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1、實(shí)用文檔文案大全高 2018 級英語短文改錯解題技巧一、綜觀近幾年高考短文改錯題,命題形式有:“缺詞”為12 處;“多詞”,一般為12 處;“錯詞”為7-9處;二、短文改錯常見考點(diǎn)設(shè)置:1. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之名詞命題特點(diǎn) : 本來用復(fù)數(shù) , 卻用單數(shù) . 改正方法 :(1) 根據(jù)名詞前的修飾限定成份;(2) 根據(jù)上下文的邏輯關(guān)系 . 詳解:1). she said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.( schoolmate改為schoolmates )2). after class we become stranger at once.

2、(stranger改為 strangers)3). they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that ill get marks in all my subject.( subject改為 subjects)4). on the way up i was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.(picture改為 pictures)5). there are advantage for students to work while studying at sc

3、hool.(advantage改為 advantages )6). he had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests.(ideas改為 idea )7). i looked at his other hands. (hands 改為 hand)2. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之代詞命題特點(diǎn): 1. 女性代詞指代男性或相反;2. 單數(shù)指代復(fù)數(shù);3. 代詞詞性誤用。改正方法:聯(lián)系上下文的邏輯關(guān)系。代詞的錯誤特點(diǎn):1. 人稱代詞的偷換錯誤 2. 缺少人稱代詞的錯誤 3. 人稱代詞數(shù)的一致問題 4. 人稱代詞格的一致問題詳解:1). the smiths did h

4、is best to make me feel at home. (his改為 their) 2). i have a good friend whos name is liu mei. ( who s 改為 whose) 3). it was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. the three of them were very excited.( them 改為 us)4). soon i began to enjoy talking to myself on paper as i was learning t

5、o express me in simple english .(me改為 myself )5). one day i wrote a little story and showed to my teacher .(showed 后加 it )6). some students may also save up for our college or future use .(our 改為 their)3. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之介詞命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法:介詞涉及搭配錯誤,因此可從以下方面確定錯誤:1)介詞的基本用法;2)習(xí)慣搭配;3)動詞詞類確定錯誤,如talk, serve, wait等。介詞短語常常考,

6、固定搭配要記牢。介詞后邊跟賓語,結(jié)合語境細(xì)推敲。詳解:1). we do not seem to get much time to talk about together.(去掉 about )2). i was so tired that i fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (去實(shí)用文檔文案大全掉 at )3). the main problem was in that i always thought in chinese and tried to translate anything into english.(

7、去掉 was 后的 in )4). we ll talk with our plan for the weekend over dinner.( with 改為 about )5). i am writing to thank you with your kind help. ( with 改為 for )6). he was looking for a glass the cupboard. (glass 后加 in )7). each these lines stands for a trouble in my life. (each 后加 of )4. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之時態(tài)命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法:

8、現(xiàn)在時與過去時的誤用,句中一般沒有時間狀語。每年都考。要注意聯(lián)系上下文,著眼于整個語篇的時態(tài)。通常整篇都是過去,突然一個句子用現(xiàn)在時。其中又以一般現(xiàn)在時和過去時互改為多。詳解:1). they did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that-(did 改為 do)2). the time passes quickly. evening came.(passes 改為 passed)3). she liked it very much and read

9、s it to the class.(reads 改為 read )4). i dont know that they dont like to talk with me. sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class.( talked改為 talk )5). i will write again and send you the photos we take together.(take 改為 took )6). we had guests last night who have not stayed in a b&b h

10、otel ago.(have 改為 had)5.andbutor誤用及前后不一致命題特點(diǎn): 主要考查and、 or 、but 、so 等并列連詞的誤用。改正方法; 1)根據(jù)句意確定誤; 2 )根據(jù)句子的邏輯關(guān)系確定錯誤。詳解:1). she is smiling at me but nodding at me.(but 改為 and)2). it looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest.(and 改為 or )3). the food was expensive and the service was good.(and

11、 改為 but )4). i came into the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light.(but 改為 and)5). we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.(visiting改為 visited)6). she liked it very much and reads it to the class.(reads 改為 read )6. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之從句連詞命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法:句子結(jié)構(gòu)方面的

12、錯誤主要涉及句子成份和復(fù)合句的關(guān)聯(lián)詞等。解答這類題從以下方面來思考:1)句子結(jié)構(gòu)是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)復(fù)合句中連接主句和從句的關(guān)系詞或引導(dǎo)詞的運(yùn)用是否得當(dāng)?shù)取T斀猓?). .it was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.(noon 后加 when)2). i don t know that they don t like to talk with me.( that改為 why)3). the main problem was in that i always thought in chinese and tried t

13、o translate everything into english.(去掉 that 前的 in )4). earning their own money allows them to spend on anything as if they please.(去掉 if )5). they did not want breakfast because that they were going out early in the morning.實(shí)用文檔文案大全(去掉 that )7. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之冠詞命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法:英語中冠詞只有三個,只能從以下幾個方向出題:1)不定冠詞a 和 an互改;

14、 2)不定冠詞a 或 an 和定冠詞the 互改; 3)根據(jù)需要增刪冠詞。詳解:1). as everyone knows, its famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. (famous 前加 a)2). we may be one family and live under a same roof, but-(a 改為 the )3). on thursday i will have to decide what i want to do over a weekend.(a 改為 the )4). i hope youve

15、 had pleasant journey home (had 后加 a)8. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之形容詞和副詞命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法:主要考查形容詞和副詞的誤用、形容詞及副詞的比較級等。1)根據(jù) adj.或 adv. 的基本用法確定錯誤;2)修飾連系動詞或名詞用形容詞;3)修飾行為動詞、形容詞、過去分詞及整個句子用副詞。詳解:1). i would describe myself as shy and quietly.(quietly改為 quiet )2). there have been reports in america about people trying to steal person in

16、formation for bad purposes.(person 改為 personal )3). finding information on the net is easily.(easily改為 easy)4). so what i learned from the job was much more important as what i earned.( as 改為 than )5). my pronunciation was terribly .(terribly改為 terrible)6). they came back lately and had some tea.(la

17、tely改為 late )9. 考點(diǎn)設(shè)置之非謂語動詞命題特點(diǎn)改正方法:1)謂語動詞和非謂語動詞的錯用;2)動詞不定式和動名詞的錯用;3)現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞的錯用等。詳解:1). earning their own money allow them to spend on anything as they please.(allow改為 allows )2). my parents will do all they can make sure that i get a good education.(make前加 to )3). soon i began to enjoy talk to mys

18、elf on paper as i was learning to express myself in simple english.( talk改為 talking)4). we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.(visiting改為 visited)5). some students may also to save up for our college or future use.(去掉 to )二、短文改錯口訣動詞形,名詞數(shù),還要注意形和副;非謂語,細(xì)辨別,習(xí)慣用法要記??;句子成分多分析,邏輯錯誤須關(guān)注;冠詞連詞常光顧. 詳

19、解:(一)動詞形:主要包括兩類錯誤:動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)錯誤,以及主、謂不一致的錯誤。動詞形常見錯誤:1) 一般過去時與一般現(xiàn)在時錯用。 2)第三人稱單數(shù)形式錯用。2) and 前后動詞時態(tài)不一致。(and具有對稱性) 4 ) 主謂不一致。 5) 缺少謂語動詞(尤實(shí)用文檔文案大全其缺 be 動詞)6) 主動語態(tài)與被動語態(tài)錯用 7 )used to 的運(yùn)用錯誤(二)名詞數(shù):指名詞單、復(fù)數(shù)形式的用法錯誤。常表現(xiàn)為將名詞復(fù)數(shù)寫成單數(shù)。改正方法:)根據(jù)名詞前的修飾限定成份)根據(jù)上下文的邏輯關(guān)系(三)還要注意形和副:注意形容詞和副詞在句子中的作用和具體用法。這也是高考短文改錯題的??键c(diǎn)。 命題特點(diǎn)及改正方法

20、:主要考查形容詞和副詞的誤用、形容詞及副詞的比較級等。根據(jù) adj 或 adv 的基本用法確定錯誤;修飾連系動詞或名詞用形容詞;修飾行為動詞、 形容詞、過去分詞及整個句子用副詞。(四)非謂語,細(xì)辨別:這是考查最多的錯誤形式之一。主要有現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞,動名詞和不定式錯誤。 1)不定式 2)動名詞作主語、 賓語 3)and 連接的不定式或動名詞前后一致(尤其距離較遠(yuǎn)時) 4 )現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞的區(qū)別等。(五)習(xí)慣用法要記?。褐饕疾榱?xí)慣搭配方面的基礎(chǔ)知識,其錯誤表現(xiàn)形式主要有三種:多詞、少詞和搭配錯誤。(六)句子成分多分析:不同的句子成分要用不同的詞類;不同的語境要選擇不同的詞語。只有對句子

21、結(jié)構(gòu)和成分作細(xì)致的分析,才能找出用詞不當(dāng)?shù)腻e誤。(七)邏輯錯誤須關(guān)注:與句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,屬于邏輯性錯誤,如稱謂上的張冠李戴。(八)冠詞連詞常光顧:??嫉腻e誤形式有:連詞but , and , or 和 so 的用法錯誤,以及冠詞的用法錯誤等。三. 短文改錯小結(jié)做短文改錯應(yīng)采取六個步驟和四不改。六個步驟:(1)通讀短文,整體把握短文大意。(2)細(xì)讀全文,逐句分析,把握結(jié)構(gòu),逐一作答。(3)粗略分析詞法、句法、邏輯上是否有問題。(4)逐行修改,先易后難。(5)復(fù)讀全文,驗(yàn)證答案。(6)要注意答題是否合乎規(guī)范。四不改 : 標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號不改。大小寫不改。詞序錯誤不改(不是不改,而是按錯詞

22、或少詞來改) 。在綱外生詞不改。文中出現(xiàn)帶漢語注釋的詞,在句中不可能用錯. 附:單句改錯練習(xí)練習(xí)一:1. it took jack two hours climb the mountain . _ 2. the tomatoes i picked are much more redder than yours . _ 3. they have never had the chance to be there ago . _ 4. though he is old , but my grandpa works on the farm . _ 5. you are terrible ill . y

23、oud better stay in bed . _ 6. the nearest village is about one hundred miles far away . _ 7. i dont like going out lonely after dark . _ 8. i m fed up waiting for her letter . _ 9. birds flew back because the fine environment . _ 10. the students entered into the classroom one by one . _ 練習(xí)二:1. his

24、story is more interesting as my sisters . _ 2. please return my dictionary back soon . _ 實(shí)用文檔文案大全3. when he heard the news , he got angrily . _ 4. they have some problems solve . _ 5. tom was just falling asleep then the telephone rang . _ 6. sometimes we take walk by the river . _ 7. mr more took w

25、ell care of his car . _ 8. we are going to hainan the next holiday . _ 9. i dont agree to you , twins . _ 10. though children are young , they should be listened carefully . _ 練習(xí)三:1.the monkeys climbed the trees quick . _ 2.i don t think he can be on time , can i ? _ 3.everyone in our class like tak

26、e-away food . _ 4.the twins didnt feel well , but they didnt come . _ 5. jacks uncle joined in the army three years ago . _ 6. could you give me anything to eat ? _ 7. it was too hot last night that i couldnt sleep well . _ 8. to have a twin brother is little strange . _ 9. there is going to have a

27、dolphin show in the zoo . _ 10. could you repeat it again , please ? _ 練習(xí)四:1. can you guess how many years i have been to this city ? _ 2. surfing looks so excited that i want to have a try . _ 3. to make a lot noise at night is not polite . _ 4. there will have a strong wind to the north of huai ri

28、ver . _ 5. the number of the students in our school are more than 2,000 . _ 6. the poor man needs a house to live . _ 7. his clothes have washed by his mother . _ 8. he said that he had been in beijing many years . _ 9. hunan is by the south of hubei . _ 10. there was fire in the supermarket near ou

29、r school last night . _ 練習(xí)五:1. though he is a five-year-old boy , but he can play computer very well . _ 2. my brother will phone me as soon as he get there . _ 3. english is most widely spoken language all over the world . _ 4. it s very kind for you to help carry the bag . _ 5. twenty miles are qu

30、ite a long way to go . _ 6. the class 2 students are planting trees on both side of the street . _ 7. there is going to have a sports meeting before national day . _ 8. a horse isnt as bigger as an elephant . _ 9. its hard for him to do so many homework in one day . _ 10. edison thought for a while

31、and came up with a idea . 練習(xí)六:實(shí)用文檔文案大全1. three fifths of the books here is mine. _ 2. your clothes should always be kept cleanly and tidy. _ 3. tom said he was feeling even worst. _ 4. father told me that light travelled faster than sound. _ 5. in our everyday life we see much moving things. _ 6. wh

32、ich floor does your mother live ? _ 7. the heavy snow made him to feel worried about his sheep . _ 8. the boys are often told not play football in the street . _ 9. remember to go to the post office and send this letters . _ 10. there is going to have a concert tomorrow . _ 練習(xí)七:1. ann didnt know how

33、 work out the problem in class. _ 2. why not ask for help when you were with trouble? _ 3. look! what happy the children are in the garden! _ 4. we have learned english since two years and a half. _ 5. ill go back home as soon as school will be over. _ 6. youd better speak as more english as you can

34、. _ 7. with my help, he finished made the kite at last. _ 8. father tells his son how far is it from the earth to the moon . _ 9. neither you nor i were sending e-mails then _ 10. a friend of him went to japan last sunday _ 練習(xí)八:1.none of us have been to bondi beach. _ 2.everyone should make a contri

35、bution to protect the environment. _ 3.i couldnt fall sleep last night ._ 4.the number of students in our school is more than two thousands. _ 5.mary or her brother are going to visit the great wall soon. _ 6.what do you mean at “relative”? _ 7.he was made tell everything. _ 8.this pair of glasses a

36、re a little expensive. _ 9.how long do you go to see your grandfather ? once a week. _ 10.look at these germen . how happy they are ! _ 練習(xí)九:1. dick is afraid of meet the boss. _ 2. jim says that he has come in china for over three years . _ 3. man ,like animals and plants, also need sunlight. _ 4. m

37、um often tells me dont stay up too late . _ 5. girls had better not to walk alone at night. _ 6. she is enough old to go to school. _ 7. you must finish to do your homework during your holiday. _ 8. it took me about half an hour doing my homework yesterday. _ 9. she says she would go to the cinema w

38、ith her parents that evening. _ 10. i ll return the book to the library as soon as i will finish reading it. 實(shí)用文檔文案大全_ 練習(xí)十:1. dick is afraid of meet the boss _ 2. .neither of them are a farmer. 3. man ,like animals and plants, also need sunlight. _ 4. mum often tells me dont stay up too late . _ 5.

39、girls had better not to walk alone at night. _ 6. she is enough old to go to school. _ 7. you must finish to do your homework during your holiday. _ 8. it took me about half an hour doing my homework yesterday. _ 9. she says she would go to the cinema with her parents that evening. _ 10. i ll return

40、 the book to the library as soon as i will finish reading it. _ 參考答案keys1: 1. climb _ to climb 2. much more redder _ much redder 3. ago _ before 4. but _去掉5. terrible _ terribly 6. far away _ away 7. lonely _ alone 8. fed up _ fed up with 9. because _ because of 10. entered into _ entered keys2: 1.

41、more interesting as _ as interesting as / more interesting than 2. return my dictionary back _ return my dictionary 3. angrily _ angry 4. solve_ to solve 實(shí)用文檔文案大全5. then _ when 6. take walk _ take a walk 7. well _ good 8. the next holiday _ next holiday 9. agree to _ agree with 10. listened _ listen

42、ed to keys3: 1. quick _ quickly 2. can i _ can he 3. like _ likes 4. but _ and / so 5. joined in _ joined 6. anything _ something 7. too _ so 8. little _ a little 9. have _ be 10. repeat it again _ repeat it keys4: 1. to this city _ in this city 2. excited _ exciting 3. a lot _ a lot of 4. have _ be

43、 5. are _ is 6. live _ live in 7. have washed _ have been washed 8. in beijing _ to beijing 9. by _ to 10. fire _ a fire keys5: 1. 去掉 but or though 2. get- gets 3. most _ the most 4. for of 5. are is 實(shí)用文檔文案大全6. side sides / both each or either 7. have be 8. bigger big 9. many much 10. a an keys6: 1.

44、 isare 2. cleanlyclean 3. worstworse 4. travelledtravels 5. much many 6. live _ live on 7. to feel _ feel 8. not play _ not to play 9. this _ these 10. have _ be keys7: 1. how work out _how to work out 2. with _in 3. what _ how 4. since _for 5. will be _is 6. more _much 7. made _making 8. is it _it

45、is 9. were _ was 10. him _his keys8: 1. have _ has 2. protect _ protecting 3. sleep _ asleep 4. thousands _ thousand 5. are _ is 6. at _ by 7. tell _ to tell 8. are _ is 9. how long _ how often 10. germen _germans keys9: 1. of _ to 2. come _ been 3. need _ needs 4. dont _ not to 5. to walk _ walk 6.

46、 enough old _ old enough 7. to do _ doing 8, doing _ to do 9. says _ said 10. will finish _ finish keys10: 1.of _ to 實(shí)用文檔文案大全2.are _is 3.need _ needs 4.dont _ not to 5.to walk _ walk 6.enough old _ old enough 7.to do _ doing 8.doing _ to do 9.says _ said 10. will finish _ finish 一,名詞1.i haven t live

47、d here long, but i have a great many friend here. 實(shí)用文檔文案大全2.two germen are going to give us a speech on the history of literature. 3.a house built of bricks lasts longer than the one that is made of woods. 4.we have made more progresses in english study than last term. 5.-what can i do for you? -two

48、 tea, please. (teas) 6.yesterday afternoon he told me about his experience as a young man. 7.the smith think it all right to buy their daughter the mp4 player as a birthday gift. 8.this term physics are taught by mr. zhang in our school. 9. it is great pleasure to talk with you about the maths probl

49、em. 10. he has finished a days work in six hour. 二,冠詞11. my friend mary comes from an european country. 12. helen has tried twice in the experiment and she is asked to have the third try. 13. all of the sudden the crazy grabbed me around the neck. 14. i keep a dog; a dog is called jack. 15. the boy

50、of no more than four years old can play piano very beautifully. 16. of all the boys, alan is best students who speaks spanish. 17. the young should respect old. 18. the accident took place in winter of the year 2010. 19. he was made the monitor of our class. 20. we all know the man is the most devel

51、oped animal in the world. 21. when we went away, we took each others notebook by the mistake. 22. this sunday i will only stay at home and have rest. 三,代詞1.the smiths have married but we have no children. 2.there are forty people in the factory, and thirty percent of her are women. 3.learning as man

52、y english words as possible by heart is indeed necessary for we all. 4.we can see that the tree has shaken off its leaves. 5.that village appears similar to me, but i am not familiar with it at all. 6.the day before the speech contest, english teacher talked to me. 7. i was learning to express me in

53、 simple english. 8.the mother hopes that the children will behave by themselves. 9.this book is a good seller, so you can buy one at either shop in beijing. 10. david once lived in london and manchester, but he likes none. 11. on the internet, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds

54、of another information. 12. i will have anything about my future to say. 四,介詞1.every day i have to stay school for over nine hours to have lessons. 實(shí)用文檔文案大全2.the work will be finished after two hours. 3.in sunday mornings, he would sit in the garden, enjoying the warm sun. 4.after that they built a

55、bridge through the river. 5.i saw the good news about the football match on the newspaper this morning. 6.most of the large cities in the world have grown without plans, between which london is one. 7.except milk and cheese, we also need vegetables. 8.cut the watermelon by a sharp knife. 9.water can

56、 be turned in ice if it is made cold enough. 10. at the end we solved the problem, which made every one very happy. 11. on the corner of the room stood a big old chair. 五,連詞1.students who work part-time earn extra money; however, they learn a lot about the society they live in. 2.beside, they have t

57、o consider their health condition. 3.it s hard work. i enjoy it, but. 4.men and women, young or old, all joined in the party. 5.you are right, because we should support you. 六,形容詞,副詞1.it was real very dangerous and you might have injured yourself. 2.i thought my final attempt to fix it was successfu

58、lly, but eventually i failed. 3.he was sitting in a corner, silently. 4.some tv programmes can offer us a good chance to attend the lively talk show. 5.most americans feel uncomfortable if they stand too closely to others when talking. 6.i had to think long and hardly before i could find the answer.

59、 7.he says that skiing is much exciting than skating. 8.they have much more english books than we. 9.at the evening party, our head teacher proved to be the more popular in our school. 七,非謂語,時態(tài),語態(tài)1.tom was late for school again and apologized me for coming late. 2.i have received your letter just no

60、w. 3.we also visited some workshops, talked to some of the workers and have learned a lot. 4.after graduation i studied english in an evening school and then i work in a factory. 5.i had no idea that you are here yesterday. 6.he kept on running until he get to a bus shop. 7.the party was lasted nearly t


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