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1、小升初專項強化測試卷一(字母和語音)姓名班級分?jǐn)?shù)一、寫出所給字母的 “ 左鄰右舍 ” ,并按書寫規(guī)則寫在四線格上。 (注意大小寫)(10%)二、將下列小寫字母與相應(yīng)的大寫字母用線連起來。(5%) d g e q j y p a i t q j p d y e g t i a 三、判斷下列每組字母的發(fā)音是否含有共同音素,有的打“”,沒有的打“”。(7) 四、按發(fā)音將下列英文字母分類。(10%) h i o u a k y q w j /ei/ _ _ _ _ /ai/ _ _ / ?u/ _ /ju: / _ _ _ 五、根據(jù)所給單詞。寫出與之發(fā)音相同的字母。(大小寫都要寫 )(4) 1sea

2、_ 2tea _ 3 why _ 4you _ 5are _ 6bee _ 7 oh _ 8eye _ 六、判斷下列每組單詞中畫線字母的讀音是否相同,相同的畫“”,不同的畫 “”(10%)1flower count _ 2shop hope _ 3quickly fruit _ 4birthday friday_ 5about cousin_6 holiday computer_ 7shoot food _ 8say says _ 9point join _ 10august just _ 七、從 a、b、c選項中選擇例詞的正確音標(biāo)。(4) a b c ( )1now nau n?u ni?(

3、 )2touch taut t t t?u ( )3football fu:tb ?:l futb?:l fju:tb?:l ( )4morning m?:ni ? m?ini? m?ni?( )5pear pi? pau pe?( )6down d?un d n daun ( )7car ka: k k? ( )8chair t i? t u? t e?八、把字母和讀音連起來。(5) 1answer ? 2with a: 3ice-cream ai 4june u: 5maths i 九、寫出下列縮寫字母表示的中文或?qū)懗鲋形牡挠⑽目s寫字母。(6) 1cctv _ 2am _ 3sos _ 4

4、uk _ 5wc _ 6id _ 7中國籃球協(xié)會 _ 8千克_ 9英國廣播公司_ 10光盤_ 11聯(lián)合國 _ l2美國 _ 十、找出畫線部分與所給音標(biāo)發(fā)音相同的單詞并在下面的括號內(nèi)打“”。(可多選 ) (6) 1t chair china lunch school chat ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2au cow now row snow yellow ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3w when whose who which what ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4n fine in find english sing ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5、( ) 5 bus must use fun july ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6?u smoke some note november teapot ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 十一、指出下列各組單詞中含有不發(fā)音字母的單詞。(30%) ( )1acome bus ctoy dwork ( )2aknife bvery czoo dyes ( )3arow bstop cwrong dsun ( )4asay bold ccopy dknow ( )5aweek btoday cwhat dhe ( )6atoo bsister ccake dsky 十二、寫出每組

6、畫線部分有幾種讀音。(5) a一種讀音b兩種讀音c三種讀音d四種讀音( )1apencil bdouble cplease dzero ( )2abegin bthree c1ike djacket ( )3arubber bturn cjune druler ( )4aruler bnumber cbird dtoday ( )5awater btalk cwar d1aw 十三、找出含有與例詞畫線部分發(fā)音相同的單詞。(5) ( )1theatre aread bbreakfast creally dgreat ( )2new aflew bsupermarket c drew dcold

7、( )3shoe aso bshow ctoday djune ( )4saturday acolour bnurse csir dhers ( )5uncle apen bunder canimal dsong 十四、找出每題中畫線部分讀音與其他三個不同的單詞。(5) ( )1astart blarge cjanuary dmarch ( )2anoise bviolin ctoilet djoin ( )3amirror bdoctor cscore dvisitor ( )4afifth bride cmobile dmine ( )5amountain btrain cwait dag

8、ain 十五、把下列單詞按單詞畫線字母的讀音歸類。(9) 1 what, danger, game , skate , animal, bag, camera , watch, taste, wash, favourite,chatei_ o_ / ? / _ 2good,cook,spoon,soon,bedroom,afternoon,look,foot,food,balloon,school,tooth,bathroomu:_ u_ 3high,ride,live,picture,light,festival,mine,children,kick,christmas,diary,exci

9、tedai/ _ i_ 4here ,pear,where,hear ,bear,year,there,chair,earache ,their,dear,near/r?_ e?_ 十六、閱讀對話,判斷正誤,與對話內(nèi)容相符的在括號內(nèi)打“”,不相符的打 “”。(6) zhang peng :what are you going to do this afternoon ,sarah? sarah :first,i m going to clean my roomnext,im going to buy a present for liu yun s birthdayhow about you ?

10、 what are you going to do this afternoon? zhang peng :first,i m going to play football with wu yifan next,i m going to buy a present for liu yun, too what are you going to buy? sarah :i m going to buy a comic book for herwhat about you? zhang peng :i m going to buy a doll for hersarah :that s great

11、! lets go shopping togetherwhen are you going ? zhang peng :i am going at 2 oclocksarah :ok ! see you then( )1sarah is going to clean her room this afternoon ( )2zhang peng is not going to buy a present for liu yun ( )3zhang peng is going to play football with john ( )4sarah wants to buy a dictionar

12、y for liu yun( )5zhang peng is going to buy a doll for liu yuns birthday( )6they are going to go shopping together 走進(jìn)實驗室字母謎語。1which letter is like a pyramid (金字塔 )?_ 2which letter can drink ? _ 3which letter can eat ?_ 4which letter does the blind (盲de)man like best ?_ 5which letter can we see with

13、?_ 參考答案一、二、三、1234567四、 ei a h k j ai / i y ?uo ju: u q w 五、lc c 2t t 3y y 4u u 5r r 6b b 7o o 8i i 六、12345678910七、la 2b 3b 4a 5c 6c 7a 8c 八、九、1中央電視臺2上午3求救信號4英國5 廁 所6身份證7cba 8kg 9bbc 10cd 11un 12usa 十、/t /chair china lunch chat /?u/cow now /wwhen which what nfine in find bus must fun ?usmoke note nov

14、ember 十一、 1a 2a 3c 4d 5c 6c 十二、 1d 2c 3c 4b 5a 十三、 l5 cbdad 十四、 l5cbcaa 十五、 1eidanger ,game ,skate ,taste ,favourite /o / what,watch,wash ?animal,bag ,camera ,chat 2u:spoon,soon,afternoon,food,balloon,school,tooth /fugood,cook,bedroom,look,foot,bathroom 3aihigh,ride,light,mine,diary,excited ilive,pi

15、cture,festival,children,kick,christmas 4i ?here,hear,year,earache ,dear,near e?pear,where,bear,there,chair,their 十六、 1 2 3 45 6走進(jìn)實驗班1a 2t 3p 4c 5i 小升初專項強化測試卷一(名詞和代詞)姓名班級分?jǐn)?shù)一、根據(jù)圖示補全單詞。(4) 1b _ ll 2ha _ 3_ _ oes 4co_ 5tr_ck 6pi_ 7bi_d 8fl_g 二、名詞的所有格形式。(6) 根據(jù)所給名詞上下文寫出正確的名詞所有格。1_(mrs. read)house is near

16、the hill 2class 1 is next to the_(teachers)office 3_(miss gao)students are having an english class4the_(boys)books are all here 5_(lucy and lily)bedroom is very nice6_(the man)knives are on the desk 三、用 s的正確格式或 of填空,并譯成漢語。 (5) 1this is my brother _ purse _ 2they are tom _ friends_ 3that is a photo _

17、 our schoo1 _ 4are you my father _ students? _ 5these are the pupils _ gloves_ 四、辨別可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞把不可數(shù)名詞后的方框涂黑。 (5) 1milk 2tea 3peach 4bread 5rice 6foot 7tomato 8egg 9man 10water 五、寫出下列名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。(12) 六、翻譯詞組。 (8) 1電話號碼 _ 2你的地址 _ 3她的年紀(jì) _ 4一個語文老師 _ 5family tree_ 6have a seat_ 71ook like _ 8your mothers name_七

18、、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(10) 1i have three _ of water (glass) 2would you like some _ ,jenny?(dumpling) 3how many _ do you want?(strawberry) 4i m very thirstyi 11 like sortie _(water) 5i like vegetables i don t like _(fish) 6we dont have _ sandwiches(some) 7fie is a _ in a restaurant (wait) 8一what is her mother

19、? 一she is a _ (wait) 9my _ like donuts a lot (friend) 10how much _ would you like?(bread) 八、根據(jù)單詞所給的第一個字母,填詞完成句子。(5) 1the tomato is a kind of v _ 2how many k _ do you have? i have only one knife3s_ we watch tv at home 4do you think theyre e _ or cheap?5you can look up a word in a d_ 九、指出每一行中不屬于同一類的那一

20、個詞。(5) ( )1aschoo1 bbank ccollege duniversity ( )2aclass bstation c1esson dcourse ( )3acapital bmountain criver d1ake ( )4apain billness cdisease ddiscussion ( )5aswimming bskating cbowling dshopping ( )6ahead bhealth cheart dhand ( )7afog bhill crain dsnow ( )8amen bwomen cgermans d children ( )9as

21、heep bpolice cpeople dteacher ( )10ajeans btrousers cscissors dgoods 代詞十、用相應(yīng)的人稱代詞或物主代詞完成下面的表格。(4) i you she we you they his its 十一、按要求寫詞。(10%)1him(復(fù)數(shù)) _ 2this(復(fù)數(shù)) _ 3us(名詞性物主代詞 ) _4 your(賓格) _ 5their(單數(shù)) _ 6those(單數(shù)) _ 7she( 形容詞性物主代詞 ) _ 8 my(名詞性物主代詞 )_ 9his(賓格) _ 10our(主格) _ 十二、人稱代詞和物主代詞。(11) (一)用適

22、當(dāng)?shù)奈镏鞔~填空。his her their our your my its 1this is bettys dressit s _ dress2i am cherrythis is _dress 3excuse me is this _ coat? 4hes mr. brown this is_car 5lily and liz are twinsthis is _ house (二)選擇合適的人稱代詞填空。1_(she he)is a tall boy2that isnt hen_(itthey)is a duck3一do you like music? 一yes,_(we you)do4

23、those oranges are sweet where are _(you they)from? 5_(i he)has a new watch 十三、用所給代詞填空每個詞只能用一次。(5) some,any,your,one,everyone ,other,so 1一can i have two cakes? 一no,but you can have_ 2i have two bags one is big,the_is small 3一is _ here today? 一yes4have you_ sisters? 5一what is wrong with _ toy? 一it s b

24、roken 一can you mend it? 一sorry,i don t think_十四、選擇正確答案。(10) ( )1there is a dog _is running after a cat ahe bit cits dthey ( )2the apple is mine the banana is_ ahe bmy cthem dyours ( )3the cats are mine _ are very beautiful( 美麗)ait bits citself dthey ( )4i like playing with_athey bhis cthem dshe ( )5

25、一excuse _ where is lucy? 一_is there ai;her bme;her ci;she dme;she ( )6一whose apple is it? 一it s_amine bits citself dthey ( )7_is a driver _work is drivingashe;her bhis;he che;him dher;hers ( )8that s_coatame bhe cshe dmy ( )9一do you have _ water? 一yes,i have _ amany;some bsome;any cany;any dany;some ( )10the meal is very delicioushelp_ ayou byour cyours dyourself 從圖中找出至少 5種動物,把它們的英語單詞寫下來。_ _ _ _ 參考答案名詞一、lball 2hat 3shoes 4cow 5


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