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1、2020 年高考語法考點講解與真題分析21 非謂語動詞(四)考點六非謂語動詞作補語不定式和分詞都能作補語,首先要判斷用不定式還是分詞,然后再確定不定式或分詞的形式。1感覺動詞(主要有see, hear, notice, feel, watch, observe等)和使役動詞(主要有make, let, have 等)跟不定式作賓補語時,不定式不能帶to,但用于被動語態(tài)時(let, have 不能用于被動語態(tài))時,不定式要帶to。1. let those in need that we will go all out to help them. (2013陜西 ) a. to understan

2、d b. understand c. understanding d. understood 【答案】 b 【解析】 let 后接不帶 to 的不定式作賓語補足語,意為“ 讓某人做某事 ” 。句意:讓那些需要幫助的人們明白,我們會竭盡全力幫助他們的。2. the director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting. (2008 全國)a. picked up b. picks up c. pick up d. picking up 【答案】 c 【解析】 have 在此是使役動詞,后接不帶to 的不定式作賓語補足語,意為“ 讓某

3、人做某事” 。2動詞 advise, allow, ask, beg, believe, consider, declare, discover, drive, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, imagine, intend, invite, judge, know, order, permit, persuade, prove, require, suppose, teach, tell, think, want, warn, wish, understand等接動名詞作賓語,跟帶to 的不定式作補語,要注意判斷是作賓語還是作補語;help 后跟

4、不定式作賓補時,可帶to 也可不帶。as jack left his membership card at home, he wasnt allowed _ into the sports club. (2012上海 ) a. going b. to go c. go d. gone 【答案】 c 【解析】 wasn t allowed是被動語態(tài),后應接不定式作主語補足語。3. 感官動詞跟現(xiàn)在分詞作補語,表示動作的進行狀態(tài),跟不定式作補語,表示動作的全過程。1. listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it _ live i

5、s quite another. (2015浙江 ) a. perform b. performing c. to perform d. being performed 【答案】 d 【解析】 hear 后接不帶to 的不定式或分詞作賓語補足語,這里表示正在進行的動作,且 it(指 music)與 perform之間是被動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞的被動式。2. the manager was satisfied to see many new products _ after great effort. (2014 四川)a. having developed b. to develop c. de

6、veloped d. develop 【答案】 c 【解析】這里作賓語補足語,表示被動和完成,故用過去分詞。3. i looked up and noticed a snake _ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. (2012四川 ) a. to wind b. wind c. winding d. wound 【答案】 c 【解析】 notice 后接不帶to 的不定式或現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語,這里表示正在進行的動作,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。4現(xiàn)在分詞作補語,常表示動作正在進行或表示一個主動的動作;過去分詞作補語,常表示動作已經(jīng)完成或表示被動。不定式

7、作補語常常表示將來的動作。1. back from his two-year medical service in africa, dr. lee was very happy to see his mother _ good care of at home. (2015 陜西)a. taking b. taken c. take d. be taken 【答案】 b 【解析】作賓語補足語,且邏輯主語his mother 與 take care of 之間是被動關系,故用過去分詞。2. when we saw the road _ with snow, we decided to spend

8、the holiday at home. (2013北京 ) a. block b. to block c. blocking d. blocked 【答案】 c 【解析】非謂語動詞作賓語補足語,與邏輯主語block 是被動關系,且表示完成,故用過去分詞。3. michael put up a picture of yao ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams. (2011 重慶 ) a. reminding b. to remind c. reminded d. remind 【答案】 c 【解析】分詞作賓語補足語。邏

9、輯主語himself 與 remind 是被動關系,故用過去分詞。5have 用作使役動詞,后可接不帶to 的不定式,也可接現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞作賓補,應注意它們表達的不同含義: have sb do sth 表示 “ 使某人做 ” ,have sb /sth doing表示 “ 使 處于 狀態(tài) ” ,have sth done 表示 “ 讓他人做” 或“ 使遭受 ” 。get sth done 也有這給用法。1. i need a new passport so i will have to have my photographs_. (2018天津 ) a. taking b. taken

10、c. being taken d. take 【答案】 b 【解析】 have sth done 意為 “ 讓他人做某事” 。2. before driving into the city, you are required to get your car _. (2012四川 ) a. washed b. wash c. washing d. to wash 【答案】 a 【解析】 your car 和 wash 是被動關系,故用過去分詞作賓補。3. claire had her luggage _ an hour before her plane left. (2011 陜西 ) a. c

11、heck b. checking c. to check d. checked 【答案】 d 【解析】 have sth done 意為 “ 讓他人做某事” 。6. 在“ with+ 賓語 +賓語補足語 ” 結構中,常對作賓語補足語的非謂語動詞形式進行考查。非謂語動詞表示主動或進行時,用現(xiàn)在分詞,表示被動或完成時,用過去分詞,表示將來時,用不定式。另外還考查這個結構中介詞的選擇。1. chinas image is improving steadily, with more countries_ its role in international affairs. (2019天津 ) a. r

12、ecognizing b. being recognized c. to be recognized d. recognized 【答案】 a 【解析】這里是“with+ 賓語 +賓語補足語 ” 結構;這里表示主動,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。2. i couldn t do my homework with all that noise _ _. (2012 北京 ) agoing on bgoes on c went on d. to go on 【答案】 a 【解析】這里是“with+ 賓語 +賓語補足語 ” 結構,應用非謂語動詞;這里表示動作正在進行,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。3. the old couple

13、 often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog them. (2012 遼寧 ) a. to follow b. following c. followed d. follows 【答案】 b 【解析】這里是“with+ 賓語 +賓補 ” 結構, their pet dog 與 follow 是主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞作賓補。4. the living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ for a meal to be cooked.(2010

14、山東)a. laid b. laying c. to lay d. being laid 【答案】 a 【解析】這里是“with +賓語 +賓語補足語 ” 結構。 lay 與 table 是被動關系,且表示完成的動作,故用過去分詞。5. you have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much. (2008福建 ) a. for b. when c. with d. while 【答案】 c 【解析】選項中有兩項是介詞,兩項是連詞,因此做此題時,首先要搞清楚空格后是句子還是短語,如果是句子,就選擇連詞

15、, 如果是短語, 就選擇介詞。 如果是句子, 則應當用被動語態(tài),謂語動詞應當是was wounded ,所以應當是短語,應用介詞。her foot 是介詞賓語, wounded 是賓語補足語,能跟復合賓語的介詞只有with ??键c七非謂語動詞的否定式,省略及其復合結構1非謂語動詞的否定式都是在其前加not 等否定詞。1. _ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice. (2013四川 ) a. not knowing b. knowing not c. not known d. known not 【答案

16、】 a 【解析】非謂語動詞的否定式是在其前面加not ,排除 b,d;邏輯主語the girl 與 know 是主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。2. _ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks. (2010 全國)a. not completing b. not completed c. not having completed d. having not completed 【答案】 c 【解析】非謂語動詞的否定式是在其前面加not ,排除 d;邏輯主語they 與 complete 是主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞; com

17、plete 的動作發(fā)生在have to stay 之前,用于完成式。3. the lawyer listened with full attention, _ to miss any point. (2010四川 ) a. not trying b. trying not c. to try not d. not to try 【答案】 b 【解析】非謂語動詞作伴隨狀語,應用分詞。根據(jù)句意,分詞應用肯定式,不定式應用否定式。2. 非謂語動詞的省略主要考查的是不定式的省略。不定式的省略記住一個原則:省略不定式時,不定式的符號to 要保留。the driver wanted to park his

18、 car near the roadside but was asked by the police _(2013全國 i) a . not to do b. not to c. not do d. do not 【答案】 b 【解析】這里是不定式not to park his car near the roadside 的省略,省略不定式時,不定式符合要保留。3. 不定式的復合結構由“ for/of sb. to do sth. ”構成,該結構前的形容詞說明人的特征時用,說明物的特征時用for ;動名詞的復合結構由“ 名詞所有格(或物主代詞)+動名詞 ” 構成,在口語中,尤其當名詞指物時常用

19、名詞的普通格來代替所有格,用代詞賓格來代替物主代詞。1. it s standard practice for a company like this one _ a security officer. (2014 山東)a. employed b. being employed c. to employ d. employs 【答案】 c 【解析】這里是不定式的復合結構,故用不定式。2. nothing is so easy as _ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high. (2012福建 ) a. of

20、 b. to c. by d. for 【答案】 d 【解析】這里是不定式的復合結構。不定式的復合結構由“for/of sb to do sth”,該結構前的形容詞說明人的特征時用 of,說明物的特征時用for。本題形容詞easy 修飾物,故介詞用for。3. i really can t understand _ her like that. (2010 安徽)a. you treat b. you to treat c. why treat d. you treating 【答案】 d 【解析】這里是動名詞的復合結構作賓語,用賓格代詞you 代替物主代詞your。4. at the beg

21、inning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom.(2009 全國)a. opened and closed b. to be opened and closed c. being opened and closed d. to open and close 【答案】 c 【解析】動名詞與其邏輯主語desks構成動名詞的復合結構作介詞of 的賓語。desks與 open, close 是被動關系,故用動名詞的被動式。5. victor apologized for _ to inform me

22、of the change in the plan. (2009 上海)a. his being not able b. him not to be able c. his not being able d. him to be not able 【答案】 c 【解析】這里是動名詞的復合結構作介詞for 的賓語,其否定式是在動名詞前加not 。鞏固練習:1. excuse me sir, where is room 301? just a minute. i ll have bob _ you to your room. a. show b. shows c. to show d. showi

23、ng 【答案】 a 【解析】 have 后接不帶to 的不定式作賓語補足語。2. to learn english well, we should find opportunities to hear english _ as much as we can. a. speak. b. speaking c. spoken d. to speak 【答案】 c 【解析】作賓語補足語,與english之間是被動關系,故用過去分詞。3. after a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice _ him. a. calling b.

24、called c. being called d. to call 【答案】 a 【解析】分詞作賓語補足語;邏輯主語his mother s voice與 call 之間是主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。4. nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it _. a. reusing b. reused c. reuses d. to be reused 【答案】 d 【解析】這里是不定式的復合結構作賓語后置,it 是形式賓語。 it 與 reuse 是被動關系,故用不定式的被動式。5. the disco

25、very of new evidence led to _. a. the thief having caught b. catch the thief c. the thief being caught d. the thief to be caught 【答案】 c 【解析】這里是動名詞的復合結構作賓語,the thief 與 catch 是被動關系,故用動名詞的被動式。6. they use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly. a. being run b. run c. to run d. running 【答案】 d 【解析】分詞作賓語補足語。邏輯主語the traffic 與 run 之間是主動關系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。7. she wants her paintings _ in the gallery, but we don


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