烯pvc (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯polycarbonate 聚苯乙烯polystyrene 丙烯酸樹酯acrylic resin 乙烯基酯vinyl ester 橡膠內(nèi)襯rubber lining 氯丁橡膠neoprene 瀝青漆bitumen paint 環(huán)氧樹脂漆epoxy resin paint 氧化鋅底漆zinc oxide primer 防銹漆anti-rust paint 耐

31、酸漆acid-resistant paint 耐堿漆alkali-resistant paint 水玻璃sodium silicate 樹脂砂漿resin-bonded mortar 環(huán)氧樹脂epoxy resin building hardware 建筑五金釘子nails 螺紋屋面釘spiral-threaded roofing nail 環(huán)紋石膏板釘annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺絲screws 平頭螺絲flat-head screw 螺栓bolt 普通螺栓commercial bolt 高強螺栓high strength bolt 預埋螺栓insert b

32、olt 脹錨螺栓cinch bolt 墊片washerpaint 油漆底漆primer 防銹底漆rust-inhibitive primer 防腐漆anti-corrosion paint 調(diào)和漆mixed paint 無光漆flat paint 透明漆varnish 銀粉漆aluminum paint 磁漆enamel paint 干性油drying oil 稀釋劑thinner 焦油tar 瀝青漆asphalt paint 桐油tung oil, chinese wood oil 紅丹red lead 鉛油lead oil 膩子puttyKother architectural terms

33、其它建筑術(shù)語discipline 專業(yè)建筑architecture土木civil 給排水water supply and drainage 總圖plot plan 采暖通風h.v.a.c (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 電力供應electric power supply 電氣照明electric lighting 電訊telecommunication 儀表instrument 熱力供應heat power supply 動力mechanical power 工藝process technology 管道pipingconventional

34、 terms 一般通用名詞建筑原理architectonics 建筑形式architectural style 民用建筑civil architecture 城市建筑urban architecture 農(nóng)村建筑rural architecture 農(nóng)業(yè)建筑farm building 工業(yè)建筑industrial building 重工業(yè)的heavy industrial 輕工業(yè)的light industrial 古代建筑ancient architecture 現(xiàn)代建筑modern architecture 標準化建筑standardized buildings 附屬建筑auxiliary

35、buildings 城市規(guī)劃city planning 廠區(qū)內(nèi)within site 廠區(qū)外offsite 封閉式closed type 開敞式open type半開敞式semi-open type 模數(shù)制modular system 單位造價unit cost 概算preliminary estimate 承包商constructor, contractor 現(xiàn)場site 擴建extension 改建reconstruction 防火fire-prevention 防震aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐anti-corrosion 防潮dump-proof 防水water-

36、proof 防塵dust-proof 防銹rust-proof 車流量traffic volume 貨流量freight traffic volume 人流量pedestrian volume 透視圖perspective drawing 建筑模型building modelarchitectural physics 建筑物理照明illumination 照度degree of illumination 亮度brightness 日照sunshine 天然采光natural lighting 光強light intensity 側(cè)光side light 頂光top light 眩光glaze

37、方位角azimuth 輻射radiation 對流convection 傳導conduction 遮陽sun-shade 保溫thermal insulation 恒溫constant temperature 恒濕constant humidity 噪音noise 隔音sound-proof 吸音sound absorption 露點dew point 隔汽vapor-proofname of professional role 職務(wù)名稱項目經(jīng)理project manager (pm) 設(shè)計經(jīng)理design manager 首席建筑師principal architect 總工程師chief

38、engineer 土木工程師civil engineer 工藝工程師process engineer 電氣工程師electrical engineer 機械工程師mechanical engineer 計劃工程師planning engineer 助理工程師assistant engineer 實習生probationer 專家specialist, expert 制圖員draftsman 技術(shù)員technician drafting 制圖總說明general specification 工程說明project specification 采用標準規(guī)范目錄list of standards a

39、nd specification adopted 圖紙目錄list of drawings 平面圖plan 局部放大圖detail with enlarged scale 平面示意圖schematic plan of. 平剖面圖sectional plan of. 留孔平面圖plan of provision of holes 剖面section 縱剖面longitudinal section 橫剖面cross (transverse) section 立面elevation 正立面front elevation 透視圖perspective drawing 側(cè)立面side elevation

40、 背立面back elevation 詳圖detail drawings 典型節(jié)點typical detail 節(jié)點號detail no. 首頁front page 圖紙目錄及說明list of contents and description 圖例legend 示意圖diagram 草圖sketch 荷載簡圖load diagram 流程示意圖flow diagram 標準圖standard drawing 布置圖layout of . 地形圖topographical map 土方工程圖earth-work drawing 展開圖developed drawing 模板圖formwork drawing 配筋arrangement of reinforcement 表格tables 工程進度表working schedule 技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標technical and economical index 建、構(gòu)筑物一覽表list of buildings and structures 編號coding 序


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