七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 It’s raining Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第1頁
七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 It’s raining Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第2頁
七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 It’s raining Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第3頁
七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 It’s raining Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第4頁
七年級英語下冊 Unit 7 It’s raining Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)課件 (新版)人教新目標版_第5頁
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1、第二課時:第二課時:Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)Unit 7Its raining!課文課文呈現(xiàn)呈現(xiàn)知識知識講解講解第二課時:第二課時:Section A (Grammar Focus-3b)課課堂堂導導入入3a3b課課堂堂小小結結課課后后作作業(yè)業(yè)課課堂堂練練習習詞詞匯匯聽聽寫寫 同學們同學們, ,上一課學習的單詞你們都掌握了嗎?現(xiàn)在上一課學習的單詞你們都掌握了嗎?現(xiàn)在大家來檢驗一下大家來檢驗一下, ,點擊下面的音頻開始聽寫吧!點擊下面的音頻開始聽寫吧!Look at the pictures and report the weather indifferent pl

2、aces.Grammar FocusGrammar FocusHows the weather? Its cloudy./Its sunny./ Its raining.What are you doing? Im cooking.What are they doing?Theyre playing basketball in the park.Whats he doing?Hes studying at his friends home.Hows it going?Great!/Not bad./Terrible!1A:What are you doing? B:I _ my homewor

3、k.I always _ my homework in the evening.2A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _ soccer. He _ soccer every Saturday.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then practice the conversations with a partner.3adobeplaystudytalkdomakeam doingplaysis playing3A: _ Julie _ English r

4、ight now? B: No,she isnt. She _ Chinese.4A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup.5A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B:Yes,she _ on the phone for three hours every day!beplaystudytalkdomakestudyingIsmakeare makingtalkingtalksis studyingIsright now 現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在知識點知識點考向一考向一考向二

5、考向二right nowat the moment,可用于現(xiàn)在進行時中??捎糜诂F(xiàn)在進行時中。eg:Mum is cooking right now. 媽媽現(xiàn)在正在做飯。與與right away/in a minute/at once/immediately同義同義,意為意為“立刻立刻,馬上馬上”。I have to go right now.我馬上得走了。Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill in the chart below.3bHows the weather?What are they doing?a.Its sunny and warm.Hes playing the guitar.b.Its windy.They are hiking.c. Its coldd.Its hot and humid.He is writing.e. Its raining.They are playing football.They are cooking. 本節(jié)課主要聽寫了單詞本節(jié)課主要聽寫了單詞,學習


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